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Topic: the walls continue to close in around trump...
shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/28/18 08:40 AM
It is now in the news that Paul Manafort tried to strike a plea deal with the prosecution before his trial,but it was denied,and Manafort was convicted of several charges.

And,NOW manafort is facing even MORE charges in a separate trial that will begin in September,so it is likely that he will once again seek a plea deal from the prosecution.

Since some of the charges against Manafort are STATE charges,and NOT FEDERAL charges,trump would be unable to issue a pardon to Manafort for them.

Former trump 'fixer' attorney Michael Cohen has ALREADY pleaded guilty to charges,and made a plea deal to testify against trump...

Former trump associate David Pecker,who is the owner of the national enquirer,who had made a habit of secretly buying up,and 'killing' stories that would have been embarrassing to trump on trumps behalf has also received immunity for testimony about his involvement in the trump campaign...

Allen Weisselburg,who is the long time Chief Financial Officer of the trump organization has ALSO reached an immunity agreement to give testimony about trump,and his business dealings.

Former trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulis,former trump deputy campaign manager Rick Gates,and national security advisor Michael Flynn have all already pled guilty to crimes uncovered by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Special counsel Robert Mueller continues to investigate Russian attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election, possible coordination by Trump’s campaign, and other issues arising from the probe.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 08/28/18 08:53 AM
Let's face it.
The fact that we tolerate these types of people to run for office, then elect them, tells more about us than we want to admit.

The 'good' candidates, the ones that do have honor and integrity, that will represent us, that won't act with a personal agenda are pushed out of the election early on by the under-handed, rich and powerful narcissistic glory grabbers.

Our current nominating system is broken...It's not working.
Its past time for a change.
Its time to start making election decisions based on honesty and integrity to elect the best person to represent the nation instead of just going with the power and money leaders.
Until we start getting smarter, we get what we deserve.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 08/28/18 09:17 AM
What has he done now? Stole more of his own money. :thinking:

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/28/18 10:06 AM

Let's face it.
The fact that we tolerate these types of people to run for office, then elect them, tells more about us than we want to admit.

The 'good' candidates, the ones that do have honor and integrity, that will represent us, that won't act with a personal agenda are pushed out of the election early on by the under-handed, rich and powerful narcissistic glory grabbers.

Our current nominating system is broken...It's not working.
Its past time for a change.
Its time to start making election decisions based on honesty and integrity to elect the best person to represent the nation instead of just going with the power and money leaders.
Until we start getting smarter, we get what we deserve.


shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/28/18 10:23 AM

What has he done now? Stole more of his own money. :thinking:

if you are still asking those questions at this point,i don't believe that you really want to know the answer,so trying to explain it to you would be an exercise of futility,and I am not going to waste any of my time playing childish games that people use when they cant rationally defend their opinions.

all I can do is tell you that google is your friend,and you should learn how to do a little bit of research if you want anyone to consider your opinions are valid,because when you ask questions like THOSE,then all you are doing is inviting ridicule to both YOU,and your opinions!

no photo
Tue 08/28/18 10:32 AM

Do we still believe that our votes count after what we've all seen?..spock

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/28/18 10:38 AM

Let's face it.
The fact that we tolerate these types of people to run for office, then elect them, tells more about us than we want to admit.

The 'good' candidates, the ones that do have honor and integrity, that will represent us, that won't act with a personal agenda are pushed out of the election early on by the under-handed, rich and powerful narcissistic glory grabbers.

Our current nominating system is broken...It's not working.
Its past time for a change.
Its time to start making election decisions based on honesty and integrity to elect the best person to represent the nation instead of just going with the power and money leaders.
Until we start getting smarter, we get what we deserve.

the very FIRST thing that we need to do to accomplish that is to get the corporate money out of politics!!
when the 'citizens united' ruling that said that corporations are people,and money equals free speech,which is protected under the first amendment,so that corporations,and political action commitees could ANONYMOUSLY donate UNLIMITED amounts of money to political campaigns,it pretty much sold the leadership of or government out to the highest bidder!

the ONLY solution to THAT problem would be to legislate that all political campaigns re paid for out of a government fund,which would not only make sure that our politicians are not beholden to the corporate donors,and special interest groups that paid to put them in office,and would ONLY be working to represent THE PEOPLE,like they are supposed to be.

it would also ensure that they could spend all of their time DOING THEIR JOB,instead of spending most of their time trying to fundraise to raise capital to pay for their elections/re-election campaigns.

SECOND,we need to pass legislation to ensure that political parties can not gerrymander their districts so that one party has an unfair advantage over the other one!

we ALSO need to get rid of electoral college,which gives states that are VERY sparesly populated,such as montana,and the Dakotas just as much power as the states that hold the majority of our population,and also awards 'winner-takes-all' to ALL the votes in some states,which denies MILLIONS of people the right of having their votes count for the candidate of their choice,and even makes their votes count AGAINST the people/party they wish to support.

until THEN we are just going to CONTINUE to get bad candidates who become bad politicians that do not support the will of the majority of the population of this country!

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 08/28/18 11:03 AM

What has he done now? Stole more of his own money. :thinking:

if you are still asking those questions at this point,i don't believe that you really want to know the answer,so trying to explain it to you would be an exercise of futility,and I am not going to waste any of my time playing childish games that people use when they cant rationally defend their opinions.

all I can do is tell you that google is your friend,and you should learn how to do a little bit of research if you want anyone to consider your opinions are valid,because when you ask questions like THOSE,then all you are doing is inviting ridicule to both YOU,and your opinions!

I'm at work. I've been here since 5:30 this morning. We all can't watch CNN 24/7. But I'll take that as a yes. :wink:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 08/28/18 11:23 AM

Let's face it.
The fact that we tolerate these types of people to run for office, then elect them, tells more about us than we want to admit.

The 'good' candidates, the ones that do have honor and integrity, that will represent us, that won't act with a personal agenda are pushed out of the election early on by the under-handed, rich and powerful narcissistic glory grabbers.

Our current nominating system is broken...It's not working.
Its past time for a change.
Its time to start making election decisions based on honesty and integrity to elect the best person to represent the nation instead of just going with the power and money leaders.
Until we start getting smarter, we get what we deserve.

the very FIRST thing that we need to do to accomplish that is to get the corporate money out of politics!!
when the 'citizens united' ruling that said that corporations are people,and money equals free speech,which is protected under the first amendment,so that corporations,and political action commitees could ANONYMOUSLY donate UNLIMITED amounts of money to political campaigns,it pretty much sold the leadership of or government out to the highest bidder!

the ONLY solution to THAT problem would be to legislate that all political campaigns re paid for out of a government fund,which would not only make sure that our politicians are not beholden to the corporate donors,and special interest groups that paid to put them in office,and would ONLY be working to represent THE PEOPLE,like they are supposed to be.

it would also ensure that they could spend all of their time DOING THEIR JOB,instead of spending most of their time trying to fundraise to raise capital to pay for their elections/re-election campaigns.

SECOND,we need to pass legislation to ensure that political parties can not gerrymander their districts so that one party has an unfair advantage over the other one!

we ALSO need to get rid of electoral college,which gives states that are VERY sparesly populated,such as montana,and the Dakotas just as much power as the states that hold the majority of our population,and also awards 'winner-takes-all' to ALL the votes in some states,which denies MILLIONS of people the right of having their votes count for the candidate of their choice,and even makes their votes count AGAINST the people/party they wish to support.

until THEN we are just going to CONTINUE to get bad candidates who become bad politicians that do not support the will of the majority of the population of this country!


no photo
Tue 08/28/18 11:24 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 08/28/18 12:19 PM

I suppose one could fantasize about getting corporations out of government ..yea well that will never happen whether overtly or covertly it will always be..nor will oversight as we can see the vast corruption within groups of people who have had control of our government..Our government doesn't even rule itself or the federal reserve ..

It's not just the corporations it's MONEY plain and simple money is power no matter who possesses it whether its the illuminati the luciferians ..skull and cross bones 322 the CABAL ..the Globalist ..Hillary Clinton... George Soros..Saudi Princes.. the banks of England..on and on..oh sure the corporations spend millions if not billions of dollars lobbying to change laws that give them the edge but it's other groups and LOTS of money that makes the rules ..Corporations are just a small fraction of the EVIL that has control over our country..our government..Now good luck with all that..spock

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 08/28/18 11:31 AM
What gets me is that people KNOW there is a problem.
A lot of people have really good ideas for solutions too.
The problem is, we are not UNITED to fix the problem because those in power will do anything to remain in power.
Whenever a unity starts to form to fix the problems, amazingly something is broadcasted to redirect our focus. Our unity never gets a chance to organize. I believe this is done on purpose.

"Keep the people distracted and confused and they can never organize against us."

Its working because we are generally short-sighted with a "I want it all now" attitude. Real change requires unity, time and organization. Break any part of that triangle and it falls apart.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 08/28/18 11:39 AM
I suppose one could fantasize about getting corporations out of government ..yea well that will never happen whether overtly or covertly it will always be..nor will oversight as we can see the vast corruption within groups of people who have had control of our government..Our government doesn't even rule itself or the federal reserve ..

It's not just the corporations it's MONEY plain and simple money is power no matter who possesses it whether its the illuminati the luciferians ..skull and cross bones 322 the CABAL ..the Globalist ..Hillary Clinton... George Soros..Saudi Princes.. the banks of England..on and on..oh sure the corporations spend millions if not billions of dollars lobbying to change laws that give them the edge but it's other groups and LOTS of money that makes the rules ..Corporations are just a small fraction of the EVIL that has control our country..our government..Now good luck with all that..spock

Consider that all their money comes from people buying or using their products or services. You cut that off and their money will dry up.

I don't care how much money you have. If I cut you - you will bleed, just like me. Believe it or not, there are things in life that are more important than money. If money is yer new God, you get what you deserve.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/28/18 05:44 PM

What has he done now? Stole more of his own money. :thinking:

if you are still asking those questions at this point,i don't believe that you really want to know the answer,so trying to explain it to you would be an exercise of futility,and I am not going to waste any of my time playing childish games that people use when they cant rationally defend their opinions.

all I can do is tell you that google is your friend,and you should learn how to do a little bit of research if you want anyone to consider your opinions are valid,because when you ask questions like THOSE,then all you are doing is inviting ridicule to both YOU,and your opinions!
where is this fantasy conspiracy land you live in where you see all these evil things your and my president has done. All this yada yada bla bla bla the liberals keep spewing and Still no evidence of any wrong doing, not one iota. Please tell us 1 thing that Trump has done that is illegal " and you can prove it. Mueller is more of a treasonist than the man he's investigating. He's almost concocting things to investigate .trying to overthrow the POTUS . Meanwhile your Mr. Fix it guy you speak of along with his lawyer Kanny Davis has been caught lying on interviews on their liberal comrades news stations .and now it comes out Hillary a email was hacked after all the denials. It seems Mr. Trump is cleaner than the ones out to get him. Doesn't surprise me, the liberal democrats have always been a fan of doing things the shady and sneaky way. Just look at the primary's going on in differant states, all the people Trump has endorsed have won,often by several points. Not bad for someone that is having the walls close around him. Oooooo hes shaking ooooooo! Trump 49% approval rating. Obama at this time in his presidency was less than 49%.

no photo
Tue 08/28/18 05:52 PM
trump promised to choose the best people to work for him.
look who some of the people he surrounds himself are. look what they do. look how they make their money. look how they conduct their lives. look how they plead guilty or are found guilty of felony crimes.

people think trump is the only choirboy in the bunch?
his picker is on the fritz?
he's workin' for you? for us?

only as far as it enables him to keep screwing you and me and everyone else he can get away with.

Rock's photo
Tue 08/28/18 05:54 PM
Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

petenh's photo
Tue 08/28/18 06:04 PM

What has he done now? Stole more of his own money. :thinking:

if you are still asking those questions at this point,i don't believe that you really want to know the answer,so trying to explain it to you would be an exercise of futility,and I am not going to waste any of my time playing childish games that people use when they cant rationally defend their opinions.

all I can do is tell you that google is your friend,and you should learn how to do a little bit of research if you want anyone to consider your opinions are valid,because when you ask questions like THOSE,then all you are doing is inviting ridicule to both YOU,and your opinions!

I'm at work. I've been here since 5:30 this morning. We all can't watch CNN 24/7. But I'll take that as a yes. :wink:

But yet, you have a connection to the internet to pose questions here. Shovelheaddave suggested you start using GOOGLE to educate yourself, as being naive of the charges just makes you look like you are being deliberately obtuse.

We get it, you WORK. you tell us that with every post. but if you have time to get on Mingle, you have time to research the facts on the charges against your POTUS, and why it is so serious

petenh's photo
Tue 08/28/18 06:18 PM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

Glad you are amused. But this isn't "House of Cards", this is real life, and when this president of yours screws it up for the country, ALL of us are going to pay.

The phrase goes that "the fish stinks from the head down". This guy promised to "drain the swamp" and put the best people in charge. We are seeing guys who work for Trump taking plea deals at a level that is rivaling the Nixon staff. Innocent men don't take plea deals.

If you are saying Trump is THAT clean, but just made a bunch of bad decisions about the plea-bargaining crooks he surrounded himself with, I am going to guess you still believe in the Tooth Fairy.

If nothing else, all Trump did was re-stock the swamp with more reptiles, not drain it like he promised you.

When are you going to admit to yourself that he duped you? You voted for a phony. Me, when I get taken in by someone as two-faced and fake, I feel embarrassment, anger, and a responsibility to try to help fix the situation. But yes, first there is always denial.

Your Emperor has no clothes.

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/28/18 10:00 PM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

Glad you are amused. But this isn't "House of Cards", this is real life, and when this president of yours screws it up for the country, ALL of us are going to pay.

The phrase goes that "the fish stinks from the head down". This guy promised to "drain the swamp" and put the best people in charge. We are seeing guys who work for Trump taking plea deals at a level that is rivaling the Nixon staff. Innocent men don't take plea deals.

If you are saying Trump is THAT clean, but just made a bunch of bad decisions about the plea-bargaining crooks he surrounded himself with, I am going to guess you still believe in the Tooth Fairy.

If nothing else, all Trump did was re-stock the swamp with more reptiles, not drain it like he promised you.

When are you going to admit to yourself that he duped you? You voted for a phony. Me, when I get taken in by someone as two-faced and fake, I feel embarrassment, anger, and a responsibility to try to help fix the situation. But yes, first there is always denial.

Your Emperor has no clothes.

funny, I guess Im not the only one who is reminded by this Presidency of that story ...

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/29/18 06:03 AM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

Glad you are amused. But this isn't "House of Cards", this is real life, and when this president of yours screws it up for the country, ALL of us are going to pay.

The phrase goes that "the fish stinks from the head down". This guy promised to "drain the swamp" and put the best people in charge. We are seeing guys who work for Trump taking plea deals at a level that is rivaling the Nixon staff. Innocent men don't take plea deals.

If you are saying Trump is THAT clean, but just made a bunch of bad decisions about the plea-bargaining crooks he surrounded himself with, I am going to guess you still believe in the Tooth Fairy.

If nothing else, all Trump did was re-stock the swamp with more reptiles, not drain it like he promised you.

When are you going to admit to yourself that he duped you? You voted for a phony. Me, when I get taken in by someone as two-faced and fake, I feel embarrassment, anger, and a responsibility to try to help fix the situation. But yes, first there is always denial.

Your Emperor has no clothes.

but trump DID drain the swamp!!!.....

[ he drained it right into HIS CABINET! ]

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 06:09 AM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

This. :thumbsup: :smile:

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