Topic: Another 20 people shot in Chicago | |
Edited by
Fri 08/31/18 12:24 PM
Nobody is saying kids grow up to be a copy. What's being said is kids learn morals and values from their parents. I saw a case where the woman blamed her mom for her crimes. They were both in a gang and murdered several people. They both got life in prison. Murder is something most people don't even think about doing. I also believe DNA has a lot to do with it. Violence is in people just like certain breeds of dogs. Society can't help people who were born to fail/commit crimes. Most always go back to prison. It's who they are. once again, if the idea is anything kids do reflects what their parents taught them, they are suggesting they are copies of their parents. yes kids learn values and morals from parents AND from peers, AND from media, AND from their environment and education. Im not talking about grown post college aged folks committing crimes. Im talking about adolescents who's minds are still growing and impressionable. I dont believe DNA dictates behavior or anything else. We are born blank slates whose environment and upbringing mold us. All DNA can do is make the propensity towards certain things higher IF the upbringing and environment push those things that way. those who go back do so because they do not know how to live otherwise, and the outside does not accept them, and prison certainly wasnt a place that taught them any differently when they were there the first time. |
but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. ____________________________________________________________________ And AGAIN what does punching old defenseless people have to do with poverty. Are black people the only people living in poverty? Why then is it black people doing this? if you cant deduce the answer from whats provided. I cant help you. as to black people in CONCENTRATED poverty: The results in Table 1 show African-Americans to be the group with the largest proportion of its population living in extremely poor areas. More that 25% of the African-American population lived in areas where 40% or more of the residents had incomes below the poverty threshold. This level (27.6%) is six and nearly two times greater that the corresponding levels for Whites (4.5%) and Latinos (16%), respectively. 1 in four in CONCENTRATED poverty, compared to 1 in 20 for whites. so no, blacks are not the ONLY ones in poverty, nor are they the only ones committing homicides. but they are DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in CONCENTRATED poverty just as they seem to be in all the homicide statistics people love to use in these threads tying them to criminal behavior and inferior morals. I think most people probably are which is why most people don't sucker punch old people. but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. __________________________________________________________________ So you are saying it is the poverty that makes these black thugs sucker punch old people?.. because poor people of other ethnic groups are not doing it. So why is it only blacks? If it is poverty.. why then punch out old people?.. killing many. How does poverty warrant that? and why are Hasidic Jews being singled out in NYC?. Why tourist in Philly? If it is not poverty then again, same question.. why are these black thugs sucker punching elderly people. So Anyway you try to spin it the same questions needs to be answered.. which you have not done. Why are black thugs sucker punching elderly people.? Can you answer with a simple " Black are sucker punching the elderly because____________________________________________________. Anything else is just spin........ are you saying that it is being black that makes them punch people? what is your 'spin'? black are sucker punching the elderly because of all the same reasons that whites shoot up schoolmates ... poor training violent peer pressure poor impulse control poor coping skills the idea of 'saving face' or revenge for being isolated or disrespected Well thank you because it just confirms what I have been saying all along The first 4 points you listed are learning skills that are taught at home. By parents. But clearly not done all. And your last point is frankly ridiculous. Saving face with who? So to " save face" they sucker punch old defensless people Sorry..that doesn't fly with people of morals..not at all . But then again people with morals were taught right from home And people with morals do not blame others if we do not raise our children right if thats what you believe ... I ask readers to do their own research about how the child mind develops and the things that influence it. here are some sites to start with: dont take my word, look into it from people who are paid to work in and research the field. Most parents do not have to research how to raise a kid as they were raised properly themselves... you know.. morals.. learning right from wrong... by example.. not some clinical survey. And clearly the people we are talking about have never read this research you pulled up or their kids would not be out sucker punching old people.. now would they. Kids are influenced by watching their parents conduct their life, no news there.. been that way forever. They mimic their parents.. so if dad is a thug guess what.. Jr. most likely will be a thug.( he thinks it o.k. since Pops did it) So please don't pawn off personal failure to other entities. At some point the black community that raised these thugs has to look in the mirror and take responsibility... But again you cherry pick out some and bypass other questions I asked you 2 point blank questions What does saving face have to do with beating up old people? And saving face to who? ( I find it interesting that many times the thugs pick out old Hasidic Jewish people to sucker punch ( here in the NYC area), strange because they have to travel to those areas, Williamsburg, Queens, ect. And they never seem to punch a able bodied Hasidic Jewish person. I can only assume since they are cowards, they don't want to get their a*s kicked.) But a question I have.. why Hasidic Jews? I didnt provide links for parents to research how to raise their kids. I gave them for readers to review how the growing mind actually works in reference to the claims that its ALL about their parents. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask teachers how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask professional businessmen or women who are working every day how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak ask ANY parent why they have different kids growing up seeing and learning the same things from them, but can still turn out so differently from each other. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. so no, its not as simple as what the parents did or did not do, because kids are not exposed ONLY to parents, and during the week (if their parents work) they are not even exposed MOSTLY to parents. They are influenced by and motivated by MANY things, including their parents, and the way their brain is growing, and their peers, and the images from media, and the environment and teachings at school. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. _____________________________________________________________________ So when you have no valid answer... you insult. Well, there are those on this site who do in fact know me. And they also know that I have raised two sons. And they know that I have great relationships with both.. They love and respect their Dad :) One a electrician.. and a good one, good family man.. work hard. the other just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp and he is currently continuing his education at the Doctorate level and a good family man as well. so, I think I did a pretty good job oh yeah, and BTW I have 5 grandchildren as well. They too respect their Poppy very much and look up to me. And they are being raised as respectful children.. and they know right from wrong...their mothers & fathers are teaching them.. and we taught their fathers... see how it works now ;) so... nice try ;) |
Edited by
Fri 08/31/18 12:31 PM
but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. ____________________________________________________________________ And AGAIN what does punching old defenseless people have to do with poverty. Are black people the only people living in poverty? Why then is it black people doing this? if you cant deduce the answer from whats provided. I cant help you. as to black people in CONCENTRATED poverty: The results in Table 1 show African-Americans to be the group with the largest proportion of its population living in extremely poor areas. More that 25% of the African-American population lived in areas where 40% or more of the residents had incomes below the poverty threshold. This level (27.6%) is six and nearly two times greater that the corresponding levels for Whites (4.5%) and Latinos (16%), respectively. 1 in four in CONCENTRATED poverty, compared to 1 in 20 for whites. so no, blacks are not the ONLY ones in poverty, nor are they the only ones committing homicides. but they are DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in CONCENTRATED poverty just as they seem to be in all the homicide statistics people love to use in these threads tying them to criminal behavior and inferior morals. I think most people probably are which is why most people don't sucker punch old people. but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. __________________________________________________________________ So you are saying it is the poverty that makes these black thugs sucker punch old people?.. because poor people of other ethnic groups are not doing it. So why is it only blacks? If it is poverty.. why then punch out old people?.. killing many. How does poverty warrant that? and why are Hasidic Jews being singled out in NYC?. Why tourist in Philly? If it is not poverty then again, same question.. why are these black thugs sucker punching elderly people. So Anyway you try to spin it the same questions needs to be answered.. which you have not done. Why are black thugs sucker punching elderly people.? Can you answer with a simple " Black are sucker punching the elderly because____________________________________________________. Anything else is just spin........ are you saying that it is being black that makes them punch people? what is your 'spin'? black are sucker punching the elderly because of all the same reasons that whites shoot up schoolmates ... poor training violent peer pressure poor impulse control poor coping skills the idea of 'saving face' or revenge for being isolated or disrespected Well thank you because it just confirms what I have been saying all along The first 4 points you listed are learning skills that are taught at home. By parents. But clearly not done all. And your last point is frankly ridiculous. Saving face with who? So to " save face" they sucker punch old defensless people Sorry..that doesn't fly with people of morals..not at all . But then again people with morals were taught right from home And people with morals do not blame others if we do not raise our children right if thats what you believe ... I ask readers to do their own research about how the child mind develops and the things that influence it. here are some sites to start with: dont take my word, look into it from people who are paid to work in and research the field. Most parents do not have to research how to raise a kid as they were raised properly themselves... you know.. morals.. learning right from wrong... by example.. not some clinical survey. And clearly the people we are talking about have never read this research you pulled up or their kids would not be out sucker punching old people.. now would they. Kids are influenced by watching their parents conduct their life, no news there.. been that way forever. They mimic their parents.. so if dad is a thug guess what.. Jr. most likely will be a thug.( he thinks it o.k. since Pops did it) So please don't pawn off personal failure to other entities. At some point the black community that raised these thugs has to look in the mirror and take responsibility... But again you cherry pick out some and bypass other questions I asked you 2 point blank questions What does saving face have to do with beating up old people? And saving face to who? ( I find it interesting that many times the thugs pick out old Hasidic Jewish people to sucker punch ( here in the NYC area), strange because they have to travel to those areas, Williamsburg, Queens, ect. And they never seem to punch a able bodied Hasidic Jewish person. I can only assume since they are cowards, they don't want to get their a*s kicked.) But a question I have.. why Hasidic Jews? I didnt provide links for parents to research how to raise their kids. I gave them for readers to review how the growing mind actually works in reference to the claims that its ALL about their parents. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask teachers how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask professional businessmen or women who are working every day how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak ask ANY parent why they have different kids growing up seeing and learning the same things from them, but can still turn out so differently from each other. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. so no, its not as simple as what the parents did or did not do, because kids are not exposed ONLY to parents, and during the week (if their parents work) they are not even exposed MOSTLY to parents. They are influenced by and motivated by MANY things, including their parents, and the way their brain is growing, and their peers, and the images from media, and the environment and teachings at school. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. _____________________________________________________________________ So when you have no valid answer... you insult. Well, there are those on this site who do in fact know me. And they also know that I have raised two sons. And they know that I have great relationships with both.. They love and respect their Dad :) One a electrician.. and a good one, good family man.. work hard. the other just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp and he is currently continuing his education at the Doctorate level and a good family man as well. so, I think I did a pretty good job oh yeah, and BTW I have 5 grandchildren as well. They too respect their Poppy very much and look up to me. And they are being raised as respectful children.. and they know right from wrong...their mothers & fathers are teaching them.. and we taught their fathers... see how it works now ;) so... nice try ;) I apologize, truly. but it was also my true sentiment regarding what you are posting here. and the children and grandchildren are fortunate to have their family of MOTHERS and FATHERS and GRANDPARENTS to teach and support them as well as (Im guessing) safe and clean environments and neighborhoods that are not drug or alcohol or crime infested, and average or better schools where competitive curriculum is taught. that is not everyone's reality however. |
Well excuses won't change what's happening in black communities. It's becoming clear that programs don't help. I say cut off welfare and let them shoot it out.
Well excuses won't change what's happening in black communities. It's becoming clear that programs don't help. I say cut off welfare and let them shoot it out. Im sure you do. But programs HAVE worked, when they have been implemented. I posted some of them earlier, in fact. |
They rarely work. You said most never do any better. You are correct
They rarely work. You said most never do any better. You are correct I didn't limit my comment to black people though. I said half of people do not end up in a higher income than they were born into. and if its true of ALL demographics of race or income, than it must not be specifically tied to the character, values, or ethics of any one race or income group. |
Edited by
Fri 08/31/18 01:57 PM
Some people's only ambition is the next person to screw or a new pair of Jordan's. You can't force people to have ambition. Everyone wasn't born to be rich and successful. It's time they work for survival.
Well excuses won't change what's happening in black communities. It's becoming clear that programs don't help. I say cut off welfare and let them shoot it out. Im sure you do. But programs HAVE worked, when they have been implemented. I posted some of them earlier, in fact. How is the " please stop knocking out the Jewish women" program working out? Their kids would surely appreciate it. |
Some people's only ambition is the next person to screw or a new pair of Jordan's. You can't force people to have ambition. Everyone wasn't born to be rich and successful. It's time they work for survival. some people's only ambition is the dollar sign they can brag about. People's ambition mirrors their priorities, they have it, they just don't base it around the same priorities. Everyone is not born INTO wealth or privilege, everyone has different obstacles and hurdles, and many wealthy are not 'working for survival' just like many working for survival never attain wealth. |
Well excuses won't change what's happening in black communities. It's becoming clear that programs don't help. I say cut off welfare and let them shoot it out. Im sure you do. But programs HAVE worked, when they have been implemented. I posted some of them earlier, in fact. How is the " please stop knocking out the Jewish women" program working out? Their kids would surely appreciate it. as well as the please stop shooting up the schools program is. ![]() |
but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. ____________________________________________________________________ And AGAIN what does punching old defenseless people have to do with poverty. Are black people the only people living in poverty? Why then is it black people doing this? if you cant deduce the answer from whats provided. I cant help you. as to black people in CONCENTRATED poverty: The results in Table 1 show African-Americans to be the group with the largest proportion of its population living in extremely poor areas. More that 25% of the African-American population lived in areas where 40% or more of the residents had incomes below the poverty threshold. This level (27.6%) is six and nearly two times greater that the corresponding levels for Whites (4.5%) and Latinos (16%), respectively. 1 in four in CONCENTRATED poverty, compared to 1 in 20 for whites. so no, blacks are not the ONLY ones in poverty, nor are they the only ones committing homicides. but they are DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in CONCENTRATED poverty just as they seem to be in all the homicide statistics people love to use in these threads tying them to criminal behavior and inferior morals. I think most people probably are which is why most people don't sucker punch old people. but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. __________________________________________________________________ So you are saying it is the poverty that makes these black thugs sucker punch old people?.. because poor people of other ethnic groups are not doing it. So why is it only blacks? If it is poverty.. why then punch out old people?.. killing many. How does poverty warrant that? and why are Hasidic Jews being singled out in NYC?. Why tourist in Philly? If it is not poverty then again, same question.. why are these black thugs sucker punching elderly people. So Anyway you try to spin it the same questions needs to be answered.. which you have not done. Why are black thugs sucker punching elderly people.? Can you answer with a simple " Black are sucker punching the elderly because____________________________________________________. Anything else is just spin........ are you saying that it is being black that makes them punch people? what is your 'spin'? black are sucker punching the elderly because of all the same reasons that whites shoot up schoolmates ... poor training violent peer pressure poor impulse control poor coping skills the idea of 'saving face' or revenge for being isolated or disrespected Well thank you because it just confirms what I have been saying all along The first 4 points you listed are learning skills that are taught at home. By parents. But clearly not done all. And your last point is frankly ridiculous. Saving face with who? So to " save face" they sucker punch old defensless people Sorry..that doesn't fly with people of morals..not at all . But then again people with morals were taught right from home And people with morals do not blame others if we do not raise our children right if thats what you believe ... I ask readers to do their own research about how the child mind develops and the things that influence it. here are some sites to start with: dont take my word, look into it from people who are paid to work in and research the field. Most parents do not have to research how to raise a kid as they were raised properly themselves... you know.. morals.. learning right from wrong... by example.. not some clinical survey. And clearly the people we are talking about have never read this research you pulled up or their kids would not be out sucker punching old people.. now would they. Kids are influenced by watching their parents conduct their life, no news there.. been that way forever. They mimic their parents.. so if dad is a thug guess what.. Jr. most likely will be a thug.( he thinks it o.k. since Pops did it) So please don't pawn off personal failure to other entities. At some point the black community that raised these thugs has to look in the mirror and take responsibility... But again you cherry pick out some and bypass other questions I asked you 2 point blank questions What does saving face have to do with beating up old people? And saving face to who? ( I find it interesting that many times the thugs pick out old Hasidic Jewish people to sucker punch ( here in the NYC area), strange because they have to travel to those areas, Williamsburg, Queens, ect. And they never seem to punch a able bodied Hasidic Jewish person. I can only assume since they are cowards, they don't want to get their a*s kicked.) But a question I have.. why Hasidic Jews? I didnt provide links for parents to research how to raise their kids. I gave them for readers to review how the growing mind actually works in reference to the claims that its ALL about their parents. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask teachers how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask professional businessmen or women who are working every day how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak ask ANY parent why they have different kids growing up seeing and learning the same things from them, but can still turn out so differently from each other. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. so no, its not as simple as what the parents did or did not do, because kids are not exposed ONLY to parents, and during the week (if their parents work) they are not even exposed MOSTLY to parents. They are influenced by and motivated by MANY things, including their parents, and the way their brain is growing, and their peers, and the images from media, and the environment and teachings at school. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. _____________________________________________________________________ So when you have no valid answer... you insult. Well, there are those on this site who do in fact know me. And they also know that I have raised two sons. And they know that I have great relationships with both.. They love and respect their Dad :) One a electrician.. and a good one, good family man.. work hard. the other just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp and he is currently continuing his education at the Doctorate level and a good family man as well. so, I think I did a pretty good job oh yeah, and BTW I have 5 grandchildren as well. They too respect their Poppy very much and look up to me. And they are being raised as respectful children.. and they know right from wrong...their mothers & fathers are teaching them.. and we taught their fathers... see how it works now ;) so... nice try ;) I apologize, truly. but it was also my true sentiment regarding what you are posting here. and the children and grandchildren are fortunate to have their family of MOTHERS and FATHERS and GRANDPARENTS to teach and support them as well as (Im guessing) safe and clean environments and neighborhoods that are not drug or alcohol or crime infested, and average or better schools where competitive curriculum is taught. that is not everyone's reality however. I am not saying it is everyone's reality but what I am saying is that those kids DO have mothers and fathers and grandparents ( unless they are family less in a home) It is when mothers, fathers, grandparents do not assume that role that is where the breakdown occurs. With the title comes the responsibility. And that can not be pawned off on someone else or some other entity. Uncle Sam... is not a real Uncle |
Some people's only ambition is the next person to screw or a new pair of Jordan's. You can't force people to have ambition. Everyone wasn't born to be rich and successful. It's time they work for survival. some people's only ambition is the dollar sign they can brag about. People's ambition mirrors their priorities, they have it, they just don't base it around the same priorities. Everyone is not born INTO wealth or privilege, everyone has different obstacles and hurdles, and many wealthy are not 'working for survival' just like many working for survival never attain wealth. This is America. People have to right to work or starve. People have the right to give nice things to their kids or skip work to lay up with a man who just got parole. It's called choices. It's time blacks stop pretending they never do any better because of society. |
but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. ____________________________________________________________________ And AGAIN what does punching old defenseless people have to do with poverty. Are black people the only people living in poverty? Why then is it black people doing this? if you cant deduce the answer from whats provided. I cant help you. as to black people in CONCENTRATED poverty: The results in Table 1 show African-Americans to be the group with the largest proportion of its population living in extremely poor areas. More that 25% of the African-American population lived in areas where 40% or more of the residents had incomes below the poverty threshold. This level (27.6%) is six and nearly two times greater that the corresponding levels for Whites (4.5%) and Latinos (16%), respectively. 1 in four in CONCENTRATED poverty, compared to 1 in 20 for whites. so no, blacks are not the ONLY ones in poverty, nor are they the only ones committing homicides. but they are DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in CONCENTRATED poverty just as they seem to be in all the homicide statistics people love to use in these threads tying them to criminal behavior and inferior morals. I think most people probably are which is why most people don't sucker punch old people. but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. __________________________________________________________________ So you are saying it is the poverty that makes these black thugs sucker punch old people?.. because poor people of other ethnic groups are not doing it. So why is it only blacks? If it is poverty.. why then punch out old people?.. killing many. How does poverty warrant that? and why are Hasidic Jews being singled out in NYC?. Why tourist in Philly? If it is not poverty then again, same question.. why are these black thugs sucker punching elderly people. So Anyway you try to spin it the same questions needs to be answered.. which you have not done. Why are black thugs sucker punching elderly people.? Can you answer with a simple " Black are sucker punching the elderly because____________________________________________________. Anything else is just spin........ are you saying that it is being black that makes them punch people? what is your 'spin'? black are sucker punching the elderly because of all the same reasons that whites shoot up schoolmates ... poor training violent peer pressure poor impulse control poor coping skills the idea of 'saving face' or revenge for being isolated or disrespected Well thank you because it just confirms what I have been saying all along The first 4 points you listed are learning skills that are taught at home. By parents. But clearly not done all. And your last point is frankly ridiculous. Saving face with who? So to " save face" they sucker punch old defensless people Sorry..that doesn't fly with people of morals..not at all . But then again people with morals were taught right from home And people with morals do not blame others if we do not raise our children right if thats what you believe ... I ask readers to do their own research about how the child mind develops and the things that influence it. here are some sites to start with: dont take my word, look into it from people who are paid to work in and research the field. Most parents do not have to research how to raise a kid as they were raised properly themselves... you know.. morals.. learning right from wrong... by example.. not some clinical survey. And clearly the people we are talking about have never read this research you pulled up or their kids would not be out sucker punching old people.. now would they. Kids are influenced by watching their parents conduct their life, no news there.. been that way forever. They mimic their parents.. so if dad is a thug guess what.. Jr. most likely will be a thug.( he thinks it o.k. since Pops did it) So please don't pawn off personal failure to other entities. At some point the black community that raised these thugs has to look in the mirror and take responsibility... But again you cherry pick out some and bypass other questions I asked you 2 point blank questions What does saving face have to do with beating up old people? And saving face to who? ( I find it interesting that many times the thugs pick out old Hasidic Jewish people to sucker punch ( here in the NYC area), strange because they have to travel to those areas, Williamsburg, Queens, ect. And they never seem to punch a able bodied Hasidic Jewish person. I can only assume since they are cowards, they don't want to get their a*s kicked.) But a question I have.. why Hasidic Jews? I didnt provide links for parents to research how to raise their kids. I gave them for readers to review how the growing mind actually works in reference to the claims that its ALL about their parents. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask teachers how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask professional businessmen or women who are working every day how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak ask ANY parent why they have different kids growing up seeing and learning the same things from them, but can still turn out so differently from each other. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. so no, its not as simple as what the parents did or did not do, because kids are not exposed ONLY to parents, and during the week (if their parents work) they are not even exposed MOSTLY to parents. They are influenced by and motivated by MANY things, including their parents, and the way their brain is growing, and their peers, and the images from media, and the environment and teachings at school. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. _____________________________________________________________________ So when you have no valid answer... you insult. Well, there are those on this site who do in fact know me. And they also know that I have raised two sons. And they know that I have great relationships with both.. They love and respect their Dad :) One a electrician.. and a good one, good family man.. work hard. the other just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp and he is currently continuing his education at the Doctorate level and a good family man as well. so, I think I did a pretty good job oh yeah, and BTW I have 5 grandchildren as well. They too respect their Poppy very much and look up to me. And they are being raised as respectful children.. and they know right from wrong...their mothers & fathers are teaching them.. and we taught their fathers... see how it works now ;) so... nice try ;) I apologize, truly. but it was also my true sentiment regarding what you are posting here. and the children and grandchildren are fortunate to have their family of MOTHERS and FATHERS and GRANDPARENTS to teach and support them as well as (Im guessing) safe and clean environments and neighborhoods that are not drug or alcohol or crime infested, and average or better schools where competitive curriculum is taught. that is not everyone's reality however. I am not saying it is everyone's reality but what I am saying is that those kids DO have mothers and fathers and grandparents ( unless they are family less in a home) It is when mothers, fathers, grandparents do not assume that role that is where the breakdown occurs. With the title comes the responsibility. And that can not be pawned off on someone else or some other entity. Uncle Sam... is not a real Uncle most of them DO NOT. Many are from single parent homes, are not receiving competitive educational resources and see nothing but more poverty and drugs and crime and alcohol around them every day when their parent is gone trying to work or when they are at school or going to school or from school. They are not viewing a eurocentric media or news cycle where the only success stories are entertainers or athletes, their experience is not the same as your kids or grandkids, nor are their influences. |
Well excuses won't change what's happening in black communities. It's becoming clear that programs don't help. I say cut off welfare and let them shoot it out. Im sure you do. But programs HAVE worked, when they have been implemented. I posted some of them earlier, in fact. How is the " please stop knocking out the Jewish women" program working out? Their kids would surely appreciate it. as well as the please stop shooting up the schools program is. ![]() Well, by all means start another thread on that, I think everybody on this site already commented on the shooters... nobody defending them.. at all.. but feel free. In the meantime, maybe we can stay on this topic.. without deflecting to something else Hmmm? Because that " oh yeah.. oh yeah.. well.. well your guys" approach is shinning thru |
Well excuses won't change what's happening in black communities. It's becoming clear that programs don't help. I say cut off welfare and let them shoot it out. Im sure you do. But programs HAVE worked, when they have been implemented. I posted some of them earlier, in fact. How is the " please stop knocking out the Jewish women" program working out? Their kids would surely appreciate it. as well as the please stop shooting up the schools program is. ![]() Well, by all means start another thread on that, I think everybody on this site already commented on the shooters... nobody defending them.. at all.. but feel free. In the meantime, maybe we can stay on this topic.. without deflecting to something else Hmmm? Because that " oh yeah.. oh yeah.. well.. well your guys" approach is shinning thru and nobody here claimed there was a 'stop knocking out jewish women program' but by all means, feel free to start a thread on THAT, so we can 'stay on topic' that "but your guys" approach is highlighting the hypocrisy of ridiculous generalizations and tangents ... |
more sources for violence prevention for interested readers: This is a site that includes links to different violence prevention sources of information. |
but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. ____________________________________________________________________ And AGAIN what does punching old defenseless people have to do with poverty. Are black people the only people living in poverty? Why then is it black people doing this? if you cant deduce the answer from whats provided. I cant help you. as to black people in CONCENTRATED poverty: The results in Table 1 show African-Americans to be the group with the largest proportion of its population living in extremely poor areas. More that 25% of the African-American population lived in areas where 40% or more of the residents had incomes below the poverty threshold. This level (27.6%) is six and nearly two times greater that the corresponding levels for Whites (4.5%) and Latinos (16%), respectively. 1 in four in CONCENTRATED poverty, compared to 1 in 20 for whites. so no, blacks are not the ONLY ones in poverty, nor are they the only ones committing homicides. but they are DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in CONCENTRATED poverty just as they seem to be in all the homicide statistics people love to use in these threads tying them to criminal behavior and inferior morals. I think most people probably are which is why most people don't sucker punch old people. but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. __________________________________________________________________ So you are saying it is the poverty that makes these black thugs sucker punch old people?.. because poor people of other ethnic groups are not doing it. So why is it only blacks? If it is poverty.. why then punch out old people?.. killing many. How does poverty warrant that? and why are Hasidic Jews being singled out in NYC?. Why tourist in Philly? If it is not poverty then again, same question.. why are these black thugs sucker punching elderly people. So Anyway you try to spin it the same questions needs to be answered.. which you have not done. Why are black thugs sucker punching elderly people.? Can you answer with a simple " Black are sucker punching the elderly because____________________________________________________. Anything else is just spin........ are you saying that it is being black that makes them punch people? what is your 'spin'? black are sucker punching the elderly because of all the same reasons that whites shoot up schoolmates ... poor training violent peer pressure poor impulse control poor coping skills the idea of 'saving face' or revenge for being isolated or disrespected Well thank you because it just confirms what I have been saying all along The first 4 points you listed are learning skills that are taught at home. By parents. But clearly not done all. And your last point is frankly ridiculous. Saving face with who? So to " save face" they sucker punch old defensless people Sorry..that doesn't fly with people of morals..not at all . But then again people with morals were taught right from home And people with morals do not blame others if we do not raise our children right if thats what you believe ... I ask readers to do their own research about how the child mind develops and the things that influence it. here are some sites to start with: dont take my word, look into it from people who are paid to work in and research the field. Most parents do not have to research how to raise a kid as they were raised properly themselves... you know.. morals.. learning right from wrong... by example.. not some clinical survey. And clearly the people we are talking about have never read this research you pulled up or their kids would not be out sucker punching old people.. now would they. Kids are influenced by watching their parents conduct their life, no news there.. been that way forever. They mimic their parents.. so if dad is a thug guess what.. Jr. most likely will be a thug.( he thinks it o.k. since Pops did it) So please don't pawn off personal failure to other entities. At some point the black community that raised these thugs has to look in the mirror and take responsibility... But again you cherry pick out some and bypass other questions I asked you 2 point blank questions What does saving face have to do with beating up old people? And saving face to who? ( I find it interesting that many times the thugs pick out old Hasidic Jewish people to sucker punch ( here in the NYC area), strange because they have to travel to those areas, Williamsburg, Queens, ect. And they never seem to punch a able bodied Hasidic Jewish person. I can only assume since they are cowards, they don't want to get their a*s kicked.) But a question I have.. why Hasidic Jews? I didnt provide links for parents to research how to raise their kids. I gave them for readers to review how the growing mind actually works in reference to the claims that its ALL about their parents. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask teachers how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask professional businessmen or women who are working every day how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak ask ANY parent why they have different kids growing up seeing and learning the same things from them, but can still turn out so differently from each other. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. so no, its not as simple as what the parents did or did not do, because kids are not exposed ONLY to parents, and during the week (if their parents work) they are not even exposed MOSTLY to parents. They are influenced by and motivated by MANY things, including their parents, and the way their brain is growing, and their peers, and the images from media, and the environment and teachings at school. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. _____________________________________________________________________ So when you have no valid answer... you insult. Well, there are those on this site who do in fact know me. And they also know that I have raised two sons. And they know that I have great relationships with both.. They love and respect their Dad :) One a electrician.. and a good one, good family man.. work hard. the other just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp and he is currently continuing his education at the Doctorate level and a good family man as well. so, I think I did a pretty good job oh yeah, and BTW I have 5 grandchildren as well. They too respect their Poppy very much and look up to me. And they are being raised as respectful children.. and they know right from wrong...their mothers & fathers are teaching them.. and we taught their fathers... see how it works now ;) so... nice try ;) I apologize, truly. but it was also my true sentiment regarding what you are posting here. and the children and grandchildren are fortunate to have their family of MOTHERS and FATHERS and GRANDPARENTS to teach and support them as well as (Im guessing) safe and clean environments and neighborhoods that are not drug or alcohol or crime infested, and average or better schools where competitive curriculum is taught. that is not everyone's reality however. I am not saying it is everyone's reality but what I am saying is that those kids DO have mothers and fathers and grandparents ( unless they are family less in a home) It is when mothers, fathers, grandparents do not assume that role that is where the breakdown occurs. With the title comes the responsibility. And that can not be pawned off on someone else or some other entity. Uncle Sam... is not a real Uncle most of them DO NOT. Many are from single parent homes, are not receiving competitive educational resources and see nothing but more poverty and drugs and crime and alcohol around them every day when their parent is gone trying to work or when they are at school or going to school or from school. They are not viewing a eurocentric media or news cycle where the only success stories are entertainers or athletes, their experience is not the same as your kids or grandkids, nor are their influences. My daughter lives in a single parent home. Where I live I can't get internet. I'm sitting at a local fast food restaurant with her so she can do homework. She has advanced classes. It's patents job to educate their children. I've work over 40 hours this week. |
but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. ____________________________________________________________________ And AGAIN what does punching old defenseless people have to do with poverty. Are black people the only people living in poverty? Why then is it black people doing this? if you cant deduce the answer from whats provided. I cant help you. as to black people in CONCENTRATED poverty: The results in Table 1 show African-Americans to be the group with the largest proportion of its population living in extremely poor areas. More that 25% of the African-American population lived in areas where 40% or more of the residents had incomes below the poverty threshold. This level (27.6%) is six and nearly two times greater that the corresponding levels for Whites (4.5%) and Latinos (16%), respectively. 1 in four in CONCENTRATED poverty, compared to 1 in 20 for whites. so no, blacks are not the ONLY ones in poverty, nor are they the only ones committing homicides. but they are DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in CONCENTRATED poverty just as they seem to be in all the homicide statistics people love to use in these threads tying them to criminal behavior and inferior morals. I think most people probably are which is why most people don't sucker punch old people. but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. __________________________________________________________________ So you are saying it is the poverty that makes these black thugs sucker punch old people?.. because poor people of other ethnic groups are not doing it. So why is it only blacks? If it is poverty.. why then punch out old people?.. killing many. How does poverty warrant that? and why are Hasidic Jews being singled out in NYC?. Why tourist in Philly? If it is not poverty then again, same question.. why are these black thugs sucker punching elderly people. So Anyway you try to spin it the same questions needs to be answered.. which you have not done. Why are black thugs sucker punching elderly people.? Can you answer with a simple " Black are sucker punching the elderly because____________________________________________________. Anything else is just spin........ are you saying that it is being black that makes them punch people? what is your 'spin'? black are sucker punching the elderly because of all the same reasons that whites shoot up schoolmates ... poor training violent peer pressure poor impulse control poor coping skills the idea of 'saving face' or revenge for being isolated or disrespected Well thank you because it just confirms what I have been saying all along The first 4 points you listed are learning skills that are taught at home. By parents. But clearly not done all. And your last point is frankly ridiculous. Saving face with who? So to " save face" they sucker punch old defensless people Sorry..that doesn't fly with people of morals..not at all . But then again people with morals were taught right from home And people with morals do not blame others if we do not raise our children right if thats what you believe ... I ask readers to do their own research about how the child mind develops and the things that influence it. here are some sites to start with: dont take my word, look into it from people who are paid to work in and research the field. Most parents do not have to research how to raise a kid as they were raised properly themselves... you know.. morals.. learning right from wrong... by example.. not some clinical survey. And clearly the people we are talking about have never read this research you pulled up or their kids would not be out sucker punching old people.. now would they. Kids are influenced by watching their parents conduct their life, no news there.. been that way forever. They mimic their parents.. so if dad is a thug guess what.. Jr. most likely will be a thug.( he thinks it o.k. since Pops did it) So please don't pawn off personal failure to other entities. At some point the black community that raised these thugs has to look in the mirror and take responsibility... But again you cherry pick out some and bypass other questions I asked you 2 point blank questions What does saving face have to do with beating up old people? And saving face to who? ( I find it interesting that many times the thugs pick out old Hasidic Jewish people to sucker punch ( here in the NYC area), strange because they have to travel to those areas, Williamsburg, Queens, ect. And they never seem to punch a able bodied Hasidic Jewish person. I can only assume since they are cowards, they don't want to get their a*s kicked.) But a question I have.. why Hasidic Jews? I didnt provide links for parents to research how to raise their kids. I gave them for readers to review how the growing mind actually works in reference to the claims that its ALL about their parents. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask teachers how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask professional businessmen or women who are working every day how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak ask ANY parent why they have different kids growing up seeing and learning the same things from them, but can still turn out so differently from each other. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. so no, its not as simple as what the parents did or did not do, because kids are not exposed ONLY to parents, and during the week (if their parents work) they are not even exposed MOSTLY to parents. They are influenced by and motivated by MANY things, including their parents, and the way their brain is growing, and their peers, and the images from media, and the environment and teachings at school. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. _____________________________________________________________________ So when you have no valid answer... you insult. Well, there are those on this site who do in fact know me. And they also know that I have raised two sons. And they know that I have great relationships with both.. They love and respect their Dad :) One a electrician.. and a good one, good family man.. work hard. the other just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp and he is currently continuing his education at the Doctorate level and a good family man as well. so, I think I did a pretty good job oh yeah, and BTW I have 5 grandchildren as well. They too respect their Poppy very much and look up to me. And they are being raised as respectful children.. and they know right from wrong...their mothers & fathers are teaching them.. and we taught their fathers... see how it works now ;) so... nice try ;) I apologize, truly. but it was also my true sentiment regarding what you are posting here. and the children and grandchildren are fortunate to have their family of MOTHERS and FATHERS and GRANDPARENTS to teach and support them as well as (Im guessing) safe and clean environments and neighborhoods that are not drug or alcohol or crime infested, and average or better schools where competitive curriculum is taught. that is not everyone's reality however. I am not saying it is everyone's reality but what I am saying is that those kids DO have mothers and fathers and grandparents ( unless they are family less in a home) It is when mothers, fathers, grandparents do not assume that role that is where the breakdown occurs. With the title comes the responsibility. And that can not be pawned off on someone else or some other entity. Uncle Sam... is not a real Uncle most of them DO NOT. Many are from single parent homes, are not receiving competitive educational resources and see nothing but more poverty and drugs and crime and alcohol around them every day when their parent is gone trying to work or when they are at school or going to school or from school. They are not viewing a eurocentric media or news cycle where the only success stories are entertainers or athletes, their experience is not the same as your kids or grandkids, nor are their influences. My daughter lives in a single parent home. Where I live I can't get internet. I'm sitting at a local fast food restaurant with her so she can do homework. She has advanced classes. It's patents job to educate their children. I've work over 40 hours this week. actually, its EDUCATORS job to educate the kids. its parents job to support the professional educators who HAVE STUDIED the most recent and up to date skills required, not the skills of the parents when THEY were educated. merely being single parent is not the only issue, but compiling that onto a lack of a support system (references, family, family friends), an environment where one is IMMERSED in potential violence, drugs, and alcohol, where one sees NO Examples of anything BUT POVERTY and struggle all around them, and NEXT TO No examples of success in media except through sports or entertainment, where one is automatically seen and treated as the enemy by those there to protect them, where the school system has sub par books and facilities in which they can learn, and there arent alot of 'free wifi' establishments handy ... it is not the experience you or your kids have ... |
but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. ____________________________________________________________________ And AGAIN what does punching old defenseless people have to do with poverty. Are black people the only people living in poverty? Why then is it black people doing this? if you cant deduce the answer from whats provided. I cant help you. as to black people in CONCENTRATED poverty: The results in Table 1 show African-Americans to be the group with the largest proportion of its population living in extremely poor areas. More that 25% of the African-American population lived in areas where 40% or more of the residents had incomes below the poverty threshold. This level (27.6%) is six and nearly two times greater that the corresponding levels for Whites (4.5%) and Latinos (16%), respectively. 1 in four in CONCENTRATED poverty, compared to 1 in 20 for whites. so no, blacks are not the ONLY ones in poverty, nor are they the only ones committing homicides. but they are DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in CONCENTRATED poverty just as they seem to be in all the homicide statistics people love to use in these threads tying them to criminal behavior and inferior morals. I think most people probably are which is why most people don't sucker punch old people. but those who are will be found to have come from poverty and not from families with any means. __________________________________________________________________ So you are saying it is the poverty that makes these black thugs sucker punch old people?.. because poor people of other ethnic groups are not doing it. So why is it only blacks? If it is poverty.. why then punch out old people?.. killing many. How does poverty warrant that? and why are Hasidic Jews being singled out in NYC?. Why tourist in Philly? If it is not poverty then again, same question.. why are these black thugs sucker punching elderly people. So Anyway you try to spin it the same questions needs to be answered.. which you have not done. Why are black thugs sucker punching elderly people.? Can you answer with a simple " Black are sucker punching the elderly because____________________________________________________. Anything else is just spin........ are you saying that it is being black that makes them punch people? what is your 'spin'? black are sucker punching the elderly because of all the same reasons that whites shoot up schoolmates ... poor training violent peer pressure poor impulse control poor coping skills the idea of 'saving face' or revenge for being isolated or disrespected Well thank you because it just confirms what I have been saying all along The first 4 points you listed are learning skills that are taught at home. By parents. But clearly not done all. And your last point is frankly ridiculous. Saving face with who? So to " save face" they sucker punch old defensless people Sorry..that doesn't fly with people of morals..not at all . But then again people with morals were taught right from home And people with morals do not blame others if we do not raise our children right if thats what you believe ... I ask readers to do their own research about how the child mind develops and the things that influence it. here are some sites to start with: dont take my word, look into it from people who are paid to work in and research the field. Most parents do not have to research how to raise a kid as they were raised properly themselves... you know.. morals.. learning right from wrong... by example.. not some clinical survey. And clearly the people we are talking about have never read this research you pulled up or their kids would not be out sucker punching old people.. now would they. Kids are influenced by watching their parents conduct their life, no news there.. been that way forever. They mimic their parents.. so if dad is a thug guess what.. Jr. most likely will be a thug.( he thinks it o.k. since Pops did it) So please don't pawn off personal failure to other entities. At some point the black community that raised these thugs has to look in the mirror and take responsibility... But again you cherry pick out some and bypass other questions I asked you 2 point blank questions What does saving face have to do with beating up old people? And saving face to who? ( I find it interesting that many times the thugs pick out old Hasidic Jewish people to sucker punch ( here in the NYC area), strange because they have to travel to those areas, Williamsburg, Queens, ect. And they never seem to punch a able bodied Hasidic Jewish person. I can only assume since they are cowards, they don't want to get their a*s kicked.) But a question I have.. why Hasidic Jews? I didnt provide links for parents to research how to raise their kids. I gave them for readers to review how the growing mind actually works in reference to the claims that its ALL about their parents. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask teachers how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. ask professional businessmen or women who are working every day how true it is their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak ask ANY parent why they have different kids growing up seeing and learning the same things from them, but can still turn out so differently from each other. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. so no, its not as simple as what the parents did or did not do, because kids are not exposed ONLY to parents, and during the week (if their parents work) they are not even exposed MOSTLY to parents. They are influenced by and motivated by MANY things, including their parents, and the way their brain is growing, and their peers, and the images from media, and the environment and teachings at school. Its hard to believe you have been around or been a parent, truly. Ask pastors how true it is that their kids watch and therefore become their twin, doing what they did and speaking how they speak. _____________________________________________________________________ So when you have no valid answer... you insult. Well, there are those on this site who do in fact know me. And they also know that I have raised two sons. And they know that I have great relationships with both.. They love and respect their Dad :) One a electrician.. and a good one, good family man.. work hard. the other just finished up 9 years in the Marine Corp and he is currently continuing his education at the Doctorate level and a good family man as well. so, I think I did a pretty good job oh yeah, and BTW I have 5 grandchildren as well. They too respect their Poppy very much and look up to me. And they are being raised as respectful children.. and they know right from wrong...their mothers & fathers are teaching them.. and we taught their fathers... see how it works now ;) so... nice try ;) I apologize, truly. but it was also my true sentiment regarding what you are posting here. and the children and grandchildren are fortunate to have their family of MOTHERS and FATHERS and GRANDPARENTS to teach and support them as well as (Im guessing) safe and clean environments and neighborhoods that are not drug or alcohol or crime infested, and average or better schools where competitive curriculum is taught. that is not everyone's reality however. I am not saying it is everyone's reality but what I am saying is that those kids DO have mothers and fathers and grandparents ( unless they are family less in a home) It is when mothers, fathers, grandparents do not assume that role that is where the breakdown occurs. With the title comes the responsibility. And that can not be pawned off on someone else or some other entity. Uncle Sam... is not a real Uncle most of them DO NOT. Many are from single parent homes, are not receiving competitive educational resources and see nothing but more poverty and drugs and crime and alcohol around them every day when their parent is gone trying to work or when they are at school or going to school or from school. They are not viewing a eurocentric media or news cycle where the only success stories are entertainers or athletes, their experience is not the same as your kids or grandkids, nor are their influences. My daughter lives in a single parent home. Where I live I can't get internet. I'm sitting at a local fast food restaurant with her so she can do homework. She has advanced classes. It's patents job to educate their children. I've work over 40 hours this week. even with all the smart choices and 'wealth' of collecting rent in a few minutes? I wonder why that is. |