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Topic: TDS has changed TAD now...
mightymoe's photo
Thu 08/09/18 12:33 PM
2003, the late and celebrated writer Charles Krauthammer coined the term "Bush Derangement Syndrome," which he described as: "The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency - nay - the very existence of George W. Bush."

Prior to becoming one of the most respected political analysts of his time, Charles Krauthammer was Dr. Krauthammer, a psychiatrist, who treated people for various forms of mental illness. In this regard, he was a uniquely qualified observer of American politics.

Krauthammer was not a Trump supporter, but the behavior of the left after the 2016 election gave him an obvious reason to offer his diagnosis of a new disorder called "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

How else could you describe the mental state of people who organized groups to scream at the sky on the one year anniversary of Trump's 2016 victory?

Democrats and their allies in media, as well as the left's army of professional activists, have tried everything they can think of to reverse or invalidate the 2016 election, most notably through the seemingly never-ending Mueller investigation.

Liberals tune in to CNN and MSNBC on a nightly basis, waiting for that one shred of proof of Russian collusion that Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff of California keeps telling them is just around every corner.

The Russia investigation gets so much airtime on progressive cable news channels that you may have forgotten one of the more absurd anti-Trump campaigns of this year.

In January of 2018, Democrats in Congress were briefed by an assistant professor of forensic psychiatry from Yale named Bandy Lee. She suggested to them that Trump was mentally unfit for office, and that he should be evaluated "by force" if necessary.

The liberal site "VOX" which is run by Ezra Klein, formerly of the Washington Post, took Lee's diagnosis quite seriously and noted that her opinion was shared by other mental health professionals, despite the fact that none of them had observed President Trump personally.

The always cool-headed Byron York, chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner, reacted to the VOX report on Twitter, saying

"Yale psychiatrist who briefed Dems wants to physically restrain President Trump, force him to submit to evaluation, declare him unfit for office. But she worries: 'This will really look like a coup.' You think?"

This was all based on the left's sudden new respect for the United States Constitution, specifically the 25th Amendment, which addresses the removal of a president. The effort fizzled and was quickly forgotten.

Now, nearly eight months later, a new mental disorder is rising. According to The Hill, therapists are seeing an increase in what they're calling "Trump Anxiety Disorder" which is simply a nicer way of describing "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Writer Avery Anapol reports that the founder of a counseling and psychotherapy center in Washington, DC described the condition as "a fear of the world ending."

Unemployment is at a record low, America's GDP just reached 4.1 percent and ISIS is well on its way to becoming a footnote in history, yet many on the left live in a state of constant dread.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who viewed any of the viral videos depicting Hillary supporters melting down on election night 2016 when it became apparent that Trump had won.

In all fairness, it was a traumatic experience for many on the left. Nearly every pundit and expert in the country had assured them for months that there was absolutely no way Trump would ever be elected president. Most of them even insisted Hillary Clinton would not only win, but carry the election in a landslide.

Many of the same people are still on the air today, covering the Trump administration and some of them obviously suffer from "Trump Anxiety Disorder." They act as if they will eventually prove Trump's presidency is somehow illegitimate. America's late night "comedy" shows perpetuate the same narrative on a near nightly basis. Is it any wonder why people on the left, who are most likely to watch these programs, are suffering from anxiety?

Perhaps Democrats should recall professor Bandy Lee of Yale for an evaluation of their party. Trump's mental health seems fine. Few could say the same for the left.

Liberals, heal thyselves.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/18 12:37 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/09/18 12:38 PM
only until the next democrat is in office, and all the same stuff will be written about republicans and 'the right' regarding how they handle it.

just like under OBama, just like regarding Hilary, the 'derangement' is really an AMerican thing on both sides of the aisle.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 08/09/18 12:46 PM

only until the next democrat is in office, and all the same stuff will be written about republicans and 'the right' regarding how they handle it.

just like under OBama, just like regarding Hilary, the 'derangement' is really an AMerican thing on both sides of the aisle.
huh...I don't remember any Republicans looting stores and starting fires, beating people up...what side was doing that in the last election? I think it was Democrats....Obama wins 2 elections, where was the rioting? Did anyone block any highways? Only against Trump...

Rock's photo
Thu 08/09/18 12:53 PM
I wasn't a fan of Trump.

But, anyone whose very existence
causes the loony left to nut up en mass,
can't be all bad.


msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/18 01:13 PM

only until the next democrat is in office, and all the same stuff will be written about republicans and 'the right' regarding how they handle it.

just like under OBama, just like regarding Hilary, the 'derangement' is really an AMerican thing on both sides of the aisle.
huh...I don't remember any Republicans looting stores and starting fires, beating people up...what side was doing that in the last election? I think it was Democrats....Obama wins 2 elections, where was the rioting? Did anyone block any highways? Only against Trump...

I dont remember any Democrats doing that either, not BECAUSE of Trump.
There have been looting and fires under every Presidents leadership though, this is America.

Obama WON 2 elections, after serving in other ELECTED positions, promoting togetherness and unity and not using divisive rhetoric

2008 with 58 percent turnout: electoral 365 to 173, 69.4 mill to 59.9, 52.9 percent to 45.7

2012 with 55 percent turnout: electoral 332 to 206, 65.9 mill to 60.9 mill,
51 percent to 47 percent

2016 with 56 percent turnout: electoral 304 to 227. 62.9 to 65.8 mill, 46 percent to 48 percent

the TEA PARTY did plenty of protesting

so, yeah, same stuff, different POTUS

Trump is not unique in that area. Although he probably SAYS and DOES more that seems incompetent and against more groups of people, which gets him more coverage of those things he SAYS and DOEs.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/18 01:15 PM

I wasn't a fan of Trump.

But, anyone whose very existence
causes the loony left to nut up en mass,
can't be all bad.


I used to feel that same way about Farrakhan. Anyone that can stir up racists, cant be all that bad. But then I did my own reading and researching and just began to feel that way of my own accord, regardless of how racists feel about it.

.... but perhaps we are getting off topic...laugh

Rock's photo
Thu 08/09/18 01:37 PM
If those afflicted with TDS/TAD, were all
of any particular race, there might be a
necessity to toss the race card into the

Sunryzer's photo
Thu 08/09/18 01:48 PM
They bring a knife.
We bring a gun.

Hes a devisive poc

no photo
Thu 08/09/18 01:56 PM

I wasn't a fan of Trump.

But, anyone whose very existence
causes the loony left to nut up en mass,
can't be all bad.


sure they can. you'll see.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/18 02:15 PM

If those afflicted with TDS/TAD, were all
of any particular race, there might be a
necessity to toss the race card into the

I cant think of anything that is 'all' a particular race, or that is relevant to this topic.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/18 02:19 PM

They bring a knife.
We bring a gun.

Hes a devisive poc

said as senator about fighting, not as POTUS of the country.

not divisive, just an unoriginal use of cliche to describe how to win a PHYSICAL fight.

Sunryzer's photo
Thu 08/09/18 02:25 PM

Rock's photo
Thu 08/09/18 02:34 PM
Witnessing the libtards nut up.... Priceless. :thumbsup:

Sunryzer's photo
Thu 08/09/18 02:35 PM
Per D. limbaugh.
This a small list.
You can read the effects of his words in MS words.

called American businesses soft and lazy and said they’d lost their ambition; they didn’t build that; they need to up their game;
baselessly accused the Chamber of Commerce of accepting foreign contributions and said it had the burden of proving it did not;
said Mitt Romney, in effect, killed a lady who lost her insurance;
say the “wealthy” aren’t paying their fair share;
stepped on the conscience protections of people of faith and attacked a Lutheran school’s right to hire and fire on religious grounds;
use “gay rights” as a wedge issue and depict opponents of same-sex marriage as bigots;
manufactured a phony GOP “War on Women”;
say Republicans want dirty air and dirty water and rejoice when people lose their insurance coverage, that they want a smaller America and don’t believe in rebuilding roads and bridges, that they are hostage takers and Slurpee sippers. He says they created this mess, and they should sit in the backseat of the car. We’ll have hand-to-hand combat with them on Capitol Hill, and if they bring a knife, we’ll bring a gun;
crammed Obamacare down the throats of a strongly opposed majority;
continue to scare seniors, the “middle class” and the “poor” into believing Republicans want to destroy Medicare;
publicly ridiculed and demonized the Supreme Court on multiple occasions;
disparaged hedge fund managers as “playing with other people’s money”;
vilified immigration enforcement advocates as racists;
waged a war against states on immigration and voter ID laws;
worked against military ballots;
lawlessly rewrote loans in the GM and Chrysler restructurings to favor unions and cheat secured creditors; and in Solyndra, to subordinate taxpayers to private investors; and
exploited race and minority relations for political purposes and for ideological reasons, including Eric Holder calling the nation cowards on race, racializing voter intimidation laws and saying the GOP was after him on Fast and Furious because he, like Obama, is an African-American; appealing to Hispanics and blacks to vote as a bloc for Democrats because Democrats are their friends and Republicans their enemies; and accusing the GOP of supporting voter ID laws to suppress the minority vote and immigration laws for racial reasons.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/18 03:33 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/09/18 03:34 PM
Yes. Thats a nice list of Limbaughs opinions and interpretations of Obama's words. But without quotes, its pretty meaningless.

let me provide ACTUAL Trump quotes and not JUST my interpretation of them:

"When MEXICANS send its people. theyre not sending theyre best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre not sending you. theyre sending people that have lots of problems. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing rapists. and SOME, I assume are good people."

"Look at my African American over here. Look at him."

"wouldnt you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects the flag to say get that SON OF A ***** off the field right now. Out. He's fired. He's fired."

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab them by the p--sy. You can do anything.”

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

"Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father …"

of course these are just a few, that have nothing to do with the usual division of republican and democrat, but attacking NATIONALITY, religion and free speech, and advocating for misogynism.

But thats my interpretation, of QUOTES that are actually provided.

Sunryzer's photo
Thu 08/09/18 04:07 PM
These things happened.

Sunryzer's photo
Thu 08/09/18 04:09 PM
Jihadi camp new mexico.
Sounds like we should have banned more than we did.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/18 04:09 PM

These things happened.

and still no QUOTES

Sunryzer's photo
Thu 08/09/18 04:13 PM
The priveledged with microphones.
Obama and his staff were racists.

“I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station? A lot of wisdom comes out of that gas station” — Hillary Clinton, Former Secretary of State

BlakeIAM's photo
Thu 08/09/18 04:17 PM

Witnessing the libtards nut up.... Priceless. :thumbsup:

Amen brother.

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