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Topic: 65 and older women
bubba7769's photo
Sat 07/28/18 05:31 AM
How can you meet someone when they never get on line

no photo
Sat 07/28/18 06:17 AM
go out to where they are????

soufiehere's photo
Sat 07/28/18 07:54 AM

How can you meet someone when they never get on line

Drop them an email.
Often they only come back online when they get a
notification of that, and if they have interest.

bubba7769's photo
Sat 07/28/18 08:05 AM
yes leaving a message doesn't seem to help. thank you for your input

MK2's photo
Sat 07/28/18 09:12 AM

yes leaving a message doesn't seem to help. thank you for your input

maybe she is not interested ??

no photo
Thu 08/02/18 04:08 PM
Many profiles are inactive !!! Who knows how long when it just says over 30 days.

At least that's what I find in searching.

no photo
Thu 08/02/18 05:05 PM
Go to a senior citizens center. Volunteer, or in my town, they have a lunch 2 times a week. I'm serious about that.

no photo
Thu 08/02/18 09:29 PM

Go to a senior citizens center. Volunteer, or in my town, they have a lunch 2 times a week. I'm serious about that.

If I only had lunch 2 times a week,guess I'd only be 20 Kg overweight :wink:

oldkid46's photo
Sat 08/04/18 10:28 AM
Had my annual physical last week and now the Doctor is supposed to ask you about your social connections and sex life. This helps them determine if you are socially isolated or have some other medical issues. Told him it was getting hard to find a suitable partner. He commented about finding someone young enough to still be a partner.

So when do most women decided they are no longer interested in being a sex partner? Is that when they stop making new social connections with men? How does that compare to the meeting someone over 65?

no photo
Mon 08/06/18 02:29 AM
a survey not long ago said one in five men go of sex compered to 50% of woman

no photo
Mon 08/06/18 01:07 PM

a survey not long ago said one in five men go of sex compered to 50% of woman

Yes most Older women are still active !!:smile:

oldkid46's photo
Mon 08/06/18 08:23 PM

a survey not long ago said one in five men go of sex compered to 50% of woman

Yes most Older women are still active !!:smile:
Hard to believe when most of the older men I hear or who post online complain about a lack of.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 08/06/18 08:24 PM

a survey not long ago said one in five men go of sex compered to 50% of woman
Please correct the typo and I would like to know the source of that survey.

NancyAnnJenkins's photo
Wed 09/05/18 06:47 PM
It's called communication. Never be afraid to ask questions during a conversation. Every woman is different. :wink:

no photo
Fri 09/14/18 05:11 AM

no photo
Fri 09/14/18 05:12 AM
That's right. communication is key.

no photo
Thu 09/20/18 10:25 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 09/20/18 10:29 AM

Go to a senior citizens center. Volunteer, or in my town, they have a lunch 2 times a week. I'm serious about that.
that's good advice the internet really is not the best place to meet people. scared

no photo
Thu 09/20/18 10:33 AM

a survey not long ago said one in five men go of sex compered to 50% of woman
Please correct the typo and I would like to know the source of that survey.


no photo
Thu 09/20/18 12:55 PM

mouserose61's photo
Sat 09/22/18 10:44 PM
Hi everyone, my name is mickey. As you guess it I'm new:blush:. I'm 61 looking for women close in age that would like to chat have coffee or hang out. I'm easy going, mature, no drama baggage nor she did me wrong stories. I like me and I am good with the world. This was a start to my personality. If it works for you contect me. Thank You!

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