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Topic: One random fact about yourself
Aroundtheworld37's photo
Wed 07/18/18 06:34 AM

I enjoy turbulence when flying.

So do I lol people are always so scared but it excites me so does taking off and landing lol

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 07/18/18 08:29 AM

I enjoy turbulence when flying.

So do I lol people are always so scared but it excites me so does taking off and landing lol

Make sure, you don't end up on somebody's lap ... unless it's mine :wink: bigsmile flowerforyou

Goofball73's photo
Wed 07/18/18 08:47 AM
I almost drowned to death when I was 5 years old.

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Wed 07/18/18 08:48 AM
I am not a drinker never have been haven’t had a drink in a year or two but I’m getting drunk tonight!!

Up2youandme's photo
Wed 07/18/18 08:54 AM
I once got drowned on purpose to impress someone

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 09:06 AM

I am not a drinker never have been haven’t had a drink in a year or two but I’m getting drunk tonight!!


Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 07/18/18 09:06 AM

I am not a drinker never have been haven’t had a drink in a year or two but I’m getting drunk tonight!!

Please stay clear of dragons flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 12:13 PM
I'm a Virgo I could tell you all the grand things about a Virgo but I would get in trouble :yum:

Mrmxb's photo
Wed 07/18/18 12:24 PM
I'm asleep when I do not sleep for a long time

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 12:24 PM

I am not a drinker never have been haven’t had a drink in a year or two but I’m getting drunk tonight!!

Please stay clear of dragons flowerforyou

Lars, you should go supervise and make sure she stays safe... :thumbsup:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 07/18/18 05:44 PM

I'm a Virgo I could tell you all the grand things about a Virgo but I would get in trouble :yum:

LOL, I married a Virgo and yes, you probably would.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 07/18/18 05:47 PM
Random Fact: When I get my haircut I get a buzz cut and donate the longest strands to Wig Makers for Cancer Patients.

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 05:48 PM

I'm a Virgo I could tell you all the grand things about a Virgo but I would get in trouble :yum:

LOL, I married a Virgo and yes, you probably would.

We do have other great qualities lol we are loyal and our cleanliness is on point. And we can spot a bullshitter a mile away. We are happy with a book in our hands and we never stop learning.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 07/18/18 05:57 PM
We do have other great qualities lol we are loyal and our cleanliness is on point. And we can spot a bullshitter a mile away. We are happy with a book in our hands and we never stop learning.

I don't know you, you may be accurate but I know my X...

we are loyal ~ yes, to herself
our cleanliness is on point ~ only in HER mind
spot a bullshitter ~ in her mirror
happy with a book in our hands ~ to slam down or throw
we never stop learning ~ how to stir the pot

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 05:59 PM
Goodness she sounds umm well no

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 07:16 PM
I never use my real birthday when registering on web sites unless is for government purposes.

I am actually a Pisces

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Wed 07/18/18 07:27 PM

I am not a drinker never have been haven’t had a drink in a year or two but I’m getting drunk tonight!!

Please stay clear of dragons flowerforyou

Lars, you should go supervise and make sure she stays safe... :thumbsup:

Somebody needed to....slaphead and this is why I don’t drink ....feel like the Great Wall of China fell on me :laughing:

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 07:59 PM
I can fall asleep in under 15 mins

no photo
Wed 07/18/18 08:08 PM
Been a cam girl and a phone actress. Miss the industry. Difficult to combine with studying. Was fun and relaxing though.

Mrmxb's photo
Thu 07/19/18 10:00 AM
I am hungry when I have not eaten for a long time...

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