Topic: Illegal Alien Rapes Disabled 13 Year Old | |
Yes, just leave the backdoor open then prosecute them when they kill or commit a crime and then put them in prison at $200K per inmate per year...that of course is if you catch them... the first time. as opposed to just closing the door in the first place.... real problem solving skills there... you know, like the 20 MS-13 guys above [/quote yes, we do prosecute people AFTER they have hurt someone and it costs money. Thats how 'justice' works. And again you side step the point made so I will make it very very simple to understand MS. If the 20 illegal criminals mentioned above were not in the country would the criminal acts, including murder, shootings, and stabbings ever have taken place that I would think is a simple yes or no answer. |
Well now we know you broke the here is the permission to continue doing so..what?.. ![]() ![]() |
Yes, just leave the backdoor open then prosecute them when they kill or commit a crime and then put them in prison at $200K per inmate per year...that of course is if you catch them... the first time. as opposed to just closing the door in the first place.... real problem solving skills there... you know, like the 20 MS-13 guys above [/quote yes, we do prosecute people AFTER they have hurt someone and it costs money. Thats how 'justice' works. And again you side step the point made so I will make it very very simple to understand MS. If the 20 illegal criminals mentioned above were not in the country would the criminal acts, including murder, shootings, and stabbings ever have taken place that I would think is a simple yes or no answer. no. its not simple. because criminals can strike anyone. Just because one criminal doesn commit a crime, doesnt mean another would not. If unavailable working parents werent letting media raise their kids, they would not be there committing those school shootings. But WHAT IFS are not the way the system is meant to work. its meant to prosecute those who break the law, according to the severity of the crime. |
Well now we know you broke the here is the permission to continue doing so..what?.. ![]() ![]() that is the thing, I for one am not for EXTREMES on either end. The border and custom rules are already there as are the means to prosecute those who break them. The only thing I have issue with is RETROACTIVE persecution. I do believe there should be something to the DETAILS which can impact the SENTENCE, like with any other crime. IF someone is brought as a child, for example, and lives out their life here doing no harm to others, and being otherwise productive, I dont see the point in DEPORTING them, and think its much more rational to ASSIST Them in becoming LEGAL citizens instead. |
Any man has the capacity to rape .. how many non immigrant rapes occur .. should we look at statistics ??? THOUSANDS of American CITIZENS are victims of horrendous crimes by ILLEGAL immigrants EVERY year. Rapes, Murders and maimed by DUI's and other crimes. The point is not how many Citizens commit these crimes,the point is we have enough crime by our own citizens, why add all these extra crimes on our citizens by illegals? Got any factual support for this assertion? |
| Just a quick sampling. Apparently, in addition to getting rid of all illegal aliens, following your logic, we should also get rid of all native-born citizens. nice strawman argument, so because some American scum rape makes its comparable to illegals who rape? Citizens who are caught raping are prosecuted too, take a look at the sex offender registry for proof. Here is the reality, the average undocumented immigrant rarely commits heinous crimes because of fear of deportation, but they have committed a crime because they've entered in the United States Illegally. that is a crime. The criminal element of undocumented immigrants commits the majority of heinous crimes and most of them hail from either Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador I also see where Trump got his numbers and why he pointed out Mexico see the GAO report below ( go page 9 and read Figure 2: Country of Citizenship for Criminal Aliens Incarcerated in Federal Prisons as of December 2010 ) and page 20 shows the crimes they are arrested for see Figure 9: Percentage of Criminal Aliens Arrested At Least Once by Offense Category the highest % offense? Immigration, sexual assault 12%, Drugs 48% fraud, forgery and counterfeiting 21%( including Welfare fraud) That report breaks down the four main states that houses illegals, California, Texas, New York and Arizona pages 28 to 33. notice the crimes they are convicted for just in-case some of you leftist/democrats are too lazy to read the whole thing, I highlighted the important parts for you. Just pointing out the facts for you. No, you are completely ignoring what I pointed out altogether. Go back and actually read, please. This thread is based on the idea that the reason we need to make illegal aliens a top priority concern, is because BEING ILLEGALS, is what caused these horrendous crimes to be committed. I support all laws being enforced, including those against foreigners overstaying their welcome here. What I am opposed to, is flat out defective reasoning, such as this thread is based on. |
No, you are completely ignoring what I pointed out altogether. Go back and actually read, please. This thread is based on the idea that the reason we need to make illegal aliens a top priority concern, is because BEING ILLEGALS, is what caused these horrendous crimes to be committed. I support all laws being enforced, including those against foreigners overstaying their welcome here. What I am opposed to, is flat out defective reasoning, such as this thread is based on. this was your post Just a quick sampling. Apparently, in addition to getting rid of all illegal aliens, following your logic, we should also get rid of all native-born citizens. am I correct? you were saying following ( I dont know the posters name) logic that he or she said America should get rid of all illegals because of the notion that they commit violent crimes and you gave us a sample of American born citizens committing heinous crimes too and asked should the authorities get rid of them too? I am saying its a strawman argument because one has nothing to do with other, according to that report there is an estimated 25 million illegal aliens ( that is what they call them) or if you prefer undocumented immigrants in America and the GAO report showed 2,891,668 were arrested Two types of crimes, immigration and criminal ( page 21) 2)comparing crimes done my Illegals to Natural citizens is intellectually dishonest, because you cant deport a natural citizen but you can deport someone in America who entered illegally, that was my point. 11% according to the GAO commits crimes and that is the focus of those who are against illegal immigration, and where most of them from? Mexico, I know Trump said it, but the GAO backs up what Trump said. Facts. |
2)comparing crimes done my Illegals to Natural citizens is intellectually dishonest, because you cant deport a natural citizen but you can deport someone in America who entered illegally, that was my point.
[/qoute] Great Britain did. Ever heard of Australia? |
Great Britain did.
Ever heard of Australia? ![]() ![]() ![]() Dear lord , give me strength or an extra cup of coffee. Australia and Great Britain, wait for it? are not American colonies shocking isn't it? and since you mentioned Great Britain and Australia, Australia was a colony of Britain, until she gained her independence in 1901, then the British stopped sending the prisoners there. ooops |
So you concede, that under certain conditions, nativeborn citizens can be deported?
Well thanks. But until those conditions exists in the United States, it's probably a good idea to leave the nativeborn (a.k.a. "anchor babies") and their caregivers alone. |
So you concede, that under certain conditions, nativeborn citizens can be deported? Well thanks. But until those conditions exists in the United States, it's probably a good idea to leave the nativeborn (a.k.a. "anchor babies") and their caregivers alone. Okay one last time, we are talking about AMERICA you know the United States of America. In America you cannot deport native born citizens period its not even worth a discussion. now the question is "anchor babies" as you call them do they have rights and that is the million dollar question. Your supreme court hasn't really said much and many scholars of the constitution are divided on the subject. you believe what you want to believe until SCOTUS rules on it or Congress makes the necessary changes. Until then we will be going back and forth. |
and that must lead us to the conclusion that every person born in the United States is a natural-born citizen of such States, except it may be that children born on our soil to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign Governments, are native-born citizens of the United States. Words mean things. ![]() And to deport the caregiver (a.k.a. parent) of a nativeborn citizen, is akin to government sanctioned child abandonment. Oh wait, Donnie is... Nevermind. |
| and that must lead us to the conclusion that every person born in the United States is a natural-born citizen of such States, except it may be that children born on our soil to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign Governments, are native-born citizens of the United States. Words mean things. ![]() And to deport the caregiver (a.k.a. parent) of a nativeborn citizen, is akin to government sanctioned child abandonment. Oh wait, Donnie is... Nevermind. again that is the million dollar question, the caregiver part. You claim words mean things okay. So what do you call a person that enters the United States Illegally? should they be granted citizenship after they arrived illegally? |
Edited by
Fri 06/29/18 08:16 AM
Of course not. They're caregivers. I think the policy adopted by the Department of Defense regarding dependents would be awesome. I had full access to all base facilities, hospitals, the PX, the commissary, the auto hobby shop, even the officers club until I turned 18, or 24 if I was a full-time college student. I think something along those lines would work. They're caregivers, until the care doesn't need to be given anymore. Depending upon what they did during the interim, may or may not qualify them for a green card. |
You answered the second part but not the first part
so you believe that the Federal government should adopt the department of defense policies towards dependents. And who pays for this? |
Who pays for it now?
Maybe it will be paid for by people NOT sitting in cages. How much does it cost watch the cages? Feed the cages? And it's doubleed bcause American citizens are sitting in kiddie cages. At the very least the cost would be cut in half by doing away with the kiddie cages. |
Why don't we just vote on it instead ..I mean after all we are a democracy where majority is suppose to rule and when you consider the fact that it would be the tax payer footing the bill's just fair and then we can be done with it..we should also vote on the right to have sanctuary states and sanctuary cities..In my opinion if one wants to have either then they must be able to show that they can contain the illegals within the borders of that city or state...otherwise they are just providing an open door to the rest of the U.S where people don't want to be a sanctuary city or state..hardly seems fair Funny how it is that we are suppose to respect the rights of these cities or states who want to be a sanctuary but yet no consideration for those that don't want to be a sanctuary city or state.. we know that there is no way that they can contain the illegals within the borders of these cities or states..than there you go if for nothing else why you can't have a sanctuary city or state...Because it's not fair to those who don't want the illegals in their city or state..We should vote..that is after all the democratic way ..where it's the majority that's suppose to rule..since it's the majority that would be footing the is only fair...does this just make too much sense... |
Who pays for it now? Maybe it will be paid for by people NOT sitting in cages. How much does it cost watch the cages? Feed the cages? And it's doubleed bcause American citizens are sitting in kiddie cages. At the very least the cost would be cut in half by doing away with the kiddie cages. and you have numbers backing this up, lets see some hard data of this claim of yours please. |
Why do we put ourselves through all this..We wouldn't have half these problems ..if we didn't let them in..plain and simple..they don't belong here..but if they want to enter..then step to the BACK of the line behind the people who are doing it the legal way..No one has to be separated..LEAVE...No borders..No country!! |
Edited by
Fri 06/29/18 11:18 AM
No boarders means less of a Country!
Illegals must go or become legal through the process. US can't take care of all the citizens that already need help, assistance in This Country. |