Topic: Trump ends Obama seperation policy! | |
even though the Democrats instituted Jim Crows laws with the blessing of the Republicans . southern democrats, southern republicans ... it was government policies of both parties that contributed. |
southern democrats, southern republicans ... it was government policies of both parties that contributed. didn't I just say that? |
But at the same time the Democratic party is the party of Segregation, Jim Crow and racism so it's not surprising. Lyndon Johnson's exact words "We will have those Ni***r's voting Democrat for the next 100 years." Minorities in the Democratic party have been played by their own party for years. This is what happens when you don't know your own history. no, that is what happens when history is misrepresented as has been noted many time the democratic party of segregation was largely the SOUTHERN democratic party the larger SOUTHERN party now is the Republican base .. It was still the Democratic party and has nothing to do with the Republican party. The Democrat party as a whole supported those issues or they never would have held up for as long as they did. They also supported the racists candidates and elected officials like Byrd, Barrett, President Wilson "Played the pro KKK film Birth of a Nation at the White House and praised the film", Senator Black who FDR appointed to the Supreme Court, Bibb Graves (who the Klan helped get elected Governor), Clifford Walker, George Gordon, John Morgan, Edmund Pettus, John Gordon, Ben Stapleton, Harry Truman and De La Beckwith who was repeatedly the Democratic Nominee for political office after he killed Medgar Evers.... That's just a few. I can keep listing them all day. The Republican party fought Segregation and Jim Crow and even ok'd the National Guard to escort African Americans into a school. northerners fought segregation, southerners did not. Not all northerners did, in fact many opposed. Republicans were the ones who fought it. |
Edited by
Sun 06/24/18 05:29 PM
But at the same time the Democratic party is the party of Segregation, Jim Crow and racism so it's not surprising. Lyndon Johnson's exact words "We will have those Ni***r's voting Democrat for the next 100 years." Minorities in the Democratic party have been played by their own party for years. This is what happens when you don't know your own history. no, that is what happens when history is misrepresented as has been noted many time the democratic party of segregation was largely the SOUTHERN democratic party the larger SOUTHERN party now is the Republican base .. It was still the Democratic party and has nothing to do with the Republican party. The Democrat party as a whole supported those issues or they never would have held up for as long as they did. They also supported the racists candidates and elected officials like Byrd, Barrett, President Wilson "Played the pro KKK film Birth of a Nation at the White House and praised the film", Senator Black who FDR appointed to the Supreme Court, Bibb Graves (who the Klan helped get elected Governor), Clifford Walker, George Gordon, John Morgan, Edmund Pettus, John Gordon, Ben Stapleton, Harry Truman and De La Beckwith who was repeatedly the Democratic Nominee for political office after he killed Medgar Evers.... That's just a few. I can keep listing them all day. The Republican party fought Segregation and Jim Crow and even ok'd the National Guard to escort African Americans into a school. northerners fought segregation, southerners did not. Not all northerners did, in fact many opposed. Republicans were the ones who fought it. the northerners what got the bill passed, without their vote, it would not have... |
The northern Democrats supported slavery, the ones that opposed joined the Republican party.
Part of the official Northern Democrat platform "That the attempts to defeat the execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, are hostile, undermine the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect." The Northern Democratic Candidate Stephen Douglas supported slavery, owned a plantation and treated slaves horribly. Learn your history, the Republican party was a coalition of Anti Slavery Wigs and Democrats. |
The northern Democrats supported slavery, the ones that opposed joined the Republican party. Part of the official Northern Democrat platform "That the attempts to defeat the execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, are hostile, undermine the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect." The Northern Democratic Candidate Stephen Douglas supported slavery, owned a plantation and treated slaves horribly. Learn your history, the Republican party was a coalition of Anti Slavery Wigs and Democrats. republicans then and now .. NOT the same mindset,, Republicans were the 'liberals' ![]() |
The northern Democrats supported slavery, the ones that opposed joined the Republican party. Part of the official Northern Democrat platform "That the attempts to defeat the execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, are hostile, undermine the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect." The Northern Democratic Candidate Stephen Douglas supported slavery, owned a plantation and treated slaves horribly. Learn your history, the Republican party was a coalition of Anti Slavery Wigs and Democrats. republicans then and now .. NOT the same mindset,, Republicans were the 'liberals' ![]() Things change. Back then welfare didn't have all these programs that has been created. People actually needed help. Now people on welfare are living better than people paying taxes. Cutting welfare is the right thing to do. I have a friend who quit his job as an emt. A Medicaid recipient called an ambulance for an ingrown toenail. It's time we put a stop to all this ********. Not to mention illegitimate babies being born for tax payers to support. We can't make thses people be responsible but we can cut the programs. Cut the amounts received on the programs left. |
Not to mention illegitimate babies being born for tax payers to support. We can't make thses people be responsible but we can cut the programs. Cut the amounts received on the programs left.
20 to 1 she'll say she's pro-fetus. |
I'm pro choice. I know that some people aren't mentality capable of taking care of a child. One of those mom's I worked with at Honda would come to work at 1pm without eating. As soon as we got there she would start complaining she was hungry. If she didn't get out of the bed in time to feed herself, she didn't have time to feed her child either. She was a whore and screwing any man that would. She was a breeder. Her kids are neglected. Their intelligence level will be low because they aren't being taught or given any attention. Teachers will pass then along until they get pregnant and drop out.
We were working 60 to 70 hours a week and she was too stupid to even have a car to drive. We were making enough money that I was paying my monthly car payment every week. This girl was broke on Monday morning because the club, hotel and menz took all her money. Tax payers got another mouth to feed out of it.
She screwed our black boss for a better position. When he came to get her to take her to her new job, we told him she had quit because she is pregnant again. Lol. Imagine his stress level lol.
OH. I'm guessing that Honda is another great American car company?
I really don't see how your getting away with most of your comments? If I called someone a "whore " I'd of been in mingle jail! And you the sweet holy white person has the neck to call her a racist ![]() |
OH. I'm guessing that Honda is another great American car company? I really don't see how your getting away with most of your comments? If I called someone a "whore " I'd of been in mingle jail! And you the sweet holy white person has the neck to call her a racist ![]() Is she worried about the person the thug shot? Or is she only upset that a black person was shot by a white cop? Do you think the thug was running from Nazi's? You should ask yourself what's your agenda. |
A white man was shot by a cop about 2 weeks ago. Where is the outrage?
I figured you would want to talk about seating arrangements on the bus again today. Lol. I doesn't work very well since they had their own vehicle and segregation ended decades ago.
You know, like before the scared kid was ever born lol
Edited by
Mon 06/25/18 06:22 AM
A white man was shot by a cop about 2 weeks ago. Where is the outrage? Was said white person shot in the back, while running away? Or was he facing down at high noon with a gun in his hand? If he was, at least THAT cop wasn't a coward. |
Edited by
Mon 06/25/18 06:29 AM
OH. I'm guessing that Honda is another great American car company? I really don't see how your getting away with most of your comments? If I called someone a "whore " I'd of been in mingle jail! And you the sweet holy white person has the neck to call her a racist ![]() Is she worried about the person the thug shot? Or is she only upset that a black person was shot by a white cop? Do you think the thug was running from Nazi's? You should ask yourself what's your agenda. once again, your hangup about blacks is showing. I dont care what color a teen is if they are shot in the back running from a cop. I also dont know who shot the person and neither do you and neither did the cop. All they know is what someone is doing in FRONT of them and whether the person is a threat DURING THEIR encounter. A teen running away unarmed is not a threat to the person they are running from who has a gun. one has only to scroll through and see who keeps bringing up race in every topic they post to determine an 'agenda'. screwed your 'black' boss, huh? |
A white man was shot by a cop about 2 weeks ago. Where is the outrage? lol, people are shot by COPS every DAY. if they are running away unarmed and shot in the back, there should be 'outrage' (although I dont see that level of discussion in these threads). |
republicans then and now .. NOT the same mindset,, Republicans were the 'liberals' ![]() Miss Harmony this is why I and others lump you in with the Democrats 2) Democrats cannot be honest even with their smear tactics. 3) my point, you cannot compare 1956 America to 2018 America, different issues then and now and if you want really nitpick Miss Harmony I can provide proof that the Republicans then cared more about the Black folks known as "Negroes" back then. Look at the Republican and Democrat Platform of 1956 The republicans actually mentions helping "the negroes" and "negroes" are not mentioned once in the Democrat Platform, as a matter of fact the Democrat opposed using force to enforce the Supreme court decision of allowing Segregation Care to explain that? Proof just incase you think Im full of shite 1956 Democrat platform below XI. Civil Rights Recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States relating to segregation in publicly supported schools and elsewhere have brought consequences of vast importance to our Nation as a whole and especially to communities directly affected. We reject all proposals for the use of force to interfere with the orderly determination of these matters by the courts And they were praising Woodrow Wilson's policies, you do know that Woodrow Wilson was a huge racist right? 1956 Republican Platform below Civil Rights The many Negroes who have been appointed to high public positions have played a significant part in the progress of this Administration. Segregation has been ended in the District of Columbia Government and in the District public facilities including public schools, restaurants, theaters and playgrounds. The Eisenhower Administration has eliminated discrimination in all federal employment. hmmmmmmm, seems like the Republicans were out to help us black folks while the Democrats didn't really care. So which party is the racist party? |