Topic: MeToo movement, consent and intoxication
no photo
Sun 05/20/18 07:23 PM
Best choice of the two for POTUS was Trump. US needed change and not because we needed a woman.

A woman could be POTUS but Hillary wasn't the right one.

no photo
Sun 05/20/18 07:39 PM

I know the post was to Igor but Id like to chime in with some answers.

It took 100 years because it took that long for people in positions of power to become brave enough to do what was right rather than what was popular.

race relations seemed to be bad, just like sex relations will seem to be bad if we ever have a female president, because people dont complain as much when they are keeping a status quo that suits them as they do when things get shaken up. and because media was sure to highlight it more than they had before.

Trump was elected because Americans admire wealth and confuse it with skill and merit, because many people saw him as hope that the status quo that preferred them would be returned, and because a woman with a voice was running against him, and because of a falsely promoted ideal that No experience would be automatically better than poor experiences.

Im sorry Ms.harmony I dont agree.

America has always had race relation problems or cultural problems,and religious problem.

Whether it was the Native Indians, the Chinese, us Italians, the Irish, Blacks, Communists, Hispanics , Roman Catholics etc.

we are just slower to admit it and slower to get rid of it, but it does happen

Race relations were bad under Obama, and that has nothing to do with him being President, if that was the case he wouldn't have been elected TWICE.

We haven't had a female president because no female wanted the job, I will admit they had no chance up to the year 2000, but when Condoleezza rice became the first black secretary of state well that changed the game.

Even Augusta finally allowed women to be members of that elusive club, and Ms.Rice was one of the first.

How many black or minority governors have there been ? not many in the beginning (12) since 1990 12, so from 1776 to 1989 there were 12 minorities and since 1990 there have 12.

how do you explain that?

Trump was elected because he knew how to play the game, he did exactly what Obama did to McCain and Romney, Obama made them look bad, and basically said if you elect these guys you will regret and the republicans are bad and awful people, meanwhile Mccain and Romney painted Obama as a good guy but not a great leader.

Trump learned that lesson and painted HiLIARy as the horrible, mean despicable person she is and it worked, It had nothing to do with HiLIARy being a female, she was just despised all around.

Just like I told you before if Carly Fiorina won the republican nomination and she was going up against HiLIARy ,Carly would have cleaned her clock.

msharmony's photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:33 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 05/20/18 08:34 PM

I know the post was to Igor but Id like to chime in with some answers.

It took 100 years because it took that long for people in positions of power to become brave enough to do what was right rather than what was popular.

race relations seemed to be bad, just like sex relations will seem to be bad if we ever have a female president, because people dont complain as much when they are keeping a status quo that suits them as they do when things get shaken up. and because media was sure to highlight it more than they had before.

Trump was elected because Americans admire wealth and confuse it with skill and merit, because many people saw him as hope that the status quo that preferred them would be returned, and because a woman with a voice was running against him, and because of a falsely promoted ideal that No experience would be automatically better than poor experiences.

Im sorry Ms.harmony I dont agree.

America has always had race relation problems or cultural problems,and religious problem.

Whether it was the Native Indians, the Chinese, us Italians, the Irish, Blacks, Communists, Hispanics , Roman Catholics etc.

we are just slower to admit it and slower to get rid of it, but it does happen

Race relations were bad under Obama, and that has nothing to do with him being President, if that was the case he wouldn't have been elected TWICE.

We haven't had a female president because no female wanted the job, I will admit they had no chance up to the year 2000, but when Condoleezza rice became the first black secretary of state well that changed the game.

Even Augusta finally allowed women to be members of that elusive club, and Ms.Rice was one of the first.

How many black or minority governors have there been ? not many in the beginning (12) since 1990 12, so from 1776 to 1989 there were 12 minorities and since 1990 there have 12.

how do you explain that?

Trump was elected because he knew how to play the game, he did exactly what Obama did to McCain and Romney, Obama made them look bad, and basically said if you elect these guys you will regret and the republicans are bad and awful people, meanwhile Mccain and Romney painted Obama as a good guy but not a great leader.

Trump learned that lesson and painted HiLIARy as the horrible, mean despicable person she is and it worked, It had nothing to do with HiLIARy being a female, she was just despised all around.

Just like I told you before if Carly Fiorina won the republican nomination and she was going up against HiLIARy ,Carly would have cleaned her clock.

I agree.

America Has always had race relations issues.

Race relations CONTINUED to be bad under Obama, but began to get more press and coverage and be brought out more often in the media, making the elephant in the room less taboo to discuss.

as to women running, we have had at least a dozen, but as you said, they had no real chance. in the end that process is also a VOTE and in that arena they never received the votes the men did.

I would explain an uptick in minority election to the fact that until the late sixties it was LEGALLY acceptable culture to exclude and isolate them, through slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.

I NEVER saw or heard Obama depict ANYONE as a 'bad person' even Trump. If he painted Hilary as 'horrible', why would he then assign her as SOS?

OBama presented arguments with diplomacy and logic, NOTHING like what Trump did.

And yes, if the only option would have been TWO females, a female would have to have been elected.

no photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:53 PM

the reason why race relationship got so much coverage was because of social media, as you said there were racial problem in the past and as each generation continue it got better and better.

Prior to Social media there were only main street media and they reported what they wanted, when social media took off everybody and their mother is considered a journalist reporting on anything and that included race matters.

Obama let his party's people do the dirty work,but he still had the final say Obama was more diplomatic his party wasnt , the attack press in the democrat party were ruthless.

2) I didn't say Obama painted HiLIARy with bad brush, that was Trump, now speaking of Obama and HiLIARY , Obama went after her hard during the 2007
democratic primaries, you can see it on You tube. , they describe the primary, listen to what the woman had to say about that democrat debate.
example of the 2007 democrat debate between HiLIARy and Obama

even back then HiLIARy wasnt well liked and people questioned her honesty , Obama even made jabs at it, this is what he is good at.

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/21/18 02:01 AM


the reason why race relationship got so much coverage was because of social media, as you said there were racial problem in the past and as each generation continue it got better and better.

Prior to Social media there were only main street media and they reported what they wanted, when social media took off everybody and their mother is considered a journalist reporting on anything and that included race matters.

Obama let his party's people do the dirty work,but he still had the final say Obama was more diplomatic his party wasnt , the attack press in the democrat party were ruthless.

2) I didn't say Obama painted HiLIARy with bad brush, that was Trump, now speaking of Obama and HiLIARY , Obama went after her hard during the 2007
democratic primaries, you can see it on You tube. , they describe the primary, listen to what the woman had to say about that democrat debate.
example of the 2007 democrat debate between HiLIARy and Obama

even back then HiLIARy wasnt well liked and people questioned her honesty , Obama even made jabs at it, this is what he is good at.

I will disagree if race relations got 'better', the dischord certainly transformed into other more 'justifiable' forms though ... and state sanctioned BLATANT racism decreased, although more subtle forms also replaced it.

Obama and Hilary challenged each others positions by drawing attention to quotes and data that was researchable and not subjective (where they worked and when and who for cetera) Still not in line with what Trump did.

IMHO, that was a race between two qualified candidates so I cant say what tipped the scale. But when there is a qualified woman against an unqualified man, that conclusion is easier to draw.

no photo
Mon 05/21/18 05:45 AM

Just like I told you before if Carly Fiorina won the republican nomination and she was going up against HiLIARy ,Carly would have cleaned her clock.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: I think so too!!!:smile:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/21/18 10:40 AM

I have raised this issue before but Im really wondering where we are headed with this as a society. The question I have is if being under the influence of a drug or alcohol can impede ones ability to consent, why is it not just as accepted that it can impede ones ability to reason(or recognize consent)?

and even then, how will we start defining what 'consent' looks like when every person is different and reacts differently leading into intimate situations? I know I personally dont want the guy asking me every five minutes if its okay, or do I consent, or if I want them to stop cetera. For me, once its heated, its only body language and reaction that are true indicators of consent.

then there is also the matter of being persuaded, which happens in real life adult situations. Women raised a bit more traditional may not immediately be sure but may become very sure during the physical lead up to an intimate encounter, some whisper no not because they are disinterested but because they do not want to be or seem too eager.

Sex is a very complicated thing and people are very different one to the next in sexual encounters. so where do we find common ground on the topic of effective communication (and it doesnt have to be verbal) of sexual intentions or 'consent'?

I thought we were talking about this ^^^

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 06:34 AM

I have raised this issue before but Im really wondering where we are headed with this as a society. The question I have is if being under the influence of a drug or alcohol can impede ones ability to consent, why is it not just as accepted that it can impede ones ability to reason(or recognize consent)?

and even then, how will we start defining what 'consent' looks like when every person is different and reacts differently leading into intimate situations? I know I personally dont want the guy asking me every five minutes if its okay, or do I consent, or if I want them to stop cetera. For me, once its heated, its only body language and reaction that are true indicators of consent.

then there is also the matter of being persuaded, which happens in real life adult situations. Women raised a bit more traditional may not immediately be sure but may become very sure during the physical lead up to an intimate encounter, some whisper no not because they are disinterested but because they do not want to be or seem too eager.

Sex is a very complicated thing and people are very different one to the next in sexual encounters. so where do we find common ground on the topic of effective communication (and it doesnt have to be verbal) of sexual intentions or 'consent'?

It's not complicated.

Just don't have sex without a signed and notarized contract. Although several companies are developing "consent apps" where the female in question clicks yes, after which consent is uploaded to secure servers, in case she suffers from "morning-after regrets".

And in other news: Powerful man tries to have sex with beautiful woman!

The whole "me too" thing is laughable. Men (powerful or not) have been trying to have sex with beautiful women since the age of the dinosaurs. It's kind of hard coded into our DNA. Do these people really think they're going to reverse 2,000,000+ years of biology and evolution?

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 05/22/18 07:00 AM
We have deleted several post from this thread.

Please stay on Topic without all the insults..

Political Forums are for debates only do not attack others for their opinion... You may discuss what they post but not attack them for their opinions...

Site Admin

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 09:23 AM

I will disagree if race relations got 'better', the dischord certainly transformed into other more 'justifiable' forms though ... and state sanctioned BLATANT racism decreased, although more subtle forms also replaced it.

Obama and Hilary challenged each others positions by drawing attention to quotes and data that was researchable and not subjective (where they worked and when and who for cetera) Still not in line with what Trump did.

IMHO, that was a race between two qualified candidates so I cant say what tipped the scale. But when there is a qualified woman against an unqualified man, that conclusion is easier to draw.

I disagree race relationships was getting better in America, I mean look at interracial marriages and relationships today?

50 years ago if a white person married a black person it was looked down upon, today most folks wont blink an eye, the exception is those who are bigots and alt right whack jobs.

2) you still haven't explained what "TRUMP DID".

3) you keep bringing up that the reason Americans voted for Trump because HiLIARy is a woman, you're trying to cleverly say that an experience person like HiLIARy should have been enough to win against an inexperience guy like Trump , so therefore the only reason why Trump won because America is not ready for a Woman President.

And that is nonsense.

I posted earlier, Obama won the democratic primary and he was the least experienced.

I posted earlier that Obama cleaned John McCain's clock in 2008, a lesser experienced multi racial man against an establish war veteran man in McCain.

You cant claim experience is the key when your former president beat the odds every time.

By your logic Obama shouldn't have been president, I wonder if Obama lost in 2008 would you have said he lost because he is multi racial/african american too and this proves Americans are racists?

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/22/18 10:45 AM

I will disagree if race relations got 'better', the dischord certainly transformed into other more 'justifiable' forms though ... and state sanctioned BLATANT racism decreased, although more subtle forms also replaced it.

Obama and Hilary challenged each others positions by drawing attention to quotes and data that was researchable and not subjective (where they worked and when and who for cetera) Still not in line with what Trump did.

IMHO, that was a race between two qualified candidates so I cant say what tipped the scale. But when there is a qualified woman against an unqualified man, that conclusion is easier to draw.

I disagree race relationships was getting better in America, I mean look at interracial marriages and relationships today?

50 years ago if a white person married a black person it was looked down upon, today most folks wont blink an eye, the exception is those who are bigots and alt right whack jobs.

2) you still haven't explained what "TRUMP DID".

3) you keep bringing up that the reason Americans voted for Trump because HiLIARy is a woman, you're trying to cleverly say that an experience person like HiLIARy should have been enough to win against an inexperience guy like Trump , so therefore the only reason why Trump won because America is not ready for a Woman President.

And that is nonsense.

I posted earlier, Obama won the democratic primary and he was the least experienced.

I posted earlier that Obama cleaned John McCain's clock in 2008, a lesser experienced multi racial man against an establish war veteran man in McCain.

You cant claim experience is the key when your former president beat the odds every time.

By your logic Obama shouldn't have been president, I wonder if Obama lost in 2008 would you have said he lost because he is multi racial/african american too and this proves Americans are racists?

I dont consider people marrying because they were finally LEGALLY permitted to as proof of relations improving, there have always been interracial relationship, whether with legal validation or not ...

What Trump did was run a campaign of divisiveness and attack, putting media in cages, calling them out from jump as a basic untrustworthy enemy, painting muslims as a group to be 'watched', painting immigrants as indecent, attacking women's appearance, encouraging and applauding violence , using personal marital problems as fodder ... painting himself as the only one to receive truth or progress with ... and on and on ...

Obama HAD experience, McCain had experience

experience is a KEY QUALIFIER to enter the RACE , and from there the best candidate should win on their collective merits, like most jobs ...

There are many things that demonstrate America has an issue with Sexism and Racism, taking this long to have a black or female president could be one, but I would not claim it as irrefutable fact

no photo
Tue 05/22/18 12:02 PM
I dont consider people marrying because they were finally LEGALLY permitted to as proof of relations improving, there have always been interracial relationship, whether with legal validation or not

Sure it is Ms.Harmony, do you see many black folks being charged with being with a white woman today? Like it was in the 1950’s with Chuck Berry or the 1940’s with Boxer Jack Johnson?

What Trump did was run a campaign of divisiveness and attack, putting media in cages, calling them out from jump as a basic untrustworthy enemy, painting muslims as a group to be 'watched', painting immigrants as indecent, attacking women's appearance, encouraging and applauding violence , using personal marital problems as fodder ... painting himself as the only one to receive truth or progress with ... and on and on ...

OMG you really don’t know your history, American presidential races have always been a dragged out , nasty affair, going back to the 1824 race between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Jackson actually killed a man in a duel over this..
Adams told the media that General Jackson mother was a prostitute brought to the US by British soldiers and married a mulatto man

1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Adams repeated used Jefferson extra marital affair with his slave Sally Hemmings as proof on why he shouldn’t be president

LBJ and Goldwater was also nasty making children’s book showing Goldwater in KKK robes out campaigning and the famous “daisy ads”
, Nixon and Humphrey was really nasty and also Democrat Edmunk Muskie.

Attacking appearences is nothing new.

Obama HAD experience, McCain had experience

You’re stretching it now, Biden had more experience than Obama ten times over, HiLIARy had more experience than Obama, McCain had 10 times more experience than Obama.

Where I agree is America had issues with Sexism and Racism, but we have come a long way since the 1960’s but everything to you is an outlier.

That is fact.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/22/18 12:07 PM
I don't believe women that are intoxicated are any different than men

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/22/18 12:11 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 05/22/18 12:13 PM
The act of marriage is a LEGAL act. it does nothing to prove who is actually having relationship. so that the numbers marrying do not prove a difference in the numbers having relationships.

There is nothing new under the sun. For sure. But there are still standards that most people have of what is appropriate or not. In MY LIFETIME, I have not seen it accepted for a POTUS to be that divisive and behave in such a way on their campaign trail, at least not any that have made it to the office.

And once again, I have stated many times over that the idea that someone has SOME EXPERIENCE is different than an idea of who has MORE EXPERIENCE or MERITS.

but for me, it starts with having SOME experience.

We have come a long way with how the laws are written. However, our culture has only mutated to different TYPES of racism being manifested and exhibited and practiced.

The law does not support mass killing or hangings, or mass police brutality anymore, and it has stepped up to count women and minorities as citizens with a voice and a vote, which is awesome

But much of the underlying ideology and culture is still there.

no photo
Sat 05/26/18 05:30 AM

I don't believe women that are intoxicated are any different than men

Are there any more at home like you?

Few women can see the irony in screaming about "taking control" and "personal responsibility" when it comes to things like abortion and careers, yet turn into helpless little waifs, needing a man to make all their choices and protect them after a few shots of tequila.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 05/26/18 09:30 AM
IMO....if a drunk women can't give consent and the man is charged...why isn't the man?

If 2 drunks have willing sex, the are both impaired.

I get if someone is drugged (yes women eill drug someone too). If one os drunk and the other sober, I get that. It is hypocritical to think a man can't be too intoxicated to use that excuse

no photo
Sat 05/26/18 10:31 AM

Hell if what they're saying in the news is right ..we're all on drugs a veritable cocktail of's in the drinking water.

You know over the years we have seen the smooth talking rhetoric get us nowhere..maybe it was just time to get down and dirty in order to uproot which obviously is a deep state rooted problem..

If it took a little nastiness to get the job done than so be it..To me it's been well worth it..

Just look at all that has been uncovered that damn for sure needed to be..and if Trump hadn't been would have probably been more of the same crap that we've been dealin with for a long time..

Hillary's onion is slowly being peeled and hopefully she will be going away for a long time and the rest of them as well..

So good for Trump and good for us..and if the Russians helped ..well thank you Russians and Julian Assange and anyone else who brought these atrocities to light..All I can say is's about time..spock


msharmony's photo
Sat 05/26/18 10:33 AM
What did Hilary or Trump have to do with #MeToo and consent? what

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 05/26/18 11:47 AM

What did Hilary or Trump have to do with #MeToo and consent? what

I actually agree :thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 05/26/18 04:29 PM
Edited by Viper1j on Sat 05/26/18 04:30 PM

Best choice of the two for POTUS was Trump. US needed change and not because we needed a woman.

A woman could be POTUS but Hillary wasn't the right one.

And exactly why was "change" so critical to your life at this point?

And where did you get the idea that all change is good? There's an island in Hawaii, that's going through significant "change" right now, and not many people are very happy about it. Hitler changed Germany, there weren't too many people happy about that either.

So now, and incestuous pedophile sits in the Oval Office, attempting to shred the very document he swore an oath to protect and defend.

I think in the end, we'll all find out that it was not a very good change either.