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Topic: Airports
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Sun 04/29/18 02:52 PM
The part where I see him love love bigsmile

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Sun 04/29/18 02:59 PM
Here it is!

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/29/18 05:15 PM

I recently spent the night in the Denver Airport. I liked the little lounge area on level 6, it over looked the busy part of the airport but gave you a comfy feeling. Security was great, you could fall asleep and not worry about someone walking off with your luggage. It was one of the cleanest airports I've been in as well.

The best part was the bagel shop that was open all night... really good coffee!

I’m at that airport fairly often. Dallas, Denver, and O’Hare. One time I hit up Pittsburgh. The girl that sat next to me from Austin to OHare I saw later on the train thing in Pittsburgh. Weird how it seems some people follow you across multiple flights.

Probably Air Marshalls keeping an eye on you.

no photo
Sun 04/29/18 05:24 PM

The airport is the only place to get Cinnabon in my area. Everything is brighter with a Cinnabon in hand. biggrin
Is this a pastry? happy can you explain. Been years since I was in a airport.

GearGrinder83's photo
Sun 04/29/18 05:32 PM

Airports are a great place to people watch! if you like that sort of thing.

I like walking up and down the terminals and look at which city they are going to and then look at the folks waiting, noticing the differences. All the Texas cities you got guys like me in plaid button up shirts. Chicago or north east you got dark solid colors and formal attire. MN WI and OR you got a look I can only describe as “maple syrup”

GearGrinder83's photo
Sun 04/29/18 05:37 PM

I recently spent the night in the Denver Airport. I liked the little lounge area on level 6, it over looked the busy part of the airport but gave you a comfy feeling. Security was great, you could fall asleep and not worry about someone walking off with your luggage. It was one of the cleanest airports I've been in as well.

The best part was the bagel shop that was open all night... really good coffee!

I’m at that airport fairly often. Dallas, Denver, and O’Hare. One time I hit up Pittsburgh. The girl that sat next to me from Austin to OHare I saw later on the train thing in Pittsburgh. Weird how it seems some people follow you across multiple flights.

Probably Air Marshalls keeping an eye on you.

Yeah airports are like Nineteen Eighty-Four. I always get special treatment going through the TSA line. They are fairly cool most of them. They try to make small talk and lighten the mood make jokes and such.. but then comes the full body search

Arizona_Coughee's photo
Mon 07/02/18 03:26 AM
My favorite part of the airport is when the back wheels of the airplane start lifting off the ground and the airport quickly is left in your JP4 exhaust...

... assuming the motors don’t grub down on any 🦅 ‘s on the climb out, and the gear and flaps fully retract

no photo
Thu 10/04/18 08:46 PM
Everything about Changi Airport Singapore. Amazing place.

no photo
Thu 10/04/18 10:04 PM
I love being in an airport. So much going on. I'm weird that way.

no photo
Thu 10/04/18 10:34 PM
Sitting in a quiet lounge watching the planes take off and land is the most enjoyable part for me.

Red's photo
Sat 10/13/18 07:35 AM
Edited by Red on Sat 10/13/18 07:36 AM
People watching. Seeing how people going to various destinations are dressed and hearing how they talk. I recently flew back from LAX (worst airport I've ever been in for a domestic flight) and most of the women in LA had so much collagen in their lips they looked like they smelled something bad!

Rock's photo
Sat 10/13/18 10:52 AM
If, at an airport in the U.S.,
I generally try to look suspicious,
just to mess with the TSA.

no photo
Sat 10/13/18 11:00 AM

I recently spent the night in the Denver Airport. I liked the little lounge area on level 6, it over looked the busy part of the airport but gave you a comfy feeling. Security was great, you could fall asleep and not worry about someone walking off with your luggage. It was one of the cleanest airports I've been in as well.

The best part was the bagel shop that was open all night... really good coffee!

I’m at that airport fairly often. Dallas, Denver, and O’Hare. One time I hit up Pittsburgh. The girl that sat next to me from Austin to OHare I saw later on the train thing in Pittsburgh. Weird how it seems some people follow you across multiple flights.

I'll be there again on November 5th.

I'm traveling North on October 24th and will be spending a couple hours in the Philadelphia airport. I had a choice between a layover there or in LaGuardia in New York City, that would have been 4 hours. I haven't been to either, but chose Philly because it's a shorter time.

I've found most main terminals to be cool so far. I'm looking forward to more travel over the next year.

no photo
Sat 10/13/18 05:52 PM
Red said, people watching.

no photo
Sat 10/13/18 06:00 PM
River, airports are the best place to people watch. There are so many things going on! I love airports. Good luck to you. K

no photo
Sun 10/14/18 02:09 AM
CLT airport seems to be in constant flux of construction... PTI had a comfy feel to it... LAG was nice... JFK felt sterile... Enjoyed DFW... DTW is awesome... LAX *smh*... IND feels roomy even when crowded... Two airports abroad are breathtaking...

I, too, enjoy people watching while at an airport..

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