Topic: How many girls / women would like a live in relationship. | |
Mention why you like a live in relationship.
Most prefer a house or condo
Thanks but no thanks
Will never do live in.. I prefer marriage.. that proves that the man is certain that he sees me as his forever.. that he loves me truly and that he doesn't want me to go
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"Who ever" want to be with me,
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Will never do live in.. I prefer marriage.. that proves that the man is certain that he sees me as his forever.. that he loves me truly and that he doesn't want me to go ![]() I understand what you are saying. But here in the USA, that's not necessarily true. The great majority of people now do not take marriage seriously anymore. Marriage will not cause a man to stay with you. The great majority of people here do not marry for the right reasons anymore. I've seen women marry just so she could get child support and be able to say she was married when she got pregnant. I've seen men marry a woman just because the sex was good and regular. I've seen women marry a man just because he was a good provider. Had a good job. Then something bad happens to the guy and he can't work anymore. The money gets tight, the wife can't stand it and she leaves. Marriage, too many here is no longer about being truly in love with each other. It's no longer about, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, or unto death do us part. Now, it seems it's more about the monetary. I know that many may not like what I say here, but it's the truth as best I know it. Many women here have asserted their independence to the point that they have caused themselves to be alone. With that and a few other things, many men being the way they are, the institution of marriage is now all but dead. Me personally, I would rather be married. But, with what I've personally seen out of women now, here, I don't that I ever will again. Many women that I've met that are my age and single, still don't know what real love and commitment are. Out of there mouths, they spout wanting it. But really don't know what it is. In all truthfulness, in the years since my divorce, I don't think I've met but one that I ever considered marrying. The others, for various reasons, the idea of marrying was scary, to say the least. I know that there are many not so good men out there. But, there are a lot of not so good women too. |
u r funny
Will never do live in.. I prefer marriage.. that proves that the man is certain that he sees me as his forever.. that he loves me truly and that he doesn't want me to go ![]() I understand what you are saying. But here in the USA, that's not necessarily true. The great majority of people now do not take marriage seriously anymore. Marriage will not cause a man to stay with you. The great majority of people here do not marry for the right reasons anymore. I've seen women marry just so she could get child support and be able to say she was married when she got pregnant. I've seen men marry a woman just because the sex was good and regular. I've seen women marry a man just because he was a good provider. Had a good job. Then something bad happens to the guy and he can't work anymore. The money gets tight, the wife can't stand it and she leaves. Marriage, too many here is no longer about being truly in love with each other. It's no longer about, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, or unto death do us part. Now, it seems it's more about the monetary. I know that many may not like what I say here, but it's the truth as best I know it. Many women here have asserted their independence to the point that they have caused themselves to be alone. With that and a few other things, many men being the way they are, the institution of marriage is now all but dead. Me personally, I would rather be married. But, with what I've personally seen out of women now, here, I don't that I ever will again. Many women that I've met that are my age and single, still don't know what real love and commitment are. Out of there mouths, they spout wanting it. But really don't know what it is. In all truthfulness, in the years since my divorce, I don't think I've met but one that I ever considered marrying. The others, for various reasons, the idea of marrying was scary, to say the least. I know that there are many not so good men out there. But, there are a lot of not so good women too. I know what you mean.. I have friends from your country after joining dating sites and most of them got married and had divorce... those that you mention were some of the reasons.. (they don't really know what marriage means.. sad reality) Here in the Philippines too.. they're marrying someone but after some time they end up separating Even if I know that reality, I still wanna believe in marriage.. I still believe that it is sacred and that the reason why we're marrying them is because we love them and we want them to be our forever... Maybe that's reason why until now I am single.. I am picky and careful.. I want someone who will truly love me and someone who won't leave me when challenges come.. I want to face those things with him.. I don't want an annulment/divorce.. if one day I meet a man,, I won't leave him except when he's hurting me physically or when he's unfaithful (has a mistress) other than that, I won't... we'll do and we'll face things together ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mention why you like a live in relationship.
I don't unless we're planning on getting married, or we've set up absolute and legal boundaries based on a roommate situation. I am picky and careful.. I want someone who will truly love me and someone who won't leave me when challenges come
This is my frustration with online dating anymore. Not to say that you are this way, I just run into a lot of polarized concept women when I contact them. Not all but a seemingly vast majority are either like a 5 year old saying "I refuse to go to kindergarten unless I am guaranteed a job and pension and insurance when I finish college, but I don't want to sign anything now, I just need you to guarantee I will have that." Or they're all "Sure, I'd love to date and get to know you. I'm not relationship shopping. Oh, by the way, I have a FWB, and 30 guy 'just friends.' One guy fixes all my stuff, one guy works on my car, one guy pays for my credit cards, one guy comes over and kills bugs for me, one guy we hang out and chill and just get drunk with. No, I'm not like those dreamy eyed Disney princess girls needing instant commitment. Let's go get a drink and bowl or something! Sounds fun!" Or they're some kind of combination. "Sure, let's go out. But I'm not looking for a man, I don't need a man, I want someone to share my life with. And by that I mean I have my own space and you have yours, you stay in your hermetically sealed box until I want to play with you. When I'm tired of that, you need to know when that is and go back to your hermetically sealed box and then come back out when I feel the urge to play dating and relationship." |
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Or they're some kind of combination. "Sure, let's go out. But I'm not looking for a man, I don't need a man, I want someone to share my life with. And by that I mean I have my own space and you have yours, you stay in your hermetically sealed box until I want to play with you. When I'm tired of that, you need to know when that is and go back to your hermetically sealed box and then come back out when I feel the urge to play dating and relationship."
He is saying this in a round-about way. But there is some truth in it. I've seen it many times myself. Many spout that same crap, "I'm looking for a man, "But I don't need one" They want a committed relationship. But they want to keep you at arm's distance too. Many want to play house. They want a commitment, but they don't want everything that goes with it. At one time a woman would take it as an insult if you slept with her, then sometime in the night slip out. For many, it's not that way anymore. Out of there mouth they say they want commitment. But want you when they want you. Many, I'd say in the past 20 or 30 years, They want the "sex" end of the man. But they don't want the man that's attached to it. For many now, they don't get upset because you left after the deed was done. It's you left before they had a chance to tell you too. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here. In all honesty, it's really sad the way things are now. I think there are still some good women out there looking for a good man. I think there are still some out there that don't mind admitting they need a man. Even though they are getting fewer and farther between. |
Cause living outside sucks....duh...
Edited by
SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Wed 01/31/18 02:32 AM
Or they're some kind of combination. "Sure, let's go out. But I'm not looking for a man, I don't need a man, I want someone to share my life with. And by that I mean I have my own space and you have yours, you stay in your hermetically sealed box until I want to play with you. When I'm tired of that, you need to know when that is and go back to your hermetically sealed box and then come back out when I feel the urge to play dating and relationship."
He is saying this in a round-about way. But there is some truth in it. I've seen it many times myself. Many spout that same crap, "I'm looking for a man, "But I don't need one" They want a committed relationship. But they want to keep you at arm's distance too. Many want to play house. They want a commitment, but they don't want everything that goes with it. At one time a woman would take it as an insult if you slept with her, then sometime in the night slip out. For many, it's not that way anymore. Out of there mouth they say they want commitment. But want you when they want you. Many, I'd say in the past 20 or 30 years, They want the "sex" end of the man. But they don't want the man that's attached to it. For many now, they don't get upset because you left after the deed was done. It's you left before they had a chance to tell you too. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here. In all honesty, it's really sad the way things are now. I think there are still some good women out there looking for a good man. I think there are still some out there that don't mind admitting they need a man. Even though they are getting fewer and farther between. Maybe it's because too many men have slipped out in the night after the deed and have thus hurt woman one too many times. There's a gazillion men out there with serious commitment issues who often start a 'relationship' but never truly commit. They can stay in such a relationship for even over 10 years without ever committing. Then one day he f*(ks of with another, knocks her up and marries her. Many men never gotten over 1 of their exes, yet are looking for another woman? If they had baws they'd stay single so at least they wouldn't hurt other women along their selfish path of not working through the pain of divorcing that particular ex. But they want to have fun, don't and cannot be alone, so they find someone new regardless, and basically use her. Keep her at arms' length, never commit. Did it ever dawn on you that women sense this? And get hurt by this? So yeah, then you end up doing the same thing to protect yourself. And let's face it: most women want a solid commitment, most men don't. All of what I've said is reflected on M2 as well. Many male members simply stating they don't want to or cannot commit anymore. Some don't say it directly but when you read between the lines it's there. Finding a healthy mature man who is able and willing to commit is very difficult. Especially for women in their 40s as men in their 40s are the worst to have to deal with. It's so bad that as a woman in her 40s wanting a man your own age you simply have to wait till you're a bit older to be able to find a mature man. Usually in their 50s men settle down a bit, but again, many don't. In all honesty neither gender is to blame for the dynamic behind this -which goes much further than this bit above. But it would become a helluva lot easier if men were able and willing to work through their problems and issues with an ex instead of remaining stuck in holding a grudge for the rest of their lives. And by this, hurting other women who have nothing to do with it. And now we have to feel bad for protecting ourselves from getting used? Basically you're saying: it was a lot better when a man could use a woman for sex and she felt insulted when he sneaked out during the night. Wow. That is really something to be proud of! Hooray for masculinity for having respect for women. |
Or they're some kind of combination. "Sure, let's go out. But I'm not looking for a man, I don't need a man, I want someone to share my life with. And by that I mean I have my own space and you have yours, you stay in your hermetically sealed box until I want to play with you. When I'm tired of that, you need to know when that is and go back to your hermetically sealed box and then come back out when I feel the urge to play dating and relationship."
He is saying this in a round-about way. But there is some truth in it. I've seen it many times myself. Many spout that same crap, "I'm looking for a man, "But I don't need one" They want a committed relationship. But they want to keep you at arm's distance too. Many want to play house. They want a commitment, but they don't want everything that goes with it. At one time a woman would take it as an insult if you slept with her, then sometime in the night slip out. For many, it's not that way anymore. Out of there mouth they say they want commitment. But want you when they want you. Many, I'd say in the past 20 or 30 years, They want the "sex" end of the man. But they don't want the man that's attached to it. For many now, they don't get upset because you left after the deed was done. It's you left before they had a chance to tell you too. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here. In all honesty, it's really sad the way things are now. I think there are still some good women out there looking for a good man. I think there are still some out there that don't mind admitting they need a man. Even though they are getting fewer and farther between. Maybe it's because too many men have slipped out in the night after the deed and have thus hurt woman one too many times. There's a gazillion men out there with serious commitment issues who often start a 'relationship' but never truly commit. They can stay in such a relationship for even over 10 years without ever committing. Then one day he f*(ks of with another, knocks her up and marries her. Many men never gotten over 1 of their exes, yet are looking for another woman? If they had baws they'd stay single so at least they wouldn't hurt other women along their selfish path of not working through the pain of divorcing that particular ex. But they want to have fun, don't and cannot be alone, so they find someone new regardless, and basically use her. Keep her at arms' length, never commit. Did it ever dawn on you that women sense this? And get hurt by this? So yeah, then you end up doing the same thing to protect yourself. And let's face it: most women want a solid commitment, most men don't. All of what I've said is reflected on M2 as well. Many male members simply stating they don't want to or cannot commit anymore. Some don't say it directly but when you read between the lines it's there. Finding a healthy mature man who is able and willing to commit is very difficult. Especially for women in their 40s as men in their 40s are the worst to have to deal with. It's so bad that as a woman in her 40s wanting a man your own age you simply have to wait till you're a bit older to be able to find a mature man. Usually in their 50s men settle down a bit, but again, many don't. In all honesty neither gender is to blame for the dynamic behind this -which goes much further than this bit above. But it would become a helluva lot easier if men were able and willing to work through their problems and issues with an ex instead of remaining stuck in holding a grudge for the rest of their lives. ^^^^^ ![]() ![]() |