Topic: American Poet Auditions Here
Jimi366's photo
Mon 11/13/06 12:49 PM

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 01:04 PM
Your laughter rings across the room
As your smile appears like magic,
It is the same vision Leonardo saw in
The Mona Lisa, which is tragic—

For me I cannot escape your eyes,
Your smile or your ringing laughter.
My soul has its walking shoes and wherever
Your heart goes I am sure to follow after.

You dance into my dreams at night
And bring me hope and joy.
I look upon your timeless beauty,
Which is sometimes not too coy.

I am the art critic who must reveal
As I look into your wondrous eyes.
The everlasting hope I feel
Each time my heart gives rise.

I just want you to know
Some things can’t be explained,
Like the butterflies who live inside
Whose powers cannot be restrained.

Let your butterflies be free
And our hearts beat as one,
And in this time of glorious love
You will see, we both have won.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 11/13/06 01:11 PM
I like this one!

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 01:19 PM

foreplay is the game for me,
for me to see,how she squirms for me,
and to get more time to play,
having her climb up the walls,
this is a passion that calls,
for me I just likes to play,
when we get to it,and you wanna do it,
you'll feel my mouth and say,
just another minute,I wants you in it,
please make me weak in the knees,
your toungue is fun, now give your fun gun,
and baby make it last all day,Please,
foreplay is my say,think I'll stay,
and tease you more today,and I tease,
'cause when I get to it,oh,yes I'd do it,
after my mouth had it's way,
I have found,I can throw you down,
and make sweet Love to you,lasting all day........M.

Maliciousmac's photo
Mon 11/13/06 02:29 PM
If I were a blind man
I would easily be able to see
Your gift is giving
And you give it freely to me

If I were a deaf man
I'd hear your words more clear
Through sight not sound
I could see your love my dear

If I were a mute man
I'd speak to you, my dove
Through actions taken delicately
You'd always hear my love

If I were a dead man
I keep your place beside me
Through Heaven or Hell I'd wait for you
Til your time to join in eternity

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 02:49 PM

-Mother Of Them All-

Come sit quietly beside me
Whilst I weave a tale
Of passion and death
Seperate yet the same

She rose from the mists
Brushing the dirt and leaves from her hair
So long under the tomb
So hungry, exsisting solely on vermins blood
So many years alone
Never hearing any of the others cry out

Clawing the webs from her eyes
Peering into the darkness
Pulling deep breaths of the night air into her lungs
Tilting her head slightly to the right
She strains her ears
Listening intently

Softly on the breeze
There it is again
A cry of pain in the nigh
Utter anguish

A soft wind blows
She raises her face to the moon
Breathes deeply
She walks on

There she thinks
To the North
I can smell them
She starts to sing a low quiet song
Calling to them
Come closer my dears

I am the Mother of them All
Come now my children
Walk with me tonight
Gather at my feet
I shall feed you well

The mindless and soulless
They come across the land
Far and wide
Heeding to my song
Little drones
Coming to the slaughter
She runs her tongue across her fangs
In anticipation
Willing lambs to fall upon deaths platter

Running with grace
She takes flight
Streaking across a moonlit sky
The hunger rages deep inside her
A hunger no mere mortal can quench

Tonight yes tonight
She must make her mate
Take him
Forcing him to forsake
All he has known

His scent fills her nose
Cloying and sweet
Like a decaying rose
Oh my sweet I come for you

A lonley herder on the moor
Strong and beautiful
His soul shines so bright
Blinding her with its light

Settling down upon the ground
She quietly walks to him
Singing her desire
Willing it gently
To set him a fire

Gazing deeply into his eyes
Licking her lips
She whispers
My darling, it won't hurt for long
Just a little prick
Hush my darling just hear my song

Quickly she nips at his neck
Sinking them deeper
Sucking gently
Soft moans arise from her throat
Just a taste is all she needs

Laying him down among the grasses
His body shudders
He cries out at the pain
Hush my darling she whispers
Soon you will feed from me

Raising her wrist
With a fleeting swipe
Her blood pours out
Into his mouth
Drink now my darling

Body contorting
Twisting and writhing
Screams turn to whimpers
She has sealed his fate

Gathering him in her arms
She takes to the night sky once again
Back to the tomb
Beneath the ground
Soon he will come around

Wrapped in her arms
He learns of passion never known
Like a poison running through his veins
Her life is his
Entwined within

From death arises life
From life arises passion

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 02:58 PM
Final Entry

-Death's Doll-
I am but a toy to you
Death's doll
You sit me on the shelf
Take me down when you're alone
I am deaths doll
I am but a shell
bones and dust
Death's doll
I am but a toy to you

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 03:11 PM
you lil vamp you,sweet lil minx you,
sink your teeth into my heart,
feel my pulse,my mortal soul will fall,
Lil' vamp, you've made your stamp on us all,
to touch,much hurt,and much love,
cries from high above,
frightened people,
behind a churches steeple,
lonely are our souls,
give of you,to give souls,imortality,
to be this lonely one,undead,no fatality,
never fears,never tears,no humanity,
you would suck with delite,
fangs struck like a knife
delite in taking a life,
to feed your lonely soul,
to my hearts true,
I love this poem too,
but your scaring,
my lonely heart's true............M.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 03:16 PM
good work heart soars for us all...........M.

purplecat's photo
Mon 11/13/06 04:09 PM
hope you can let a canadian enter eh..o.k here goes..have not written a
poem in a long time..sat down and's my first
I'm gonna try to do more ..k ..

the road is long with many stops along the way
I stop awhile to enjoy a sunny day
get lost amid the sunny distraction
now I can't remember,what was the attraction
and time flew by with points to ponder
as I am now lost in the wild blue yonder.

Maliciousmac's photo
Mon 11/13/06 04:18 PM
Thanks M... you have some nice pieces yourself my friend

I don't think anyone minds purplecat ;) It was good, keep it coming.

purplecat's photo
Mon 11/13/06 04:37 PM
okay .here'z another hot of the hand.....
Icy wind roars through the hush
I take a leap and feel the rush
as branches hit me through the falling breeze
I think again , not to leap from trees
and just before the horrible land, I am caught by a friendly hand.

Maliciousmac's photo
Mon 11/13/06 04:46 PM
My heart beats softly within my chest,
Filled with memories of unrest,
It keeps me safe, it guards my feeling,
It tells me stop or go with whom I am dealing,
Through secrets told, and only to me,
I know my hearts wish is to be set free,
No more burdens, no more pain...
No false hopes, none shall remain,
When it feels the choice is near,
I nudges me to act, my dear,
But to whom shall I give my heart?
Someone close or far apart?
"No." my heart says, "that's not the right thought"
"I've done some searching, look, see what I've brought"
And there she is, no distance too great,
She's fun and kind, someone I can appreciate,
Is she really someone whom I can admire?
Can I speak to her of my most intimate desire?
When the day I know the clue,
I'll be there awaiting you....
You know who you are, my Angel in white,
And I to you will be your Knight,
To wisk away the sorrow in life
Though there will be some kind of strife,
The bond I'll share,
Will never dispair,
And one day you'll see,
Both hearts filled with glee,
Yes, of course! Your heart speaks too,
Beating softly inside of you,
Take the time to hear its plea,
And in time, you'll be here beside me...


iceprincess's photo
Mon 11/13/06 04:56 PM
two hearts beat as one
blood rushing hot through veins
i see your eyes above mine
I sink within their fathomless depths
I feel your arms holding me tight
tighter and tighter as we dance the night away
your face is a mystery to me only your eyes do I see
along the banks of my stream we lay
stars our ceiling
shadows our blanket
i close my eyes as off to sleep I drift
i hear your heartbeat I am surrounded by it
I look up into your eyes
I see love looking down at me
my faceless stranger a mystery no more

for mac

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:02 PM
I see

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:06 PM
sorry y'all...gotta go,
please let me know?
kinda lost my appetite,for today,maybe tommorrw.

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:11 PM
“A dream within a dream”

I see the world unite as one
And all to understand
That we’re all one people
Let's walk hand in hand

I see friends throughout the land
Each with feeling hearts
And the comfort of a touch
To help when the hurting starts

Smiles across the nations
As there is enough to eat
And great big hugs given
Each time two friends greet

Unity as all are equals
Money does not exist
Materialism is gone to rest
True love is too much to resist

Secular exclusion has passed away
Given in to inclusiveness of everyone
Brothers and sisters joining in
To celebrate the joyous day that's come

Tears of joy…the ones cried the most
But that's easy to understand
All sadness can’t be eliminated
Death is the curse to man

I hope that with the arrival of each new day
That new eyes will see
That we can truly live as one
Only wealth and greed destroys the chance for unity

Maliciousmac's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:12 PM
My heart skips, it misses a beat,
I can barely remain on my feet,
Its joy in finding this special link,
Has abled them to rhyme in sync,
Your heart speaks to mine, my sweet,
And aches for the day that they will meet,
Our hearts now beating as though they were one,
Will carry us places we never could have gone,
And so my dear I feel I must ask,
Are you sure you feel up to this task?
Because you see, I protect my heart,
I won't allow it to be torn apart,
But if you be true,
And give all of you,
Our days together will never be blue.....


Dedicated to Ice

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:25 PM
Desperate visions clinging to the closet rails
Like moth too in love with the flame to let go
Before being burned by the need
I am hoping for blood
You make this real
I count on you to pull
Me through
This hole
This moment
This dream
What flame doth smoke my mind
As I jump from the window of conciousness
Below to the street of you
Corners narrow and dim
Corridors lit with the darklight of the lost
Just enough for me to not see them
When they come for me
Heart guns drawn and cocked to take my soul
Down into the grim place where we all fear to go
The maze spins on and time becomes my enemy once again
Clocks ring in my ears defeating the sounds of the gunshots
Coming to take me away
Coming to take me
Coming to take
Coming to
Co..... WILL

iceprincess's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:31 PM
this task is one I wish to take
this future one I wish to make
my heart to is protected dear
within walls of blue ice so sheer
slowly so slowly they melt away
to allow me to feel more than I can say
one wish of you i do ask
please remember it's fragility
as I tell you of my wishes, fears and
as I give all of me to thee
for in these words are my feeling true
my soul could no more bare be
what I wish and need is written in these lines for all to see
I give myself, all of me , to thee

for mac