Topic: *Memorial Day* | |
Hi mystical. What may I ask is this day commemorating? I can see what looks like head stones in a battle field cemetery?
Ours is the 11th of the 11th |
Hi mystical. What may I ask is this day commemorating? I can see what looks like head stones in a battle field cemetery? Ours is the 11th of the 11th Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. Many also use it to remember all their loved ones that have passed. It originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868. Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veterans Day; Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving, while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. I celebrate it by remembering those who died serving the public interest. Firefighters, paramedics, police and the like. For many it is a day of rememberance. Some people do a memorial tour of their local region. Placing flowers and flags on graves and memorials. Many people celebrate it with outside activities. Grilling, picnics, marathons, hiking and even parades. Many mark the day as the start of summertime activities and end the summer on Labor Day. I pick up some small flags and quietly plant them in the front lawns of the fallen I know about. I then return home for some grilling and a beer or go to a park for a picnic. When I was younger, we always went swimming. |
Hi mystical. What may I ask is this day commemorating? I can see what looks like head stones in a battle field cemetery? Ours is the 11th of the 11th Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. Many also use it to remember all their loved ones that have passed. It originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868. Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veterans Day; Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving, while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. I celebrate it by remembering those who died serving the public interest. Firefighters, paramedics, police and the like. For many it is a day of rememberance. Some people do a memorial tour of their local region. Placing flowers and flags on graves and memorials. Many people celebrate it with outside activities. Grilling, picnics, marathons, hiking and even parades. Many mark the day as the start of summertime activities and end the summer on Labor Day. I pick up some small flags and quietly plant them in the front lawns of the fallen I know about. I then return home for some grilling and a beer or go to a park for a picnic. When I was younger, we always went swimming. Thank you for that tom. It's important to remember them all. Every year I go to Normandy in France 'D day ' there are still many old American vets that go as well as British although as the years go by it gets fewer. |
being Canadian, we share the same holiday as Mikey does.. Nov.11th but I DO appreciate another long 4 day weekend (I work for a US company WOOT)!! We had Victoria day's weekend just last week so 2 - 4 day weekends in a row is AWEsome!
be safe folks! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 05/26/17 04:46 PM
It is the day we stop and honor all of those who have served, especially those who have given their life for their country. We give thanks for the friendship of other countries who also have sons and daughters who stood by our side and fought as one, the Brits, Canadians, Aussies, and many others.
After 9-11 my son joined the Marines and served 10 years, 3 of my nephews ( my 3 brothers sons) also joined and served in the Marines.. all fought.. all came home they were the lucky ones.. as were us Mom's & Dads.. Many Mom's and Dads were not as lucky as we were, their children did not come home. We honor them as well. |
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Fri 05/26/17 05:06 PM
I come from a long line of US military that fought. My dad died active service. I will always remember
Memorial day is very special to me. This day is much more than a vacation |
I come from a long line of US military that fought. My dad died active service. I will always remember Memorial day is very special to me. This day is much more than a vacation Yes, we families give the ultimate sacrifice your did.. yes it is a very solemn day. Which has nothing to do with Bar B Ques or sales.. |
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Mon 05/29/17 04:56 AM
At my work place, we have lanterns for the Guest to write their Tribute on to those who sacrificed themselves for our country. The lanterns are placed in the lagoon at sunset.
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At my work place, we have lanterns for the Guest to write their Tribute on to those who sacrificed themselves for our country. The lanterns are placed in the lagoon at sunset. ![]() OMG that is so kewl and what a site it would be to see~~~ |
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Mon 05/29/17 06:08 AM
At my work place, we have lanterns for the Guest to write their Tribute on to those who sacrificed themselves for our country. The lanterns are placed in the lagoon at sunset. ![]() that is pretty awesome ... agree with txsgal... |
Hi mystical. What may I ask is this day commemorating? I can see what looks like head stones in a battle field cemetery? Ours is the 11th of the 11th I noticed you where from England ... I remember hearing long ago... how they waited for the dead to be buried over there... so they could save $ to bury all at once ... not sure if we did that also ... made me mad at the time ... but learning now ...something are out of my control ... |
Which has nothing to do with Bar B Ques or sales..
It has everything to do with remembering people that gave their lives in service to others. My dad taught me about memorial day. He was stationed at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked. Saw many of his friends die in horrible ways. Memorial Day was not a solemn day for him. He celebrated the people he lost with activities and stories about how they touched his life. It was his way of honoring their lives and not mourning their deaths. He taught me that when someone is taken from us its okay to mourn their death but it is better to celebrate the ways they touched our lives. Because it was their life that we cherished the most. So if you want to use this day to shop, grill, swim or spend time with your family that is your own decision and I have no business telling you how you remember your fallen heroes. |
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Mon 05/29/17 06:58 AM
usually I head up see all da family
Grandpa was a WWII vet so of course we stop and visit his grave say hi to grandma next to him and my father next to her then it was out to the country to the graves of my maternal grandparents and my mother and now my brother the kids used to love it when I dragged them along hahaha..oh it wasn't so bad we would plant flowers and talk about their roots |
usually I head up see all da family Grandpa was a WWII vet so of course we stop and visit his grave say hi to grandma next to him and my father next to her then it was out to the country to the graves of my maternal grandparents and my mother and now my brother the kids used to love it when I dragged them along hahaha..oh it wasn't so bad we would plant flowers and talk about their roots That sounded good ... I have done for my fathers grave ever since he passed ... buried in the military area ...always have the colors red white and blue when doing his flowers and a few other things ... at the beginning I would always cry ... when I went ... and think what he said about that ... so I don't cry anymore just look up to the sky and talk to him ...mainly a man who appropriated what people & family did for him ... even if he did not show all the time .. ![]() ![]() |
Been to the American cemetery and memorial at Cambridge England today with the brother.
Always a moving experience at these places. It's the burial place for some 4000 American service personnel. I usually go to France in June to Normandy but not this year. Thousands of American,British,Canadian,Polish and other nationalities are buried there. Hope you're day went well ![]() |
At my work place, we have lanterns for the Guest to write their Tribute on to those who sacrificed themselves for our country. The lanterns are placed in the lagoon at sunset. ![]() that is pretty awesome ... agree with txsgal... Mystical and TxsGal, yes it is awesome. One of the things I love about the place I work is their respect for those who have served our country. Throughout the year, they do all kinds of events to honor them. They include the fire fighters, police, rescue crews, as well as the military. We have a six week "Heroes Tribute" starting in October where they have a huge screen to show pictures Guests send in and give a speech honoring them. ![]() |
thank you vets