Topic: What do you feel is the WORST movie ever made?
CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 11/28/07 07:45 AM
Darkness Fallsgrumble
if you love horror!


Goofball73's photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:09 AM

Darkness Fallsgrumble
if you love horror!


That movie had the potential to be really good...and then the more it played out, the more silly it got.

no photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:25 AM
...brain freeze...grumble

Kevin Costner(spelled correctly?) in..huh

was it Waterworld?


no photo
Wed 11/28/07 08:38 AM
Yeah, Storm, that was truly awful!

michiganman3's photo
Fri 11/30/07 08:52 PM
Anchorman with Will Farril(?), got up and left.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/30/07 09:25 PM
give me a break ..

beachdog50's photo
Fri 11/30/07 09:30 PM
attack of the killer tomatoes (classic crap)

Time_Engineer's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:26 PM
I have seen some true stinkers in my time, but to wheedle them down to the number one most atrocious movie ever made would be quite challenging.

A movie that left me absolutely disgusted, disturbed, and filthy-feeling was SALO. Now, it wasn't a 'bad' movie. The content was extremely disturbing, not the acting or cinematography.

I don't feel that Salo fits the definition of a 'bad' movie, but I feel behooved to mention it because of the horrible feeling it gave me.

A movie with really bad acting was Black Honeymoon, a Korean movie. I believe it has a 1.5 on IMDB.

brandy12345's photo
Sat 12/01/07 05:36 PM
The Wicker Man/horrible..War of the worlds(the orignial)horrible..

mach25's photo
Sat 12/01/07 10:59 PM
Black snake Moan and X-Men 3! And I love X-Men, but come on, killing half the characters is bull**** and we deserve for fox to make a fourth installment to bring them all back, well except for Ice-Man and def. Angel, they were cast sorry n seems rushed, bad choices, to satisfy us fans! I say we all quit watching Fox until they do! Whose with me??? lol

mach25's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:34 AM
and Biker Boys sucked ass! lol

buttons's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:45 AM
pirates of caribean 3 was really dissapointing...

seahawks's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:45 AM
TOP GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JasmineInglewood's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:38 PM
Perfect Stranger was by far the biggest waste of money, time and energy this year laugh

kkKen's photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:27 AM
The Hulk,destroyed a classic super hero

RealtyLady's photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:28 AM
Leprechaun, total waste of time!!

Charlie40's photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:41 AM
Silent Hill got me, my son (who played the game) and his date to walk out of the theater. Terrible acting. Main Actress was scared of little things and macho woman when should've ran. lol

elwoodsully's photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:45 AM
To add to the list of bombs, I have to go back to 1992 or 93. Stop, or my Mom will shoot! starring Sly Stallone, with Estelle Geddes as his pistol packing momma. My g/f at the time HAD to see this vile flick, and I of course, had to go along too.

kkKen's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:06 AM
Anyone remember the Garbage pail kids,If not sorry for reminding ya

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/04/07 11:48 AM

I didn't like the movie V for Vendetta. it was so dang confusing! :tongue:

That movie was awesome!

The worst movie I've seen over the past few years has to be "Bottoms Up." Paris Hilton is in it, that's all you need to know. laugh laugh