Topic: Something Random About You We Don't Know
ikissbutdonttell's photo
Wed 09/06/17 06:41 AM
I'm learning circus skills...."why not" :)

no photo
Wed 09/06/17 09:08 AM
After one class, Im addicted to salsa dancing...

stan_147's photo
Wed 09/06/17 10:20 PM
I make a wicked kebab.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 09/06/17 10:28 PM
In the 80s, while stationed in Little Creek, VA, I once shaved a smilie face in my chest hair and went to Virginia Beach. It was a blast!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 09/07/17 12:53 AM

I used to eat chicken feet and they were quite delicious. Don't knock until you try it. I am vegetarian now for moral and health reasons.

Down here (south coast) you can find chicken feet anywhere, also turkey feet and ox tails.

I am 3 hours past my normal bedtime

sybariticguy's photo
Thu 09/07/17 01:13 AM
I failed the 12th grade and repeated it then got into junior college on a provisional basis, got the grades up transferred to the University of Houston was expelled. Submitted transcripts from U of H before they expelled me. Enrolled in another university earned a AB in April and a Masters degree in August of the same year. Flunked out of a doctoral program found another earned a PhD, then years later was hired by the University of Houston where I was previously expelled.. Some folks just cannot be deterred...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 09/07/17 01:33 AM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Thu 09/07/17 01:34 AM

I failed the 12th grade and repeated it then got into junior college on a provisional basis, got the grades up transferred to the University of Houston was expelled. Submitted transcripts from U of H before they expelled me. Enrolled in another university earned a AB in April and a Masters degree in August of the same year. Flunked out of a doctoral program found another earned a PhD, then years later was hired by the University of Houston where I was previously expelled.. Some folks just cannot be deterred...


I graduated at the end of the first semester at high school. I had everything I need plus nearly straight A's. Went right on to get my Associates in 16 months. Then I went into the service.

edited due to sleep deprivation. LOL

Beachfarmer's photo
Thu 09/07/17 07:31 AM
I have an enormously large, thick, pulsating capacity for empathy.

notbeold's photo
Thu 09/07/17 08:21 AM
I like the feeling of sand and / or mud between my toes, but not slime.tongue2

gtabasco87's photo
Sat 09/09/17 04:53 PM
My personal daily goal: Learn at least one interesting fact that day, doesn't matter if it's silly, political, religious, etc.

william462's photo
Sat 09/09/17 05:10 PM
well for me, I can't eat anything as long as it is food

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 09/09/17 06:34 PM
I prefer mustard on french fries.

no photo
Mon 09/11/17 04:59 AM
i love the smell of gasoline in the morning it gives me fresh chill feelings

no photo
Mon 09/11/17 05:47 AM
i dont like flowery and powdery scented perfumes

no photo
Mon 09/11/17 08:39 AM
I enjoy cereal even when the crunch is gone :)

(And I really am talking about cereal)

no photo
Mon 09/11/17 09:34 AM

I enjoy cereal even when the crunch is gone :)

(And I really am talking about cereal)

waving Peggy

Yes me too, I sometimes let them soften on purpose. Warm milk on Cornflakes is ace.

no photo
Mon 09/11/17 10:21 AM

I enjoy cereal even when the crunch is gone :)

(And I really am talking about cereal)

waving Peggy

Yes me too, I sometimes let them soften on purpose. Warm milk on Cornflakes is ace.

Hi joe! :)

Its comforting to know that Im not the only one who enjoys cereal like that. happy

no photo
Tue 09/12/17 12:02 PM
up to 42 blurry matches

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 09/12/17 12:38 PM
My cat hogs the bed and I can't kick her off.

no photo
Tue 09/12/17 12:43 PM
just roll over on top of her