Topic: Something Random About You We Don't Know
dreamerana's photo
Wed 05/03/17 08:32 PM
I sometimes miss the days of the low rider shows

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 05/03/17 09:13 PM
The mechanical "Human" suit that I wear as a disguise is malfunctioning.
I should have known better that to buy one from an Arquillian thrift store. grumble

WorldWarZeke's photo
Wed 05/03/17 11:33 PM
I find swearing on clothing to be distasteful which is funny because I swear like a sailor.

WorldWarZeke's photo
Fri 05/05/17 07:57 PM
Last I checked my reading comprehension was in the 97th percentile

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 05/07/17 02:34 PM
There was a time people did not know ...
I smoked cigarettes ...shocked them...

mzrosie's photo
Sun 05/07/17 02:40 PM
I once applied for admission to law school but didn't get accepted. :((

WorldWarZeke's photo
Tue 05/09/17 08:28 PM
I taught myself how to swim as a child.

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 08:41 PM
I really dislike antique furniture.

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 08:47 PM
I don't like lima beans

dreamerana's photo
Tue 05/09/17 10:21 PM
I like singing with my mom and niece. 3 generations blending voices

WorldWarZeke's photo
Wed 05/10/17 11:22 AM
I taught myself to ride a bike as a kid.

WorldWarZeke's photo
Fri 05/19/17 12:38 AM
I once dropkicked a porter potty on a drunk dare

countryboyslim12345's photo
Mon 06/12/17 02:55 AM
Love tats they are my addictions

no photo
Mon 06/12/17 04:10 AM
I learned basic sign lsnguage years ago. I suspect I will do a refresher course eventually

Godsfriend10's photo
Fri 09/01/17 10:10 AM
I was born left handed. However, I was taught to use the right as the society see it as unconventional to be left handed. Its considered an insult to receive things from an elder with the left hand.
However, I am ambidextrous.

no photo
Fri 09/01/17 10:48 AM

I was born left handed. However, I was taught to use the right as the society see it as unconventional to be left handed. Its considered an insult to receive things from an elder with the left hand.
However, I am ambidextrous.

interesting :thumbsup:

no photo
Fri 09/01/17 10:53 AM
Some people call me the Space Cowboy.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 09/01/17 11:05 AM
In the Navy Seabees I was once approached to join an Elite Seabee Team to winter over 6 months in Antarctica. I turned them down because I would have to give up cigarettes.

NeonMidnight's photo
Sun 09/03/17 01:16 PM
i snowboard

no photo
Wed 09/06/17 06:38 AM