Topic: More Likely Shot If Black | |
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 04:05 PM
No body started saying All lives matter till Black people start saying Black Lives Matter. Like school kids saying "well my dads, got a bigger car than yours!" pathetic.
So what you're saying is, you thought of it first? ![]() Look, I think there is racism in the streets, you have a point The issues are amplified by non compliance and that non compliance is killing a whole bunch of folks, OF ALL RACES! probably brought on by that movement of resistance BLM. Get this, the gay pride parade in Toronto this year won't have the local police force riding on a flotilla because BLM won't let them, this is a fact, a disgusting display of bullying and dividing right here in Canada... To be honest, it creates anger amongst the locals, associate yourself with them if you wish. |
No body started saying All lives matter till Black people start saying Black Lives Matter. Like school kids saying "well my dads, got a bigger car than yours!" pathetic.
So what you're saying is, you thought of it first? ![]() Look, I think there is racism in the streets, you have a point The issues are amplified by non compliance and that non compliance is killing a whole bunch of folks, OF ALL RACES! probably brought on by that movement of resistance BLM. No I'm saying that it's akin to the child that starts playing up just because it sees a sibling getting attention from mom. Tell me how a Black man being killed in a store for hold a firearm by the police fits in with your non-compliance theory. When the firearm the Black man was holding was actually for sale taken off a shelf in that very same store? |
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 04:07 PM
Folks, I started this topic so as to demonstrate why black civilians in the USA tense up whenever they encounter a white law officer. Are all white law officers racists? No, of course not. Still, recent studies indicate that black civilians receive rougher treatment from white law officers than do white civilians even when the former haven't done anything wrong. Black civilians in the USA don't have to do anything wrong in order to be roughed up or shot by white law officers. Black civilians in the USA are disproportionately victims of such even when they have done nothing wrong. Hell I tense up when I see a cop it is natural... But I'm not out there doing the robbing and going against a cop when being pulled over ect... I give my info I do as I'm told and I drive away with a ticket just like the next person regardless of their color... Has everyone forgot that we have Black Cops as well and they have been involved in many of these shootings that have went viral.. It is a shame but until you walk in their shoes and see it from their end regardless what color they all like to go home at the end of the day.. They are there doing a job...But then the ones where it was a white cop it gets blown out of proportion... Those Police Officers were investigated and some was given prison time.. Not saying there are not bad cops fine investigate and see who is wrong.. Here is another article I found.. I know no matter who wrote it can't always believe all of what is wrote and found on the internet.. But it is what we have to go off of.. This is not just about Tampa Bay.. [AP Photo/Cliff Owen] By: Aaron Bandler July 7, 2016 The Alton Sterling and Philando Castile shootings have caused an uproar among leftists because they fuel their narrative that racist white police officers are hunting down innocent black men. But the statistics – brought to light by the superb work of Heather Mac Donald – tell a different story. Here are five key statistics you need to know about cops killing blacks. 1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force," according to Mac Donald in a speech at Hillsdale College. Some may argue that these statistics are evidence of racist treatment toward blacks, since whites consist of 62 percent of the population and blacks make up 13 percent of the population. But as Mac Donald writes in The Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties. "Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force," writes MacDonald. MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population. "The black violent crime rate would actually predict that more than 26 percent of police victims would be black," MacDonald said. "Officer use of force will occur where the police interact most often with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest, and that is in black neighborhoods." There is more if you care to read it~~~ |
I don't mind someone introducing statistics that conflict with the report published by the Tampa Bay Times.
I don't at all mind a debate about this topic. At least the opposing opinions are being expressed in a civilized manner. |
Problem with any Statistics they are based off a percent of the people in the area the research is being done.. Therefore in the long run you may have a low income area where more blacks get arrested or killed due to the area they are portraying is a area where a larger percent of blacks live.....
Until those that say they want to help join in with the community's in order to educate others and clean up the areas it will continue... If one wants to go with Statistics the reason for more of the crime in those areas are drugs and we are not talking marijuana we are talking the hard drugs and the gangs in the area... To me those are the ones that need to be focused on in order to clean up the areas.. I'm sure when a cop gets a call to those areas they put on a defense for they know something is most likely to happen... |
MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population
___________________________________________________________________ The above is.. fact. and it is played out in EVERY urban area. And there is a question as to possible stereotyping... really?.. and unjustified, right?.. really? ya know what.. teach your young not to do the above and then there is no problem.. is there. Be there as a father, raise your kids right. teach then right from wrong. And do us all a favor.. start in Chicago... the death toll rises.. everyday. Stop blaming cops and all others for the shortcomings of a ethnic group. |
I wonder how many of those shot were high at the time?
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Stop blaming cops and all others for the shortcomings of a ethnic group. ![]() |
Stop blaming cops and all others for the shortcomings of a ethnic group. ![]() you did.. and it is my opinion. I believe the core problem starts at home.. 74% of black children are brought up in single parent homes.. 3 out of 4. And that parent is the Mother. The father is not in the picture. Many of these kids turn to crime as the numbers above would prove. Are the above numbers not correct?.. Am I saying something that is not true David, or am I saying something that is just not popular to say.. but true none the less. Yes, I you read right... that is my opinion. The murders that are being committed in Chicago are being committed by blacks and they are killing fellow blacks.... black on black crime. And that to is a fact. Over 750 murdered last year, 2 times that amount shot but not killed. And a person certainly has the right to voice his / her opinion and / or the truth here.. right? |
I didn't think everyone was looking for blame, I thought this was an observation on the situation. All we can do or say is how we see it from the outside! I prefer a solution over blame and playing the card. Not all of anything. That is generalizations and that is false So what are you doing to help work towards a solution, I'd like to know? I don't bait. I treat all as equals. I stand up for rights for all. I don't want a race war. Same question. What are you doing? Laughing As I thought But you didn't answer Ok. I've been on numerous BLM marches and attended many events. You may or may not have seen on CNN in I believe it was August of last years myself and friends brought our city to a standstill one Friday morning during rush hour traffic as a Protest as to how inequitable treatment of Blacks by law enforcement and the justice system disrupts some many Black lives and families. For those that were arrested and went to court, I helped raise the monies to pay their fines and court cost. I've been sent to Facebook jail many times for speak out about these injustices. So I'd say I've done and am doing considerably more than yourself. I haven't seen England's BLM l. I have had my own experience here and it wasn't ok. So because I don't march with BLM I do nothing? ![]() I don't believe in separating races Black Lives Matters isn't about separating races. It's about getting some respect so we're treated equally to everyone else. Facts don't lie and we've plenty to back up our assertions. However, in today's society, it's not about who's right, it's who has the power. Maybe your experience, but mine is different. All lives matter...even cops. Exactly why the BLM needs to happen. You seem to live in a "different world" to the majority of Black folk. NOBODY started saying All lives matter till after Black people start saying Black Lives Matter. Like school kids saying "well my dads, got a bigger car than yours!". Rather than addressing the issue, those that actually were keen to cause separation started to claim they had an issue of their own and the mindless sheep followed suit. Pathetic. Wtf are you talking about? I am pathetic? People say all lives matter because BLM is only about one race. Many like me believe all lives matter. I live here. I have experienced what I said. I have addressed the issue. I wasn't the one that brought BLM into the topic or about native Americans |
Forum Rule #5: "No derogatory or offensive references to sex, gender, ethnicity, religions, sexual orientation, body type, or intelligence level."
We have to be careful not to belittle an entire ethnic group. |
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 05:19 PM
Due to economic constraints, Blacks are far more likely to live in areas of high crime than their White counterparts. The statistics many you seem so happy to fall back on, suggest that arrests are a real reflection of crimes committed. If that were so then a crime wouldn't be a crime unless you were caught. I have been arrested 2 times both when I was a young man. Once for theft and then again for burglary. Neither crime was committed by me and in both cases, I was able to prove my innocence. I say prove myself innocent because the police were intent on laying the blame on me. Even though at the time the crimes were committed I was in employment and making a very good living. Even though I co-operated with the police investigation in the case of the burglary, the police insisted on repeatedly showing up at my place of employment. This resulted in me losing my job and shortly afterwards my home. I found the culprit of the crime shortly afterwards, after all, I had nothing better to do and nowhere to live. I wanted answers while the police just wanted a conviction. Once I had solved the crime, I asked the officers to contact the employers who had just fired me. Their response was it was not their concern. It took me many years to recover from the mess they'd made of my life. The way policing of poor Blacks neighbourhoods completely different to rich Whites. Respect goes right out the window when most officers address Black folks. Protect & Serve becomes Oppress & Intimidate. Better to resist arrest in the street where there might be witnesses to your innocence than submit and be taken somewhere to be tortured away from prying eyes. Because we are in the minority here, we all have had experiences of such treatment or related to someone who has. Policing and the court system decimates Black families and our communities. Causing economic constraint and hindering progress. It's not by accident, it's by design. |
in this article, it says that 238 whites were shot by police in 2016.... 123 blacks were shot by police.... |
in this article, it says that 238 whites were shot by police in 2016.... 123 blacks were shot by police.... From that same article: "123 of those shot were Black Americans. This is a relatively high share, keeping in mind that close to 13 percent of Americans belong to that ethnic group." |
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 05:34 PM
in this article, it says that 238 whites were shot by police in 2016.... 123 blacks were shot by police.... So you've just brought to the thread that twice as many Whites were shot by police than Blacks. So Blacks are 4 times as likely to get shot by police according to the information you supplied once the proportional representation is taken into account. And your point is? |
in this article, it says that 238 whites were shot by police in 2016.... 123 blacks were shot by police.... So you've just brought to the thread that twice as many Whites were shot by police than Blacks. So Blacks are 4 times as likely to get shot by police according to the information you supplied once the proportional representation is taken into account. And your point is? that even tho more whites are shot by police, we never felt a need for a #whitelivesmatter.... |
in this article, it says that 238 whites were shot by police in 2016.... 123 blacks were shot by police.... So you've just brought to the thread that twice as many Whites were shot by police than Blacks. So Blacks are 4 times as likely to get shot by police according to the information you supplied once the proportional representation is taken into account. And your point is? that even tho more whites are shot by police, we never felt a need for a #whitelivesmatter.... Until the Civil Rights Movement, most women Black or White weren't allowed to aspire to be much more than Mothers, Carers, Domestics and Trolley Dolly's now many women are able to become multi-millionaires in the own right and not be reliant on a man. This is just one way the movement improved the lives of not just Black people. Are you saying that because White men were happy about the way things were at the time everybody else should have been too, surely not? |
Folks, it appears that this topic has run its course. Site members have been able to talk about this issue and exchange ideas. So, this thread is now locked. |