Topic: Jumping To FINAL Conclusions, Gossiping, Labelling
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Sun 03/26/17 03:51 PM

to say a whole race is not 'attractive' or they arent your 'taste' for dating, is no different than saying a race is 'not intelligent' or arent your 'taste' for tutoring, it identifies one characteristic to a race, as opposed to respecting the different combinations of characteristics of the individual


Thanks for taking the time to send the links MsH. I have a different interpretation of the content, but I at least understand your logic behind your belief.:)

I didnt cover looks in any of my examples, but since you mentioned it, I have a question.

Is saying that you are not attracted to a race the equivalent of saying the race is not attractive?

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/26/17 03:57 PM

to say a whole race is not 'attractive' or they arent your 'taste' for dating, is no different than saying a race is 'not intelligent' or arent your 'taste' for tutoring, it identifies one characteristic to a race, as opposed to respecting the different combinations of characteristics of the individual


Thanks for taking the time to send the links MsH. I have a different interpretation of the content, but I at least understand your logic behind your belief.:)

I didnt cover looks in any of my examples, but since you mentioned it, I have a question.

Is saying that you are not attracted to a race the equivalent of saying the race is not attractive?

in essence, just as much as saying you dont(personally) find a race intelligent is the equivalent of saying the race is unintelligent

perception is reality,, sharing your perception is sharing your basis for reality

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 04:57 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 03/26/17 05:02 PM

to say a whole race is not 'attractive' or they arent your 'taste' for dating, is no different than saying a race is 'not intelligent' or arent your 'taste' for tutoring, it identifies one characteristic to a race, as opposed to respecting the different combinations of characteristics of the individual


Thanks for taking the time to send the links MsH. I have a different interpretation of the content, but I at least understand your logic behind your belief.:)

I didnt cover looks in any of my examples, but since you mentioned it, I have a question.

Is saying that you are not attracted to a race the equivalent of saying the race is not attractive?

in essence, just as much as saying you dont(personally) find a race intelligent is the equivalent of saying the race is unintelligent

perception is reality,, sharing your perception is sharing your basis for reality

Looks and intelligence cant be paralled from my understanding

Intelligence has measurable indicators for its standard to be determined so its not so much based on a personal perception.

If someone calls an entire race stupid it is an absolute antagonistic remark about the entire race in the area of intelligence.

But attraction has no real test to determine its standard. Its totally based on personal perception ,personal preferences and visceral reaction. Having a personal preference about attraction is not necessarily a blanket antagonistic characterisation of a whole race.

If I say I am not attracted to a race , it is not the same as saying that that race is unattractive. It is saying that the race is not attractive to ME . Its closeminded and hurtful to hear , but its not a personal attack on that race.

Just like if I said I am not attracted to men who are skinny, short or bald, it is hurtful to the feelings of the men in that category ,but its not a personal attack on people with those features . Nor am I characterising people in that group as ugly. They are simply not attractive to me.

The rule of attraction allows me to a have a preference based on whatever criteria I set, even if that criteria is race. Thats not anybody's business, or subject to anybody's mandates of right or wrong.

Attraction is rooted in the law of discrimination, based upon the criteria of my choice .
Intelligence is not.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:01 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/26/17 05:04 PM
IQ has a measurable standard

peoples 'perception' of intelligence does not

I was careful to not frame my perception of raced base attraction as 'right' or 'wrong'

I am also not attracted to skinniness,, but to say Im not attracted to skinny men would have the shallow perception that makes the totality of attraction about the weight

I do find wit and intelligence attractive,, so if I met a skinny man with wit and intelligence,, wouldnt it be shallow of me to only consider they were skinny, and ignore that they had wit and intelligence?

attraction is set on a myriad of PHYSICAL attributes, race has no monopoly on whether an individual will possess those different physical attributes or not...

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:04 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 03/26/17 05:04 PM

IQ has a measurable standard

peoples 'perception' of intelligence does not

It doesnt matter . Intelligence is not rooted in the law of discrimination but attraction is,

Im just saying the two cant be compared for that reason

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:05 PM

IQ has a measurable standard

peoples 'perception' of intelligence does not

It doesnt matter . Intelligence is not rooted in the law of discrimination but attraction is

thats not true

some people believe that a college degree implies more intelligence ,though it has no correlation to actual measurable IQ

peoples PERCEPTIONS of intelligence are just as subjective as their perceptions on intelligence,,, when it comes to summing up strangers,,

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:13 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 03/26/17 05:18 PM

IQ has a measurable standard

peoples 'perception' of intelligence does not

It doesnt matter . Intelligence is not rooted in the law of discrimination but attraction is

thats not true

some people believe that a college degree implies more intelligence ,though it has no correlation to actual measurable IQ

peoples PERCEPTIONS of intelligence are just as subjective as their perceptions on intelligence,,, when it comes to summing up strangers,,

And again you are assuming absolutes, when I am not.

I never addressed levels of intelligence . Or then again. maybe I did. I apologise. lolol.

But the fact of someone being intelligent or not is for the
most part measureable and not that much subject to perception.

But attraction is COMPLETELY based on personal perception . There is no standard measurement for that,.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:15 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/26/17 05:19 PM

IQ has a measurable standard

peoples 'perception' of intelligence does not

It doesnt matter . Intelligence is not rooted in the law of discrimination but attraction is

thats not true

some people believe that a college degree implies more intelligence ,though it has no correlation to actual measurable IQ

peoples PERCEPTIONS of intelligence are just as subjective as their perceptions on intelligence,,, when it comes to summing up strangers,,

And again you are assuming absolutes, when I am not.

I never addressed levels of intelligence . That can be subject to perception.

The very fact of someone being intelligent or not is for the
most part measureable and not that much subject to perception.

But attraction is COMPLETELY based on personal perception . There is no standard measurement for that,.

would it surprise you to know there is a 'measure' to attractiveness too?


n 2009, a team from Osaka University tried to work out what the most important factor was for facial beauty. Their conclusion – a perfectly beautiful face needed both symmetry and ‘averageness’!

But why do we get the hots for ‘average’ faces? The theory goes something like this: When choosing a partner to have children with, our natural instincts are to choose a healthy person – A fit and healthy partner is more likely to have ‘good genes’ and so will probably parent a healthy, beautiful and virtuous child.

On some primitive and subconscious level, when we see an unusual face we are programmed to see the person as ‘unhealthy’. This inbuilt prejudice seems to be common to all of us – regardless of culture or creed. We will always tend to prefer a ‘healthier’, more symmetrical and ‘average’ face.

and intelligence, while mistaken for IQ, is much more complex and has many more facets than that one measurable trait,,,

but when humans discuss these attributes, unless they are in the scientific field, they are discussing subjective values

and most have an inbuilt 'prejudice' , doesnt make them good or bad,, just how the brain gets programmed unless it is reprogrammed or unprogrammed

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:34 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 03/26/17 05:37 PM

IQ has a measurable standard

peoples 'perception' of intelligence does not

It doesnt matter . Intelligence is not rooted in the law of discrimination but attraction is

thats not true

some people believe that a college degree implies more intelligence ,though it has no correlation to actual measurable IQ

peoples PERCEPTIONS of intelligence are just as subjective as their perceptions on intelligence,,, when it comes to summing up strangers,,

And again you are assuming absolutes, when I am not.

I never addressed levels of intelligence . That can be subject to perception.

The very fact of someone being intelligent or not is for the
most part measureable and not that much subject to perception.

But attraction is COMPLETELY based on personal perception . There is no standard measurement for that,.

would it surprise you to know there is a 'measure' to attractiveness too?

but when humans discuss it, unless they are in the scientific field, they are discussing subjective values

Thats my point though. We are not in the science field when we are choosing someone to date. We just like who we like. The history that led me to that decision is irrelevant.

If I say I am not attracted to any skinny people, it really does come across as close minded and shallow, and very hurtful to all skinny people. But thicker people are still my preference, and me saying I have that preference is not characterising all skinny people as ugly. Skinny people may just be unattractive to ME.

It might be highly close minded, and even shallow for me to not be attracted to a race with its broad spectrum of physical traits , but the law of attraction allows me to a have a preference based on whatever criteria I set, even if that criteria is race. Thats not anybody's business, or subject to anybody's mandates of right or wrong.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:35 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/26/17 05:37 PM
I agree

I have not attributed 'right' or 'wrong' to anything or denied that everyone has the perogative to have racist perceptions and opinions about races of people,,,

and it is only my business in those times when the topic is introduced,, or the person in question with racist perceptions has some authority over the lives or livelihoods of members of that race ,otherwise,, the world keeps spinningflowerforyou

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:45 PM

IQ has a measurable standard

A college psychology professor of mine said, "The only thing that an IQ test measures is how well one does on that particular IQ test."

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:48 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Sun 03/26/17 05:49 PM

Some people have no life or pitiful ones and want to make something out of nothing. Sad really. Can't change them though

I think I understand the essence of what you are saying yellowrose, but with due respect , if millions of people from all over the world are fighting over this issue , then its doubtful that its "nothing" that they are making all this "something" about .

Which issue are you referring to? Sorry, just saw your reply bigsmile

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 05:56 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 03/26/17 05:58 PM

I agree

I have not attributed 'right' or 'wrong' to anything or denied that everyone has the perogative to have racist perceptions and opinions about races of people,,,

and it is only my business in those times when the topic is introduced,, or the person in question with racist perceptions has some authority over the lives or livelihoods of members of that race ,otherwise,, the world keeps spinningflowerforyou

Great! We can agree on that at leasthappy

And hopefully anyone that reads this thread will understand that when they hear someone says they are not attracted to a race, that it is not the equivalent of saying the the race is ugly.

Its an important distinction that few people make , but that is so important to the sub-topic in my opinion

All this back and forth concerning race was for me, just advocating for a process of deductive questioning , before arriving at fixed conclusions in all issues including the one that we spent the majority of time upon.laugh

And yes the world indeed does keep spinning flowerforyou

By the way, did anyone ever start a thread here on the measurement of beauty world wide? The interesting study that you sent me in your second to last post , would actually be stimuli for an interesting topic if it hast been done before :)

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/26/17 06:00 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/26/17 06:01 PM
I don't know if its been done.

It seems in line with what I perceived throughout life in the phenomena of 'they all look alike'. Regardless of race, the mind is programmed to look at one or two or three features to assess the race, so it is likely that these features will create the illusion of all ''looking alike'

it is also in line, seemingly, with why eye witness testimony can be flawed so often,, people arent looking past the few traits they initially used to define the person, traits which can be shared by many different individuals.

the article on attraction mentions 'average' faces which would be subjective to a persons most common visual experience of others and exclude the 'less common'

I taught myself early on in life to pay attention to the subtle and different attributes in individuals ,,,asthetically, but I do think it needs to be learned and is not the process that is most 'natural' to most.

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 06:02 PM

Some people have no life or pitiful ones and want to make something out of nothing. Sad really. Can't change them though

I think I understand the essence of what you are saying yellowrose, but with due respect , if millions of people from all over the world are fighting over this issue , then its doubtful that its "nothing" that they are making all this "something" about .

Which issue are you referring to? Sorry, just saw your reply bigsmile

Hi Yellow rose .waving

I thought you were taking about people making a big deal out of race. thats what I was referring to

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/26/17 06:04 PM

Some people have no life or pitiful ones and want to make something out of nothing. Sad really. Can't change them though

I think I understand the essence of what you are saying yellowrose, but with due respect , if millions of people from all over the world are fighting over this issue , then its doubtful that its "nothing" that they are making all this "something" about .

Which issue are you referring to? Sorry, just saw your reply bigsmile

Hi Yellow rose .waving

I thought you were taking about people making a big deal out of race. thats what I was referring to

No. I was referring to the whole OP. The race example was just one of several examples.

TMommy's photo
Sun 03/26/17 06:10 PM

IQ has a measurable standard

A college psychology professor of mine said, "The only thing that an IQ test measures is how well one does on that particular IQ test."

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 06:11 PM

I don't know if its been done.

It seems in line with what I perceived throughout life in the phenomena of 'they all look alike'. Regardless of race, the mind is programmed to look at one or two or three features to assess the race, so it is likely that these features will create the illusion of all ''looking alike'

it is also in line, seemingly, with why eye witness testimony can be flawed so often,, people arent looking past the few traits they initially used to define the person, traits which can be shared by many different individuals.

the article on attraction mentions 'average' faces which would be subjective to a persons most common visual experience of others and exclude the 'less common'

I taught myself early on in life to pay attention to the subtle and different attributes in individuals ,,,asthetically, but I do think it needs to be learned and is not the process that is most 'natural' to most.

Well while my personal criteria for attraction is very broad, Im very much contented with others being attracted to whomever they are attracted to regardles of their limitations racial or otherwise. but I do agree that it would be nice if we could all be more open minded in general.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/26/17 06:14 PM

no photo
Sun 03/26/17 06:20 PM

Some people have no life or pitiful ones and want to make something out of nothing. Sad really. Can't change them though

I think I understand the essence of what you are saying yellowrose, but with due respect , if millions of people from all over the world are fighting over this issue , then its doubtful that its "nothing" that they are making all this "something" about .

Which issue are you referring to? Sorry, just saw your reply bigsmile

Hi Yellow rose .waving

I thought you were taking about people making a big deal out of race. thats what I was referring to

No. I was referring to the whole OP. The race example was just one of several examples.

Oops ! I jumped to a conclusion without asking questions. laugh
Sorry yellowrose flowerforyou

And you are right, sometimes the gossipers and labellers really seem like they have nothing better to do ohwell