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Topic: Slavery
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Mon 02/20/17 01:49 PM
Edited by greeneyes148 on Mon 02/20/17 01:51 PM

But there should be no scars from something that happened to your ancestors and it has absolutely no bearing on current life.

Actually I think it is the basis for discrimination, white supremacy, etc which are very much a continued part of current life.

In addition, family history is held dear to many, as are old photographs of our ancestors. We keep photo albums and search genealogy because we want to know 'who we are'. If you are white, you probably dont have photographs of slaves. If you are black, you may. In fact you may be related to white plantation owners. The reasons for the latter are nothing short of ugly.

human history leaves its imprint on all of us

Its no secret that women in this country continue to make less than men for the same work. That stat is even worse if youre a Black, Latino, or Asian woman.

I also have family history that does in fact have discrimination in it.. a lot of it actually. and my ancestors too were mistreated.. terribly. actually 1 million of my kind died.. in the Potato famine. And the Irish sure do know discrimination all of which is very well documented, all of which is part of the American history. As is other ethnic groups.

And while my relatives have had it hard and my ancestors had it even harder. I never heard a word of that growing up. I knew what happened to " my kind.. my people" but as a family we never dwelled on that. And in the all Irish neighborhood that I grew up in, we never hear about it. Nobody ever dwelled on it. We just continued to better ourselves

My point is this, many ethnic groups had it tough.. many.. but they overcame the hardships, the injustices and the outright wrongs and moved on. Improving their live, generation by generation. upward.

And I am not saying the " world " is right.. there is a lot of work still to be done.

But You remember where you come from...what you are. but that is not a driving factor in your life.. it is history.. something to gauge how far you have come.

buncha good ol boys ever chased your uncle down, and hanged him from a tree, douced him with gasoline and set him on fire?

That happened to my history teacher who told our class in college. As recent as the 1960's. Traffic stops can turn fatal if you are black. Today.

As for discrimination: Do your job interviewers see that youre a white male when you walk in?

I dont think we're on the same page. We prolly wont ever be. Nothing I can say is new to you Im sure. Youre just not moved by any of it.
Looks like a case of 'Ive got mine. Too bad about anybody else.'

no.. where not going to agree. And no I'm not moved by it. Why.. because it is history.. stop living in it and you will go further.. and feel less bitter.

Were the Irish even hung?.. actually they were.. try looking up the Molly Maguire's.. actually try looking up the Irish.. you may just get a education in discrimination.. its wasn't a black only thing.. ya know.

Better yet, take a stroll thru the cemeteries in Louisiana.. take a look at the old headstones.. and all the Irish last names.. you know why?.. because back in the plantation days ( no us Irish folks didn't own any.. cause we were the scum of the earth back then) the Irish were put to work in the swamps before the slaves were... because it was thought the slaves were more valuable then a Irishman... so the Irish died of disease, snakebite or gator attacks.. all to support their families.

I have no idea what the people I interview see.. and frankly could care less. I hire the best for the job. And btw.. scores in my company are black.. why.. not because of their color.. but because they are the best for that job... period.

And do I have mine?.. yes I do.. and I got it the old fashioned way... I earned it

No whining.. no crying foul..no silver spoon. went out there and earned it.. not really a novel approach.. but when all you do is complain.. and look in the past..it doesn't leave much time for positive things.. does it.

Have a nice night ;)

my friend dont forget that the past created the present. to understand to not to do the same mistakes over and over again we need to understand what really happened and not what was written that happened and that needs much more than just not forgetting. it must be analyzed again and again it must become visible and understandable for the crowds. iam not living in the past but i try to avoid stepping backwards as many societies nowadays do urged or even forced by the so called high developed and modern countries. to understand u cant just look at a phrase u must see the whole. see the world as a whole, see urself as part of the whole. how can we step forward when we have no background no fundamental structure, no consciousness of the evil side of mankind. just forgetting is too easy. we have to go on ofc, but with wisdom knowledge and consciousness not blindly as an easy target.

My friend.. as far as I can see ( in America) the past is not being repeated. And I am sure there is slavery in other parts of the world, but there is none anymore in my part of the world.

And hasn't been for 150 years.

So, my point is this.

At what age does the slavery topic go ( and stay) where it belongs.. in the history books. At what time do the 3-4 or 5 times removed people stop using it as a crutch.

Is it 175 years, 200, 300?.. when

As I stated, blacks were one of many ethic groups that had a tough time early in American history. For Christ sake, we hunted the American Indians down took their land then slaughtered them.

Time to get over it.

sry but i think we cant become friends. u r the poorest kind of slaves who doesnt know he is a slave. when they made u believe it is ok to forget and to leave it to the historians then u r an alpha slave in their system. the powers changes the methods changes the era changes but oppression is constant especially in oh so free america. i dont mean to offend u i want u to wake up

We can't be friends?... my heart is broken Lol

I speak my mind.. you don't like my words, that's your choice..

they don't change.

I stand by what I said

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 02/20/17 02:32 PM

In my opinion

There is no doubt that slavery was unjust. It was ( and is) wrong from the core concept. It was not a proud moment in American history, just the opposite it was a very dark period in American history. We as a country at that time were basically infants and we had a lot to learn... we are still a baby in comparison to the lifespan of other countries.

It also was a situation which was addressed ( finally) thru a civil war, the bloodiest war in American history. And the slaves were freed,Over 150 years ago. The wrong was made right. And time moved on, scars healed, generations passed by... thus history is formed.

Chances are we all ( Americans) had relative who served or died on both sides during the civil war, but we don't think of that, dwell on that... and that is not a scar to us.. why?.. because it is history.. over with..

It is history that should never be forgotten. As with the Revolutionary war, the battles against American Indians or the injustice done to Japanese Americans during WW2

But there should be no scars from something that happened to your ancestors and it has absolutely no bearing on current life.

That's what always irritates the heck out of me... it's always black people, no one ever seems to think about the American Indians and how they suffered and still do.

Injustice done to Japanese Americans, now it's Muslim Americans. Okay, they're not put in camps (yet) maybe.. but still.
Suddenly every Muslim is a terrorist, like every Japanese was a bad guy.
So much for learning from the past.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/20/17 03:11 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 02/20/17 03:18 PM
I only think it seems like 'always black people'

because the question is specifically about Slavery, and in regards to slavery in the USA

the history is different (the enslavement/property status wasn't 'born' into for hundreds of years of generations),

as well as the population(natives are less than 1 percent of the population and blacks are nearly 13)

, and the ways in which the history has been addressed (blacks had civil rights laws which applied to everyone, natives had treaties/contracts which applied to them)

both histories are topics of discussion, and both people had atrocities and obstacles

but slavery (chattel ownership)is generally not as big a part of native history in the USA as it is a part of African American history in the USA

the base disease (the ability to dehumanize others) is the root of both histories, however

the op asked for personal responses about impact, it would be great if those in lands where their ancestors were enslaved were participating in the thread as well,,,:thumbsup:

ChazzFortyFive's photo
Tue 02/21/17 08:03 AM
I think it's a topic to many people use as a soap box platform to get attention.
Every culture from Native Americans ( The people is what they are really called) to dark skin to light skin have been slaves as well as slave owners.

I think it's a dead horse people need to stop beatting. My ancestors never owned slaves or ever were slaves that I know of.

As far as America goes, look at historical records. I don't think caucasian people should keep getting slammed because only 2% of the merchants/farmers/ranchers owned slaves and, even the descendants of those owners agree slavery is bad.

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/21/17 08:33 AM
I don't think Caucasian people should get 'slammed'

nor should they (or any American) forget what AMERICA was capable of doing to a whole demographic of people, or treat it like it was no big deal because it happened to end at some point

nor should AMericans forget/ignore that the institution of slavery embedded an inferior status on a whole demographic of people that set up the possibility for segregation and jim crow which everyones descendants lived through, and many peoples living relatives experienced.

nor should AMERICANS forget that a mindset of superior and inferior demographics that is embedded into the culture over a period of 350 years doesn't go away in just 50. Just as people pass down the values of the Constitution, they pass down the values that allowed that shameful culture to permanate LEGALLY throughout the largest MAJORITY of our history on this Continent.

no photo
Tue 02/21/17 10:35 AM
Thank you, everyone.:heart:

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/21/17 12:51 PM
you are a gem,,:heart:

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 02/21/17 02:33 PM
For what it's worth, the word slave comes from the word Slav.
That is because the Slavs of 10th-Century Europe were enslaved.

SheriAscher's photo
Tue 02/21/17 03:06 PM
We're a slave to our jobs to live under low wages and over production.
We're a slave to our government laws and dictatorship. Slavery is not dead it still going on.

peggy122's photo
Tue 02/21/17 06:33 PM
Edited by peggy122 on Tue 02/21/17 06:54 PM
Im tired of people who use slavery as an excuse for not making the most of their lives and resources.

Im equally tired of people who don't show empathy or respect for the feelings of individuals, who've been impacted indirectly by the era of slavery.

When one oppressed group attempts to share their feelings about a turbulent history that hurt them, people are quick to point out other oppressed groups that aren't getting similar attention.

But to me it like walking into a walkathon against cancer and lamenting that the epidemic of AIDS is not being addressed by society.

Both epidemics deserve urgent attention but it's not the role of the Anti -Cancer movement to address the fight against AIDS . The AIDS group has to have their own Public Relations Machinery

And compassion is the appropriate response to ANY group that has suffered oppression . NOT COMPARISON

no photo
Tue 02/21/17 06:54 PM

Im tired of people who use slavery as an excuse for not making the most of their lives and resources.

Im equally tired of people who don't show empathy or respect for the feelings of individuals, who've been impacted indirectly by the era of slavery.

When one oppressed group attempts to share their feelings about a turbulent history that hurt them, people are quick to point out other oppressed groups that aren't getting similar attention.

But to me it like walking into a walkathon against cancer and lamenting that the epidemic of AIDS is not being addressed by that group.

Both epidemics deserve urgent attention but it's not the role of the Anti -Cancer movement to address the fight against AIDS .

And compassion is the appropriate response to ANY group that suffered oppression . NOT COMPARISON

Very nice Peggy flowerforyou

peggy122's photo
Tue 02/21/17 07:02 PM

Im tired of people who use slavery as an excuse for not making the most of their lives and resources.

Im equally tired of people who don't show empathy or respect for the feelings of individuals, who've been impacted indirectly by the era of slavery.

When one oppressed group attempts to share their feelings about a turbulent history that hurt them, people are quick to point out other oppressed groups that aren't getting similar attention.

But to me it like walking into a walkathon against cancer and lamenting that the epidemic of AIDS is not being addressed by that group.

Both epidemics deserve urgent attention but it's not the role of the Anti -Cancer movement to address the fight against AIDS .

And compassion is the appropriate response to ANY group that suffered oppression . NOT COMPARISON

Very nice Peggy flowerforyou

Thanks Integrity flowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/21/17 07:09 PM

no1phD's photo
Tue 02/21/17 07:20 PM
Well.hmm.. bit of an interesting topic really..... the white man has being taking from all other cultures..
Pretty much for the beginning of time... now slavery or servitude.. has been carried out for just as long.. by all cultures... the Mayan tribes would enslave.. their captives... cheap labor is cheap labor.. you probably would not have the civilization you have today without it.. not endorsing slavery just pointing out a fact..
You me and everyone are still enslaved in some way or another..
The only difference is today they have to pay you..lol

no photo
Tue 02/21/17 07:34 PM
I once played the victim to alcohol.

no1phD's photo
Tue 02/21/17 07:36 PM
I once played the victim in a school play I didn't like it much I wanted the lead role... of Abraham.. the great white whale Hunter...

no photo
Tue 02/21/17 07:41 PM

I once played the victim in a school play I didn't like it much I wanted the lead role... of Abraham.. the great white whale Hunter...

adj4u's photo
Tue 02/21/17 08:03 PM

I was born in 1969, but my mother was born in 1940 and her mother was born in 1914

I do not have a 'memory' of 250 years of slavery, but I have learned about it

I do not have a 'memory' of the 100 years of jim crow 'separate but equal' segregated culture that followed, but I have learned about it and I have listened to the many experiences of my elders who lived through it

I do see the impact of such a long foundational culture of status by race, its embedded in the administration of justice, in income disparity, in educational disparities,, and the list goes on and on

I feel today that much has been done to stop the legal discrimination that was once so culturally implicit, but much still must be done to close the GAPS that such discrimination created,,,

I have used the analogy before, Its like there was a 5 mile race being run, and group b were not permitted to join until group a 3 miles down the road

suddenly allowing those group b members to start the race, as noble as it is to finally include them, does nothing about the miles of head start group a was given and will always have EXCEPT for with individuals who are willing to have to run at least 3 times as fast just to catch up,,,,,

best analogy ii have every heard good job [but we agree so differently on a lot of things]

the problem is those that had to start late because of the injustice given them by the ancestors of those that are advantaged (not all are
same race but are of same type of eco economic back ground) and others that may have only had to wait for them too get a 2 or even 1
mile head start are rebelling against those that complain about the disadvantage that they have had no part in creating

and this is the problem

those complaining about the 3 mile head start do not listen too
others that may have only had to deal with a 2 or 1 mile head start

thus the 1 or 2 mile disadvantage build up a resentment against the
3 mile head start disadvantaged thus

this leads to those groups going at each other while those that got
the original 5 mile head start are widening the gap while sitting
back and enjoying the show because as long as those groups fight
each other they (the ones that now have a 7-8 mile head start) just
keep gaining ground

but hey what do iknow

adj4u's photo
Tue 02/21/17 08:05 PM
Edited by adj4u on Tue 02/21/17 08:07 PM

wow over a 2 pages of posts while writing that lol

no photo
Thu 02/23/17 11:25 AM

Im tired of people who use slavery as an excuse for not making the most of their lives and resources.

Im equally tired of people who don't show empathy or respect for the feelings of individuals, who've been impacted indirectly by the era of slavery.

When one oppressed group attempts to share their feelings about a turbulent history that hurt them, people are quick to point out other oppressed groups that aren't getting similar attention.

But to me it like walking into a walkathon against cancer and lamenting that the epidemic of AIDS is not being addressed by society.

Both epidemics deserve urgent attention but it's not the role of the Anti -Cancer movement to address the fight against AIDS . The AIDS group has to have their own Public Relations Machinery

And compassion is the appropriate response to ANY group that has suffered oppression . NOT COMPARISON

Thank you.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
I appreciate and respect everyone's opinion. Peace!

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