Topic: what are women looking for ? | |
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"how bout we kill this thread and let Bob have the last word?"
Yes, I know, I'm such an assh*le for actually responding to what people have to say, aren't I? "You don't have to accept it. It just makes life more enjoyable if you 1. try to understand it or 2. failing to understand (like almost everyone), accept it and cope without being angry and cynical." But you just said I don't HAVE to accept it. I'm making the effort to understand, but it's not clicking. The only way that I can think of to cope with it is just to ignore it altogether. It seems that you guys have a better method of coping with this frustrating confusion than I do. What do YOU do? "So instead of checking to see if the sky is actually blue, you prefer to go out of your way to refute the existence of a personal experience to look and see if it's blue or not and criticize the analogy?" No, I mean that I've had MUCH more experience seeing the sky in the color blue than any other color, so misswright's claim of me having a comeback to EVERYTHING that someone says doesn't hold up. (And there's no point in pointing out how I have a comeback about my supposed comebacks for everything, I'm already ahead of you there..... :P *lol*) "People are seeing you as angry. You are perceived as being angry. It's your choice whether you want to ignore that or learn something from the reality that that's what people are telling you." No, people on these BOARDS are seeing me as angry. Nobody I talk to in real life or in e-mail sees me as angry. I'm not refuting the common perception of me in here, but it's like no one is paying attention to my reiteration that how I'm talking here is NOT how I talk to friends, family, or women I'm trying to connect with. "Apparently she both LOVED talking to you and thought you were so learned and wise that she stopped talking to you? You are working hard to have to keep missing the points people are giving you feed-back with." Yes. Can you tell me that you're seeing the inconsistencies in her behavior (and the behavior of too many OTHER girls)? I'm GETTING the points, but they just aren't especially helpful points. "someone is giving you their time and help to understand what's going on - and you are more interested in missing the point with a response in direct contradiction. It's already been established you view everything with cynicism." Hardly. If someone has a piece of advice that I think is helpful and constructive, I seriously consider it and try to take it to heart. Someone once advised me that I try to meet women in larger groups as opposed to individuals. To this, I had absolutely NOTHING TO SAY except "Really? Huh. Never thought about that. I'll give that a shot. :)" Granted, there haven't been too many opportunities that involved a group of young single ladies who are open to the prospect of meeting guys that presented themselves, but I'm not shrugging off that possibility as nonsensical or unfeasible. I think it might work, and as of yet, I have no reason to think otherwise. As far as viewing EVERYTHING cynically, that's just not true. "And no matter how you look at it, believing you *can* will at least give you a chance while believing it's hopeless gives you exactly zero chance unless someone takes pity on you." Absolutely, and given my high number of female friends, I believe that I can manipulate them to like me too. How else could I go about with the idea that women have NO IDEA what they want if I wasn't completely positive in my own methods? "Why would you go to talk to people with the same problems, in the same situation, with the same hopeless belief if you truly want to change things?" Because I feel a better connection with folks who share in a similar plight. Chances are, SOMEONE'S going to know how to conquer that problem. I myself was once cursed with socially crippling shyness, but I've since managed to overcome it. If some other shy guy is seeking advice, he's going to get a LOT more insight from a fellow shy guy with steps on how to correct himself, not someone who's just naturally a social butterfly who has no idea what being shy is. "The first step you pointed out is where all this started, but you've turned it into your last step." No, the premise of this entire thread is a question that men haven't been able to answer for millenia. Now that txmama, a WOMAN of all people, has acknowledged where the problem lies, now we can take steps to try to figure out how to correct it. An alcoholic can't seek rehabilitation without first realizing that he/she HAS a problem at all, right? |
Now that txmama, a WOMAN of all people, has acknowledged where the problem lies, now we can take steps to try to figure out how to correct it. An alcoholic can't seek rehabilitation without first realizing that he/she HAS a problem at all, right? So run with your alcoholic analogy - what problem are you admitting to? Or do you think it's not your problem at all and it is instead that every woman in the world has a problem? If you go back and read your responses, are they positive responses? Accepting responses? Constructive responses? Negative responses? Cynical responses? Those responses show your general view of women and dating and in themselves should give you some insight that there might be a correlation between your attitude and your situation with dating and women. There is a disconnect between the way you say you are, the way people are perceiving you, what you say you want, what you are getting and where you are putting the blame. To sum it up, don't try to blame women, the world, society, etc. for your dating problems. The why and blame doesn't matter. It will just leave you feeling even more cynical, angry, and alone and make your problems worse. All you can do is change your attitude about dating and women, think positively, present yourself positively, and let yourself fulfill your own positive prophecies instead of the negative ones. You will at least have a chance to get what you want then. |
did someone quote me?
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"Or do you think it's not your problem at all and it is instead that every woman in the world has a problem?"
Yes. Yes I do. When men and women understand how men think and what they want, but neither men OR women understand how women think and what they want(and leaving it all up to the excuse of individualism), I think there's a problem there. "All you can do is change your attitude about dating and women, think positively, present yourself positively, and let yourself fulfill your own positive prophecies instead of the negative ones." My attitudes about dating and women are in a constant state of flux. Of course as I'm speaking to you, I don't have a lot of positive things to talk about. But I'm STILL throwing myself into the hunt because I believe that I'm only getting closer to that one girl who talks to me and wants to KEEP talking to me, and who WILL give me something positive to talk about from my romantic endeavors. Women wants guys who are positive and uplifting while talking to them, and that's just what I give them, especially the longer the conversation continues. If someone e-mails me, that puts me in a (not unnaturally) happy mood, and I can only assume that that happy mood is being translated back to them when I write them back. I'm happy, they're happy, we're all happy! :D Then they stop e-mailing/calling me for reasons unknown and my happiness/positive scale is knocked down a notch or two. U_U |
I quoted you, txmama. You don't mind, do you?
so true dog. about me BUT i never paid anyone to help me get girls i read some stuff and used it. oh and i dont minpulate women. every thing else you got it right i have confidence you ROCK. and bob i feel you no one grasps what you want to say
bob. like i said i agree with what you are saying its like if you dont agree the whole jsh gang comes at you and says you are this and that. so really whats the point if we cant interact as humans.
oh and bob you cant make any woman like you. she becomes that way. but within the first three seconds a woman decides i will have sex with him i will be friends or he doesnt have what it takes so if you keep trying to MAKE a woman like you it wont work
wow this is still goin!
lol mama!!!! hey baby!!! ![]() |
a mall? lmao jk
a cowboy jersey
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with heels? lol
![]() ![]() oh but of course, how else can i distract you ![]() ![]() ![]() |
how bout we kill this thread and let Bob have the last word? LOL ![]() |
Each woman=looking for different things. No universal solution is there.
I thought this thread would be dead by now.
![]() ![]() ![]() Where are the mannequins? |
i think women are looking for the opposite of thats my plan
women are looking for lots of stuff! |