Topic: Massive Surge Of Migrants Prior To Presidential Election
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Sun 11/27/16 02:15 PM
Massive Surge of Migrants in Months Leading Up to Presidential Election

In the month of October alone, 46,195 illegal aliens were apprehended along the entire southwestern U.S. border with Mexico, Joseph Kolb reported for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). This was the largest single month since the massive flood of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) apprehended after crossing the border in June 2014 when 57,862 immigrants were apprehended.

Kolb blamed the surge on President Obama’s announcement expanding America’s refugee programs. Other factors included improved job opportunities in the U.S. over the summer and the continuing violence in Mexico and Central America.

The National Border Patrol Council’s Christopher Harris, who serves as director of legislative and political affairs for the Border Patrol union, told CIS that abuses of the refugee programs are a key factor. He cited the lack of uniformity and inconsistent enforcement. He also said the possibility of Donald Trump being elected was a pull factor.

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) told the New York Times, “Once again, the Obama administration has decided to blow wide open any small discretion it has in order to reward individuals who have no lawful presence in the United States with the ability to bring their family members here. Rather than take the steps necessary to end the ongoing crisis at the border, the Obama administration perpetuates it by abusing a legal tool meant to be used sparingly to bring people to the United States and instead applying it to the masses in Central America.”

Border Patrol officials responded to the surge by pulling 150 front-line agents off the border in sectors with their own surge problems and moved them to Texas sectors to assist in processing the growing numbers of illegal immigrants, Breitbart Texas reported earlier this month.

The 150 agents will be temporarily be transferred from the Tucson, San Diego, and Del Rio Sectors to the McAllen and Weslaco Centralized Processing Centers. The sectors are being robbed of agents are having their own surge of illegal immigrants as Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials try to make it look like they are doing something in response to the renewed humanitarian crisis along the southern border.

The San Diego Sector reported an increase in Family Unit Aliens (FMUA) apprehensions of 303 percent when comparing FY 2016 and FY 2107 numbers. UAC apprehensions also increased, by 71 percent over the same time period last year. Breitbart Texas reported on October 22 that the San Diego Sector was also dealing with a 600 percent increase of Haitian refugees comparing FY 2016 to the previous year.

The Tucson Sector, from where agents are being moved to Texas, also saw an increase in FMUA apprehensions of 17 percent comparing October 2016 to October 2017. Fortunately, UAC apprehensions were down for the month.

Earlier this month, Breitbart Texas reported that cartel smugglers were using the U.S. elections as a “marketing tool” to bring more illegal immigrants to the U.S. border. That marketing ploy was apparently successful.

During the month of October, the apprehensions of FMUAs increased by nearly 37 percent over September, according to information obtained from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials by Breitbart Texas. Those numbers have been increasing nearly every month leading up to the election since January. October also saw an increase in the apprehensions of UACs by nearly 19 percent. Those numbers also were increasing nearly every month during 2016. Total apprehensions of all illegal aliens crossing the border in October rose by nearly 17 percent.

“The smugglers learned in 2014 that they could tie up Border Patrol agents as babysitters and keep us from our primary mission of stopping illegal border crossings and drug smuggling,” U.S. Border Patrol Agent Chris Cabrera told Breitbart Texas in his capacity as president of National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in an interview on October 26. “When are we going to get back on the border?”

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Sun 11/27/16 02:28 PM
Trump has said a bunch of times that he wants to build a wall between USA and Mexico. Who knows what that guy is thinking? Maybe he wants to build a wall between USA and Canada too.

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Sun 11/27/16 02:56 PM
Well, I guess I would not exist with your attitude. My father emigrated to this country from Europe when he was 3 years old. He never would have met my mother.

no photo
Sun 11/27/16 03:38 PM

Well, I guess I would not exist with your attitude. My father emigrated to this country from Europe when he was 3 years old. He never would have met my mother.

And he came LEGALLY, which means through immigration. Which is how most of our ancestors got here.
And they worked their butts off.
No, hand outs.
Became citizens and assimilated and helped made this country great, with their contributions to society. :thumbsup:

That.. is completely different than, border jumpers, migrants, illegal aliens and seekers, that do not do those things, and that taxpayers support.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 11/27/16 03:54 PM
Edited for off-topic.

Site Moderator

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/27/16 06:11 PM

Well, I guess I would not exist with your attitude. My father emigrated to this country from Europe when he was 3 years old. He never would have met my mother.

Trump wants to prevent the violation of the USA's immigration laws.
What is the problem with that?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 11/27/16 07:16 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Sun 11/27/16 07:17 PM
Other countries have immigration laws (some stricter than ours) and no one says a word, but how dare we expect our laws to be enforced huh? Insanity

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/27/16 07:20 PM

Trump has said a bunch of times that he wants to build a wall between USA and Mexico. Who knows what that guy is thinking? Maybe he wants to build a wall between USA and Canada too.

Well Trump wants to make Mexico build the wall, and make all boarders more secure using security and drones. I don't think we will have giant walls along all of our coast lines, but who knows? Hilary wanted to open the gates for everyone and anyone, and most people thought that she would win. So I think some of the numbers are seasonal as mentioned, and there is some push by the cartel as things tighten up. But one report compared 2016 numbers with 2017 numbers, and unless I passed out for a year I don't know how its possible to report 2017 numbers? I mentioned in another thread that it currently cost $150,000 to send a child to school for grades k-12. So when we start doing the math on all of the illegal emigrants it adds up really fast. I also mentioned 24% of school age children are Latino and that number is growing fast. Also 8.6% need language help. Most of our ancestors who emigrated legally did not receive any kind of government assistance, and what was spent on education was just a very small fraction of what it is now. So if you want to come to the US you better be able to pull your own weight. And to all you Bible thumpers bringing them in just to spreed your religion watch out because we are going to start coming after you too!

Argo's photo
Sun 11/27/16 08:22 PM
the Supreme Court ruling of Plyler v. Doe 1982....
grants access to free public education (K-12) to not only
Hispanics, but to All children regardless of whether they have
proper documentation of immigration status of themselves or
their parents....citing that it would constitute discrimination based
on alienage violating the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment
of the United States Constitution....

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/28/16 12:49 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 11/28/16 12:50 AM

Well, I guess I would not exist with your attitude. My father emigrated to this country from Europe when he was 3 years old. He never would have met my mother.

legal Immigration and Illegal Immigration are two Horses of an entirely different Flavor!

no photo
Mon 11/28/16 03:45 AM
Coming to the US, asylum seekers deal RESTART from Australia

A picture of the aftermath of riots at Christmas Island detention centre, which was set alight by detainees in a night of rioting.

THANKS OBAMA frustrated