Topic: what pisses you off?
Fade2Black's photo
Tue 11/13/07 10:35 PM
huh friggin slow drivers ..............smokin

brwnkimba's photo
Tue 11/13/07 10:48 PM
Bad parents, bad kids, bad breathe,people that don't put the shopping cart they used back and it rolls and hits my/somebody's car or is left in the spot you want, splinters on park benches, fat people that run-walk across the street in busy traffic on the cell phone eating and know they should have all that ass in the crosswalk,beepers, people that answer cell phones in the movies and TALK LOUDLY,litterbugs, the fact that the ice cap is melting and in about 50 years no polar bears will be left,when Guiness Stout is given to me warm and i'm friggin thirsty, more latergrumble

blueeyesinfl's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:21 AM
Men that tell you the same thing that they told 500 other women on the site.

People who make right hand turns from the left hand lane.

People driving 35 mph in the fast lane.



parents who let their children run wild

inconsiderate and rude people

slow computers

Internet connection that drops every 2 minutes

The fact that I let some men piss me off.

The fact that I am gullible to some men, pisses me off too!

CrystalClear's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:24 AM
Women who dye their hair and don't fix their roots....Yuk!!

no photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:46 AM
Things that P.o Me:

People who are lazy, unmotivated

People who think because they are under medical care think the call bell is their personal servants during their recooperation.

Trying to find help in a store only to find someone and get "not my department"

People who abuse animals. NO REASON FOR IT AT ALL.

That my boys/dogs dont live with me. (But I am working on this one. Maybe 3 months from now I can remove this from my list)

This doesnt p. me off but drives me nuts: more men that women or shall I say boys that dont wear their pants on their hips. (Is that a sign Im getting older if I posted that?)

People with no manners

ScottyBravo's photo
Wed 11/14/07 05:11 PM
Parents who suffer from NotMyKidittus, give me a frigging break, as much as we all would love to believe our kids are perfect, its time to cash that reality check.

I'm sure Jeffery Dahmer's parents said the the same thing,,,, not my Jeffery

Donnafisher's photo
Wed 11/14/07 05:13 PM
oh I second that one scott flowerforyou

JohnShandor's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:17 PM
My little rant.
People who say one thing and do another
Bad drivers, PERIOD wish I could shoot a flag on there car to warn others
Wednesday come on this day sucks
The whole Britney ,paris , lidsey, whom ever, that is on the news. if you like that then you really piss me off
peple whocant type anfmiss spaellwords
sorry, just pissed myself off
PEATA people, come on we need to eat. Salads are good but we are the top of the food chain, things work that way.
Politicians, enough said, could write a book
The whole gas price thing. Come on y'all have enough money RIGHT
That little dork at work, y'all know who I am talking about. Man want to crush him like a bug.
It for now, need to go and buy some gas and eat a salad plus have a meeting with my little friend. Plus ET is on the tv See Ya

soopadupa's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:44 PM

Tue 11/13/07 10:22 PM
ooooh baby, them's fightin' words!

I think that how one writes is indicative of how one thinks. That may sound a**holish, but it's what I believe. If one is interested in "saving key strokes" then he isn't interested in true dialogue.

When one is lazy in her communication, she is generally lazy in her thinking.

The acronym "lol" has become meaningless. How many folks (who use this) are actually laughing out loud? The "lol" has replaced true adjective.

everyone has thier peeves bigsmile
just dont judge the dusty, ripped-jeans, dirty T shirt guy, just getting off from work, so hastily. he makes good money, loves his job, and obviously doesnt dress like that when it REALLY counts.

andreajayne's photo
Sat 11/17/07 05:48 PM
the fact that i am listening to christmas music already! it's too friggin early!

Donnar's photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:29 PM
Joshh and his stupid posts that should be deleted.

yummyishoney's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:43 PM
People who say mean things about other people

People who take away sugar.. I love sugar...

the constipated bomb icon

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:44 PM
this freaking quote/edit button pizzzzzzzzzzes me off!!!explode mad :angry: grumble laugh

yummyishoney's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:44 PM
actually I take that back.. the bomb is kind of cute in its own way

atomicd's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:48 PM
cheaters and liarsexplode mad explode

yummyishoney's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:49 PM
Hmmm I just cannot decide on the bomb thing... I really cant...

JoshH's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:03 PM

Joshh and his stupid posts that should be deleted.

nobody makes you read my posts you short bus half tard

Anaveragedreamer's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:07 PM
Sunday Drivers..haha. And many other things.

winnie410's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:21 PM
people who bash other people's threads. LOL

stupid people.

when friends deactivate.

the list is endless.

JoshH's photo
Sat 11/17/07 10:58 PM

people who bash other people's threads. LOL