Topic: The Main Change We Need | |
first of all,what is needed,is for George Soros to stand down,and stop fomenting Civil Unrest through his Bazillion Dummy-Civic-Organizations,like MoveOn,Occupy,etc!
But I might as well bark at the Moon...........before that Felon stops trying to destroy the Republic! Maybe some day the Democrats come to their Senses,and realize,that trying to soup with the Devil,you need a long Spoon,and that the Spoon you need to soup with Soros does not exist! |
'We need a renaissance of wonder. We need to renew, in our hearts and in our souls, the deathless dream, the eternal poetry, the perennial sense that life is miracle and magic.'
E. Merrill Root |
The main change we need is already in effect, it started on wednesday morning when the people said enough is enough. The election of President Trump was a result of 8 years of bas-akwards policys and leaders. when you have people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Debby Washherman Slutz, and so many more of these out of touch morons makeing laws and stating their opinions on how we should conduct or lives. i wouldnt trust any of these so called leaders to walk my dog,but now we have the opprutunity to Drain the swamp, and run these liberal nut jobs out of or daily lives and shut them up for good. lets all be vigilant and make sure we never elect such disgusting, lying and ignorant people to fill the seats in congress or government again, if Trump institutes term limits than we wont have all the coruption that is rampent in wash. D.C.
The main change we need is already in effect, it started on wednesday morning when the people said enough is enough. The election of President Trump was a result of 8 years of bas-akwards policys and leaders. when you have people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Debby Washherman Slutz, and so many more of these out of touch morons makeing laws and stating their opinions on how we should conduct or lives. i wouldnt trust any of these so called leaders to walk my dog,but now we have the opprutunity to Drain the swamp, and run these liberal nut jobs out of or daily lives and shut them up for good. lets all be vigilant and make sure we never elect such disgusting, lying and ignorant people to fill the seats in congress or government again, if Trump institutes term limits than we wont have all the coruption that is rampent in wash. D.C. Term-limits would be a matter for Congress(ain't gonna happen,Public Trough too sweet),or a Article 5 Convention,and let the States amend the Constitution,because Congress will definitely not vote itself away from the sweet Deal they are enjoying! |
I suppose I should have been more careful in my wording. I was referring to the creation of regulations, which then are regarded as law, but unfortunately didnt clarify it. I am pointing out that there are lawful procedures that must be followed and met to enable regulations to be legitimately be made and thats not the way its done in the US. The rest is your taking the ball and running. However that said there is no limit to the unconstitutional trash the legislatures can produce, and pass as law despite that it is entirely unconsitutional, and you are stuck with obeying that unconstitutional regulation forced upon you as law. Lets take the states overlay of their flavor of religion enforced upon the mormons. You will obey the god state and 'its' religion or lose everything and end up checked in at the graybar hotel. Where in the constitution did the people make an exception to the right to exercise their religion, granting the state the authority to establish a state religion in the form of a law that denies the mormons of their religion? Thats a nice pie in the face argument since not only did the state establish their religion dogma, the courts supported it. You are overlooking something in the process. I'm not saying that it is okay to pass unconstitutional laws and regulations. I'm saying that Due Process is involved. That means that when unconstitutional laws are suggested, that that is protected free speech. After they are passed, the process to get rid of them is through challenge in the courts. What we have way too much of right now, are people angrily demanding that laws be removed, or even debated, simply because they PERSONALLY think they are unconstitutional. |
The main change we need is already in effect, it started on wednesday morning when the people said enough is enough. The election of President Trump was a result of 8 years of bas-akwards policys and leaders. when you have people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Debby Washherman Slutz, and so many more of these out of touch morons makeing laws and stating their opinions on how we should conduct or lives. i wouldnt trust any of these so called leaders to walk my dog,but now we have the opprutunity to Drain the swamp, and run these liberal nut jobs out of or daily lives and shut them up for good. lets all be vigilant and make sure we never elect such disgusting, lying and ignorant people to fill the seats in congress or government again, if Trump institutes term limits than we wont have all the coruption that is rampent in wash. D.C. Term-limits would be a matter for Congress(ain't gonna happen,Public Trough too sweet),or a Article 5 Convention,and let the States amend the Constitution,because Congress will definitely not vote itself away from the sweet Deal they are enjoying! The change begun by the vote may or may not be a part of the problem that I am talking about here, depending on HOW they go about processing it. And Conrad is right, there will be no term limits for Congress, because neither party actually wants them. Some states already have term limits. Here in Virginia, for example, we don't even allow a governor to be reelected ONCE. Any state COULD set term limits for their own representatives, but most have not done so. Back to the main point here. The ongoing problem nationally and locally, is that too many people have become enamored with feeling righteous by attacking other Americans. Name calling. Broadcast negative labeling. Underneath all of that, is the idea that we need to discard and ignore half or more of all Americans, on the grounds that they are "bad people" in one way and another. That attitude is destructive, and utterly illogical. Take the old "ship of state" simile: what people are doing, when they declare that none of the concerns of THOSE PEOPLE should be dealt with at all, is the equivalent of saying " we think the ship will sail on much better if we leave the huge hole in the left or right side there, and let that half of the ship sink." MsHarmony mentioned "agreeing to disagree." That is a part of it. More than that, we need to agree to recognize that people who do complain, actually might have real concerns that need to be addressed, and those real problems will NOT be solved by shouting them down, just because their proposed solutions to those problems don't appeal to us. Example: term limit proposals. Term limits are being proposed (again). That is a proposed SOLUTION to a perceived PROBLEM. The "solution" of term limits, however, is actually only accidentally related to what the actual primary concern is, which is CORRUPTION. I am not myself all that excited about using the crude tool of term limits to solve corruption, because there's a few babies in that bathwater, which we have to throw out if we go that way, such as limiting our ability to choose the most competent and desirable leaders, simply because they HAVE proven to be good enough for us to have reelected them. I have had people declare that I support and desire corruption, simply because I oppose their favorite solution to it. THAT is the kind of illogic and refusal to recognize neighbor's concerns that I am talking about here. We have concerns about racism in our country. There are differences of opinion about what to do about that, too. Declaring that someone WANTS racism, just because they are opposed to some specific extra law that an avowed opponent of racism wants, is counter-productive, and usually an outright lie. It's also counter-productive and lying, to declare that the problem can be solved by ignoring it, or worse, by legalizing racial oppression again, as some people want to do, simply because they are angry about the bad solution being proposed by someone else. I learned this lesson by being a service technician. A professional problem solver. I learned that when someone declares that the machine doesn't work correctly for them, telling them to shut up because it works when I try to do what I want with it, wont solve anything, and will result in the machine being discarded entirely. Most of the time, what I have to do, is carefully work to find out WHY the person complaining thinks that the machine is broken, and then find a way to make it so that it DOES work for them, or, figure out what new mechanism is needed in order to get that work done. It's a lesson too, that anyone who thinks they are a pure capitalist SHOULD understand readily. If your "solution" when half of your customers are unhappy with your products, is to insult them and declare them undeserving of attention, your business will go down the tubes pretty quickly. What they tell you is wrong, and what they want you to do, might well be in error. But if you fail to get the REAL POINT of it all, which is that your customers must LIKE your product for YOU to succeed, then YOU are the one who is failing miserably. Not your complaining fellow customers, however mistaken they may be about the exact best solution. |
And that non-factual, non-logical decision is what I so strongly oppose, because I am a problem solver above all else. And I know from all manner of problem solving, that if you refuse to deal with what is factually true and logical, and instead insist only on catering to your emotionally pleasing distortions, you will solve nothing, and will make most problems very much worse.
What is factual and logical is respecting the vote no matter what your stance is, those who do not are effectively un-democratic and yes should be viewed as enemies of the state. To ferment continued division by rioting and protesting violently against the vote IS un-American. The silent vote has spoken and won, suck it up and respect it or go ahead and move to Bangladesh. My position would not change had the other side won |
I respect both votes,, the peoples vote that chose Clinton and the states vote that chose Trump
I side more with the peoples vote than the states votes though |
I respect both votes,, the peoples vote that chose Clinton and the states vote that chose Trump I side more with the peoples vote than the states votes though MsH, there is only one final vote that counts, you must pick a lane. You acknowledge Trumps victory but feel deeply Hillary should of won by the popular overall vote? therefore giving legitimacy to those who riot and demonstrate violently? It doesn't sound like the vote has been respected at all? I'm sure your reasoning FOR these riots and protests makes sense to you but nothing positive can come from it. Knowing nothing positive can come of it, do you still support these actions? |
I side more with that votes that count.
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I respect both votes,, the peoples vote that chose Clinton and the states vote that chose Trump I side more with the peoples vote than the states votes though MsH, there is only one final vote that counts, you must pick a lane. You acknowledge Trumps victory but feel deeply Hillary should of won by the popular overall vote? therefore giving legitimacy to those who riot and demonstrate violently? It doesn't sound like the vote has been respected at all? I'm sure your reasoning FOR these riots and protests makes sense to you but nothing positive can come from it. Knowing nothing positive can come of it, do you still support these actions? no. I haven't legitimized violence just because I support the popular vote. In fact, on more than one occasion I have opposed violence and supported peaceful protest. I dont support violence. Period. I support peaceful protest. |
The last numbers I saw were Trump 62,972,226 Hiliary 62,277,750 but I'm probably considered "Uneducated" because of who I voted for.
The last numbers I saw were Trump 62,972,226 Hiliary 62,277,750 but I'm probably considered "Uneducated" because of who I voted for. and WHERE did you see these numbers? they are pretty specific,, only thing close I found was on wordpress, which is LITERALLY a place thats free for anyone to post anything |
56 minutes ago 60,966,953 for Clinton 60,328,203 Trump
NY times As of November 13, the AP was reporting these popular vote totals: Donald Trump 60,350,241 (47.3%) Hillary Clinton 60,981,118 (47.79%) That’s a difference of 630,877 votes. BUT, there are up to 7 million votes still being counted |
The election is over, Trump won.
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the election is over,, but the political process is still running,,
as it will be when Trump is inaugurated.
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Well I got my numbers from the mingle forum
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Well I got my numbers from the mingle forum ![]() ![]() ![]() the numbers are changing some numbers in mingle actually are cited and come from other sources which may be a bit more 'accurate' than not it may be too early, but it has to be reported,, like those additional emails,,, ![]() |
of coarse you think that the popular vote should rule, now. but if ithe outcome was reversed you would be for the electoral vote. Right?