Topic: trumps first 100 days in office.. | |
Wow I can't believe you guys haven't got off it yet.
Obama met with Trump today. Trump told him hes trashing TPP!!
Obama agreed! It is officially dead! America! The man's not even on office and hes already kickin ***! So it will be 101 days! |
, i can't see why the libs didn't do this to begin with...
What are you talking about? The libs "do this" all the time. Make a bunch of promises, have a bunch of ideas generally listed that sound good, hoping to change things for the better, and in reality it all turns into a horror show. Obviously he means enacting these *specific* policies. As in: How did we come to 2016 and not have done this already? Why did we need Trump? i don't answer him, i never saw a point to it... but thanks, you hit the nail on the head... |
for all you trump "haters" out there, please read this and tell me what you think... i would post it on here, but it is somewhat lengthy, so i'll just post the website... sounds GREAT to me, i can't see why the libs didn't do this to begin with... First, the Democrats DID try to do a lot of this, during Obama's time in office. The Republicans blocked it all, even when they thought it was a good idea, because they had only one agenda and one loyalty: make the economy as bad as possible, in order to make the Democrats, and Obama in particular, look bad. Now. As to what Trump is proposing. Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, has declared that he flat out opposes much of what Trump wants. There will be no term limits. Infrastructure rebuilding is "not high on their agenda." Trying to repeal the ACA might happen, because they are on the same page there. The famous Wall, McConnell avoids talking about, which means he and the Senate Republicans wont support it. In general, as you may recall from the campaign days, the Republican Party leadership doesn't like Trump. The only person they dislike more than Trump, was Clinton. It's going to be interesting to see what happens. And by the way, this is why I emphasized a while back in other threads, that it isn't so much who gets elected President that matters, it's who the people vote in to the House and Senate. And the same Americans who gave Trump the White House, gave the Senate to the Republicans who oppose Trump. blah, blah, blah... now you gunna blame the repubs on the repubs? |
the original post asks what the non trump supporters think of the plan I actually read the plan and responded to the points made question posed,, question answered |
The first hundred days, are only the beginning of greatness.
for all you trump "haters" out there, please read this and tell me what you think... i would post it on here, but it is somewhat lengthy, so i'll just post the website... sounds GREAT to me, i can't see why the libs didn't do this to begin with... First, the Democrats DID try to do a lot of this, during Obama's time in office. The Republicans blocked it all, even when they thought it was a good idea, because they had only one agenda and one loyalty: make the economy as bad as possible, in order to make the Democrats, and Obama in particular, look bad. Now. As to what Trump is proposing. Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, has declared that he flat out opposes much of what Trump wants. There will be no term limits. Infrastructure rebuilding is "not high on their agenda." Trying to repeal the ACA might happen, because they are on the same page there. The famous Wall, McConnell avoids talking about, which means he and the Senate Republicans wont support it. In general, as you may recall from the campaign days, the Republican Party leadership doesn't like Trump. The only person they dislike more than Trump, was Clinton. It's going to be interesting to see what happens. And by the way, this is why I emphasized a while back in other threads, that it isn't so much who gets elected President that matters, it's who the people vote in to the House and Senate. And the same Americans who gave Trump the White House, gave the Senate to the Republicans who oppose Trump. blah, blah, blah... now you gunna blame the repubs on the repubs? If you wont read what I say, and then verify that it is or isn't true, don't bother to comment. Go back and look, since you apparently don't remember. Simply saying "blah blah" is being insulting, without being responsive. |
Obama met with Trump today. Trump told him hes trashing TPP!! Obama agreed! It is officially dead! America! The man's not even on office and hes already kickin ***! So it will be 101 days! Already getting rid of bad legislation and he ain't even sworn in yet ![]() I watched Obama after his meeting with President Trump at the press conference. Obama had a stunned look. He couldn't believe he was inviting Trump to the W.H instead of Hillarious Clinton. He had the same stunned look he had during the '08 financial meltdown. ![]() |
NEVER thought I would enjoy world news, so much.
It looks like , all the world leaders are lining up and bending over. And, King Cyrus hasn't had his coronation yet |
Edited by
Fri 11/11/16 12:59 AM
for all you trump "haters" out there, please read this and tell me what you think... i would post it on here, but it is somewhat lengthy, so i'll just post the website... sounds GREAT to me, i can't see why the libs didn't do this to begin with... First, the Democrats DID try to do a lot of this, during Obama's time in office. The Republicans blocked it all, even when they thought it was a good idea, because they had only one agenda and one loyalty: make the economy as bad as possible, in order to make the Democrats, and Obama in particular, look bad. Now. As to what Trump is proposing. Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, has declared that he flat out opposes much of what Trump wants. There will be no term limits. Infrastructure rebuilding is "not high on their agenda." Trying to repeal the ACA might happen, because they are on the same page there. The famous Wall, McConnell avoids talking about, which means he and the Senate Republicans wont support it. In general, as you may recall from the campaign days, the Republican Party leadership doesn't like Trump. The only person they dislike more than Trump, was Clinton. It's going to be interesting to see what happens. And by the way, this is why I emphasized a while back in other threads, that it isn't so much who gets elected President that matters, it's who the people vote in to the House and Senate. And the same Americans who gave Trump the White House, gave the Senate to the Republicans who oppose Trump. |
Obama met with Trump today. Trump told him hes trashing TPP!! Obama agreed! It is officially dead! America! The man's not even on office and hes already kickin ***! So it will be 101 days! Already getting rid of bad legislation and he ain't even sworn in yet ![]() I watched Obama after his meeting with President Trump at the press conference. Obama had a stunned look. He couldn't believe he was inviting Trump to the W.H instead of Hillarious Clinton. He had the same stunned look he had during the '08 financial meltdown. ![]() he aint the only one,, a president elect, under investigation for fraudulent activity in his business WHILE and after being elected they both look stunned honestly, I don't think Trump ever wanted or expected to be in the position |
Doesn't much matter.. the " audience" is past this.. the election is in the books.. time to move on ;)
for all you trump "haters" out there, please read this and tell me what you think... i would post it on here, but it is somewhat lengthy, so i'll just post the website... sounds GREAT to me, i can't see why the libs didn't do this to begin with... First, the Democrats DID try to do a lot of this, during Obama's time in office. The Republicans blocked it all, even when they thought it was a good idea, because they had only one agenda and one loyalty: make the economy as bad as possible, in order to make the Democrats, and Obama in particular, look bad. Now. As to what Trump is proposing. Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, has declared that he flat out opposes much of what Trump wants. There will be no term limits. Infrastructure rebuilding is "not high on their agenda." Trying to repeal the ACA might happen, because they are on the same page there. The famous Wall, McConnell avoids talking about, which means he and the Senate Republicans wont support it. In general, as you may recall from the campaign days, the Republican Party leadership doesn't like Trump. The only person they dislike more than Trump, was Clinton. It's going to be interesting to see what happens. And by the way, this is why I emphasized a while back in other threads, that it isn't so much who gets elected President that matters, it's who the people vote in to the House and Senate. And the same Americans who gave Trump the White House, gave the Senate to the Republicans who oppose Trump. blah, blah, blah... now you gunna blame the repubs on the repubs? If you wont read what I say, and then verify that it is or isn't true, don't bother to comment. Go back and look, since you apparently don't remember. Simply saying "blah blah" is being insulting, without being responsive. |
In January, Trump will be sworn in. There is a ceremony that takes place, and then he is the President.
In January, Trump will be sworn in. There is a ceremony that takes place, and then he is the President. thats what is supposed to happen... we have to wait and see if obarry declares martial law from the riots he and soros are causing... |
I could have sworn that the Democrats had a Majority in both Houses in the beginning of Obama's Reign
They did, and they certainly didn't bother to do anything to change how the POTUS is chosen. I don't recall Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid wanting to eliminate the Electoral College. Perhaps that is because there was no need to do that. There is still no need to do that. |
the original post asks what the non trump supporters think of the plan I actually read the plan and responded to the points made question posed,, question answered I try to actually be logical and level headed and fair |
I could have sworn that the Democrats had a Majority in both Houses in the beginning of Obama's Reign
They did, and they certainly didn't bother to do anything to change how the POTUS is chosen. I don't recall Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid wanting to eliminate the Electoral College. Perhaps that is because there was no need to do that. There is still no need to do that. slavery had its time jim crow had its time maybe the electoral college will too ,its yet to be seen,,,,when Trump thought he was losing he was for eliminating it too I believe mostly the increased occurrence of electoral and popular not matching up is causing an accelerated concern for its usefulness |
The election system isn't broke.. no reason to change it. Both sides know the system.. full well. Both sides know what states are key.. which ones they need to win.. no secrete there. As do the American people.
Both sides know the rules and accept them. The only ones who really have a problem with it are some people ( not all) that lose.. by the rules. Some accept it, some can't. Even thought the rules were o.k. when they thought their candidate would win. That's like arguing balls and strikes with the umpire.. when you knew the rules going into the game. Don't like the rules.. don't play. If you lose.. by the rules.. that's the way it goes. |
I believe mostly the increased occurrence of electoral and popular not matching up is causing an accelerated concern for its usefulness
IMO people don't really understand districts. If a state has 200k people divided into 4 districts of 50k. The state automatically gets 2 senators = 2 electorals. Each district has 1 U.S. representative (in this scenario) = 4 electorals. Total of 6 electoral votes available. District 1 votes 30k for trump, 20k for hillary. District 2 votes 30k for trump, 20k for hillary. District 3 votes 30k for trump, 20k for hillary. District 4 votes 0 for trump, 50k for hillary. Total "popular" vote for that state 90k for trump, 110k for hillary. But 3/4 of the districts voted for Trump. Most states have "winner take all." Trump wins 3/4 districts = 6 electoral votes go to trump. Some states have winner take all, apportioned, so trump gets 4.5, rounded to 5, and Hillary gets 1, or 4 and 2. You are considered part of a represented district. Not a sovereign individual in a state only consisting of statewide boundaries, one among a mob of people. Let's say you're Rhode Island. Your mob is far smaller than the mob in California, or Arizona, or New York. Without the electoral college bigger states make your votes pointless. The electoral college makes your states votes matter just as much as any other state. The "increased occurrence of electoral and popular not matching up" is a bogus claim. It rarely happens. This is maybe the 5th, 6th time it has ever happened. Not enough occurrences to claim an "increase." If you want to see an increase and blame anything, then blame the crap out of people breeding, increasing state populations and therefore the number of representatives and thereby electorals. Blame the retiree's living longer, becoming more conservative, and flooding the cities that were predominantly "liberal" as they retire. As a side, why do you "really" think Obama's HUD wants to force "more affluent" neighborhoods to become more diversified? Force more low income and section 8 housing to be built in certain area codes? Or support "sanctuary" cities that increase the population? You really believe it's for the children and opportunity and racial lovey dovey? Always a loophole. Helps to get around things like "gerrymandering." But no, of course politicians don't do things like that, try and manipulate the political field in such a way to favor themselves. Nope. They're all altruistic and just want the best for you and it never even occurs to them how it will affect the bigger picture politically. accelerated concern for its usefulness
Which should scare you. If people don't see the value of the electoral college, then they don't understand it. It actually helps make your vote matter, your representatives matter, and your community matter. |