Topic: HRC, stupid is as stupid does! | |
Hilliary supporting friend to me: "Bill Clinton was right, you just can't stand the thought of a strong, independent woman holding the office of the President." Me: "It's not so much that I can't stand a strong, independent woman being in charge. I'm married to one - but let me clue you in to something. Hillary may or may not be a woman given these "gender fluid" times - but without fear of contradiction, I can say that Hilliary Clinton is neither strong nor independent. She "achieved" her status because she was married to Bill Clinton. Her candidacy was shielded by the DNC after she lost in 2008 because in Bill's words, "She deserves it". If it weren't for her hitching her wagon to a powerful Democrat male, she would be nothing more than a part-time contributor on MSNBC." (posted by a Friend of mine) Without the name Clinton, Hillary Clinton would be utterly anonymous and unknown today. She is the antithesis of feminism. The antithesis of the strong, independent woman. She has accomplished essentially nothing in her adult life by dint of her own hard work, initiative, or skill. For that see: Carly Fiorina. Or Sarah Palin. Or Condoleezza Rice. All three are women the Left despise. All three are self-made women, accomplished in their own right. Hilliary is NOTHING, not even CLOSE to these women in strength, independence, and accomplishment. Carly Fiorina was not attacked by the left,, Condoleeza Rice lost 3000 american lives on her watch,, grounds by the right to be despised if current trends are observed,,,and Sarah Palin was nothing like an accomplised woman,, she bounced between five colleges before getting a broadcasting degree the comparison is insulting,,, |
Clinton is trash.
Trump is the whole landfill
Nearly every defense and diversion employed to defend Clinton’s abhorrent political record has been debunked Democrats have been depending on their spin machine to divert attention from the WikiLeaks revelations. Russian conspiracies, vague claims of fabricated emails without proving one single release has been fake, and claiming the content of the emails are benign without reading them have been the most frequently used damage control tactics attempted by Clinton partisans. The Podesta emails have provided further evidence the Clinton campaign rigged the Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton with the help of “neutral” Democratic National Committee (DNC) staff and “autonomous” mainstream media outlets that coordinated together behind the scenes. The emails revealed the Clinton campaign lied about how early they started her campaign while the Clintons continued the highly-paid speech circuit. Chelsea Clinton was exposed as having used the Clinton Foundation as a personal checking account, while her husband used it to find investors for his hedge fund. It was revealed that Bill Clinton used the Clinton Foundation as a means to make the Clintons rich and he exchanged political favors with Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk for Clinton Foundation donations. Hillary Clinton has been proven to be as inauthentic and scripted as her critics initially claimed, with her campaign staff often debating in released emails what Clinton should say and what her policies should be without the candidate making any actual input. Clinton’s highly paid PR consultant Mandy Grunwald called her “cronyistic” and said that she hasn’t driven a car in 35 years and has flown all over the world but accomplished nothing. Several emails revealed the Clinton Campaign illegally coordinated with Super PACs. Dubious and prolific Clinton donors George Soros and Haim Saban have unabated access to Clinton and her campaign staff. Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook pursued foreign donations Podesta received payments from donors. The Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice Peter Kadzik was tipping off the Clinton campaign to confidential dealings of the DOJ. Mainstream media journalists allowed Clinton campaign staff to plant articles, edit and proofread, and halt negative coverage. The Clinton campaign meddled with the dates of the Democratic and Republican primaries to benefit Clinton. Donald Trump was purposely elevated by the Clinton campaign and mainstream media in order to provide Clinton with a weak opponent in the general election. The latest WikiLeaks emails released November 8 and the night before reveal that DNC interim chair Donna Brazile provided the Clinton campaign with more questions in advance of CNN debates and town halls. Brazile told The Washington Post in 2014 she would not be neutral in the Democratic primary. She freely admitted that she would back Clinton, despite the DNC charter demanding her neutrality in the primaries as an integral component of ensuring the process stayed fair and balanced. Brazile continuing to serve as head of the DNC after CNN severed ties with her suggests the Democratic Party favors loyalty to Clinton over maintaining any semblance of integrity. A September 2015 email revealed MSNBC host Chuck Todd held a party for Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri. The email provides further evidence that many mainstream media journalists had an unethical relationship with the Clinton campaign. Rather than serving to inform the public, these journalists served the Clinton campaign behind the scenes to elevate their own careers and preserve the status quo. Most of them didn’t even have the decency to admit the truth of their relationships with the Clinton campaign, either. Despite “a fundamental conflict of interest” with Joel Benenson’s work at the White House, the Clinton campaign hired him as a pollster and advisor to the campaign in 2014. In a 2014 email, Hillary Clinton asked Podesta—who was serving at the White House at the time, though she was no longer employed there—to disclose intelligence information on Libya. Instead of just releasing Clinton’s speech transcripts to Wall Street firms, the campaign prepped in a March email chain for questions from friendly journalists who wouldn’t push the issue. The WikiLeaks release of emails from Podesta have largely vindicated critics of Clinton. Nearly every defense and diversion regularly employed by the campaign to defend Clinton’s abhorrent political record has been debunked. |
I think we should all try to move forward as Americans and accept the new President. Because, we are "Stronger Together". ![]() |
I think we should all try to move forward as Americans and accept the new President.
I think we should all try to move forward as Americans and accept the new President. I hope the President will accept us 'all' |
Unlike Obama, he wants to be the pres. of all people. even Nailcap, if he can understand what he is trying to say. lol
lets hope
Obama show and proved he represented all Trump has shown quite a bit of belittling of many like mexicans, blacks, women, and muslims IM inspired by Cat, I am hoping he is a fake,, and we actually will get a literate, competent, and in touch with the real world person sitting in the white house |
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I think we should all try to move forward as Americans and accept the new President. need to tell that to those Idiot-Rioters! |
<<<<<Now, the same people who wrapped up Hillary Clinton for the electorate, then totally screwed up the polling, want to wax apocalyptic and explain why Trump’s victory represents the worst of America. Van Jones says a “white-lash” is beneath the red tide. The New York Times—which put Trump at around a 15 percent chance of winning—says Trump’s supporters followed a “heedless desire for change” that puts “America on a precipice.” Heedless, say the people who helped give us Clinton, the Iran deal, ObamaCare . . . I acknowledge that Trump appealed to economically unsound theories of trade (old-style mercantilism), and he winked long and often at those who really are bigoted against Jews, blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims (the so-called “alt-right”). I get the ways in which Trump’s victory is a problem. But I also see the ways in which Trump’s victory is not a problem, and I sympathize with the most important reasons that most of Trump’s supporters went with him. Here I’ll list in no particular order a dozen reasons why Trump won. 1. Overreaching Elites In a certain way I am an elitist—I believe that there are objective truths that some people know and others don’t, that some cultures are better than others, that the experts often are right (I’m looking at you, anti-vaxers), that Economics 101 gets it right when it comes to such issues as trade and wage controls. Yet I am also anti-elitist in the Hayekian sense that I think intellectuals, particularly when opining on the construction of society, often labor under a “fatal conceit.” Such intellectuals, whose hubris brought us the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, now smear the many good and sensible people who voted for Trump for good and sensible reasons. Consider the much-discussed split between voters who are college educated and those who are not. (Recall that Trump “love[s] the poorly educated.”) Then look at what the highly educated have brought to our college campuses. The elite has created tax-subsidized universities in which insecure students wail for “safe spaces,” the PC Police hunt down noncompliant students and professors, and self-righteous thugs scream down speakers with the “wrong” views. Many of today’s universities are in important respects bastions of pigmy fascism. College educated elites brought us ObamaCare. College educated elites brought us the mortgage meltdown—and then the corporate bailouts that rewarded (some of) the villains. And it is to these elites that hardworking Americans—the very people who pay the taxes that support college students and the political class—are supposed to bow down? 2. Progressives for Trump Yes, people in the television news networks wanted Trump to lose—but only after he created a sensational election cycle. They got half a loaf. Remember when the Democratic National Committee conspired with the Clinton campaign to promote Trump to “muddy the waters”? Mission accomplished. Remember when Robert Reich actively campaigned for Trump to beat out Ted Cruz? Mission accomplished. Remember when Jonathan Chait wrote that leftists should “earnestly and patriotically support a Trump Republican nomination,” partly because he’d surely lose? The simple fact is that many of the people now screaming loudest about Trump’s victory did everything they could to prop up Trump’s campaign during the primaries. Well, surprise, surprise. And now people who voted for Trump in the end are supposed to feel guilty about it? 3. Identity Politics I saw a graphic somewhere that turned a drawing of a woman’s vagina into the “v” for “voted.” Democrats often treat not only women but members of various minority groups, not as thinking individuals, but as parts of a collective driven fundamentally by their genes. A lot of people are getting tired of the postmodern left’s relentless emphasis of people’s skin color and body parts. Yes, the racism of the so-called “alt-right” is wrong and frightening. But it is of the same cloth as the highbrow racism now rampant in universities. Thankfully, many of the people who voted for Trump reject both strands of racism. 4. PC Nonsense on Terror Ayaan Hirsi Ali, one of the greatest feminist heroes of our age and an advocate of Muslim reform, recently was smeared by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an “anti-Muslim extremist.” This treatment of Ali by overeducated fools is shameful. It is also deeply stupid. And “flyover” Americans, for the most part, get that. That Islamic jihadist terrorists are motivated fundamentally by a particular interpretation of Islam—one seeking global theocratic totalitarianism imposed by violence—is undeniable to all but the most self-delusional. Of course most Muslims are not terrorists. Countless Muslims interpret their religion in a way amenable to peace and human rights. Peaceable Muslims are the ones most often victimized by jihadist terrorists. That doesn’t change the fact that some Muslims are motivated by their particular religious beliefs to commit atrocities. Donald Trump was ineloquent and sometimes gratuitously hurtful, but at least he recognized the basic facts about terrorism that many of today’s elites refuse to see. 5. Clinton Cash Hillary Clinton is corrupt as hell. Yes, the late-breaking FBI letter regarding Clinton’s emails hurt Clinton’s chances. But what were Clinton’s official emails doing on Anthony Weiner’s computer in the first place? The email scandal, important in its own right, was an outgrowth of Clinton’s pay-to-play Secretary of State scandal. Why did Clinton want to keep her emails off the books? She has a history of playing fast and loose with the rules for her own enrichment. Meanwhile, Regular Joes and Sallies in country-road America get hammered by the federal government for violating whatever nonsense “wetlands” rules (or the like) that college-educated elites who know nothing about life in “flyover country” care to enact. Then the pundit class wonders why “lock her up” works as a chant. 6. Thirteen Hours “What difference, at this point, does it make?” What difference does it make that Clinton flagrantly lied and said, ridiculously, that the assault on Benghazi was caused by an internet video? The death of American personnel in Benghazi was part of the much broader fiasco in Libya that Clinton’s policies created. Incidentally, this was a fiasco detailed by the New York Times. And those who neglected the Times‘s material could watch 13 Hours for the same basic story. The broader problem is that people like Clinton order people not like Clinton to fight and risk their health and lives, often for stupid reasons and with suicidal rules of engagement. And the fact that Trump was himself an elitist draft dodger (technically draft deferrer) just didn’t matter as much as Clinton’s proven failures. Oh, yeah, and Clinton also capitulated to Iranian tyrants and “reset” Russian relations in a way that involved Russia gaining control of a U.S. uranium company. 7. Gun Owners Matter Sure, Hillary Clinton is for the Second Amendment—so long as it doesn’t actually mean anything. Clinton declared war with the National Rifle Association and with its millions of members. Guess what: she lost. Peaceable gun owners especially in rural areas are tired of being demonized for the crimes that occur mostly in Democrat-run cities with strict gun laws and major gang problems. Maybe someday Democrats will learn this lesson. 8. ObamaCare Hillary Clinton started the ObamaCare train rolling long ago. Then Republican Mitt Romney pushed it down the tracks. Then Barack Obama and the Congress pushed it right over the wary American people. And then my insurance rates roughly quadrupled. “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Yeah, except for when my insurance company sent their cancellation notice to my wife and me. ObamaCare is a train wreck. Americans are more tied than ever to employer-based insurance. The rising costs are pushing some families over the edge financially. And Clinton’s strategy is to double down. 9. Energy Obama boasted that he’d put coal companies out of business. Mission accomplished. Hillary’s answer is to put out-of-work energy workers on welfare. Look, most Americans realize that “climate change” is not a Chinese conspiracy. But they also realize that Al Gore’s apocalyptic hyperventilating is just as detached from reality. Other things equal, most Americans would prefer that carbon dioxide emissions didn’t raise average global temperatures. But how about a little cost-benefit analysis here? Almost everything we love about our lives—indeed, the fact that most of us are even alive—we owe substantially to energy production. The great irony is that fracking, which Democrats love to demonize, is largely responsible for the recovery—and the reductions in carbon emissions—that Obama likes to take credit for. Meanwhile, environmentalists, for the most part, won’t even talk about the possibility of nuclear power, which we know works, because they’re so concerned with imposing new taxes and regulations on today’s energy industry to prop up utopian energy schemes. 10. The Supreme Court Clinton essentially promised to nominate Supreme Court justices who would permit censorship of political speech, permit extensive controls of people’s guns, and not take too seriously Constitutional constraints of government. Trump, by contrast, put out a list of mostly decent, Constitutionally-minded potential nominees. The prospect of maybe getting some decent Supreme Court justices who don’t toe the “living Constitution” Progressive line is, to me, the single most hopeful silver lining of Trump’s victory. Here’s another silver lining (pointed out by Yaron Brook): Clinton, by losing after vastly outspending Trump, just destroyed her own case for overturning Citizens United. It turns out that money is not the trump card Clinton pretends. 11. Stronger Together Trump ran on a simple and effective slogan: “Make America Great Again.” Clinton’s slogan was “stronger together”—by which, everyone knows, she means stronger government. We really are often stronger together—when we choose to interact by mutual consent. What Clinton obviously wants is for government to strongly force us to work together for the aims of politicians. Well, that message just doesn’t play well throughout middle America. Trump’s victory is not only a repudiation of Clinton; it is (as Jeffrey Tucker observes) a repudiation of the egalitarian Progressive wing of the Democratic Party that pulled Clinton so far from the mainstream. 12. The New World Order Remember George H. W. Bush’s “new world order?” It turns out a lot of Republican voters remember that. It is not the fault of Republican voters that leading Democrats and Republicans have linked global trade to a global “world policeman” foreign policy and to crony-friendly trade deals. Now many of Trump’s voters rail against “globalism” without bothering to disentangle trade—which on net benefits Americans enormously—from international statism. They simply commit the flip side of the error of the New World Order types. Trump’s supporters are hardly alone in rejecting the classical liberal ideal of free trade combined with a modest foreign policy focused on national defense rather than nation building abroad or playing global cop. Regarding trade, I believe the big international trade deals have on net been pretty good despite their elements of cronyism. But genuine free trade does not depend on treaties or reams of bureaucratic regulations. It just depends on us eliminating (or at least minimizing) protective tariffs and encouraging others to do likewise. Trade is good for us; cutting off trade would be disastrously harmful. Obviously Trump is mercantilist in his thinking, but hopefully wiser heads can talk him out of the worst foolishness he might consider—lest he reprise the role of Herbert Hoover. I urge Trump’s supporters to take a much closer look at the the classical economic case for trade. At the same time, I completely understand and support their stance against global statism. *** As I’ve written elsewhere at length, Trump’s victory brings with it huge potential problems. If Trump lives down to his worst impulses on immigration, on trade, on vindictive use of power, he could be a very destructive president. Hopefully Trump will live up to his better tendencies and listen to sensible advisors. And hopefully the Republicans in Congress will push him to do so. I do have to give Trump credit for working very hard during this election season and, whether by luck or by uncanny skill, reading the electorate perfectly and becoming the candidate who could win over voters. Obviously I was wrong in my early assessment that Trump would severely damage down-ticket races; overall Republicans did very well anyway. This election cycle truly was a crushing defeat for Democrats. As much as I worry about a Trump presidency, I do understand many of the reasons that millions of voters went for Trump over Clinton. To a substantial degree, Trump’s supporters were motivated by valid concerns. Now it is up to classical liberals, libertarians, Constitutional conservatives, and free-trade Democrats who opposed Trump or who supported him as the lesser evil to check Trump when he threatens liberty and to cheer him on when it furthers it. This is the same basic task that liberty activists always face. This time the stakes are especially high—let’s hope we’re up to the challenge. |