Topic: Hillary, the Women's Right Champion! | |
* adjunct * professor And, Obonzo isn't eligible for a third term. Free at last! Free at last! Free at last! Great Gawd Almighty! Free at last! correction: the actual title was SENIOR lecturer, which is regarded as a professor from the university site From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. |
Its funny that the only requirements I've ever heard of is that you have to be at least 35 years old and born in the United States to be president.Never knew you had to be a lawyer and serve in the Senate? I wonder why the Republicans didn't know that before they put Donald on the ticket? I've thought since the day he entered the race he was just in it to stir things up. I think he's hoping he loses just so he can tell the American people "You should have listened to me! Now look at the mess we are in!" It is just another one of his power trips, but anything would be better than Hilary.
Its funny that the only requirements I've ever heard of is that you have to be at least 35 years old and born in the United States to be president.Never knew you had to be a lawyer and serve in the Senate? I wonder why the Republicans didn't know that before they put Donald on the ticket? I've thought since the day he entered the race he was just in it to stir things up. I think he's hoping he loses just so he can tell the American people "You should have listened to me! Now look at the mess we are in!" It is just another one of his power trips, but anything would be better than Hilary. you are correct, there is a short list of actual 'requirements' Rainman could run, officially speaking but not one president has been elected that didnt have some history of 'public service',,,because like any other position anyone applies to,, those making the choices are interested in your experience, knowledge, and temperament/social skills OBamas relevant experience in public service, is working for and in low income communities to help impoverished families practicing law in CIVIL RIGHTS teaching CONSTITUTIONAL LAW serving 6 years in the Illinois Senate and a few in the US Senate Obamas relevant knowledge is a Magna *** Laude juris doctorate (8 yrs, not less than a 3.8 average) in constitutional law and practicing law in Civil rights Obamas temperament is overwhelmingly calm and rational and respectful and I agree that Trump never cared about or wanted the position, only the Noteriety I believe Hillary in her years of experience has made some poor choices I dont believe that someone with NO experienceand that volatile impulsive demeanor, would therefore make better choices |
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At this point, the only ones supporting Clinton are the ones who are like her. Today it's racist thug Jay Z, yesterday was batsh!t crazy Cyrus and God only knows who it'll be tomorrow. Maybe certified spycho Lorena Bobbitt or flapjack Peewee Herman. She might even be able to wrestle in the Wicked Witch from the west and her flying monkeys. plenty of educated people do support her, and plenty of people that have been involved in caring about and working for the betterment of communities outside of their home,,, not much argument there,,,, Since circa 1969, the inception of her political career, Hillary Rodham Clinton has assaulted my intelligence. I just can't take the unrelenting abuse anymore. This constant rape of my cogent mind has left me a shadow of my once reasonable self. In bed every night, I wrap myself in my country's flag, and pray the red, white and blue shields me from the relentless attacks of her seditious progressive antics. And I pray to God it stops! ![]() |
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Hillary and woman's right.. what a oxymoron that is. Not long ago, there was a photo of her meeting with 3 Afghan women.. all 3 of the Afghan women covered head to toe in fabric. not really the poster child for woman's rights.. was it. so, your argument is because afghan women cover themselves, Hilary cant possibly be a womans rights advocate? seriously? Yeah, seriously. |
![]() That's a disgusting post Does being Jewish give some kind leeway? Not a chance! ![]() ![]() |
![]() I am flattered that you still think I am.... one of God's CHOSEN |
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Thu 10/27/16 11:37 PM
At this point, the only ones supporting Clinton are the ones who are like her. Today it's racist thug Jay Z, yesterday was batsh!t crazy Cyrus and God only knows who it'll be tomorrow. Maybe certified spycho Lorena Bobbitt or flapjack Peewee Herman. She might even be able to wrestle in the Wicked Witch from the west and her flying monkeys. plenty of educated people do support her, and plenty of people that have been involved in caring about and working for the betterment of communities outside of their home,,, not much argument there,,,, So you put "educated" in your sentence and it gives weight your argument... let me try that one on for size: Plenty of educated people support Donald Trump and say that Clinton is a lying witch, and plenty of people that have been involved in caring about and working for the betterment of communities outside their home... hummm. Sounds good to me. actually it gives weight to YOUR argument the only people voting for Hilary are those like her I named some of the 'types' who would be 'like' her,,, what sounds good to you has to bash Hilary and her supporters what sounds good to me was giving her and her supporters credit ,,,personal bias and perception but uneducated people are far more LIKELY To choose Trump,, just saying ![]() You mean Baskets of Deplorables are far more LIKELY to... You're straying, stick with the narrative: ONLY crazy deplorables vote for Trump, Clinton loooooooves the chiiiiiildren, the are no conspiracies, the main streem media are fair and balanced and the economy is as robust as can be, right? |
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Fri 10/28/16 01:23 AM
propoganda nonsense true part, he was not here in the fifties born in hawaii august 4 1961 moved to indonesia at 4 back to hawaii at 10 he was defintely in the states in the 70s as evidenced by this 1974 pounaha academy class photo ![]() I will vote for the candidate (female or male) who has the experience in public service, interest in public service, and temperament to know how to be BOTH tough and level headed certainly wont be Trump anuary 10, 2016 Here's what 'constitutional scholar' Obama really taught at law school By Karin McQuillan Among the lies about himself Obama consistently repeats is that he was a constitutional law professor. Lie one: Obama was never a professor; he was a lecturer. He did not have the qualifications to be a professor. Obama never published a single law paper. He was hired by the University of Chicago when they learned he had been given a book contract on race and law directly after graduating from Harvard. There was no book – just the contract, which he later reneged on. This is not the normal level of accomplishment for a University of Chicago professor or even lecturer. Obama was not capable of writing, and eventually, after failing to deliver, he changed it to a memoir, which he also struggled with. Finally, he asked Bill Ayers to write his memoir for him, using tapes that Michelle dropped off at the Ayerses'. Lie two: Obama did not specialize in the Constitution. Obama cared about and taught only one subject: race. One course was about race in the Constitution. It is on this flimsy basis that he attempts to pawn himself off as a constitutional scholar. As the New York Times explains, Obama the lecturer taught three subjects only: "race, rights and gender." His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law. His voting rights class traced the evolution of election law, from the disenfranchisement of blacks to contemporary debates over districting and campaign finance. …His most original course, a historical and political seminar as much as a legal one, was on racism and law… [In] one class on race, he imitated the way clueless white people talked. "Why are your friends at the housing projects shooting each other?" he asked in a mock-innocent voice. ... Mr. Obama was especially eager for his charges to understand the horrors of the past, students say. He assigned a 1919 catalog of lynching victims, including some who were first raped or stripped of their ears and fingers, others who were pregnant or lynched with their children, and some whose charred bodies were sold off, bone fragment by bone fragment, to gawkers. … "Are there legal remedies that alleviate not just existing racism, but racism from the past?" Adam Gross, now a public interest lawyer in Chicago, wrote in his class notes in April 1994. In what even some fans saw as self-absorption, Mr. Obama's hypothetical cases occasionally featured himself. "Take Barack Obama, there's a good-looking guy," he would introduce a twisty legal case. Liberals flocked to his classes[.] … After all, the professor was a progressive politician[.] Lie three: Obama calls himself a constitutional law prof to imply that he loves the Constitution. Obama gives the lie to this himself. He is on record – literally, a radio interview done when he was a lecturer – slamming the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution because they never tried to invent a right to "redistribute wealth" – a failing he describes as a "tragedy of the civil rights movement." Obama laments the constraints on government power (what we would call liberty) imposed by our Constitution. Obama himself contrasts following the Constitution with being a community organizer, creating "coalitions of power," which could "redistribute wealth" and create "economic justice." Obama was as much of a Professor of Constitutional Law,as Caligula's Horse was a Roman Senator! |
At this point, the only ones supporting Clinton are the ones who are like her. Today it's racist thug Jay Z, yesterday was batsh!t crazy Cyrus and God only knows who it'll be tomorrow. Maybe certified spycho Lorena Bobbitt or flapjack Peewee Herman. She might even be able to wrestle in the Wicked Witch from the west and her flying monkeys. plenty of educated people do support her, and plenty of people that have been involved in caring about and working for the betterment of communities outside of their home,,, not much argument there,,,, So you put "educated" in your sentence and it gives weight your argument... let me try that one on for size: Plenty of educated people support Donald Trump and say that Clinton is a lying witch, and plenty of people that have been involved in caring about and working for the betterment of communities outside their home... hummm. Sounds good to me. actually it gives weight to YOUR argument the only people voting for Hilary are those like her I named some of the 'types' who would be 'like' her,,, what sounds good to you has to bash Hilary and her supporters what sounds good to me was giving her and her supporters credit ,,,personal bias and perception but uneducated people are far more LIKELY To choose Trump,, just saying ![]() You mean Baskets of Deplorables are far more LIKELY to... You're straying, stick with the narrative: ONLY crazy deplorables vote for Trump, Clinton loooooooves the chiiiiiildren, the are no conspiracies, the main streem media are fair and balanced and the economy is as robust as can be, right? actually, she never said only,, she said half, which she later admitted was wrong (taking responsibility for offensiveness is a novel idea huh?) and yes, from her LONG history of working to uplift and assist children, I do believe she loves then and like hitting a lotto, sometimes a conspiracy is true, but most are just a toss in the wind no entity relying on sponsorship funds to run is 'fair and balanced' hardly ever will you read or hear direct quotes and a description that describes them as what someone 'said',,,its always some paraphrasing with spin or judgmental description like 'demanded', 'complained', 'blamed',,,,blah blah bah and childrens advocacy over a period of decades isnt reflected only in current economic trends |
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Fri 10/28/16 02:22 AM
statement from the university of chicago
Statement Regarding Barack Obama The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer." From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers has high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined. ALSO, from the university of chicago website By 1993, Obama was teaching Current Issues in Racism and the Law—a class he designed—and added Constitutional Law III in 1996. “In Con Law III we study equal process and due process. He was incredibly charismatic, funny, really willing to listen to student viewpoints—which I thought was very special at Chicago,” says Elysia Solomon, ’99. “There were so many diverse views in the class and people didn’t feel insecure about voicing their opinions. I thought that he did a really good job of balancing viewpoints.” “When I walked into class the first day I remember that we—meaning the students I knew—thought we were going to get a very left-leaning perspective on the law,” explains Jesse Ruiz, ’95. “We assumed that because he was a minority professor in a class he designed. But he was very middle-of-the-road. In his class we were very cognizant that we were dealing with a difficult topic, but what we really got out of that class was that he taught us to think like lawyers about those hard topics even when we had issues about those topics.” |
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