Topic: Is Honesty always the best policy? | |
Ok here is my question. I am a massage therapist and I love my job but, I have one client that stinks. He is the nicest guy in the world. He always showers in the showers we offer. It is not a lack of cleanliness it has to be something he eats. I try to ignore it but sometimes I want to gag. Do you think I should say something or continue to ignore it. He comes in once a week.
Well a client is a client, just from a business stand point I'd say put up with it.
Put extra air fresheners in the room when you know he's coming haha. |
its the twenty minutes of hand scrubbing that boths me
bothers me
Dont bite the hand that feeds you!!! He may have a medical condition that he cant do anything about.
As a massage therapist, isnt there some really strong smelling oils???? I think someone used grapeseed oil on me once and another time was tea tree oil. |
I resent the fact taht you would talk about me and my stinking problem in these forums
If its a client, no dont say anything.
Its part of your job to work with a variety of people, and thats what makes a job a job. There are always pros and cons. Saying anything other than what is advantagious or theraputic for the client is irrealivant if it is based solely upon your wants or needs, not to mention rude. If it was someone you were hoping to date, then the story would be different. But as a professional I would keep personal remarks to yourself if it isnt part of the visit/ exam/ session. |
I have brought that up and he said he didnt want to smell all girly all day. So it is plain old peanut oil. It doesnt soak in and wont break u out.
I would agree with Odlam,but also u have lots of clients as I would think in that profession.
in the end it wwould be better to bring this up,cause he may not know him self and if no one brings it will not get dealt with or helped. I used to work for autozone and we had a person who also used to stink,aand it got to where it was to hard to deal with and we had the boss talk to this person,and after that talk every thing was fine.and believe it or not this person actually thanked our boss for bringing it up.((some times it is best to bring up the truth then to let it go.)) |
stick towels doused with baby powder under his pits while you massage him!!!!
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Dab a little Vick’s under your nose that is all you will smell for hours. It is an old morgue trick
i usually put perfume under my nose but its a hour and a half massage it wears off.
Maybe you could go out a buy some deoderants for your clients, as part of a thank you,to them as to not single him out...hell, I don't know, sticky situation, but I did it for one of my avon girls, cause I got complaining customers, so I gave all my girls a bag with it and something else, said what I said above, worked for me...
thats the problem it isnt his underarms it is him he puts off this smell everywhere it has to be what he eats or something medical. I guess that is why he is so appreicative of me. Maybe because i havent said anything. I dont know thanks for all your imput.
If you feel that you need to say something...
Just try and go gentle Ask him if he takes vitamins...Believe it or not when someone takes large doese of them it comes through the pores of their skin and he may not even realize his body is giving off a "foul" or "offensive" scent. Good Luck!!! |
You don't say if you are the owner of your business or actually and employee.
If the later is true you might want to discuss the issue with your supervisor and or the owner of the business. The bussiness you are in surely has a policy or at least dealt with this issue in the past. Also you could call your OSHA representative. The number must be posted on your employee bullentin board and discuss the situation with them. I would think a person who has a overwhelming body odor may in fact be a health risk to you. It may only be the the use of a degraded or rancid body oil or a serious infection. Wheather you decide to make this a big employment issue, and maybe jeapordize your job, by saying something to a customer that could quite likely be taken badly is a BIG risk. Even, if the client says they are "grateful", which I find very hard to beieve ever happens, You can just about bet on it that is not what they will tell others; includeing your boss or possibly a lawyer. If the later happens don't kid yourself you are disposable and the word will get around and you may not able to work in the field. If this is a client that you and only you consistently get "stuck with" each week I think I would wonder about what is going on in the work place. Maybe you are the low person on the seniority totem pole, or made some one mad, but somehow it doesn't add up. Most likely it is you are humoring this pitiful customer and he is asking for you. You might want to be decidely silent and give the absolute minimum service. If you have the option to take a day off on this client's scheduled appointment so someone else gets to enjoy his fragrance the problem might resolve itself. Good luck. |
Instead of prtfume, use an essence oil under or in your nose,it lasts a lot longer
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when massaging him, knock him out with a mallet and then give him the once (or twice) over with the speed stick and if that doesn't work, shave all of his hair off and give him a tomato bath.
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I attend school with a girl that has a definite odor problem, it didn't go unnoticed by my peers either. I was elected to have the delicate conversation with her about the importance of maintaining a high level of personal hygiene especially in the field of healthcare, makes a bad impression upon, patients, doctors and fellow workers as well.
This being a client, there is not much you can do. I would suggest to avoid the ordeal of handwashing for 20 minutes that to protect yourself as well as your client, you invest in some latex gloves. Your employer should provide these as a health precaution because you never know if a person has a skin condition or worse yet, if you massage someone who has open skin wounds and you do as well, you could become infected with any number of things, staph, impetigo, or even worse AIDS. Get some gloves and try burning some nice fragrant candles...thats the best advice I can offer...sorry for your stinky predicament. ![]() |