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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 57
no photo
Sat 05/21/16 03:31 PM

I am thinking Peggy is rightflowerforyou :heart:

I am thinking this on call is for the birds
So now I am thinking and planning for next weekend

Countdown for Oregon Sitka!

Im happy for you flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 04:48 PM
Im thinking... It is nice to come home to a pet...

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 05/21/16 06:37 PM
Countdown for Oregon Sitka!

Not til July 1 then I am so out of here for the entire month

I am just going camping next weekend have 4 days off so I am so out there
enjoying it.

Im thinking... It is nice to come home to a pet...

Amen I am not sure what I would do without my Sass..

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 06:44 PM
I am thinking its nice to be off work for a month...my last time was two years ago..dang!

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 08:45 PM
Thinking of what to cook for merienda cena and dinner later......always feeling hungrylaugh ....I thought I'm on a diet:tongue: laugh aaahhh...nah! forget it!:tongue: laugh

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 05/22/16 02:57 AM
I am thinking how many woke up early and are ready to go to Church, this Sunday morning...

graygentleman's photo
Sun 05/22/16 03:32 AM
Darn right magical don't know what I would do with my baby girl.

Thinking she is always happier since she squeaks when the play pen is clean.

Count started for Oregon already Rains?

no photo
Sun 05/22/16 07:17 AM
Im thinking... Perhaps I need more GB thingy for phone internet...


Also thinking it was a nice Reiki session this morning...

no photo
Sun 05/22/16 07:30 AM
:heart: flowerforyou

khyberr's photo
Sun 05/22/16 07:32 AM

no photo
Sun 05/22/16 08:19 AM
Thinking of dieting....gggrrr...I've been eating too much. I can't stop cooking and eating:smile: actually, I just finished my midnight snack, it's not even 12 yet laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 05/22/16 10:44 AM
Mingles has forced me out of my self-imposed display pic exile.

Just when I was starting to enjoy the peace and quiet of my baby boy suitors ignoring me laugh

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 05/22/16 12:19 PM
Breakfast time

Coffee sounds perfect

MCRHYMEZ16's photo
Sun 05/22/16 12:27 PM
I'm thinking about the next title for the next song I will make for my first mix tape and and trying to construct an urban style hip hop beat in my head all @ once that way I'll have a tune in my head going for whenever i get to my software start building it right away

no photo
Sun 05/22/16 12:42 PM
I'm thinking... Time for a movie

no photo
Mon 05/23/16 05:55 AM
I can't believe my oldest son graduates kindergarten today!:cry:

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 05/23/16 05:59 AM
I am thinking whether I should gas up the car now or stop on the way to do so???

Annierooroo's photo
Mon 05/23/16 01:38 PM
I am thinking gas now so you don't need to stop

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 05/23/16 04:18 PM
Half way rest stop always a welcome move, when driving long distance

Yep an hour into the 1 and half hour drive..tea and coffee required.....I am thinking.....I am so good at prediction!!

graygentleman's photo
Mon 05/23/16 08:30 PM
I am thinking it has been way too LONG since I handmade burgers! Problem solved!!

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