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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 57
no photo
Sat 05/21/16 04:29 AM
Im thinking... Perhaps I am in need to coffee...

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 04:43 AM
Thinking of some people who are too rude, envious, jealous, harsh with their words without regard of others feelings....it seemed their hearts are full of pain, anger and hatred. It's good to see someone stand up for the down trodden and can't tolerate cruelty....yah, I guess someone deserves some beating up.....oooopss....well, what the world needs is LOVE:smile: happy Peace be with you all!!!:smile: happy

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 04:47 AM
I am thinking, its just as well I ran into a storm....gotta get one of those lottery tickets today...I feel lucky...

Bentkat51's photo
Sat 05/21/16 04:49 AM
Thinking it's a slow morning at work..... and LOVING IT.

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:22 AM
Thinking I gotta go for brunch soon...but not feeling that hungry....

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:27 AM
I am thinking someone needs his head check out.

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:27 AM
Im thinking... Yeah I better not post that thought... How bout coffee!?

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:29 AM
Thinking who wants to look inside my head???

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:34 AM
Yes Storm a coffee would be great

Adivorcedone not your head. Someone else's

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:37 AM
nope I dont think whats in their head should bother me.....

I am thinking about thanking you for the obvious concern...

Bentkat51's photo
Sat 05/21/16 07:04 AM
Thinking it's my lucky day....got an invite and a number.... lol.

no1phD's photo
Sat 05/21/16 07:28 AM
I'm thinking... why do I always attract The Crazies...lol.. must be my sparkling personality.lol..ohh.. wait a minute..
I read somewhere that crazies like sparkly shiny things.... damn me and my sparkling personality... leaves the room throwing Glitter in the Air..lmao

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 05/21/16 11:44 AM
I am thinking there was a lot of negative.
I hate it when that happens.
Why can't people be nice and share how they feel to the person in a loving way instead of ripping their heads off?

Where's the love?

Sorry for my part

Bentkat51's photo
Sat 05/21/16 11:55 AM
no1, I have to empathize with you. I think I've met someone I can be myself with and somehow it blows up in my face. I feel like a fool yet again

Bentkat51's photo
Sat 05/21/16 11:55 AM
Edited by Bentkat51 on Sat 05/21/16 11:56 AM

graygentleman's photo
Sat 05/21/16 12:25 PM
Sorry bentkat! Hang in there cause (cliche) there is a better person waiting!

Thinking that even though I haven't changed, why not surprise them and keep them guessing!

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 05/21/16 12:30 PM

no1, I have to empathize with you. I think I've met someone I can be myself with and somehow it blows up in my face. I feel like a fool yet again

Dang how come I can relate to this onefrustrated

I am thinking there is always a new day

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 12:39 PM
I am thinking the sun always rises the next day.....we are in shyte if it does not......so chill babe...

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 02:14 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 05/21/16 02:20 PM
The last month at mingle has reinforced what I've known for a few years now.

Take time to get to know people before you invest heavily in them emotionally.

Time reveals all...

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 05/21/16 02:30 PM
I am thinking Peggy is rightflowerforyou :heart:

I am thinking this on call is for the birds
So now I am thinking and planning for next weekend

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