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Topic: Efilni****ecin (aka Scoobert's Bar and Smokey treats grill o - part 2
SitkaRains's photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:24 PM
Scoob my friend.. I so want to just slide into a back booth and hide please.

Can you make an Alaskan Paradise??
If not I will tell you how

HOw are you sugar???

no photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:35 PM
Rains, feel free to hide. I'll cover for ya!

Can't say I know how to make that....please share?drinks

bigsmile so not used to being called Sugar....laugh
It's usually sour puss...:banana:

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:41 PM
Not from me..I have always called you nice things...

Here is the scoop on an Alaskan Paradise

1 shot Malibu
1 shot Capt morgan
equal parts Orange juice and pineapple.
Splash of grenadine
served in a tall glass. with ice..

there you go a favourite up here for most of the ladies
well at least this one...laugh

Annierooroo's photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:41 PM
You are not a sour puss
Your a pretty cool dude.

I got the door Rains.

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:46 PM

You are not a sour puss
Your a pretty cool dude.

I got the door Rains.

thank you I just want to hide do my notes and sneak out in about an hour. One more to do today and that one is going to be long in 20 minutes..

Then PT and swim yeah.

Annierooroo's photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:50 PM
Edited by Annierooroo on Mon 05/09/16 04:51 PM

The teacher part is telling me to get off and study

After studying I'm off for running in the bush.

Thanks Scoob for the chat.
Have a great evening.

no photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:55 PM

Not from me..I have always called you nice things...

Here is the scoop on an Alaskan Paradise

1 shot Malibu
1 shot Capt morgan
equal parts Orange juice and pineapple.
Splash of grenadine
served in a tall glass. with ice..

there you go a favourite up here for most of the ladies
well at least this one...laugh

I know you have...:angel:

The drink will now be something I know how to make, and well I can make a lady very happy! winking

no photo
Mon 05/09/16 04:57 PM
Annie, study if you must....:tongue:
Have a great day!flowerforyou

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 05/09/16 05:45 PM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Mon 05/09/16 05:46 PM
Barkeep, I'll have a napoleon's absinth. Poured over a block of ice with mint sugar. I'll be over here with my alien Aztec friends. Must be minimum 150 proof. Tanks!

no photo
Tue 05/10/16 10:40 AM
Hey Rob. Bad news.....no absinthe.what

Yeah, my distributor doesn't carry it...frown

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 05/10/16 01:55 PM
One oj please

no photo
Thu 05/12/16 12:46 AM
Sorry for taking so long Annie.....I didn't get online the last couple days.

Figured you might want something stronger than just OJ by now....laugh So I put some vodka in it to make it a Screwdriver instead....drinks waving

no photo
Fri 05/13/16 02:27 AM
Must remember to get more Grenadine. Seems like I need it to make more drinks...:thumbsup:

Annierooroo's photo
Fri 05/13/16 04:48 AM
Thank you Scoob
Much appreciated

Hope you're ok

no photo
Fri 05/13/16 07:31 AM
You're very welcome Annie. smile2

Doing great, now if the rain would hold off so I can mow lawns. grumble

Robxbox73's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:03 AM

Hey Rob. Bad news.....no absinthe.what

Yeah, my distributor doesn't carry it...frown

Wow weel I just have to pick you up some from Cechzlovakia. Ever had any?

no photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:11 AM
I've had it before, a friend of mine brought some back when he went to China.
I will say I didn't care for the taste.

Robxbox73's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:17 AM
Wow did you pour it over the ice block and flavored it with sugar? It's pretty awsome. Haven't had any since the 20th Century. Got some from Cechzlavakia. It was illigal in the states at the time. It was Like 190 bucks for a liter. Well worth it!

no photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:20 AM
No! No one told me anything about that....laugh
We just poured it like shots...I wondered what the big deal was. whoa

Robxbox73's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:32 AM
The ice activates the absinthe. Changes from a dark green to a flourecent bright green! Called releasing the fairy! Napoleans army almost conquered the world on it. France banned it later, because if you drank too much you would hallucinate and murder people. After the ban France never won another war! Vincint Van Goh cut off his ear while on a binge of Absinthe. sugar takes out the bitterness of the wormwood. Then you have a mild color adjustment in your vision. You get very creative and happy. Your on for like 6 hours! Heck of a hangover later! If you drank it straight you probably just got an upset stomach.

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