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Topic: Efilni****ecin (aka Scoobert's Bar and Smokey treats grill o - part 2
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Fri 03/18/16 04:36 AM
Tool - AEnima http://youtu.be/uCEeAn6_QJo

Getting ready for tomorrow night. Gotta do this song in the 2nd set.

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Sat 03/19/16 01:40 PM
waving Highya Scoob!! smokin

It's a tad bit early for a drink drink drinks
so I'll stop by later for a
glass of wine & some awesome TUNES! drinker biggrin

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Tue 03/22/16 06:15 AM
Always welcome to stop in whenever Dee!!! waving

The show was pretty good. Only a few mistakes. That was a relief. smokin

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Tue 03/22/16 06:26 AM
The Four Horsemen - Rockin' Is Ma Business http://youtu.be/M9GCA0cEKIk

Another one in our set lists.....tongue2

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Wed 03/23/16 09:05 AM
Well while some have their own monologue threads...I believe this is mine.

I have this overwhelming feeling that I truly am just meant to be a bachelor for life. The only unattached guy in our band, and I can't even seem to start a conversation with a gal I find attractive. Perception of that makes me feel socially inept and therefore another reason to just be quiet except when I need to sing. sad2

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Wed 03/23/16 09:15 AM
Think some people need to shut the f@(% up about being lonely, when they've been getting laid and have had dates since they joined Mingle2.

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Wed 03/23/16 10:28 AM
Yo.. ((((Scoob))))
happy :banana: flowers

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Wed 03/23/16 10:40 AM
Hey ya (((2K)))!!! surprised waving

oops If I tried to split that...I'd have half a heart...Yay!!!! laugh

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Wed 03/23/16 10:51 AM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Wed 03/23/16 10:52 AM

Hey ya (((2K)))!!! surprised waving

oops If I tried to split that...I'd have half a heart...Yay!!!! laugh

laugh :heart:
Keep your Heart whole,My friend.It is a gift.♡

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Wed 03/23/16 11:02 AM
Thanks! flowerforyou

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Wed 03/23/16 11:14 AM

Thanks! flowerforyou

Your so very welcome flowers waving

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Thu 03/24/16 08:05 AM
A song that might be getting added to the Withered Roots band song list.

The Eagles - Get Over It http://youtu.be/hsz_-pVHgCA

In case some wonder...Withered Roots is our band name. It's slightly to do with ages of us, and the music we do to cover classic rock, hair rock, groove rock, alternative, and metal. Along with some original material that we're in the process of working on.

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Sat 03/26/16 09:46 AM
Heard this the other night while I was at the Red Wings game, had to post.surprised

Trooper - Raise A Little Hell http://youtu.be/SXYsd5QbheY

reza59's photo
Sat 03/26/16 10:00 AM

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Sat 03/26/16 10:03 AM
And next is what I say! huh

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Sun 03/27/16 11:06 AM
Next Contestant - Nickelback http://youtu.be/yuV11VXHw58

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Tue 03/29/16 03:44 AM
Have been listening to some older music.

Vixen - Love Is A Killer http://youtu.be/R-gbzAYVwt4

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 03/29/16 04:04 AM
Hi Scoobert
How are you?
I hope all is well with you.

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Tue 03/29/16 04:17 AM
Edited by Scoobert on Tue 03/29/16 04:18 AM
I'm doing alright Annie. flowerforyou
Thanks for asking. Just going thru a very little sleep day.
Hope all is good for you also.

I hit the post button to soon...laugh

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 03/29/16 04:40 AM
I am great I spent the long weekend with family.
Fixed my car
Came home to a cat that wants to talk to me.

Take it easy today Scoobert. Don't over do it. There's always tomorrow to do it

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