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Topic: Efilni****ecin (aka Scoobert's Bar and Smokey treats grill o - part 2
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Mon 04/25/16 09:16 PM
Feels like a Manic Monday.

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Wed 04/27/16 03:47 AM
Just Another Home Brew Wednesday

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Fri 04/29/16 04:07 AM
It's Friday...Get High - Rob Zombie http://youtu.be/FVN6CDo02gA

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Sat 04/30/16 06:13 AM
Black Stone Cherry - In Our Dreams http://youtu.be/iyXOZYqfs1E

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Sat 04/30/16 07:08 AM
Gotta love while looking at whose online for your somewhat area. You see a profile to check out, click it. Just to find out the user is deactivated...seriously!!
WTF?! Mingle

grumble frustrated

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Sat 04/30/16 07:14 AM

Gotta love while looking at whose online for your somewhat area. You see a profile to check out, click it. Just to find out the user is deactivated...seriously!!
WTF?! Mingle

grumble frustrated

Or how about seeing a pic of someone who piques your interest only to find out that their profile is a "letter to the editor" about scammers and all of life's other displeasures indifferent

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Sat 04/30/16 07:22 AM

Gotta love while looking at whose online for your somewhat area. You see a profile to check out, click it. Just to find out the user is deactivated...seriously!!
WTF?! Mingle

grumble frustrated

Or how about seeing a pic of someone who piques your interest only to find out that their profile is a "letter to the editor" about scammers and all of life's other displeasures indifferent

Oh yes! Have seen those....just roll my eyes sometimes.

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Sat 04/30/16 07:24 AM
Hope you're feeling better Peggy. :smile:

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Sat 04/30/16 07:33 AM
Thanks Scoobert flowerforyou

I'm coughing less so thats a start. Just need to build my energy up. How are you? :smile:

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Sun 05/01/16 06:26 AM
Sorry bailed to early yesterday Peggy. flowerforyou
I had to get some mowing done. oops

Glad you're starting to feel better. happy
I'm doing great. Today like yesterday seems to be good.

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Sun 05/01/16 06:28 AM

Sorry bailed to early yesterday Peggy. flowerforyou
I had to get some mowing done. oops

Glad you're starting to feel better. happy
I'm doing great. Today like yesterday seems to be good.

Morning Scoobert!

No need to apologise .

Glad today is starting off on the right foot for you happy

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Sun 05/01/16 06:34 AM
Edited by Scoobert on Sun 05/01/16 06:35 AM
:laughing: Oh yeah! On third cup of coffee.drinker
oops Good morning Peggy! Forgot that at first....slaphead

No, not mixed with anything besides Hazelnut creamer...happy

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Sun 05/01/16 07:01 AM

:laughing: Oh yeah! On third cup of coffee.drinker
oops Good morning Peggy! Forgot that at first....slaphead

No, not mixed with anything besides Hazelnut creamer...happy

I have to have a hot beverage every morning too whether it's soup. coffe, or tea :smile:

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Sun 05/01/16 07:06 AM
Just as long as it doesn't burn ya somehow...*hot beverage*

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Sun 05/01/16 07:14 AM

Just as long as it doesn't burn ya somehow...*hot beverage*

It always does...

Im immune to it now laugh

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Sun 05/01/16 07:22 AM

Just as long as it doesn't burn ya somehow...*hot beverage*

It always does...

Im immune to it now laugh

Immunity is a great thing.....especially if they want to vote you off an island...rofl

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Sun 05/01/16 08:13 AM

Just as long as it doesn't burn ya somehow...*hot beverage*

It always does...

Im immune to it now laugh

Immunity is a great thing.....especially if they want to vote you off an island...rofl

How did youu know that they were trying to get me voted off my island Scoobert???

Damn natives!

They can never keep a secret!grumble

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Tue 05/03/16 02:53 AM
Oh dear! Hoping Peggy hasn't been voted off her Island. biggrin

Thanks for playing along! laugh waving

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Tue 05/03/16 03:08 AM

Oh dear! Hoping Peggy hasn't been voted off her Island. biggrin

Thanks for playing along! laugh waving

Hey Scoobertwaving

Luckily for me , Im still here by default.

No other country would have me laugh

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Tue 05/03/16 03:14 AM

Oh dear! Hoping Peggy hasn't been voted off her Island. biggrin

Thanks for playing along! laugh waving

Hey Scoobertwaving

Luckily for me , Im still here by default.

No other country would have me laugh

Well then those countries are dumb and need to get their heads out of someplace. noway

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