Topic: Illegal Immigration, Big Bucks in it! | |
But then what do I know. I'm a Security Officer not an Economist.
TLW once again you use the flawed liberal socialistic logic that if the reason is good enough it is ok to break the law, or if you don't agree with the law ignore it. If I were to use your logic and decide that I didn't agree with the laws against murder, they according to the way you think it would be ok for me to open the season on illegal immigrants and shoot them on sight. We are a nation of laws. If people don't agree with the law there is a way to change the law, but to continue to break the law with impunity and then reward the law breakers leads to chaos and anarchy.
Why must we have this same stupid discussion every month or so just so you can advocate your cause and that is to turn this country into the same cesspool that your and your countrymen left. If you come here legally, welcome to America, if you come here illegally, go home. |
So lula you say that not only are you a criminal for hiring illegals but a traitor why didnt you hire U.S. born mexicans you stumble over your own words,and walker you come here on a school visa and apply for citizenship i guess you also filed for the grants and loans the U.S. has why arent you willing to get your education and go back you want to change our government but you you really want is to drag this country you are a good example why our schools should be for us not you you haters you blame us for wanting to peserve our country go home after that degree and do us a big favor fix your broken country and if there were enough people fighting that battle over there it would have changed by now you talk too much crap and all you bleeding hearts want to destroy our way of life you dont belong here. =======================
======================================= Whos the hater here? Not LULU, and not me. Certainly not Miquel. Bleeding hearts?? Excuse me?? Human civility, kindness and loving our fellow man is wrong?! If you don't like the way some of us love our brothers, then why don't you dig a hole and hide in it? I mean, this world belongs to all of us. God didn't make bounderies. Man did. For those of you that do not believe in God, please take no offense. As a woman that does believe in God and answering for my deeds...I will have no worries when the time comes. As for being kind and loving His creations and wanting to help. I will be looked upon in favor for that anyway. As for paying illegals or papered immigrants, I also pay them the same as any other. As for taking away jobs from Americans...NOT!! AMERICANS ARE LAZY AND DO NOT WANT TO DO THE JOBS. I have had more luck keeping Latinos working and doing an awesome job than any other. They have been loyal, hard workers and want to do a good job. No complaining, and work on time and stay as late as I do. They have been very loving and helpful, and ready willing and able to be there. Carry on with your hatred and bigotry. It will fail in the long run. Kat |
Another thing: It wasn't that long ago that it was black people that were bing ostercised. The American Indian first and still being looked down upon. Why is it people are shocked when they see an American Indian do well? Wear nice suits and clothes. Have a high paying job? Receive higher learning even college? Build a house that isn't partially funded by the government on land that was so KINDLY allocated to them for our forefathers greed? Yea, people do do that. Why?? Because we made them feel like dirt. Like they had no skills, they were drunkards. Not worthy of the same things we thought ourselves to be.
Come on people. Wake up. This land is OUR LAND! ALL OF US. Quit biching about breaking the laws when you can keep everyone of them yourselves. You know, you break laws. Many times, daily. Whether it be seatbelts, speeding, crossing against the light, littering,taxes, keeping the change that was wrong. We all do it some time. Perfect yourselves, then worry about others perfection. I remember not long ago when illega people were here and business men, croppers, oil men and the such, bragged how they cheated and payed them very little and laughed about it. It was accepted until they got scared. It was prevalent in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Minnesota, Mississippi,Arkansas,the list goes on and on. Kat |
AMEN gardenforge.
Boy do the ignorant fall out of the sky to say we are not compassionate i am to the people here legally obviousely you guysneed to open your eyes and help the people already here legally ooh the poor illegal immigrant what about your own people and helping them we have untold poverty right here why should we let illegals create more i am not willing to close my eyes to you traitors and there are plenty of loyal people here,and useing the bible doesnt change a criminal into a saint,sctterbrain as a traitor and ignorant you should be jailed for treason. |
"So lula you say that not only are you a criminal for hiring illegals but a traitor why didnt you hire U.S. born mexicans you stumble over your own words"
one thing i never do is stumble over my own words. i'm fairly well-spoken and nimble; i rarely stumble over anything...let alone words. yes, i hired people to work for me...and YES, some were illegal. technically, they had all the legal documents necessary for working in america...and all of their paperwork checked out just fine. there isn't a single court that would convict me for that...especially as it was never explicitly stated that they weren't citizens. call me criminal if you like...but i'm not sure where you get "traitor". trai·tor (trā'tər) n. One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason. trea·son /ˈtrizən/ –noun 1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. in no way have i EVER acted against my country...though i certainly would if my personal ethics called for it. railing that something is illegal is entirely unproductive, as there are many laws that are broken that probably wouldn't have you batting an eye. jaywalking is illegal, sodomy is illegal, mispronunciation of my home state is get my drift. it is, however, quite amusing to me that you call US ignorant whilst composing the longest run-on sentence i think i've ever seen. -------- karma, thank you for your words. my opinion of matters aligns quite well with yours. |
You know, you break laws. Many times, daily. Whether it be seatbelts, speeding, crossing against the light, littering,taxes, keeping the change that was wrong.
You are absolutely Right! We make those choices daily and if we get caught, we are held accountable for our decisions. You pro-illegalists are all guilty of Exploitation for Profit. If you are breaking the law and choose to continue, you will eventually, suffer your choice. |
I ask you: Who is exploiting for profit?? Certainly not me. I hire who asks for a job, if I need someone. And they show me they can do the job. And do no drugs while workin before or during. You know how many white people I had to fire because they thought I was kidding about no drugs? Plenty. No respect. I have never had not one single problem with a latino. Oh, and by the way. I asked for papers. Was shown them. But, we all know any high school kid can get those.
Kat |
You hate America and want to give it away. Constantly you talk about what bad people we are for wanting to protect our nation and our way of life. You are the hater and your reasoning lacks any logic! I believe you must have ulterior motives!!!
Why do you slur your country men over criminals that have no loyalties even towards their place of birth? Yes, I believe there is more to your reasons than meet the ears!! |
Fanta your bitterness is showing....not very attractive
maybe you need to get it...your government is completely corrupt...human beings are human beings and deserve the freedom to live where and in the manner they find comfortable...i will agree with Kat. all the immigrant workers i have ever employed have ALWAYS BEEN MORE CONSCIENTIOUS than the locals, and more honest...and more fun!!!!!!!! and indeed no alcoholics! just alot of pregnant little girls , raped by american soldiers ![]() |
Unfortunately, the application process for Netherlands work permits often means that candidates can not even visit the Netherlands to attend meetings while the Netherlands work permit application is being processed, unless they are non-visa nationals.
--------------------- The French authorities have traditionally been very protective of their domestic labour force, and put many bureaucratic obstacles in the way of companies wishing to recruit foreign workers. Their attitude is changing due to an acute shortage of IT professionals which is affecting the performance of many French companies. -------------------- To work legally in Mexico, you must obtain permission from Immigration and have the permit attached to your FM-3 or FM-2 document. Veterinarian care and pet grooming are readily available, excellent and modestly priced. --------------------- interesting maybe other countries do not want illegals niether |
we are all people....since when was it illegal to expect human rights
it makes me sad to hear the negitivity that goes on in this world,but sad as it is it dates back to the time of jesus christ,he to was persecuted because of his beliefs,so i have not much hope for change
tell ya one thing....aint a man in here i would look 2wice at....loosers. no compassion, prolly tightassed stingy as well..
.you can tell the sour ones by how they show up with such generosity of spirit ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
except walker, he has a heart of gold
as well as those that attack single governments rather than all that do the same things some hide their hate behind compassion but yet their hate shines threw like a flaming comet |
i must say that was uncalled for
Butt ugly....the mirror never lies. Have you seen one lately?
My bad, ignorance rubbing off on me. You , any of you not what you are talking about. To say I have alterior motives is ludicrus. Because compassion and love fills my heart, means I have alterior like saying breathing is an alterior motive to live. Must breathe to live....must have love and compassion to live happy and fulfilled as well. Do not call me out as a traitor or any other thing YOU deem as treasonable. I am more of a humanitarian than the likes of you and many others here. At least I have a conscience. I have love. I have reason. To call me adumb and ignorant is crazy. I happen to be very smart. I excel in whatever I set myself to do. The only dumb thing about me, is I am having this conversation with you. The haters can have it. Now the women know who the real men are and the ones that can be trusted. As for me....I could care less what you or any other man on here thinks of me. I am a good, and worthy woman. Good luck with all your hate, bitterness, and holier than thou mentality. Kat ![]() |
Thank you!!!
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