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Topic: Illegal Immigration, Big Bucks in it!
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Fri 10/26/07 03:23 PM
I am with ya on this TheLonelyWalker!!!!flowerforyou drinker

"American way of Life." What's that?

It is like saying, the Australian government would put money aside to help people with gambling problems when it was the same buggers that brought the pokie machines (slots)into our local communities that is now a growing problem for the people, worse than cancer.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 10/26/07 03:33 PM
Mr spur, Sir. You don't know anything about my life, and how I've gotten into this country, so my friend please do not assume.
I'll fight to death for my homeboys. I love this country, its lifestyle, I'm about 2 years from becoming a citizen, it has been really hard, but I'm overcoming everything.
In my church I volunteer, and I teach very basic english to illegals, I am one more of them they are my RAZA.
I just point out the false patriotism that the school system have endoctrinated most of the people, and sadly most of them stay with what the teacher in high school has taught them
But the truth that in order for USA be what it is now, too many lives have been taken:
Native Americans, thanks to the conquerors and pioneers.
Asians, for the railroad to unite the west coast and east coast.
African americans, to keep the standard of living in the south.
19th and 20th century european immigration italians, irishs, jewish all of them they hated at each other til they started mixing.
Now the hate it's against my homeboys, let's see how long it is going to last.
Overseas, how many lives have been taken in vietnan, korea, middle east, etc.
We have to be grateful for the beauty of "freedom" that we have in North America, but we are being non-sensical when we take it for granted. 9/11 can happen anytime.
God please punish my mouth for saying that, and please don't let such a tragedy to happen ever again.
So now Sir, you go figure who is the hater.

bright_eyes77's photo
Fri 10/26/07 03:39 PM
I am sorry but if you are not native american...your ansestors immigrated....native americans were here when columbus so called discovered it...thats why they are called NATIVE americans...

celticfairy's photo
Fri 10/26/07 03:43 PM
Mr Spur You advocate splitting up families ??????????????

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 10/26/07 03:48 PM
even in south america, where i come from, during the 60's and 70's all the dictators that took over the countries with the support of USA, so the comunism didn't advance in our land.
All those dictators were killer, for instance Augusto Pinochet in CHile, he killed 1000's of people at the same time just because they suspected that they were comunism, just to keep a imaginary life style.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 03:49 PM

“White Policy” that is also Immigration Act in Australia, now abolished. That nearly destroy Australia. Funny, today we are a multiculture country. Racism is only raised and powered by those who are paranoid.

bright_eyes77's photo
Fri 10/26/07 03:50 PM
I mean It was going to eventually happen, we have to get passports to go to other countries, so its ok to immigrate as long as its done the right way

lulu24's photo
Fri 10/26/07 03:57 PM
hey, spur...thanks for that list.

i'll make certain to try and support each and every one on there...at least the ones that i can.

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 10/26/07 04:04 PM
Hey Lulu, when you goto walmart I'm going too! I can't ever find a parking spot at one sad

lulu24's photo
Fri 10/26/07 04:08 PM
awww...come to my wal-mart, allen...we have plenty of parking.

celticfairy's photo
Fri 10/26/07 04:10 PM
A lot of my Family emigrated to Aus, U.S., U.K. in the 40's, 50's and 60's, Then in the 80's 4 of my brothers. My uncles who went to the U.K. in the 60's found it the worst, accomodation had on front doors "NO BLACKS, NO IRISH".
My Brothers all went legal to U.S. and have made very happy productive lives there. Now my baby girl is there since 2000, works hard and so proud of her. But no matter what era they went legal or otherwise, one thing in common it was tough for them all. Will not condemn anyone trying to better their families lives illegal or otherwise.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 04:50 PM
I agree with ya celticfairy!!flowerforyou

I support those that make the most of their new country positively...but I don't for those who whine whine whine, abuse the system and do bad stuff. My own people that gets into criminal activites put me to shame here in Australia, they deserved to be punished and no sending them back to mother country is not the answer. They need to learn to respect the country they are in, abide by the rules, get a job, pay tax like everyone else, and show society that they are just like them only born froma different culture.

Spur277's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:01 PM
The people are speaking now and for some unknown reason, the Government is listening.

Local, State and Federal laws are enforced on Legal or born and raised Citizens here every day. Those other law breakers are arrested, prosecuted and if found guilty are imprisoned. They're split apart from their families. Do you feel for those criminals also?

I say criminal, because criminals are the ones that break a law. The families of the Illegals have a choice. They can choose to go with the ones that broke the law.

It would only take a small portion of what is being spent on maintaining the Illegal to support groups in Mexico, and there are many, who want radical change there. They want a better economy. Why aren't you helping them?

Again, they broke the law coming here through illegal channels. Believe it or not they all are and have been well aware of what could happen if they were caught.

During the time I lived in Mexico, I learned a lot about NAFTA. What I learned, I discussed with many of the workers who work the lines en Las Maquilas. I risked prison by doing that. I told them how big the difference was between what they made per day and what the imported management made. I showed them, using Hoffa's history on how to organize and strike. I hope they are still considering and growing in their numbers.

What are you doing to support those types of efforts?

They can have a better country.

reba0201's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:57 PM
mr.spur, on what you said about having the choice to go with our loved ones true but not always possible ,like in my case...my daughter is 7 and i would have loved to go live in mexico with her dad,but unfortunately i have two boys from a previous marraige and their father would'nt let me take them out of the country,so i was faced with a decision ...my daughter and husband,or my daughter and my sons...what would you have chosen????????? i just want to mention that the new mexican/american population where i live in small town minnesota has increased by:ariana,aliyah,jose,rueben,noelia,tiera,vanessa,carlos,tatiana,shakira,dante,monieka,elissa,emmanuel,luis,and at least 15 more that i can't think of their names.they are MI RAZA the hijo's de mis amigos...and american citizens,all of them

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:09 PM
^^^^^^^^flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:24 PM
Mr Spur the issue of illegality it's not at stake, I have acknowledge that passing the border the my homeboys do it, it's illegal, agreed.
Nevertheless, stealing it's also a crime, but what parent would not do that, if his/her children were starving. As Jean Valjean did in Les Miserables (Victor Hugo), he was a good man he was forced to do such a thing because the society pushed him. If a single parent says the he/she won't do that for the sake of their children in a moment of desperation, well as far as I'm concern that is not a parent.
Same thing happens with these people.
The best immigratory policy that can be created has to aim the core problem which is the poverty in the countries in the south of the border.
This country has to generate foreign policies that generate investment in these countries, so new and better jobs are created in this manner the people don't need to come here, they can stay working in their own country with their own people.
But then again, the rich always wants to get richer that is the reason that US foreign policies towards Latin America are so unfair.
So the US government itself is pushing immigrants to become illegals.
So sir, rethink your statements, as I told u in the past you just know a partial truth, please do not assume things that you don't know.
Another issue the actual immigratory policy is so unfair, that tends to generate hate. Illegal immigration was a civil offense before, now the retarded people in Washington (with Bush at the top) made it a criminal offense. What is the core idea behind it? Make the North American people think of immigrants as criminals. What is the consequence? Generate hate.



reba0201's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:36 PM
walker..can i be your homegirl??

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:39 PM
you areflowerforyou

reba0201's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:43 PM
thanks walker

dean6121's photo
Fri 10/26/07 07:55 PM
well this has been interesting the drain on our country is so great we need to take care of us first and that starts with jobs to medical,the middle class has been destroyed by greedy people who dont want to pay a fair wadge and in a business i have worked my whole life i cant even get hired cause i cant work for slave wadges,so the foreigners live like rats for low wadges and have screw us out of our just dues,NO TO AMNESTY NO TO DRIVERS LICENSES YES TO JAIL IT IS TIME OUR GOVERNMENT TO ENFORCE OUR LAWS AN JAIL THE CRIMINALS YES TO GRASSFIRE ORG. WE WILL NOT BE TAKEN TO THE **** HOUSE LIKE MEXICO ITS TIME FOR YOU TO GO HOME AND FIX THE CROOKED GOVD. YOU HAVE THERE........

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