Topic: " Prayers for Texas Tornado Victims" | |
These are just some of the pictures that was taken in Rowlett Texas last night and this morning.. They were hit by a E-4 Tornado.. Several areas around them was hit as well... At this time 11 dead and over 40 injured....
This is about a hour east of me closer to Dallas... Where I'm, we were hit by heavy rain, thunder & lightening and high winds... My heart goes out to all that was involved... Many lost everything they had then about a hour later they got hit with all the rain on top of it all... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Oh, man, how awful :-)
Be safe sparky. |
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Prayers sent...crazy Christmas weather. Twisters killed several folks in northern MS just before Christmas.
Hopefully Mingles Texas users will check in...I know several are close to that area. |
Texas has not had a good year : (
Texas has not had a good year : ( True I have seen more rain this year and flooding then I have ever.. So far we have broke all records on rain fall for the year.. Great that the lakes that was down 24ft are now back and some overflowing... But many have lost their homes to the flooding as well as all the tornado's or high winds.. Yesterday alone across the state there was Snow, Heavy Rains some areas in the high 70's was well as areas that were flooded by the rains and tore all to pieces from the Tornado's~~ Like we had all 4 Seasons in one day across the state~~~ |
Geezzz ... Mother Nature can sure as heck be wild!
Unreal to see that some houses have been completely trashed while others close by appear to be almost unharmed, and on the other side, houses are totaled again. Love and light to all those that lost their lives and are suffering |
Edited by
Sun 12/27/15 12:06 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have lost their homes and lives. So sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for the people who are suffering.
I know how terrifying tornadoes are and what mess they are to recover from. Takes months. Hopefully the larger community will step up and help. We waste so much if everyone would share even a little of the abundance and hand me downs we all have it would give people stuff to rebuild with. A lot of time it is the smaller kindnesses the help to do some of the mundane things. A stranger that comes in with a willing spirit to use a mop and a bucket. Even just sharing pictures or other things that are personal so the recovery is less brutal. Knowing your kids have a safe place to go after school or the weekend while you dig through the mess. A temporary church or resource center. A place to wash clothes and tools that can be shared. And I think just the ongoing caring of following up after it falls from the headlines. We love and care for you neighbors. Prayers are with you. |
Sorry to see that.. We had a crazy amount of rain here, but nothing like that...
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We are still getting hit with rain storms and now hail
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Sorry to hear you are getting hail. We are getting more rain and cold here too.
Sacramento is trying to learn from New Orleans miseries but we get much more rain we are going to loose a lot here too. The utility companies are scrambling to do what they can preemptively. Making me rethink the concept of some of the ancient concepts of storing in resources. Preparing for some of the stuff mother nature seems to be able to throw our way when we are not prepared. |
prayers go out to all affected by this tragedy.....hope recovery is made sooner rather than later...
Sending, love, light and strength
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well wishes and best outcomes for those affected by the storms and tornado's moving through the US states..
Prayers for all those effected and for others in the Midwest dealing with similar storm events. Mother nature has sure been unkind.
Mother nature has sure went crazy many areas across the US have had some really bad storms and lots of destruction. From Tornado's to flooding and now snow~~~
Yes we woke up to snow this morning as well... It is sad to see all those that were affected from all the different weather changes in such a short time.. I know that Texans are pitching in and doing what they can for those that have been displaced. As well as all the other states that have been affected by the weather.. Many are helping our Firemen & Police Officers with food and water as they help out those in need.. Many Vets and other businesses have offered their help to house pets and help find the owners, as well as to feed those in need ect... These pictures were only from one area that suffered the damage that the 9 Tornado's hit across Texas.... I know that many other areas are in the same situation in several different states.. To those that lost loved ones my heart goes out to them as well as prayers... |
Mother nature has sure went crazy many areas across the US have had some really bad storms and lots of destruction. From Tornado's to flooding and now snow~~~ Yes we woke up to snow this morning as well... It is sad to see all those that were affected from all the different weather changes in such a short time.. I know that Texans are pitching in and doing what they can for those that have been displaced. As well as all the other states that have been affected by the weather.. Many are helping our Firemen & Police Officers with food and water as they help out those in need.. Many Vets and other businesses have offered their help to house pets and help find the owners, as well as to feed those in need ect... These pictures were only from one area that suffered the damage that the 9 Tornado's hit across Texas.... I know that many other areas are in the same situation in several different states.. To those that lost loved ones my heart goes out to them as well as prayers... It's only in the aftermath of disasters that we tend to remember that the vast majority of human beings are great people. Thoughts with Texas and her people. |
Joe your right.. It is sad that it take these type of disasters for people to pull together and help out others... But thankful they do step up to the plate and help those in need..
Keep your chin up, Texas!
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