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feralcatlady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:35 AM
Edited by feralcatlady on Fri 12/07/07 07:38 AM
Good morning to all the coffee house visitors.

A Healing Captive

O, God who frees the captive
Do not liberate this carnal slave for freedoms' sake
For I will surely wing my flight to another thorny land.
Break, instead, each evil bond
And rub my swollen wrists,
Then take me prisoner to Your will
Enslaved in Your safekeeping,
O, God, who ushers light into the darkness,
Do not release me to the light
To only see myself
Cast the light of my liberation upon Your face
and be Thou my vision.
Do not hand me over
To the quest of greater knowledge,
Make Your Word a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path
And lead me to Your dwelling.
O, God, Who lifts the grieving head,
Blow away the ashes
But let Your gentle hand upon my brow
Be my only crown of beauty,
Comfort me so deeply,
My Healer,
That I seek no other comfort

O, God, Who loves the human soul
Too much to let it go,
So throughly impose Yourself
into the heaps and depths of my life
That nothing remains undisturbed,
Plow this life, Lord,
Until everything You overturn
Becomes a fertile soil,
Then plant me, O,God
in the vast plain of Your love,
Grow me, strengthen me,
And do not lift Your pressing hand
Until it can boastfully unveil
A display of Your Splendor

God Bless each and every one of you


wouldee's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:42 AM
Unspeakable Joy flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:00 AM
Good morning sweet man......

CountryAngel1017's photo
Fri 12/07/07 10:59 AM
"I have been told I am in error to interpret the Bible as saying that Adam walked with God in the cool of the morning. That is the way I read it."

That is the way I've always read that, too, JB. I don't really see how it could be any other way. But ya know, there is always someone who will challenge you on everything related to God, Jesus, the Bible, or any aspect of your relationship with God. Wow...there are a lot of them on this site. LOL

I'm so glad that I found this ongoing conversation among fellow believers!

"I ask for prayer. The work I have ahead of me is that of a younger man. I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me."

You've got the prayer!! I know what you mean though. As an adult who is attending college full time and seeking full time employment, I feel that the verse you quoted is so applicable to my life, too!!!

Loved the snowman post!! lol.laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 12:38 PM
Genesis 2:15 Then the Lord God took the man and put hhim into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep.....But God did not ever walk with Adam.

Genesis 3:8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. And Adam and Eve were ashamed because of satan through the serpent.

CountryAngel1017's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:19 PM

Genesis 2:15 Then the Lord God took the man and put hhim into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep.....But God did not ever walk with Adam.

Genesis 3:8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. And Adam and Eve were ashamed because of satan through the serpent.

Hi, I just went back and reread the chapters from which you quoted. It does not specifically state that God walked with Adam, but neither does it state that he did not walk with them. We don't know how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden prior to their temptation and subsequent fall, so I don't think we can say without a doubt, that God never did walk with Adam or maybe even with both of them. flowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:08 PM
Well I would say yes He never did....only because satan made them feel ashamed and that they would never be worthy to be in God's presence. Does that make sense angel?

heart you girly

Fri 12/07/07 03:44 PM
James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
This verse is one of my all time favorites. Today, the prayers of many got me through a very trying day. I thank You all for your prayers.

Fri 12/07/07 03:52 PM
I have found a very obscure version of the Bible. I like the way this translation says things. Some of you may have heard of this obscure version, it was the only English language Bible for over 400 years. It is called the King James Bible. The approved Bible, or the 1612 King James approved Bible.

Genesis 3
8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
Genesis 2
15. And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 04:40 PM
love the KJV and I also use the New American Standard Open Bible Study Bible....especially useful for on-line...

winnie410's photo
Fri 12/07/07 04:43 PM
feral, i have a thomas chain reference bible (NIV version)...you should look into it b/c it has an archeological supplement in it. i was looking at it today and was reminded of one of your threads.

Fri 12/07/07 04:57 PM
I have to apologize. Don’t come down too hard on me. I have no patients for all the worldly versions of the Bible. I go King James all the way. I have a Thomson chain KJV and a Scofield. Those are the two hard copy Bibles I use. For most things I rely on E-Sword, the electronic Edge. www.e-sword.net
I have added all the add-ons to my E-sword. I am able to go anywhere in the Bible in just a few key strokes. Quote me all the near misses from other translations and I get upset. God is working on giving me patients. I still have a ways to go on this one point.

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 05:47 PM
lol JB.....Honestly I love the Study version because it is easy to understand for people on here seeking. I think the thou and stuff throw some for a loop.

Thanks winnie I will check on that one. Also is that one on line?

Fri 12/07/07 05:56 PM
NIV is all under copywite laws. You should not be able to find it online. It is a book writen by man for fithy lucre's sake, not a book written by God Like the King James Bible.
There I go again!

wouldee's photo
Fri 12/07/07 11:41 PM
bigsmile :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou bigsmile

psalms 91:5-7

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night ; nor for the arrow that flieth by day ;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness ; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Romans 13:1-3

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God.

Whosoever resisteth the power , resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:......................

Britty's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:20 AM
Good morning everyone. I enjoyed reading all of yesterday's posts.

”Do not have your concert first and tune your instruments afterwards. Begin the day with God.” — James Hudson Taylor

The Heart Of Worship (Lyrics by Michael W. Smith)

When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless Your heart
I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus

King of endless worth
No one could express
How much You deserve
Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is Yours
Every single breath
I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
And it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus

I'm coming back to the heart of worship,
And it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
And it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus

:heart: :heart:

Britty's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:26 AM
"Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away." Gen 5: 24

When we go through trials, we come to God and learn to put our to trust in Him.

The apostle Paul said, " His strength is made perfect in my weakness."

Strength, wisdom, insight, discernment, knowledge, all come from Him.

We need to go to Him throughout our day.
:heart: :heart:

CountryAngel1017's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:27 AM

Well I would say yes He never did....only because satan made them feel ashamed and that they would never be worthy to be in God's presence. Does that make sense angel?

heart you girly

I understand where you're coming from, but I believe that they felt no shame before their Creator prior to their sin. God created them, and loved them. It seems natural to me that He would have spent time with them.
This is one of those points that people are likely to have different feelings about, but it doesn't effect our relationship with our Saviour, so it shouldn't effect our relationship with our sisters and brothers in Christ. So, lets just agree to slightly disagree on this one! OK?? LOL.

CountryAngel1017's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:43 AM
Edited by CountryAngel1017 on Sat 12/08/07 07:44 AM

NIV is all under copywite laws. You should not be able to find it online. It is a book writen by man for fithy lucre's sake, not a book written by God Like the King James Bible.
There I go again!

Sorry, JB, I have to disagree with you on this one! The Bible was written in Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew. I read none of those. The King James Version was an "English translation" authorized by "The High and Mighty Prince, James, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, etc. The translators of the Bible wish Grace, Mercy and Peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord." That is the dedication of the King James Version.

I see nothing at all wrong when more recent translators go back to the original texts, which were Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and update with words that are more easily understood by the common person of today. No one that I know speaks with thee's and thou's and other words that were used by the common people of England when the KJV was authorized. I use the NIV version on a regular basis. I find it very trustworthy, and I often compare verses from it to the KJV.

I don't care at all for The Message version of the Bible. It is a paraphrase of the Bible, not an actual translation of the original texts. But if some come to accept Jesus through the reading of it, I'm all for it!!

Have a wonderful day!!:smile:

Britty's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:34 AM
Hi Country Angel, I understand your points on both your last posts.

KJV is my favorite choice but I do like to refer to other versions also.

I enjoy reading other christian's views on certain aspects of the bible. look forward to more..

:heart: :heart:

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