Topic: Woman says she knew Obama in school as a homosexual foreign | |
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Sun 06/28/15 05:58 AM
Mia Marie Pope knew Obama at their Punahou high school in Honolulu, Hawaii, during the late 1970s. She knew him then by the name of Barry Soetoro.
In this interview on October 31, 2013, with Reverend and Dr. James David Manning, the pastor of Atlah World Missionary in Harlem, New York, Pope says Barry always portrayed himself as a foreign student and 'very much was within the gay community.'�� It was 'common knowledge'�� that Barry '��wasn'��t interested in girls��' but 'was strictly into men.' '��One of his attributes even then,'as he is now, was that Barry 'was a pathological liar even then'�� of the '��self-aggrandizing' sort. He would lie about the most mundane things. Barry also exploited people, bumming cigarettes off others, then drop them as soon as he got what he wanted. Barry also bragged about smoking the expensive powder form of cocaine. 'He would get with older white guys. That's how he procured the cocaine, by having sex with these older rich white guys.' . |
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Sun 06/28/15 06:00 AM
Miss Marie Pope was interviewed on the Pete Santilli show. Pope says that three years ago, a police friend showed her a police database showing Obama with multiple obviously fake addresses (e.g., 123 Happy Lane) and multiple social security numbers with different prefixes, that is, different states. She also says she is willing to take a lie detector test, administered by a reliable third party.
Pope maintains Obama was put in the White House by shadowy powerful people, and that he'��s not that smart because he can’t talk without a teleprompter. She correctly calls Obama a narcissist, and is familiar with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, including terminology such as '��narcissistic supply' . |
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Supreme court ruling on gay right nationwide in America says it all. America never had it so bad morally as it is presently. Sodom needs apology!!
Unknown? The info has been out there for some time now. No one apparently cares.
1) Police in Arizona provided proof that the Obama birth certificate was faked using various Photoshop and PDF document manipulation techniques. They even claim to have found the clerk who processed the form, and she pointed out all the physical errors with the document found on the White House website. The press yawned. 2) The Obama social security card number is supposedly a fake. He's allegedly from New Jersey. The left still loves the guy. 3) A Christian minister claims to have spoken to the church Obama attends under the guise of becoming a member. Asking questions about how to join, he discovers you don't have to renounce your current religion to join them. Since many believe Obama is a 'closet Muslim' he apparently would not need to renounce Islam to join this 'Christian' church. 4) In this current flag flap it should be noted that back in 2008 the white side of the Obama clan was discovered to have been slave owners. The Obama campaign when confronted didn't deny it. It was just ancient history to them. Nobody cares. The American political system runs like a banana republic. The Presidency is a cult of personality. The media is awestuck by the celebrity of His Obamaness, and everyone wants to bask in the glow to propel their careers. They have sold themselves out for personal gain , and for unfettered access to puff piece interviews to get their networks higher ratings and greater revenues. He is a man said to have engaged in numerous illegal acts from Fast and Furious to the arming of America's enemies. He's enlisted his staff and his cabinet members using executive privilege to hide whatever documentation may actually exist that would shine a light on treasonous behaviour. The press? No one's digging, no one's calling him out, no one dares having their career and family destroyed for exposing the truth. So he will spend the remaining days of his term ruling by executive fiat, making huge structural changes to American society via the Supreme Court and doing his best to destroy the American way of life in ways its enemies never could. Go ahead, call me a racist. You'd be wrong. Call me ignorant. You'd be wrong. Call me intolerant. You'd be wrong. Call me a realist, you'd be on the right track. |
Well..I don't want to start a riot , but I am not a foreigner making a thread about The President of The United States.
* Note to self, revise country list & call everybody & make extra popcorn* ![]() |
Gee and here I thought America was welcoming to people from other lands...(guess I better rethink those Amazon and eBay purchases). lol
mikeybgood1 partial quote >>>
Go ahead, call me a racist. You'd be wrong. Call me ignorant. You'd be wrong. Call me intolerant. You'd be wrong. Call me a realist, you'd be on the right track. I'll stand with you - beside you - behind you - and for you ![]() FB is so full of such blatant lies and BS about this man - his wife - his children...just makes those that repeat such BS utter fools! |
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Sun 06/28/15 07:38 AM
Gee and here I thought America was welcoming to people from other lands...(guess I better rethink those Amazon and eBay purchases). lol Welcoming... if they come legally, become a citizen are productive & pay taxes... & learn to speak English ( Or stop pretending they don't), & are willing to help build the new WALL... ![]() * We have enough " freeloading houseguests " * But that would have to be an illegal immigrant thread. * Other than that, we really do not care about " outsider opinion ". It is like a fly buzzing & we start looking for the swatter. * True story ![]() |
That would explain Sharpton's frequent visits to the White House.
Chop chop,sniff sniff, snort snort. ![]() |
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Sun 06/28/15 08:21 AM
TELEPROMTERS --- OMG, lay it too F'n Rest would you?
The continual LIES - HYPERBOLE - UTTER BS; just keeps circling the Internet like a rabid dog chasing his own tail! ![]() Presidents have long had a love-hate relationship with teleprompters. Harry S. Truman refused to use them, concluding it would make him look insincere. Dwight D. Eisenhower became the first president to use them but he was not a fan either, grousing about having to “use that damn teleprompter.” Some had particularly bad experiences. In 1993, when Mr. Clinton addressed Congress on health care, the wrong speech was fed into the teleprompter. It took George Stephanopoulos and other aides a nightmarish seven minutes to fix the problem while Mr. Clinton winged it. Some thought he did better without the script. Mr. Bush, whose unscripted gaffes were legendary, used a teleprompter for his 2002 speech to the United Nations on Iraq. But when the speech scrolled across the screens, the key line about seeking a new Security Council resolution was missing. Mr. Bush noticed and ad libbed it. The trouble was that he said he would seek “the necessary resolutions,” plural, which later gave the Europeans ammunition to press him to return to the Security Council one more time. Freaky - Lies & Other Birther Knuckle Heads: >>> Have been debunked for well over 7+ years now and they just keep backing up into our Internet world like bad smelly sewer gases! Marie Pope -
She says she was born in 1963 in California and moved to Hawaii, spending her summers in the Diamond Head area of Honolulu. She says the met “Soetoro” in 1977 and says he portrayed himself as a “foreign student.” They didn’t associate closely. She says he was very much in the gay community, and not interested at all in women. She said that she didn’t like him because he was a “pathological liar.” She speculates that he got cocaine in exchange for sex with older white guys. She was not a classmate of Obama’s, rather just knowing of him when she spent her summers in Honolulu. She speculates that the CIA or some “shadow government” was responsible for getting Obama into the rather exclusive Punahou Academy (a Christian missionary school). There are forces in this country that like Barry’s slimy qualities, what he’s doing to our country, and that must be these globalists or the gang banksters. You name it. This secret shadow element of the government that simply wanted to destroy our Constitution and roll us into Marxism. She identifies herself as a Christian who is angry about Obama “destroying my country” and explains that she is coming forward at this late date because of what Obama is doing. She said that several years ago she called the FBI several times exposing Obama’s use of fake social-security numbers, rather contradicting her evil Obama epiphany now. None of Obama’s other classmates knew him as Soetoro, or as a foreign student. Her account doesn’t fit the stories of several Obama classmates in the book Our Friend Barry: Classmates’ Recollections of Barack Obama from the Punahou School, nor David Maraniss’ well-researched book on Obama, Barack Obama: The Story. And how would she even know Obama in a town the size of Honolulu when he wasn’t even a classmate? She would have had no personal knowledge of his social-security number except by trolling birther-related web sites. She admits being familiar with the Larry Sinclair claims of homosexuality and cocaine use and could have picked those elements up from him. She repeats the false rumor that “nobody ever saw him at Columbia.” She brings up a fake YouTube photo showing Obama in a sexually provocative outfit. Here’s a video refuting the claim that the President was called “Soetoro” in high school. Here’s another video with a classmate, Sharon Yanagi. One of the questions raised by Pope in the video is how the Dunham’s who lived in a modest apartment could afford to send Obama to an expensive school. The answer is apparent, the Dunham’s lived modestly, both working, and sacrificing for their grandson’s education. One family friend said that they sent Obama to school rather than buying a house. Also, one of Obama’s Punahou classmates said he was on “financial aid.” Noting she had to say was new—all coming from prior birther material (except that Obama bummed cigarettes from people). It looks like she cobbled together some of the seamier stories about Obama from the Web and made them her own. Did she ever meet Obama in Hawaii? Maybe, but I doubt it. ![]() ![]() |
Unknown? The info has been out there for some time now. Thanks ![]() |
OMG, lay it too F'n Rest
would you? Mr. Bush,
. Lesser Thinking Humans and their
Dont be so hard on yourself......
consistent vitriol about our president --- � It was
Idk about that....but he DID do this to The White House Friday night:
'common knowledge'�� that Barry '��wasn'��t interested in girls��' but 'was strictly into men ![]() The Great Divider strikes again. |
Well..I don't want to start a riot , but I am not a foreigner making a thread about The President of The United States.. Indeed, foreigners should crap all over their own countries, not ours. Happy to return the favor when you foment locally. |
Well..I don't want to start a riot , but I am not a foreigner making a thread about The President of The United States.. Indeed, foreigners should crap all over their own countries, not ours. Happy to return the favor when you foment locally. Yep, but don't hold your breath. |
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Sun 06/28/15 09:36 AM
he was using a teleprompter decades ago in high school ,when she claims to have 'known' him?
WOW and who has investigated this pope woman? makes for a cool story though, I wonder how many times she will be paid for something she has NO Way of proving by the way, I went to school with Angie Everhart(the truth), I wonder how many ASSumptions I could make about her in high school and how much I can get paid for them, as long as I believe them (everyone does understand a lie detector is mislabeled? it doesnt really detect lies, it only detects DECEPTION, as long as the speaker believes what they are saying,,, even if it isnt the truth, they can pass the test) |
MsHarmony stated >>>
he was using a teleprompter decades ago in high school ,when she claims to have 'known' him? WOW and who has investigated this pope woman? makes for a cool story though, I wonder how many times she will be paid for something she has NO Way of proving by the way, I went to school with Angie Everhart(the truth), I wonder how many ASSumptions I could make about her in high school and how much I can get paid for them, as long as I believe them (everyone does understand a lie detector is mislabeled? it doesnt really detect lies, it only detects DECEPTION, as long as the speaker believes what they are saying,,, even if it isnt the truth, they can pass the test) This was debunked shortly after her 'craving for the media attention' force her out from under that sludge pile that she dwells; like the story line is dated October 31, 2013! But with all things that just keep floating around on FB/Myspace/Internet they live in infamy and lesser thinking humans just keep swallowing the BS! & and the book by David Maranis and my link & post ^^^ all blew her LIES out of the water and she just lives on forever on the Internet! |
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Sun 06/28/15 10:04 AM
![]() Obama and his Pakistani friend. BTW, they are holding hands. |
![]() ![]() yeah < I always hold hands while leaning AWAY from my loved one,,who is holding a cigarette,,, |