Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
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Fri 10/19/07 10:49 PM
Dear Diary,

I'm sooo happy today, it should'nt be time for me to do this diary thing since its only 1:45pm my time but I just wanna tell you now Diary that I am sooo happy, 3 hours ago my bf called and we talked and we were so happy to hear from eachother's voices, he even talked to my elder bro for the first time and it turned out to be a nice conversation. And also I got to show him my new lavender tank top and he liked it :tongue: , he have seen my dog busy too, trying to scape from the window LOL.

Hey, Diary, how are you anyways?huh

laugh laugh laugh

nah, nothing, just my mind being silly again, have to go, bye!

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Fri 10/19/07 10:51 PM
--------still on phone:wink:

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Fri 10/19/07 11:05 PM
dear cell phone died

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Fri 10/19/07 11:11 PM
Dear Diary..I am so not girly, but I got bored and decided to paint my nails, I only have black which is kind of messy and now I spilled some on my keyboard and I have to type with one hand because the other is wet...oy this is why I detest being girly

Fanta46's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:13 PM
Hi CCPflowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:14 PM
Type with your toes!!!laugh laugh laugh

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Fri 10/19/07 11:15 PM
HI Fantabigsmile can't type with my toes..not that coordinated

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Fri 10/19/07 11:15 PM
Dear diary.....nothing wrong with being girly......I hear the manly men like them!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:16 PM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

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Fri 10/19/07 11:17 PM
hey the diary was telling fables I see..........laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:18 PM
Im waiting for the dictation thingy to improve!!!bigsmile bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:19 PM
what fables??

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Fri 10/19/07 11:26 PM
dear diary..........what do people want???? If i want to divulge then I tell you.........until then...........

Fanta46's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:28 PM
well!!ohwell ohwell indifferent glasses

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Fri 10/19/07 11:31 PM
well he's been stalkin ya for dayz ask him!!!glasses glasses laugh

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Fri 10/19/07 11:34 PM
Dear diary.......I have no idea what you are talking about!!!glasses

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Fri 10/19/07 11:35 PM
didn't ya notice???laugh flowerforyou

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Fri 10/19/07 11:36 PM
hi fantaflowerforyou drinker

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Fri 10/19/07 11:37 PM
ummmmmmmmmmmmm what??? who is stalking who???huh All I know is its getting nipply in here!!devil devil devil

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:38 PM
Hi Alex, Gypsy, Jenni, Fantaflowerforyou drinker

Geeez! It IS like an episode of the Waltons in here.laugh