Topic: People Afraid To Love (Restart Topic) | |
I reckon my outlook on this, all jokes aside, is: "I didn't break ya, ain't my place to fix ya." Here's the other of my two cents - the philophobe might wanna "heal" themselves before getting involved with another person who's feelings they are being inconsiderate of. It is comparable to having sex with someone while knowingly carrying an STD. It's more than just bad manners, it is down right the wrong thing to do. Even emotionally healthy people experience some apprehension when the word love enters their relationship. It changes things to some degree. Blame it on Hollywood. right may not be my job to fix ya but if I love you I will tryn understand, be there for ya and hold ur hand ![]() You can try to be there and hold the hand and all that ... for a while too, if you like. It's your decision. But also be careful and take care of your own heart too, and don't let your emotions be toyed with. |
Those who are macho man will not understand because they are too tough to feel fear so they can't relate. ![]() Can't win a marathon, if fear keeps you tethered to your own front porch. |
******************************************************* Here is the topic: Let��s start over: A great topic to discuss views on. It is very true that some people are afraid to love and be loved. It's as almost love and loving feelings result in them feeling Claustrophobic. Deep down inside they want love, but also they are afraid of it. It's a conflict inside. Sometimes it stems from being hurt badly in the past by someone they may have been deeply in love with. They let that affect them, and don't look forward to happy, healthy relationships in their future, after some healing time. Then what happens in the cycle is, because of their past - they look at someone else in their future, with jaded eyes, or through jaded eyes - thinking and/or judging that their past hurts might repeat itself. When in reality, that other someone in their future is a wonderful person, who they could have a great relationship with, healthy and happy. This also keeps them from moving forward. This jeopardizes them from having a great relationship in the future. Love is letting go of fear. Fear and love can not exist together. The cycle involves people loving people who can not love back. They back away from love. When things start feeling too close, and happy, they back away, because it triggers the fear in them. And only when they've had some time away, does the fear then subside. And then only once the fear subsides, do they start missing the person again, and wanting to be together again. Then the cycle starts over again. At the fear stage, all they can think about is to get away, distance themselves, because of the fear. Once the fear subsides, after they've had some time/space apart, is the only time they can feel the loving and missing feelings again. Sometimes the reason they're afraid of closeness and love, is because for some reason, it results in them feeling trapped in some kind of way. And they just have difficulty moving forward in relationships. Some may overcome their fears, but some may never be able to, regardless of the circumstances. This is a real phobia, which actually needs professional therapy/counseling to overcome. Furthermore, this is a problem that can only be solved by getting inside the minds and exposing it. Similar principle to an alcoholic problem. Only once you realize it within yourself, and admit it to yourself, and recognize that you might have this problem, is the first big step to solving the problem. Otherwise, you will just continually push people and love away. Understanding the problem is the first key. With this insight, you will have the tools you need to know what is happening, and take control of your life, and the life of your relationships. Then, and only then, will you be capable, of having the kind of love you need and deserve. Let's discuss Beauty Brown Eyes ![]() ![]() Oh Dear God! is simple. These days people come up with all kinds of excuses as to why they can or can't love someone or anyone. Thing is if you want to love someone then guess what....when that guy or girl comes along that knocks your socks will love them. End of story. That person will take you for all your faults because you simply have to. If you can't, then get the phuck out of the relationship. Don't think he/she is right for you? Walk on and allow that person to hurt or be pissed at you. cannot please everyone and while I am sure we all want to be nice...truth is....well the TRUTH hurts. Be scared to fall for someone. To me, that is healthy because it means you feel something. is scary....taking risks are scary. But failure is a part of life. what you must....just don't become a whiney azz biatch and blame stupid crap for your love issues. Goof rant back to my book.....How To Win Friends And Influence People......cause I motivate! ![]() ![]() LOL - good outlook ... funny too ... I love your sense of humor ![]() Gotta laugh at this thing we call life. ![]() |
I keep falling in love with philophobes. Why? Why?
![]() Here is an interesting theory. Hang on to your hats, people, this is intense. Someone told me that I may be the philophobe and I subconsciously choose men who I know won't commit. It is very possible since everyone in my immediate family is either separated or divorced. I am terrified of ending up the same way so I fall for men who are somehow out of my grasp and I can safely continue being single. Self-sabotage. We all may be doing this somehow without realizing it. |
I keep falling in love with philophobes. Why? Why? ![]() Here is an interesting theory. Hang on to your hats, people, this is intense. Someone told me that I may be the philophobe and I subconsciously choose men who I know won't commit. It is very possible since everyone in my immediate family is either separated or divorced. I am terrified of ending up the same way so I fall for men who are somehow out of my grasp and I can safely continue being single. Self-sabotage. We all may be doing this somehow without realizing it. Okay. Tell you what....let's sign a six month contract to date. You keep your stuff and I will keep I'll throw in a blender. See....I am a giver. ![]() ![]() |
Okay. Tell you what....let's sign a six month contract to date. You keep your stuff and I will keep I'll throw in a blender. See....I am a giver. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I think people are afraid of love for a variety of reasons.
Fear of commitment, feeling's of being unworthy, trust issues, performance anxiety, fear of change and a fear of enequal amount of recipical love. Just to name a few. I have seen friends start relationships with apparently compatable men and woman who freeze the minute the relationship builds to a level of seriuos committment. It's a horrible thing to watch as often the other party becomes emotionally injured with no idea what happened. Jusr my 2 cents. |
Edited by
Mon 06/08/15 08:53 PM
This subject is often confused with or by assumptions.
The most common, is that so many people assume that after a very bad experience, that the people who suffered will one day return to being who they were before it all went wrong. They tap their feet impatiently, and make 'tsk tsk' sounds, or self-righteously proclaim that "it's not my responsibility to fix you." That's serious ignorance at work. What we go through in our lives, changes us. Did you know that every time you get an illness, that a record of it is attached to your DNA? The same thing is true of relationship experiences. And this is commonly misunderstood. Use myself as an example: long ago, I was torn to shreds emotionally by a person who I eventually realized was so prone to delusions, that she probably to this day, tells other people who ask, how I did all sorts of things that I NEVER did, and how she never wavered from her ideals. From my point of view, it was a mess on the scale of a national disaster. Now. This affected me in a ton of ways, but it is a total lie to claim that I came to "live in fear" because of it. I DO NOT see everyone else as though they might be as nuts as that woman was. I DO NOT fear that every relationship will follow that pattern. However, what is additionally true, is that because of what I went through, I can never again look upon idealized innocence in another person, as anything other than the complete ignorance of life that I now know that it is. In other words, it isn't that I am "afraid to let myself go," and therefore wont take a risk with's that I now know full well, and can tell from how you talk or write, that you don't have a clue about your real feelings or thoughts about me. This is why people who have been through extreme situations, often split from mates who didn't go through it with them, and gravitate to other people who have done so. They are NOT scared, and they are not scarred. People are changed by their lives, and they can't return to the state of innocence that you depend upon, in order to wax romantic with them. |
It isn't about being afraid to love, but needing to seek professional help in order to process the past which affects your present.
Okay. Tell you what....let's sign a six month contract to date. You keep your stuff and I will keep I'll throw in a blender. See....I am a giver. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wow! I didn't even know I was up for adoption. Sweet. got cake and cookies at your place? And do I need my sleeping bag? Oh is so sweet.....GI Joe! |
This is all I got.... Sowwy.