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Topic: so that was disturbing...
LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:19 PM
so i just came back from walking the dog...
and well this is a nice suburban neighborhood... no one dies, everyone has at least a mercedez and an suv...
there are dogs and kids littering everywhere and we poop and scoop (for both the kids and the dogs heh)

well tonight, as its thanksgiving, i decided to walk tippy instead of drive to the field, and there are 5 cop cars, a firetruck, two paramedic trucks and a crowd...

i think huh? nothing happens here... odd...

well it turns out, that one of the kids with his hiphop and done up cars decided not to stop at the stop sign on the corner, and ran down a grandson and his grandmother...

grandma, being the loving gran that she is, is in the hospital...
the grandson was thrown clear and is fine...
yes hip hop baggy pants boy is in custody, as he should be...

no alcohol involved, jst bad MTV attitude..

k you youngens listen up...
sure, it may be cool to wear your pants around your knees,
sure it may be cool to wear your ball caps off to the side, and say words like "yo" and "respec" and whatever else it is you all say now...

but, have a little respect for your surroundings... none of you are "gangsta's" and you wouldn't know what to do if you met a gangster in all reality.

you're not tough hip hop rappers and you're not cool believing what you're told to believe, while you claim you're individuals...
you're not...
you're lemmings... doing what everyone else is doing, and trying to act all "ghetto"

unless you live in teh ghetto, don't fake it, because one day, you'll be listening to fiddy cen and mow down a grandchild and his grandmother because "yo you're from the hood chal"

no photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:22 PM

How tragic!

Dunno...there's so much to say about this...breakdown in family dynamics...lack of role models...etc.

My prayers go out to everyone involved! flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:27 PM
Anyone not paying attention to their surroundings could have hit grandma. What does baggy pants and music have to do with an accident?

ashininglight99's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:30 PM
ok, lets not make any rash generalizations here. The people you should be criticizing are WRECKLESS DRIVERS... Not all wreckless drivers say yo, listen to hip hop and wear their caps off to the side. What you are doing is stereotyping. When you see some, so when you see a "youngen" listening to his hip hop, wearing his cap to the side and saying "yo", DO NOT ASSUME he will be mowing down some grandma and her grandson. If you see someone driving wrecklessly, do not assume he listens to hip hop, wears his cap to the side and says "yo", because chances are HE DOESN'T. If you see a wreckless driver that's one thing, but if you hear someone driving listening to hip hop music, don't stereotype. That's just wrong...

ashininglight99's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:30 PM
ok, lets not make any rash generalizations here. The people you should be criticizing are WRECKLESS DRIVERS... Not all wreckless drivers say yo, listen to hip hop and wear their caps off to the side. What you are doing is stereotyping. When you see some, so when you see a "youngen" listening to his hip hop, wearing his cap to the side and saying "yo", DO NOT ASSUME he will be mowing down some grandma and her grandson. If you see someone driving wrecklessly, do not assume he listens to hip hop, wears his cap to the side and says "yo", because chances are HE DOESN'T. If you see a wreckless driver that's one thing, but if you hear someone driving listening to hip hop music, don't stereotype. That's just wrong...

unsure's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:34 PM
I was going to say...anyone can make a mistake and not be aware of their surroundings. Why do you think they have to be all gangster just because they wear their pants loose? UMMM thats how kids wear their pants. I do think you are jumping the gun here and criticizing the younger people...come on now, just because you live in a "nice" place doesn't mean things don't happen!!!grumble

no photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:36 PM
I have to agree with ashininglight and unsure...

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:42 PM
last night, a woman was killed by street racers in our fair city... and guess who?
baggy pant wearing "yo" yacking, hip hop wearing mtv watching wanna be ghetto gangsta's

so yeah, it does matter...

most of all the crap that is happening in this new generation has to do with that particular group of people and its annoying the crap out of me...

you know? when i was growing up? we had gangsters too! but they didn't think it was cool to let the whole world know they were gangsters and the weren't proud of coming from economically depressed neighborhoods..

and today? those gangsta's that are actually trying to make money to "get outta da hood" are not any differnt than the gangsters in my day....

it isn't them who are the problem...

its middle class white kids who have this " i wanna be a black dude" complex that are pulling this crap... and doing these stupid friggin things...

not the gangsters at all...

and yes,i've been out and watched how they drive and act and think and are... they are a major problem

yes, sure, anyone could've mowed down these two people, cept that it wasn't anyone was it? and that wife that was killed by street racers could've been killed by anyone but she wasn't was she?

i don't live in a would've, could've, might've been world. i live in the real one, where we don't validate, and justify, and deflect, and make it someone else's problem...

i live in a world where I am the change I want to see in the world....

so when you do that? go ahead and tell me that i can't say what happened by the facts that exist, on the books, which will be the facts in the courts for both of these murder cases, which will not be tried as murder cases, by a bunch of punk a$$ kids who think they're all that, and would siht themselves if anyone ever stuck a gun in their faces while they're pretending to be all ghetto and gangsta

and yeah, you know who's fault it is? its mommy and daddy for not giving you all a cuff upside the head...l oh wait, you call it a biatch slap right?
well pretty much the crew between the ages of 15 to 25 need a biatch slap upside the head...

ashininglight99's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:42 PM
one more thing... if everyone in the world lived in your "nice suburban neighborhood" and had a mercedes and an SUV, we might have enough gas to run them for a decade, TOPS.

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:46 PM
I've always wanted to kick hip-hop people in the head for keeping the rap industry alive (there is no such thing as good rap or hiphop), and they look like people who shrank under their cloths so they have to grab their crotch just to keep their pants up. laugh

no photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:48 PM
I live in a nice suburban neighborhood, drive a mercedes and BMW. Thats has nothing to do with it. There are some other issues here.

My prayers go out to the family....

Greyhound's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:49 PM
2 women were killed in Brampton on the weekend in a terrible crash caused by street racers.brokenheart

no photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:51 PM
Because I ride a Harley..I am trash
Because I am Wiccan..I worship Satan
Because I am Goth..I am always depressed
Because I am chubby..I eat only McDonalds

Screw your stereotypes, get over them, walk a mile in someone else's shoes for a day and then cast your stereotypes...

unsure's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:51 PM
You know, when you raise your children you give them the tools and teach them values and morals. After they are 18, you pray that they go into the "real" world and remember those tools you taught them. So NO you can't blame mommy and daddy, sometimes no matter what you do what they want!!!

Do you hate kids or what? You seem very bitter!! I have to admit, the loose clothes is the style here. I allow my son to wear I a bad parent? He is 19 and guess what, he is an adult. He has to make his own decisions, those decisions are stuff like college and so far, a good citizen~~so I don't think he is all gangster!! HMMM I think I am a great mom :heart:

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:53 PM
greyhound: yeah thats the one i'm talking about... totally sick and wrong....

on a side note... did you notice that buddy that was defending Hiphop wrap and that whole genre was more concerned about defending hip hop wrap and that whole genre? there wasn't one note in his double post that showed any interest or concern or even mention of the people that are getting killed... at all...
no remorse.
no concern.
no sadness

just wah, i'm a hip hoppa and we all goo peeps so wah to you and you shouldn't drive suv's wah...

uh huh...
thats my point exactly.. that is the attitude that is making that entire genre and style undesirable, and less than acceptable especially for white, middle class kids who think that they have some kind of entitlement, and rights to do what they please, without concern or interest in who gets hurt by it...

its selfish, and ignorant.

no photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:53 PM
you are a great mom unsure gf flowerforyou

jen36's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:55 PM
smiles...i was shocked

EstrellaNegra's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:56 PM
The conclusion: There are bad drivers in every city and town now. Oh crap!sad

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:58 PM
You should try kentucky and ohio....we breed more bad drivers than anything else lol

Greyhound's photo
Mon 10/08/07 06:02 PM
As a school bus driver,I have to put up with it everyday of the week. Pretty sceary sometimesfrown

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