Community > Posts By > LivingByBeats

LivingByBeats's photo
Sat 10/20/07 09:59 PM
well i have a wedding and a divorce planned for monday (opposite order of course), i figure she'll be good through to thursday and then another divorce.. but next weekend looks like it might be clear... get your people to call my people...

LivingByBeats's photo
Sat 10/20/07 09:53 PM
heh... move here
300$ and its done in a week.. really... its the rage with all the russians that con the idiot men here to marry them for citizenship heh

LivingByBeats's photo
Sat 10/20/07 09:22 PM
well i was writing a thing the other day as a new profile when i bust out laughing and wrote a little story about clones...

in a few years (randomly) we'll be able to completely destroy and get rid of all single sites as we know them... instead, if we have credit, we'll be able to go online and special order our perfect mate.

They'll have a template catalogue online with pictures of handsome men and women, with our choice of intellect, professional capacity and so on, and we'll be able to grow-a-mate...

i bet that vegas will have the first drive through "design-a-clone" in all the world. The thing that I can see, which most in this instant gratification can i get fries with that on the side, and oh i have a wish list of this and that, and they have to b like this and that, and do this and that and so on while we're busy demanding what we think we're entitled to demand is that these clones will become boring.

you see, there will be no passion... after all, if there is a clone that has been designed just by us to be what we want them to be, then they'll be flawless. never making a mistake, and always treating us as we thought we wanted to be treated when we ordered the clone, no make up sex, no good sex after awhile cuz they'll just always do the right thing in a way that we have designed them to be....completely clueless on one specific dynamic...

we'll change...

and we'll outgrow our clones... and then what? well we live in an instant gratification society of expectations, entitlements and a perception of deserving, and we'll do what we always do....

we'll toss them in the bin... of course most people by then will be "green conscious" and toss them out on recycling day and just go back online and order a new clone....

its a joke obviously, however, look around and see how you go about looking for a partner... with your wish lists and all the failed wishlists of what you expected in the past which obviously didn't come to pass or you wouldn't be on a single's site to find a partner....

LivingByBeats's photo
Sat 10/20/07 07:28 PM
roflmao... hmmm let me see, ladies get all raunchy insulting making fun of men and crtisicing them for not going to the store to buy pads or plugs.. oh wait.. tampons.. and then... when a man comes along, with two daughters.. and is sincerely concerned about them... then women get creeped out? and run?

yeah ok... lets not forget the mayflower landed 460 years ago... lets try to remember that its 2007 and that we had best be able to catch up and deal with things in the 21st century as common hygeine, and what he should know as an ignorrant dad thinking he can talk to a woman "friend" to advise him... because it's already hard enough for him to have to deal with it and you can bet you a$$ he can't talk to his buddies when he goes to play ball about it now eh?

uh huh..... this society is full of uptight frigid indivuduals who can't see past their own baggage ....

yeah totally good you blocked him! hope he doesn't try to buy his girls all diapers...;


LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 06:24 PM
wabbit: and there you go :)

you know i can tell you that i'm very grateful for all of the women i've been involved with in my life. I have learned so much from them, and it is amazing how much easier it is to understand a woman when a man actually listens to women...

for example... all the stuff that you all see other women play, and men can't see it as they're led around by their noses? i can smell it at 100 paces...

i have every girl i've ever been involved with to thank for that! they showed me the things to look for, not in their actions mind you, but in how they would talk about women and how women are.

I am able to spot subversion, and manipulation, and how things get turned around on pointed back in the direction of where they came, in order to avoid things... women taught me that... the women I've dated,and my mother and grandmother!

i've always enjoyed the company of women more than men, and am very grateful for it...

so i can't look back at ex's and say oh they were this and they were that... i have to be thankful...


so my only possible suggestion to you is to hold tight to the good because that will be the energy that helps you through it, as long as you don't let it make you soft and suck you under :)

understanding and forgiveness is always better than harbored bitterness.

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:27 PM
lilwabbit... yo didn't see it at all?
i'm pretty sure that if you really examined the before you got married you'll be able to remember signs and symbols of it. I know i did. granted i didnt' see them until i was married either, but i did realize after, geez, how could i have missed that? and after a proper examination realized, that i just choose not to see them.

hey we all do it. we don't want to see bad in whom we're attracted to. it doesnt mean it wasn't there...

now i'm not saying that you're dumb or unaware, because i walked in like a blind fool myself, however, it is one thing to recognize that in ourselves i think and another thing to actually blame them for what we decided not to acknowledge...

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:01 PM
jess, all of my threads are me mockin myself... you like to mock others at their expense,and then add high and mighty wanna be platitudes of psuedo spiritualism to seem enlightened, when all it looks like is you smoke too much pot

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:00 PM
well you married him. and you must've seen good things about them to marry them in the first place...
and well, sorry that didn't work out for you, but meh whatever man... they don't go from "ohhhh i love this and that" to "oh they have no redeeming qualities" cuz that isn't a reflection on them
thats a reflection on you

we are not defined by what happens to us.
we are defined by what we choose because of those events.

it is the permeating theme of everything that I have written on all of my threads....

accountability, responsibility, honour, integrity, truth, and do right at all times..

no one can offend us. we are offended because we choose it.
no one can hurt us, we choose to be hurt.

we live in a culture on this continent that is all about blaming everyone else, and so we never deal with our crap, and then we bring all that crap into the next relationship and duh it falls apart, and then we add that new baggage to the last baggage, and ta da!!!! new relationship and that doesn't work wow! really? why? i don't get it.....

and then we start to hear, "why do i always get a partner like.....<insert same statement here>" when obviously we're the one's choosing them, so we're the ones responsible... damn there is that responsibility and accountability thing again damn annoying isn't it?

i can look back on everyone one of my ex's and i remember their good qualities. Hell i had one ex that tried to kill me, and when i think of her, i remember her laugh, and her qualities which endeared her to me....

which is why i don't have neg things to say about my ex's, cuz if i'm saying them, i'm carrying them. They're sleeping fine.

i don't carry what doesn't belong to me. I like to travel light... not with an entire Louis Vuitton collection of baggage that needs a greyhound to carry it all....

we are responsible for our own wah...

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:46 PM
the only thing it means to me is that if a person had a divorce once or 1000 times, it means that they've been divorced...

i'd be more inclined to weigh out how they are, and not the divorce..

some folks are bitter at having to stand in line at starbucks, so if they're like that about a divorce? who cares how many times they've been divorced... they're bitter..

the only red flags that I see when i meet people are the following:
1: talks neg about an ex

2: blurts out their entire medical and mental illness history within 10 minutes of meeting them

3: goes to AA, CA, NA or any <whatever>A meeting, because they're taught to live in denial and blame inanimate objects, so they have accountability and reality issues

4: mocks and laughs at other people's expense (shows an overwhelming insecurity and weakness of character, high chance of envy and subversion)

5: materialistic (they're shallow)

that pretty much covers it...

for the rest i could care less if they're a midget hermaphrodite with buck teeth and a lisp that needs to screech out "release the hounds" every 20 minutes becuase of some bhuddist mantra they learned while misunderstanding a guy in burma who was choking on peppers that really said, "oh betsy this burns!!!"

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:29 PM
"Red flag" is a semi-official term to denote various attention and awareness indicators and signals, both explicit and implicit.

The term and the expression "to raise the red flag" come from various usages of real flags in real life. The semaphore red flag (or red light) on railways means an immediate stop. Also, there is an element of some letter box construction, a semaphore arm that is raised to indicate to the postman that there is outgoing mail in the letter box.

The term "red flag" is used, e.g., during screening of communications, and refers to specific words or phrases encountered that might indicate relevance to the case. For example, email spam filters make use of such "red flags".

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:24 PM
no tatas... just the "diet of all the junk food you normally eat and still have great hip hop abs"

i am stunned that they actually said that on national television as "medically supported"


LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:12 PM
jax: well you've learned to know what you don't want and that is a great position:)

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 02:20 PM
i'll have that everyday for the rest of my life even if i ever get involved with someone again :) the wondrous thing i think is that i get to keep her in my heart.

we all get to meet tons of soulmates... but only a small blessed percentage of us get to be gifted our perfect rib and perfect fit :)

my complete empathy to you oldsage...

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 02:15 PM
well cuz it has come up twice today, I can't see any better thread to throw this in other than this thread.

Yup, I was married. She cheated. But I was never divorced. But I am not married now.

It is called an annulment. As I stated earlier in this forum that when i found out she was cheating, I bided my time and played nicey nice, and did her to my best interest, because I don't have to consider her, she was unfaithful and therefore any respect she might've deserved, she had no right to, nor would I change anything I've done had I to do it over again.

She was also typically materialistic, so i thought about it and realized, well I don't want any of this crap. I'm not materialistic. I'm mentally motivated, and spiritually motivated, so she can have it all.

I gave her the house, the summer house, the beach house, the car's, the race boat, the houseboat, all the furniture, I folded the business and sold off all the assets and gave her the money from the business under one condition.

She would sign the annulement papers, or i would take her to court and destroy her career, her life, she would lose her son, and would never work in her decided profession again. She was a teacher. I could prove mental instability. I don't care about the public school system, and hell I've never met a teacher yet that didn't have hardcore control issues, and need therapy, so that aspect? meh whatever, they'd just replace her with another wingnut.

She is materialistic.

What she didn't know, when she bent over to sign all the papers, was that she had also signed all the papers that made her fully and financially responsible for every single asset that she desired.

She didn't even make 10% of the worth of the assets she acquired.

I got out with a document that said I'd never been married. I got out of having to pay for her for the rest of my life. I got out of having to pay for any of the properties or assets.

I walked away clean as a whistle.

That is how i did my ex wife...
oh, and incidently? she still lost her career and i did konw that child services were investigating her ability to parent, a couple of months after she signed the papers, and of course, the guy she was sleeping with, well, he really didn't want any part of all that now did he?

revenge is a dish served cold, and without mercy.

So, for the record. According to the law, the government, and the church I have never been married. If you think that I'm twisting it to suit me? Great! call your congressman and change the laws, until then? either you accept the laws in all cases, or you accept it in none :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 01:43 PM
oh PS: i was married and it was annuled, so according to the law and the government and the church, i've never been married...
so you go ahead and get up on your pedestals and judgement seats and judge me to your hearts content, becuase that is all you have, and that means that you're low and weak and have to judge, in order to elevate yourself...

still sad. :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 01:41 PM
thats the typical act of a coward. oh oh i don't want anyone looking at me so quick quick i better point a finger so i can get the focus off of me...

so sad

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:58 PM
i jst get hot when people think that they have a right to make judgments on other people... about whether they're good or bad as people becuase of whatever has happened in their lives, or poor choices they might have made previously....

just blows my mind that anyone looking for a partner could think that they have that right...

its wrong man... fully...
and i apologize for bringing it into this thread, but i don't apologize for being angry about it, because quite simply my anger is right and good on this topic.

its really easy for a lot of folks to be brave with a keyboard and mouse... while they're shaking like leaves inside their skin....

it doesn't matter if a person hasn't ever been married.
if they've been married once.
if they've been married 10 times.

it only matters if you are meeting that person do you care for them and accept them for who they are, as they are at the time that you meet them.....
if not? then realize that it is you who cannot reconcile it and it has ZERO bearing on the other person, and it is something that you yourself will not have in your life.

it is wholly and completely wrong to look down on another human being in anyway shape or form to validate your own baggage.


LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:47 PM
c'mon gypsy...
you have suck a big fcuking mouth... splatter your life on teh forums for the scrutiny of the masses...

do you have the balls to do that or does your power only extend to mocking and belittling other people?

your kind is all over the internet...
weak, and lonely and only happy if they're putting other people down....

try me out, see how you fare... see if you can actually hurt my feelings or belittle me, cuz you're not even fit to lick my spit off the sidewalk with how you insult and put people down here and woah amazingly enough its always men?
go figure eh?

obviously you have some issues with men you need to resolve instead of just slamming them all the time....

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:44 PM
case and point:
the best she can do is insult...
that is ALL she has... nothing else...
its just lame.. and pathetic...
and the act of a weak person

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:43 PM
lilwabbit: sorry i wasn't directing it at you...
i've just noticed a little trend here in the forum threads with a few people.

their only grace is belittling or judging others, and i've decided that i'm going to target them. because they don't get to hurt innocent people. at all.

as soon as they can show that they're so much more mighty and better than anyone else on this dating site, then they can go ahead and judge them, pick on them, mock them, insult them, and belittle them. but if i see it?

they're bait.


that is offensive.

I've seen people on here that are really decent and everyone, from what i can gather is either lonely looking for friends, or looking for a life long partner, and there is nothing wrong with that...

however, those few that feel its ok to cross examin and play judge and jury, haven't met anyone like me before... i don't scare,and i don't back down, and i don't care if they want my fcuking address, i'll give it to them cuz the're internet keyboard warriors that only can find validation by insulting and putting down others while pretending to be spiritual, and so caring...

its bullsiht and i can smell it 1000 paces out.

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