Topic: Boston Bomber | |
9/11 = ![]() Those of you who wish to torture this person should have yourselves checked. We must remain civilized... no hate, no delays and done with no emotion. We should not become them, only pursue justice and deliver the verdict to them in a methodical way... it's nothing personal, we just can't have you in our midst. Seriously, he should be executed as all terrorist that kill and maim should be. IMHO |
Street justice works just fine.
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I'm not for death penalty.
Though he probably would be killed soon enough during a life sentence. |
If the death penalty for murderers is good enough for God, then it is good enough for me.
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oh, there is plenty that God as the CREATOR can do,, literally anything he wants
that I don't feel is therefore alright for man to do as well... |
We all are going to die, were just moving them to the Express line...
Building 7, which also housed field offices of the SEC, FBI, CIA, NSA among others, contained tons of information on corporate fraud that could, collectively, have constituted manifold ‘Enrons’ that would’ve put many, many individuals away for a few hundred years. Yeah, right. They've never heard of wiping hard drives and shredders? This line of reasoning is stupid. no matter how much you think you "wipe" your hard drive, theres always going to be someone who can pull all that **** back up. if you delete stuff from a hard drive its technically still there, just not visible. get the right person with the right amount of knowledge of computers, they will find a way to "unwipe" it. |
And a whole lot of Architects and engineers agree with you, Building 7 did not collapse from fire. No steel building anywhere in the world has ever collapsed from fire.
AE911T has only 2,200 signatories and most of them aren't architects or engineers like they'd have you believe. 7WTC indeed fell owing to fire and damage. The water supply was cut off owing to the collapse of WTC's 1 & 2, so the firefighters could not address the fires for nearly seven hours. Moreover, they noticed the building becoming unstable owing to the ferocity of the fires and evacuated the area accordingly while they waited for it to collapse. There is no physical evidence for a controlled demolition of 7WTC. no physical evidence of a controlled demolition? is video of it happening not considered physical evidence? anyone with a brain in their god damn head could see it was a controlled demolition. i advise you to go watch controlled demolitions of buildings, then watch the towers, its the same exact thing. you can see in the video the charges blowing up as the building starts collapsing. not to mention the countless witnesses that said they heard bombs going off before the building stated falling. what about building 7? wasnt even touched and fell. what about building 6, which was hollowed out on the inside? The 8-story WTC 6 lay between the North Tower and WTC 7. WTC 6 was evidently damaged before either tower fell and had an unexplained crater that went to the lowest basement level. The basement of the building appears to have experienced an explosion at the exact moment the South Tower was hit by a plane. The destruction of WTC 6 is one of the many unexplained questions of 9-11. This 8-story building suffered a huge crater in its center which went all the way down to sub-basement levels. What caused the huge crater in the middle of WTC 6? The fact that the WTC 6 building was severely damaged before the first tower collapsed can be seen in photos taken by Bill Biggart, a photographer who was killed on 9-11 when the North Tower collapsed. His digital photos were salvaged from his camera. The website has an excellent analysis of his photos. While there have been countless attempts to show that Building 7 was brought down in controlled demolition, the arguments have been made that there was a fire in building 7 and this is why it came down. Even though the story of a fire bringing down building 7 do not measure up to scrutiny, and the gullible will say that fires cause freefall demolitions of buildings, the truth about building 6 is that the building exploded and it was seen on National television and then was immediately covered up. CNN aired the huge explosion of building 6, the U.S. Customs building. The smoke and the debris from the building raised 47 floors and was visible and yet it was ignored as we watched the terrible plume of black smoke being released from the south tower. It was confirmed that at exactly 9:04 am Building 6 explode. A CNN archivist confirmed that this is what was recorded. No one could figure out why the building exploded. Besides being the Home of U.S. Customs, building 6 housed several federal departments and agencies. One agency in particular was the Export-Import bank of the United States. Destroying this building was crucial because there may have been records that would have exposed who provided the investment capital for the attacks on the United States and who would have benefitted financially from the attacks. In order to fully understand how this theory can materialize we must go back to a media exchange that has to have been forgotten since I never hear it being cited by independent researchers. The Building 6 connections to bank exchanges and documentation of these events prior to 9/11 are dismissed outright by the mainstream media and many other truth movements because of links that may lead us to consider that 9/11 may have been financed by Saudi Arabia or Israel. The truth is, that there were many insinuations of this in the beginning during interviews on talk shows. The statements however faded into history because it did not match the findings that would lead the United States into prolonged wars with Iraq and Afghanistan. Seemingly the destruction of building 6 could very well have been a way to disrupt the information flow which would have connected the attacks of 9/11 to Saudi financiers. The destruction of building 6 was planned to occur just after the plane hit the South tower to cover up the Saudi connections. Building 6 was also home to the El Dorado task force, an interagency money-laundering group from 55 agencies created in 1992. The El Dorado Task Force was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S. In the immediate aftermath of9/11 attacks, these groups would coincidentally be redirected to investigate terrorist financing. On the same day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency and for the first time in U.S. history invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and eased regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership.19 (The manner The destruction of World Trade Center 6 is one of the many unexplained questions of 9/11. This 8-story building suffered a huge crater in its center which went all the way down to sub-basement levels. This is evidence enough that a bomb was detonated under the World Trade center causing Building 6 to topple, however pulling the building with cables came later. Although Building 6 apparently exploded at 9:04 a.m., the government-sponsored investigation was steered away from looking into what had actually happened. The Federal Emergency Management Agency funded an investigation by the American Society of Civil Engineers; however, investigators were reportedly blocked from the building by an order from the New York City’s Dept. of Design and Construction. On the same day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency and for the first time in U.S. history invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and eased regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership. It is also interesting side note to indicate that The Federal Emergency Management agency was called into New York on Monday September 10th 2011. FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney in an interview conducted by Dan Rather on Wednesday, September 12th, 2001, stated that FEMA was deployed to New York on Monday night, September 10th, to be ready to go into action on Tuesday morning, September 11th. FEMA had to hurry to come up with reason that he made the statement. The Federal Emergency |
oh, there is plenty that God as the CREATOR can do,, literally anything he wants that I don't feel is therefore alright for man to do as well... Well, in Exodus 21, God felt that it was alright for the state to execute murderers. ![]() |
Tomahto, wrong thread buddy, get a grip eh
DodoD, Harmony, you're the most religious people I know on these threads, both with different opinions. Let's just say for argument sake, there is no god or "creator" (because there probably isn't.) That leaves us humans to set rules, unrelated in any way to religious beliefs. The point is, he can never be free and live with us again, we just can't trust that. Lifetime Incarceration is just a terrible burden on society, may even put someones life in danger, maybe his own. I certainly wouldn't feel better if someone shanked him in lockup, to give inmates the twisted satisfaction of inflicting pain & suffering on the guy? Nah There's no other option |
Tomahto, wrong thread buddy, get a grip eh DodoD, Harmony, you're the most religious people I know on these threads, both with different opinions. Let's just say for argument sake, there is no god or "creator" (because there probably isn't.) That leaves us humans to set rules, unrelated in any way to religious beliefs. The point is, he can never be free and live with us again, we just can't trust that. Lifetime Incarceration is just a terrible burden on society, may even put someones life in danger, maybe his own. I certainly wouldn't feel better if someone shanked him in lockup, to give inmates the twisted satisfaction of inflicting pain & suffering on the guy? Nah There's no other option JOHNN111, my point is that the Bible doesn't prohibit the state from executing a murderer. |
I guess it's all in the way you interpret "Thou shalt not kill"
and if you're religious, this should trump all? Anyways, you're all for offing the guy ok. a woman should execute this extremist, let it be known to the like minded, there will be no virgins waiting for them. |
Building 7, which also housed field offices of the SEC, FBI, CIA, NSA among others, contained tons of information on corporate fraud that could, collectively, have constituted manifold ‘Enrons’ that would’ve put many, many individuals away for a few hundred years. Yeah, right. They've never heard of wiping hard drives and shredders? This line of reasoning is stupid. no matter how much you think you "wipe" your hard drive, theres always going to be someone who can pull all that **** back up. if you delete stuff from a hard drive its technically still there, just not visible. get the right person with the right amount of knowledge of computers, they will find a way to "unwipe" it. ![]() |
And a whole lot of Architects and engineers agree with you, Building 7 did not collapse from fire. No steel building anywhere in the world has ever collapsed from fire.
AE911T has only 2,200 signatories and most of them aren't architects or engineers like they'd have you believe. 7WTC indeed fell owing to fire and damage. The water supply was cut off owing to the collapse of WTC's 1 & 2, so the firefighters could not address the fires for nearly seven hours. Moreover, they noticed the building becoming unstable owing to the ferocity of the fires and evacuated the area accordingly while they waited for it to collapse. There is no physical evidence for a controlled demolition of 7WTC. no physical evidence of a controlled demolition? is video of it happening not considered physical evidence? anyone with a brain in their god damn head could see it was a controlled demolition. i advise you to go watch controlled demolitions of buildings, then watch the towers, its the same exact thing. you can see in the video the charges blowing up as the building starts collapsing. not to mention the countless witnesses that said they heard bombs going off before the building stated falling. what about building 7? wasnt even touched and fell. what about building 6, which was hollowed out on the inside? The 8-story WTC 6 lay between the North Tower and WTC 7. WTC 6 was evidently damaged before either tower fell and had an unexplained crater that went to the lowest basement level. The basement of the building appears to have experienced an explosion at the exact moment the South Tower was hit by a plane. The destruction of WTC 6 is one of the many unexplained questions of 9-11. This 8-story building suffered a huge crater in its center which went all the way down to sub-basement levels. What caused the huge crater in the middle of WTC 6? The fact that the WTC 6 building was severely damaged before the first tower collapsed can be seen in photos taken by Bill Biggart, a photographer who was killed on 9-11 when the North Tower collapsed. His digital photos were salvaged from his camera. The website has an excellent analysis of his photos. While there have been countless attempts to show that Building 7 was brought down in controlled demolition, the arguments have been made that there was a fire in building 7 and this is why it came down. Even though the story of a fire bringing down building 7 do not measure up to scrutiny, and the gullible will say that fires cause freefall demolitions of buildings, the truth about building 6 is that the building exploded and it was seen on National television and then was immediately covered up. CNN aired the huge explosion of building 6, the U.S. Customs building. The smoke and the debris from the building raised 47 floors and was visible and yet it was ignored as we watched the terrible plume of black smoke being released from the south tower. It was confirmed that at exactly 9:04 am Building 6 explode. A CNN archivist confirmed that this is what was recorded. No one could figure out why the building exploded. Besides being the Home of U.S. Customs, building 6 housed several federal departments and agencies. One agency in particular was the Export-Import bank of the United States. Destroying this building was crucial because there may have been records that would have exposed who provided the investment capital for the attacks on the United States and who would have benefitted financially from the attacks. In order to fully understand how this theory can materialize we must go back to a media exchange that has to have been forgotten since I never hear it being cited by independent researchers. The Building 6 connections to bank exchanges and documentation of these events prior to 9/11 are dismissed outright by the mainstream media and many other truth movements because of links that may lead us to consider that 9/11 may have been financed by Saudi Arabia or Israel. The truth is, that there were many insinuations of this in the beginning during interviews on talk shows. The statements however faded into history because it did not match the findings that would lead the United States into prolonged wars with Iraq and Afghanistan. Seemingly the destruction of building 6 could very well have been a way to disrupt the information flow which would have connected the attacks of 9/11 to Saudi financiers. The destruction of building 6 was planned to occur just after the plane hit the South tower to cover up the Saudi connections. Building 6 was also home to the El Dorado task force, an interagency money-laundering group from 55 agencies created in 1992. The El Dorado Task Force was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S. In the immediate aftermath of9/11 attacks, these groups would coincidentally be redirected to investigate terrorist financing. On the same day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency and for the first time in U.S. history invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and eased regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership.19 (The manner The destruction of World Trade Center 6 is one of the many unexplained questions of 9/11. This 8-story building suffered a huge crater in its center which went all the way down to sub-basement levels. This is evidence enough that a bomb was detonated under the World Trade center causing Building 6 to topple, however pulling the building with cables came later. Although Building 6 apparently exploded at 9:04 a.m., the government-sponsored investigation was steered away from looking into what had actually happened. The Federal Emergency Management Agency funded an investigation by the American Society of Civil Engineers; however, investigators were reportedly blocked from the building by an order from the New York City’s Dept. of Design and Construction. On the same day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency and for the first time in U.S. history invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and eased regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership. It is also interesting side note to indicate that The Federal Emergency Management agency was called into New York on Monday September 10th 2011. FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney in an interview conducted by Dan Rather on Wednesday, September 12th, 2001, stated that FEMA was deployed to New York on Monday night, September 10th, to be ready to go into action on Tuesday morning, September 11th. FEMA had to hurry to come up with reason that he made the statement. The Federal Emergency ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 04/23/15 08:13 PM
you are 100% right sir, fire makes buildings implode in on themselves exactly the way a controlled demolition does. NOT.
The building did not implode. wtc7 did not fall down for fire damage it was blown up along with the other buildings.
There is no physical evidence to support your claim. what about wtc6 the one that was completely hollowed out?
And what about it? where do you get you news from, brian williams? No, scientific sources mostly. What about you? Jones? Ventura? Rense? Onion? presstv? RT? Global research? Beforeitsnews? etc... |
oh, there is plenty that God as the CREATOR can do,, literally anything he wants that I don't feel is therefore alright for man to do as well... Well, in Exodus 21, God felt that it was alright for the state to execute murderers. ![]() In the bible, it was also 'alright' to execute adulterers,, Jesus chose mercy instead I am on the side of Jesus,, who I don't think ever displeased God. |
Tomahto, wrong thread buddy, get a grip eh DodoD, Harmony, you're the most religious people I know on these threads, both with different opinions. Let's just say for argument sake, there is no god or "creator" (because there probably isn't.) That leaves us humans to set rules, unrelated in any way to religious beliefs. The point is, he can never be free and live with us again, we just can't trust that. Lifetime Incarceration is just a terrible burden on society, may even put someones life in danger, maybe his own. I certainly wouldn't feel better if someone shanked him in lockup, to give inmates the twisted satisfaction of inflicting pain & suffering on the guy? Nah There's no other option to your point,, to be honest, what I know of God and the bible, has only reinforced feelings I already had in my conscience I don't feel its ever alright to plan and carry out the ending of anothers life,, I can never support it,, religion or not I can respect it is the 'right' of government,,, |
Edited by
Thu 04/23/15 08:36 PM
no physical evidence of a controlled demolition? is video of it happening not considered physical evidence? No, physical evidence means just that, it's physical. All demolitions leave evidence of the explosives employed: det cord; RF shielding; explosive residue; radio control mechanisms; the Munroe effect on the steel...all these are usually found in the rubble after a CD. None of this was found after the cleanup of 7WTC. anyone with a brain in their god damn head could see it was a controlled demolition. i advise you to go watch controlled demolitions of buildings, then watch the towers, its the same exact thing.
Anyone with half a brain? What a stupid comment. Show me a CD that resembles the collapse of 7WTC (apart from just 'falling down'). I've examined many such demolitions and I haven't seen ONE that resembles the collapse of 7WTC. you can see in the video the charges blowing up as the building starts collapsing.
No, that is touted as a demolition sequence but there were no concomitant explosions to match the lights. What you were actually seeing were fire flare-ups as the interior of the building collapsed. not to mention the countless witnesses that said they heard bombs going off before the building stated falling.
No-one said they heard bombs going off that is a lie. SOME reported they heard the sound of explosions, which is normal in a large scale fire. what about building 7? wasnt even touched and fell.
That is what I am talking about. Have you changed the subject? what about building 6, which was hollowed out on the inside?
The 8-story WTC 6 lay between the North Tower and WTC 7. WTC 6 was evidently damaged before either tower fell and had an unexplained crater that went to the lowest basement level. Many of the surrounding buildings evinced damage after the debris fall from the impact. That 'unexplained' crater is a moraine-a natural geological feature underneath the site. See below:;jsessionid=8D8EE0E32D11CB4BF9960EDC4D75C266.suny_101?sequence=1 Many buildings were damaged The basement of the building appears to have experienced an explosion at the exact moment the South Tower was hit by a plane.
No, it is just a geological feature common to Manhattan. The destruction of WTC 6 is one of the many unexplained questions of 9-11. This 8-story building suffered a huge crater in its center which went all the way down to sub-basement levels. What caused the huge crater in the middle of WTC 6?
A glacier thousands of years ago-no mystery. The fact that the WTC 6 building was severely damaged before the first tower collapsed can be seen in photos taken by Bill Biggart, a photographer who was killed on 9-11 when the North Tower collapsed. His digital photos were salvaged from his camera.
So? Debris rained down on the surrounding buildings after the impact. The website has an excellent analysis of his photos.
I'm sure you feel that way. While there have been countless attempts to show that Building 7 was brought down in controlled demolition
All of which lack evidence. the arguments have been made that there was a fire in building 7 and this is why it came down.
Revise the fire fighters' testimony and the reports. Even though the story of a fire bringing down building 7 do not measure up to scrutiny,
Actually, it does, and here is a link to an anthology of links to 50 academic papers that support the NIST conclusion. and the gullible will say that fires cause freefall demolitions of buildings,
Freefall is a myth, and was only noted for 2.25 seconds, 12 seconds after the initiation of the 7WTC collapse, therefore it doesn't demonstrate a CD. the truth about building 6 is that the building exploded and it was seen on National television and then was immediately covered up.
No. That is not true. CNN aired the huge explosion of building 6, the U.S. Customs building.
Link? The smoke and the debris from the building raised 47 floors and was visible and yet it was ignored as we watched the terrible plume of black smoke being released from the south tower.
This is quite a tale. It was confirmed that at exactly 9:04 am Building 6 explode. A CNN archivist confirmed that this is what was recorded. No one could figure out why the building exploded.
Link? It isn't necessary to respond to the rest of this 'Gish Gallop'. If you wish to start a thread on 7WTC I'd be keen to join in, but this is off-topic. Oops! Sorry Alle! |
no matter how much you think you "wipe" your hard drive, theres always going to be someone who can pull all that **** back up. if you delete stuff from a hard drive its technically still there, just not visible. get the right person with the right amount of knowledge of computers, they will find a way to "unwipe" it. Ok, why didn't they just destroy them? The hypothesis you espouse is quite an 'over-reaction'-that was the point and it still is. |