Topic: Polygamy | |
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Fri 10/23/15 02:00 PM
What... ?
More widows for me ! I've got a better plan... I'll ignore all their frivolous requests and out-live them all. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (See What They're Saying ? ^ "More Crap, More Crap, More Crap !") |
I don't think it is something to be judged right or wrong. The rules of the present society was shaped up on certain aspects of practicality. But if we see in the nature very few species are monogamy pairs. Even our closest ancestral great apes have this. Now having said what is natural, lets look at the logic why society imposed monogamy rules on people. Mankind is one of those few species on earth that spends long juvenile life. The cost of parenting is high, so as to limit the chaos from littering around. And producing untenable number of offspring human civilisations imposed such rules like monogamy. Now that having reached the stage where birth controls at their height I wonder does the same principles apply? However, we have developed strong possessiveness in relationships, it is going to be very hard to break out of it. I mean, most of the cultures have helped us build our own shell over the ages, though there are still a lot of chicks walking around free ;) Dude, polygamy isn't about having sexual intercourse with multiple's about long term relationship..... |
5 and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ? 6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. The reference is still pertaining to a mutual contract between said husband and perspective wife in the conjugal-act. (One Flesh) Also, let no other MAN separate that arrangement. |
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Thu 10/29/15 05:13 PM
Regarding the subject of concubinage.
This usually implies women who've been taken captives during wars and eventually becomes wives to the masters of those households. |
Bigamy just means 'Two Spouses' where-as Polygamy means 'Many Spouses.' Ummmmm, the same thing ! Bigamy: the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person. |
i need just real life partner helping.
any place any country any religion any age any time not problem.i want long life partner good mind girle. ok thank you. |
I don't think it is something to be judged right or wrong. The rules of the present society was shaped up on certain aspects of practicality. But if we see in the nature very few species are monogamy pairs. Even our closest ancestral great apes have this. Now having said what is natural, lets look at the logic why society imposed monogamy rules on people. Mankind is one of those few species on earth that spends long juvenile life. The cost of parenting is high, so as to limit the chaos from littering around. And producing untenable number of offspring human civilisations imposed such rules like monogamy. Now that having reached the stage where birth controls at their height I wonder does the same principles apply? However, we have developed strong possessiveness in relationships, it is going to be very hard to break out of it. I mean, most of the cultures have helped us build our own shell over the ages, though there are still a lot of chicks walking around free ;) Polygymists had to be able to financially support their wives, their different households and their children to each wife. So it seems it is only for the wealthier men to pursue. Is this true? very good your mind. thank you. |
Multiple religions allow it. Do you have any opinions on whether you think it is right or wrong? The biggest Polygamist of them all is Uncle Sam. There is nothing he loves to do more than break up the Nuclear Family and steal the lady and kids. Then through taxation, shipping jobs overseas, and buying up all of the affordable housing he makes it hard for a working man to support kids. If you read the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. Polygamy was widely practiced. Me personally I think that it would be great, although I wouldn't support Polyandry. I would rather have a guy support his wife even though he had many, than Uncle Sam through my tax dollars (around 8 grand this year) supporting them. I think that the main reason that God made marriage was to give a basis for raising kids. |
I Believe what the Bible says, the TWO (ONE male + ONE female = 2 >> Not the 3 or 4 or etc) shall become One.
A Fire-Arms Enthusiast might make the claim that he/she must become one-with-the-gun in order to take-the-shot, but rarely do I assume they own one rifle though.
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Polygymists had to be able to financially support their wives, their different households and their children to each wife. So it seems it is only for the wealthier men to pursue. Is this true? Not so... One of the stupidest stereo-types is a harem full of women lying around all day long with nothing to do. Even the Bible says, "Let those who do not work, neither let them eat." (2nd Thessalonians 3: 10) This doesn't exempt that husband from dealing equally with all his wives with regards what he does allocate to them, and all have rights of inheritance including their children. Statistically, the majority of polygynist households are in largely agricultural areas where everybody is working. |
I Believe what the Bible says, the TWO (ONE male + ONE female = 2 >> Not the 3 or 4 or etc) shall become One. Candy Swirl, can you give me the verse that you are quoting from. I read the Bible daily and I haven't seen it. The Bible is a big book so maybe I missed it. Abraham, Jacob, King David and definitely King Solomon had multiple wives. |
I believe the scriptural reference that Msharmony and Candyswirl are referring to is at - (Matthew 19: 4-6) |
Multiple religions allow it. Do you have any opinions on whether you think it is right or wrong? I think it's right. |
I think its the FUNDAMENTAL mormon who still practice it not the mormon latterday saints.. For LDS church. Mariage is sacred...
Is polygamy legal in the USA? i think it depends on the state... like weed.. lol... NO, it is illegal in ANY state. But unfortunately tolerated in UTAH, by an off shoot of the Norman religion. The Mormans themselves DENY them. Unfortunately it is also tolerated in a few Muslim communites here also. Who also have 'underage marriage' with even younger children, as young as 9 yrs old. *this is not voluntary of course, just like the off shoot cults - I mentioned... that 'okay it' at 13 years old* If we didn't have such a kiss a*s / PC government, like we do now... Then the federal agents would be showing up with buses and arresting all the men, like my country has done in the past. I think ![]() * Another round up * Myself, I'm all for a round up of all the guilty adults. ![]() Not only because, of Judo- Christianism, but it IS illegal, but FOR all the children sake. Who did NOT choose this life & the immoral, illegal CRIMES committed against them & the many violations of the children's RIGHTS. Its the FUndamental mormons are the ones who still practice it not the latter day saint mormons. For latter day saint mormons.. Marriage is sacred for them |
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Sat 08/28/21 10:52 AM
I think Polygamy would be just fine as long as the two women were allowed to be bi and spend time alone with each other as well as time with their husband. that way there would not be the competition of what is behind closed doors. Let the woman choose each other and then pick the man.
Dani |
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Sat 08/28/21 11:16 AM
I think marriage to only one allows for a far more deep and intimate relationship -and shows another that they are indeed esteemed special and unique -most special to another.
(if done correctly) |
For Muslims, polygamy draws its validity from the Quran. Its verses allow men to marry “two or three or four” women, but ask them to have a single wife if they “fear” they cannot treat them all with equal fairness. And a verse declares, is difficult for men to achieve despite their best efforts.
Men marry second woman in some cases like illness of his wife or was not fertile or the man was sexually very active. |