Topic: Polygamy | |
Yea. Developing this attitude will make a man wealthier
Girl polygamy should be allowed Is it not there? Lol |
What I would like to know is how can you keep a tribe of men happy? Isn't it better to make one man completely happy than have a few not totally happy. Personally one man is more than enough for me. When a man can make happy many woman y not a woman ? |
In today's times even one wife can not stay for long. More than one ....together They will fight They will demand more The poor husband will be overloaded and die. And all of them will turn widows. I see your point. However to 75% of the planet ONLY the FIRST wife is LEGAL and ONLY HER children are born in wedlock & legitimate. But u have to balance between law & practice |
I believe it is wrong but like being mean is wrong but not illegal, i dont believe it should be legislated in any way,,, people should live in the lifestyle of their choice HOWEVER< I dont believe government should be forced to sanction it in any way,, live 'married' in commitment to whomever one wishes, as long as we dont cross over into making government adjust its laws to redefine husband or wife,, or marriage,, No law on land can ever enter into a bedroom of man/woman if there s consent |
I believe it is wrong but like being mean is wrong but not illegal, i dont believe it should be legislated in any way,,, people should live in the lifestyle of their choice HOWEVER< I dont believe government should be forced to sanction it in any way,, live 'married' in commitment to whomever one wishes, as long as we dont cross over into making government adjust its laws to redefine husband or wife,, or marriage,, No law on land can ever enter into a bedroom of man/woman if there s consent |
one of my neighbors has a wife and a concubine in the same house.
it works for them. they have raised there children together. I was speaking one lady to the one who is the concubine. she explained to me that it has to do with tribal law in a latin American country. and it was also an escape from persecution. while I can see it works for them, it would not be for me. |
Wives' rights
The most important standard is justice between wives. The man has to divide nights equally between wives, and he should give the second wife the same amount of money The first wife should not abuse the second wife. The second wife has the right to inheritance, as the first one, and to have her separate house. It is not allowed to the man to sleep with two wives in the same bed, and not allowed to marry two sisters at the same time. Islam allowed for a woman to stipulate in the contract that the man does not marry a second wife, when this condition mentioned in the marriage contract the man not allowed to marry a second wife unless absolutely necessary ( very sick wife or infertile). |
governments do not marry people
people marry each other counties just record the contract if people want the contract recorded marriage licenses have always been illegal to start with this would be the same as a gov saying how to have communion or get baptized meanwhile... following the real law would then completely end the conversion on who or what a person could "marry" since this is a religious item... one's religion would have their rules this issue is the same as many others.... the general population has seemed to forget that the supreme rule of the land is not the "supreme" court... the supreme court was created by congress and congress was created by common law. therefore common law is the "supreme rule" of the land and nothing can stop that from being the case |
We are all so different in our thoughts, faiths, standards etc.
The human rights has pointed out that polygamy is inhumane to women btw. If a woman by CHOICE and not coercion, religious pressure, or cultural pressure chooses to be in a polygamist marriage/ relationship, then fine. I hope for her it is not her only option. Polygamy has been around since day one. The animals do it, humans do it. In my faith, it is not practised, nor would I partake of it, if it was. As for the government defining marriage, well that is a whole other thread... |
Wives' rights The second wife has the right to inheritance, as the first one, and to have her separate house. It is not allowed to the man to sleep with two wives in the same bed, and not allowed to marry two sisters at the same time. Islam allowed for a woman to stipulate in the contract that the man does not marry a second wife, when this condition mentioned in the marriage contract the man not allowed to marry a second wife unless absolutely necessary ( very sick wife or infertile). There is no stipulation in the Quran for any and all other wives to have separate residences, but they must all have equal rights of inheritance with that husbands passing, with the exception of a woman who has never received a child, then her allocated portion is twice that of those wives that do have children. *************************** While a husband could 'sleep' with more than one wife in a very large bed... He can not have conjugal relations with more than one wife at a time. A husband must have full cleansing between having sex with another wife. (Bath Or Shower) ************************* Islam or the Quran doesn't stipulate that a single wife has the right to oblige her perspective husband to only take her and no-other, but some would-be Muslim Sisters think it's a good idea to try to enforce this idea. (She Soon Becomes A Source Of Duress Though) |
I believe it is wrong but like being mean is wrong but not illegal, i dont believe it should be legislated in any way,,, people should live in the lifestyle of their choice HOWEVER< I dont believe government should be forced to sanction it in any way,, live 'married' in commitment to whomever one wishes, as long as we dont cross over into making government adjust its laws to redefine husband or wife,, or marriage,, No law on land can ever enter into a bedroom of man/woman if there s consent Until you want the law to intervene if someone wants out |
I believe it is wrong but like being mean is wrong but not illegal, i dont believe it should be legislated in any way,,, people should live in the lifestyle of their choice HOWEVER< I dont believe government should be forced to sanction it in any way,, live 'married' in commitment to whomever one wishes, as long as we dont cross over into making government adjust its laws to redefine husband or wife,, or marriage,, No law on land can ever enter into a bedroom of man/woman if there s consent Until you want the law to intervene if someone wants out There's a lot of that going around!!! |
Yep most places overlook it (unless bigamy is in place) but the other wives have no legal standing in the states
Bigamy just means 'Two Spouses' where-as Polygamy means 'Many Spouses.'
****************** Polygamy is a general term for more than one spouse males or females. Polyandry is specifically implies more than one male. Polygyny is specifically implies more than one female. |
for a Christian it is not marriage
4 "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' 5 and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ? 6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." ** TWO become one,, not three or four or five or six,, but TWO |
Edited by
Thu 10/08/15 07:14 PM
Bigamy just means 'Two Spouses' where-as Polygamy means 'Many Spouses.' ****************** Polygamy is a general term for more than one spouse males or females. Polyandry is specifically implies more than one male. Polygyny is specifically implies more than one female. Ummmmm nope Bigamy: the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person. Polygamy: the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time |
I have noticed that there is not discussion on concubines.
I believe it is wrong but like being mean is wrong but not illegal, i dont believe it should be legislated in any way,,, people should live in the lifestyle of their choice HOWEVER< I dont believe government should be forced to sanction it in any way,, live 'married' in commitment to whomever one wishes, as long as we dont cross over into making government adjust its laws to redefine husband or wife,, or marriage,, No law on land can ever enter into a bedroom of man/woman if there s consent It only becomes a problem when there are Multiple Marriage-Licenses. ![]() |
In today's times even one wife can not stay for long. More than one ....together They will fight They will demand more The poor husband will be overloaded and die. And all of them will turn widows. ![]() |