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Topic: How do men and women cope
Rock's photo
Thu 03/12/15 09:17 AM

When his partner, is on her monthly?

I know this doesn't bother all guys, and they have sex regardless

But how about the man who doesn't like to?

I ask this because it's never been a problem for me because I havnt had a monthly for many years, because I have a mirena coil due to endometriosis and this stops periods totally, for most people.

Aviation grade hearing protection.

no photo
Thu 03/12/15 09:28 AM

Sex while on period can hurt because of more chance for internal bruising due to swelling/bloating. I've found that blood is not the best fluid for sex, it's rather thin and dries fast, ouch..also any lubricant is warm at that location.
. WHEN I CLICK ON THIS TOPIC.... good thing I wasn't on my coffee break eating... a bowl of borscht...ill scared ill


Sorry that was so graphic, I was sure Debbie/Op wouldn't mind since she said she used to be a nurse. I just don't think sex is great with a period and lot's of guys are that way too. It's not evil or anything just not the ideal time..

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/12/15 10:31 AM
Edited by no1phD on Thu 03/12/15 10:32 AM
yes I agree ... I would just as soon wait.. to the tide has receded so to speak.... but as one...m2.. member has pointed out.... some women become very sexually charged...
. when the tide is in..lol... my ex was among one of those women...
... and given that she knew... that I am a very highly orally orientated .. lover.... . during her grey days when she was feeling particularly excited...
. she would just say tonight is about you but mostly about me.... so I would just close my eyes, and roll over on my back and enjoy the ride so to speak.... and it helped. when she was done deriving all the pleasure she could from me.... she would bring me a warm washcloth.... and lovingly cleanup... shall we say spilt milk...lol




no photo
Thu 03/12/15 10:46 AM

Sex while on period can hurt because of more chance for internal bruising due to swelling/bloating. I've found that blood is not the best fluid for sex, it's rather thin and dries fast, ouch..also any lubricant is warm at that location.
. WHEN I CLICK ON THIS TOPIC.... good thing I wasn't on my coffee break eating... a bowl of borscht...ill scared ill


Sorry that was so graphic, I was sure Debbie/Op wouldn't mind since she said she used to be a nurse. I just don't think sex is great with a period and lot's of guys are that way too. It's not evil or anything just not the ideal time..

I didn't mind at all estelle, and your correct it doesn't bother me , and with my previous jobs I've saw everything, far worse than blood

I appreciate everyones opinion, nothing is graphic to me, medically flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 03/13/15 03:45 PM

yes I agree ... I would just as soon wait.. to the tide has receded so to speak.... but as one...m2.. member has pointed out.... some women become very sexually charged...
. when the tide is in..lol... my ex was among one of those women...
... and given that she knew... that I am a very highly orally orientated .. lover.... . during her grey days when she was feeling particularly excited...
. she would just say tonight is about you but mostly about me.... so I would just close my eyes, and roll over on my back and enjoy the ride so to speak.... and it helped. when she was done deriving all the pleasure she could from me.... she would bring me a warm washcloth.... and lovingly cleanup... shall we say spilt milk...lol




Awwww she cleaned you up, sweet

no photo
Fri 03/13/15 03:47 PM
Do they sell the durex lubes where you live? The different ones like, touch, feel, heat,etc

I loved the touch and feel one. Makes everything more sensitive and intense drool drool drool

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