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Topic: Large KKK Groups On Way To Ferguson
no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:21 PM

Sorry, that is not what is being implied. The statement connotates that you are an alternate ego of myself and I am making both posts.

Something to do with your challenges to that person are along the same lines as mine.

Yes, but somehow the fact that we are 'quoting the same things' appears to be part of the 'evidence', laugh , as if the reader was unable to understand the simple fact that you and I were quoting each others statements to each other, and therefore 'quoting the same things'.

Never works, just attracts more. Just look at this thread, it's getting intense.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:22 PM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Sat 11/29/14 07:22 PM

Sorry, that is not what is being implied. The statement connotates that you are an alternate ego of myself and I am making both posts.

Something to do with your challenges to that person are along the same lines as mine.

Yes, but somehow the fact that we are 'quoting the same things' appears to be part of the 'evidence', laugh , as if the reader was unable to understand the simple fact that you and I were quoting each others statements to each other, and therefore 'quoting the same things'.


No. About. Same difference. Keep twisting. Keep talking to "self". lmfao.

You really should cut back on the sugar. And you do know that with toothpaste, unlike protein, you should spit, not swallow? Or was it that flu shot?

you're a troll with multiple profiles on a dating site. Got any dates lately?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:23 PM

Stoopid crap like that wouldn't happen up here. Population is mostly white. So I spose would be half the nation in flames, but not up here.

What the hell are you saying??? It sounds like you are saying that white people don't do 'stupid crap like that'.

Please, name the last time, besides during Vietnam, that white inner city people rioted, looted, committed arson, hit and run on pedestrians, in the US (as a racial group). I'll be waiting while you do the research.

KKK is excluded from my discussion. They are not sane, they are retards. An occult. Course, I could go on about Black Panthers too then.

This was a quote from Al about me on page 3.

Ya, I'm talking to myself.

Trolls, abound with twisting.

Sorry, manipulative psychology doesn't work on me.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:23 PM

Do you think that it a decent person makes false accusations against others?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:25 PM
I believe that you have been focused on 'moral truths', while I've been focused on "truths about the physical universe".

And what would be the difference? The truths of the universe has always been valid since the beginning of time and will be true into eternity. It is but the perceptions of man that waver.

And without morality, the truths of the universe cannot be understood because an immoral man has no truth but the color of truth to mask his true being. Is not man a physical being within a physical world? How can they ever be separated? What is true in the microcosm is true in the macrocosm.

Can we understanding moral truths by studying the physical universe? I say no.

Can we understand the truths of the physical universe by examining moral truths? I don't think so.

To understand the truths of the physical universe, we must study the physical universe.

It appears to me that immoral humans have no inherent difficulty studying the physical universe and understanding the truths of the physical universe.

It seems to me that these are two different kinds of truths.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:27 PM

Gosh, isn't that something?

How massagetrade & alnewman quote the same things and answer to them? (page 7)

Wow, just amazing.

How big is this ego goin on there to disrespect this forum like that? WITH ALTS!

About as big as yours to not understand but feel that participation is required anyway. Same for the disrespect, to not have anything to add to the topic so trying to deflect to feed the little ego.

You are being outed.
Let your ego deal with it.

Wow, really over the edge eh. If you are somehow trying to upset me, you can't, I don't care. To be upset I would have to take your rantings seriously but that is hard to do with humor.

It is not my ego that is out of control, so there is nothing to deal with. It is your ego that is having a problem dealing with two people that while our philosophies are close, we respectfully disagreed with each other on the minute details. I honor his choice to be as he desires and I hope he honors mine. Neither of us are going to change, we are at the junction of perhaps agreeing to disagree. A concept that seems foreign to your being, your ego.

Why what the hey, even Dodo Dave is enjoying himself and keeping that popcorn machine going around the clock.


Name one riot with citation to source that whites as a racial group have instigated with arson, hit and run pedestrian's, looting, and shooting the public, after Vietnam and not the fanatics the KKK, which is an OCCULT.

Still can't do it, huh? Rockgnome can. ...but this was more vandalizing environmentalists. Domestic terrorism.

Wow, arguing with yourself. Girl, get a grip.

So... where exactly is she arguing with herself?

You still haven't cited anything.

Just whose post do you think she cited?

And I'm not ever going to, not interested.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:29 PM


Do you think that it a decent person makes false accusations against others?

Listen, troll, your posts are the same on page 7.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:30 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Sat 11/29/14 07:32 PM
You Humans keep targeting each other. So, I want Humans who posted on this thread (I'm a Melmacian, not a Human) to sit in a corner of this thread for 5 minutes.

Rock's photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:30 PM


Do you think that it a decent person makes false accusations against others?

What false accusation was made?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:30 PM


Do you think that it a decent person makes false accusations against others?

Listen, troll, your posts are the same on page 7.

I was directing that at RockGnome.

I want to know what his personal ethics are, and what kind of person he considers 'a good person'.

For me, I don't think that good people are so quick to arrive at, and declare, false accusations against others.

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:31 PM

thats why i love Al...

it's nuttin personal to him...

that's why we need you on the council of the new world order!

please oh please reconsider!

a small retooling of the objectives, and a great TEAM player we could have!


Sorry, that is never going to happen. While I have no problem destroying that which exists, I will in the same stroke destroy the new world order.

I am of the premonition of Patrick Henry, if I can not be free, I will accept death because in death is freedom.

wonder why people have adopted the notion that freedom to destroy others is freedom for all.

such is why new better systems are needed to curtail and manage such destroying mentalities, who are not about EQUAL FREEDOM FOR ALL, but rather freedom for one, it self.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:32 PM

You Humans keep targeting each other. So, I want the last four Humans (except RockGnome) who posted on this thread (I'm a Melmacian, not a Human) to sit in a corner of this thread for 5 minutes.

So, you don't care about multiple trolls posting on page 7? otay then. You condone it. Nice. waving

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:32 PM


Do you think that it a decent person makes false accusations against others?

What false accusation was made?

Since you respond with a question, rather than an overt embrace of dishonesty and false accusations, I have hope for you.

The false accusations have been made explicitly by Fleta, and have been strongly implied by you.

Are you a good person?

Are you the kind of person who makes false accusations against others?

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:32 PM

You Humans keep targeting each other. So, I want the last four Humans (except RockGnome) who posted on this thread (I'm a Melmacian, not a Human) to sit in a corner of this thread for 5 minutes.


love your sense of humor!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:35 PM


Do you think that it a decent person makes false accusations against others?

Listen, troll, your posts are the same on page 7.

I was directing that at RockGnome.

I want to know what his personal ethics are, and what kind of person he considers 'a good person'.

For me, I don't think that good people are so quick to arrive at, and declare, false accusations against others.

That's WAY TOO FUNNY, because you have used that manipulative question poised at me too as AL before. Troll.

Rock's photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:35 PM

Gosh, isn't that something?

How massagetrade & alnewman quote the same things and answer to them? (page 7)

Wow, just amazing.

How big is this ego goin on there to disrespect this forum like that? WITH ALTS!

About as big as yours to not understand but feel that participation is required anyway. Same for the disrespect, to not have anything to add to the topic so trying to deflect to feed the little ego.

You are being outed.
Let your ego deal with it.

Wow, really over the edge eh. If you are somehow trying to upset me, you can't, I don't care. To be upset I would have to take your rantings seriously but that is hard to do with humor.

It is not my ego that is out of control, so there is nothing to deal with. It is your ego that is having a problem dealing with two people that while our philosophies are close, we respectfully disagreed with each other on the minute details. I honor his choice to be as he desires and I hope he honors mine. Neither of us are going to change, we are at the junction of perhaps agreeing to disagree. A concept that seems foreign to your being, your ego.

Why what the hey, even Dodo Dave is enjoying himself and keeping that popcorn machine going around the clock.


Name one riot with citation to source that whites as a racial group have instigated with arson, hit and run pedestrian's, looting, and shooting the public, after Vietnam and not the fanatics the KKK, which is an OCCULT.

Still can't do it, huh? Rockgnome can. ...but this was more vandalizing environmentalists. Domestic terrorism.

Wow, arguing with yourself. Girl, get a grip.

So... where exactly is she arguing with herself?

You still haven't cited anything.

Just whose post do you think she cited?

And I'm not ever going to, not interested.

So... You'll continue spewing b.s.
without ever posting anything factual?

She quoted an earlier post of hers,
as a reminder to you, that you were asked
to cite references for one of your blithering posts.
... And that you still haven't cited any sources.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:37 PM

That's WAY TOO FUNNY, because you have used that manipulative question poised at me too as AL before. Troll.

That Al would ask a valid question like this - of YOU - doesn't surprise me at all.

Of course not, when it's yourself, and you can't remember what the heck you lie about or who you are pretending to be at one given moment.

BTW, your time stamps are off.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:38 PM
That's WAY TOO FUNNY, because you have used that manipulative question poised at me too as AL before. Troll.

That Al would ask a valid question like this - of YOU - doesn't surprise me at all.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:39 PM

You Humans keep targeting each other. So, I want the last four Humans (except RockGnome) who posted on this thread (I'm a Melmacian, not a Human) to sit in a corner of this thread for 5 minutes.

So, you don't care about multiple trolls posting on page 7? otay then. You condone it. Nice. waving

Who gets to decide who a troll is?

Ya know, I would have something to say tongue in cheek about your familial interests in posting this racial inciting thread also....

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:39 PM

You Humans keep targeting each other. So, I want the last four Humans (except RockGnome) who posted on this thread (I'm a Melmacian, not a Human) to sit in a corner of this thread for 5 minutes.

So, you don't care about multiple trolls posting on page 7? otay then. You condone it. Nice. waving

Who gets to decide who a troll is?

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