Topic: Presidents In My Lifetime, Compared To Obama {KING}
willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 09:07 AM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 09/07/14 09:20 AM

You can keep your racist comments and pics. You don't want me to go there. I'll just end up banned because y'all can dish it, but can't take

Nothing I have posted is racist.
My search is set on safe. Everything I post is PG.smokin
You already went there.
You won't get banned. That would be racist.

But, here's some insurance in case you do.

Who is making money off Husseins actions? The rich white bosses.

Who is given immunity from prosecution? The rich white man.

Who is George Soros, Husseins owner? A rich white man.

Who dey guina blame when the US goes down? The what in da WHITE House?

He don't care. His massahs paid him well and he will be set, fo life, in Hiwaii, on the dimes he stole from the PRODUCTIVE members of society.

Any fool that supports him get an invite to live in his mansions affah he be gone? I didn't think so.laugh laugh laugh laugh smokin

Fools gittin' played.


mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:04 AM

With all the hatred and uproar about Barack Obama, I think it would be wise for us to look back and see exactly what kind of presidents we had before he took office. Let us compare Obama against his predecessors, and see who exactly are worthy of ridicule, scorn, hatred, and/or impeachment.


Let's go!

^^^ THIS, is the topic.


mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:07 AM
The topic, is comparing Obama to the presidents who have been in office during my lifetime.

As we saw, incredible feats of incompetence, outright criminal conduct, and salacious deeds were all committed by men as POTUS that Obama hasn't come near to committing.

Yet, look at the opposition Obama faces...

What da deally yo?


willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:09 AM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 09/07/14 10:08 AM

With all the hatred and uproar about Barack Obama, I think it would be wise for us to look back and see exactly what kind of presidents we had before he took office. Let us compare Obama against his predecessors, and see who exactly are worthy of ridicule, scorn, hatred, and/or impeachment.


Let's go!

^^^ THIS, is the topic.


I am posting about oBozo. He be's in de picher right?
Da Unca Tom jest leff o Mr George Bush Sr.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:18 AM

In many ways, the election of President Obama caused a surge in racism...African Americans are more outspoken about their hatred toward whites and whites are less confident of black ability off the court...Obama makes too many entitlement decisions based on race and he often appoints people to office according to race and gender rather than qualifications...He uses executive power to push the boundaries of constitutionality like no other president before him...Criticism of this is not about how much he uses that "privilege", it's about how & why he uses it...Electing a president with mixed ethnicity could have been a positive step toward closing the racial divide, but the sad truth is Obama's lack of experience and poor leadership ability combined with a horrendous foreign policy record thus far has only served to widen the gap between black and white America...In spite of the current situation, his "history making" election does pave the way for other, better qualified, African Americans to be "voted" into the highest office in the land and this is a VERY GOOD THING....

electing a 'mixed' president only highlighted the racial divide that has been the HISTORY of America

but instead of the public working towards being better neighbors and activists for 'closing' that divide,, much of it just chooses to scapegoat this president for longstanding problems and the long standing 'status quo' of how the problems are approached

like the perception that he 'makes entitlement decisions based upon race and appoints people based upon race and gender'

as if our history, before this president, hasn't seen presidents PRIMARILY making decisions for the wealthy and appointing mostly WHITE candidates,, but not being accused of having appointed them 'only' because of their race and gender

there is nothing new to see here,, really

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:20 AM

I wholeheartedly disagree with everything you said.

You just stated your personal if they were facts.

I see hatred in racist undertones in every word you wrote.

Again, look at these other presidents, and look at Obama.

Obama did not:

Lose Our First War
Get Impeached
Commit A Felony
Be Racist Daily As POTUS
Radicalize Iran
Sell Guns To Terrorist
Cheat On His Wife
Lie To Get Us Into A War
Forget Where N.O. Was
Give Up On Bin-Laden

His predecessors did these things, and Obama hasn't done anything worse than these things...but has received twice as much opposition.


willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:22 AM

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:29 AM

see, this is what I mean by why its REASONABLE to seek the difference to understand the DIFFERENCE,,,,lol

willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:30 AM


Who ya gonna call?

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:34 AM

see, this is what I mean by why its REASONABLE to seek the difference to understand the DIFFERENCE,,,,lol

It's all in my mind huh?

This unfair bias.


no photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:50 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 09/07/14 10:54 AM

In many ways, the election of President Obama caused a surge in racism...African Americans are more outspoken about their hatred toward whites and whites are less confident of black ability off the court...Obama makes too many entitlement decisions based on race and he often appoints people to office according to race and gender rather than qualifications...He uses executive power to push the boundaries of constitutionality like no other president before him...Criticism of this is not about how much he uses that "privilege", it's about how & why he uses it...Electing a president with mixed ethnicity could have been a positive step toward closing the racial divide, but the sad truth is Obama's lack of experience and poor leadership ability combined with a horrendous foreign policy record thus far has only served to widen the gap between black and white America...In spite of the current situation, his "history making" election does pave the way for other, better qualified, African Americans to be "voted" into the highest office in the land and this is a VERY GOOD THING....

electing a 'mixed' president only highlighted the racial divide that has been the HISTORY of America

but instead of the public working towards being better neighbors and activists for 'closing' that divide,, much of it just chooses to scapegoat this president for longstanding problems and the long standing 'status quo' of how the problems are approached

like the perception that he 'makes entitlement decisions based upon race and appoints people based upon race and gender'

as if our history, before this president, hasn't seen presidents PRIMARILY making decisions for the wealthy and appointing mostly WHITE candidates,, but not being accused of having appointed them 'only' because of their race and gender

there is nothing new to see here,, really

This is one post I can accept as holding a modicum of truth based on fact...You're right about the history of many,,,,wait!!,,,,make that TOO many, pre Obama presidents appointing people to political office for the wrong reasons...Obama began his presidency by cutting a deal with Hillary in return for her endorsement after he won the nomination...Such is the life of a politician...Unfortunately, you miss the more important point Harmony...That being the fact that Obama, as the first elected mixed ethnicity president, squandered an amazing opportunity to practice his campaign promise of "change" and unite parties and people...By doing so, he made it worse for African American politicians, not better...

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:55 AM
the point, for me, is that you cant do with others what they wont 'consent' to do,,,if there were a political term, it would be political 'rape

the people and the government AT LARGE have to be interested in and willing to work with EACH other for such changes,, and that hasn't happened

and why would he need someones endorsement AFTER he has already been elected president?

michelake's photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:02 AM
Is it offtopic when i ask your opinions about Kennedy ?

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:02 AM
Obama didn't squander any opportunity. Nor did he make race relations worse.

What happened was...a lot of whites got mad he was president.

So they created The Tea Party, started talking about "take back America" and all this other semi-racist rhetoric and dog whistles.

Started trying to drag him into court to show his birth certificate, congressmen calling him "tarbaby", etc

When White men were president, they were criticized too, but not about their race or legitimacy to hold the office. No "Tea Parties" were created to protest Bush. No courts in Ga. demanded he show up to prove he's an American. Nobody sued him.

You're full of it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:05 AM
michela,, it probably is off topic, but you can start a new thread about the former president:smile:

michelake's photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:09 AM
Ok thank you. :)

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:10 AM
Compared to Obama.

Hey, isn't George Bush and Dick Cheney war criminals?

Aren't they banned from certain countries under threat of prosecution?



Isn't torture illegal under The Geneva Convention?

Compared to these guys, Obama is doing remarkably well!:smile:

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:11 AM
Compared to Slick Willie, Obama is a literal saint!


I mean really!

America is so forgiving of CERTAIN people, they would have an impeached former president that cheated on his wife...brought right back into The White House as The First Man while they elect Hillary POTUS.

But Obama is ruining America huh?

Faithful to his wife, ZERO hint of ANY sexual improprieties.

Great father.

Again, compared to these guys....


no photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:13 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 09/07/14 11:18 AM

the point, for me, is that you cant do with others what they wont 'consent' to do,,,if there were a political term, it would be political 'rape

the people and the government AT LARGE have to be interested in and willing to work with EACH other for such changes,, and that hasn't happened

and why would he need someones endorsement AFTER he has already been elected president?

NOT ELECTED, NOMINATED...big difference!!!!slaphead He couldn't afford to lose her "millions" of supporters!...In other words, he need those votes to get elected!...frustrated

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/07/14 11:16 AM

the point, for me, is that you cant do with others what they wont 'consent' to do,,,if there were a political term, it would be political 'rape

the people and the government AT LARGE have to be interested in and willing to work with EACH other for such changes,, and that hasn't happened

and why would he need someones endorsement AFTER he has already been elected president?

NOT ELECTED, NOMINATED...big difference!!!!slaphead

so all those people didn't really vote?