Topic: Presidents In My Lifetime, Compared To Obama {KING}
msharmony's photo
Sat 09/06/14 09:30 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 09/06/14 09:30 PM

The above men were the people who were president before...



He saved the auto industry, got us on our way toward a green energy initiative and off foreign oil, killed Osama, got healthcare for millions, saved the economy from a worldwide collapse, restored respect to America abroad, even win a Nobel Peace Prize for a cherry on top.


So compared to these other men, I think Barack Obama is doing marvelous as...


"DIG IT!"™




well now, you don't understand KING

any of those positive things were not literally DONE BY HIM

but any of the negative things are EXCLUSIVELY his fault,,,

get with the program ,,,:wink:

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 12:49 AM
LOL Harmony.

I don't need credibility from closet racists.

I'm good.


no photo
Sun 09/07/14 12:53 AM

LOL Harmony.

I don't need credibility from closet racists.

I'm good.


You are the biggest racist I have seen on Mingle, FACT

no photo
Sun 09/07/14 12:55 AM

Ok, then surely you will have no problem posting many of my "racist" comments to prove this accusation.

Please post 5 racist comments by me.

Thank you.

I don't have to prove my opinion to you or anyone else. The giant chip on your shoulder does it for me.

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 12:57 AM
Ok, then surely you will have no problem posting many of my "racist" comments to prove this accusation.

Please post 5 racist comments by me.

Thank you.

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 05:45 AM
Yeah, sounds like you were just off topic, and attempting to create a false narrative about me, so that my points may be discredited out of hand.

Nice try, but no cigar.

Back To Topic...

no photo
Sun 09/07/14 07:01 AM
In many ways, the election of President Obama caused a surge in racism...African Americans are more outspoken about their hatred toward whites and whites are less confident of black ability off the court...Obama makes too many entitlement decisions based on race and he often appoints people to office according to race and gender rather than qualifications...He uses executive power to push the boundaries of constitutionality like no other president before him...Criticism of this is not about how much he uses that "privilege", it's about how & why he uses it...Electing a president with mixed ethnicity could have been a positive step toward closing the racial divide, but the sad truth is Obama's lack of experience and poor leadership ability combined with a horrendous foreign policy record thus far has only served to widen the gap between black and white America...In spite of the current situation, his "history making" election does pave the way for other, better qualified, African Americans to be "voted" into the highest office in the land and this is a VERY GOOD THING....

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 07:25 AM
I wholeheartedly disagree with everything you said.

You just stated your personal if they were facts.

I see hatred in racist undertones in every word you wrote.

Again, look at these other presidents, and look at Obama.

Obama did not:

Lose Our First War
Get Impeached
Commit A Felony
Be Racist Daily As POTUS
Radicalize Iran
Sell Guns To Terrorist
Cheat On His Wife
Lie To Get Us Into A War
Forget Where N.O. Was
Give Up On Bin-Laden

His predecessors did these things, and Obama hasn't done anything worse than these things...but has received twice as much opposition.


mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 07:28 AM
How dare you open your mouth, to criticize Black Americans about "racial hatred" toward whites.

You have got to be kidding me.

You are preposterous in the extreme.

I mean, you're laughable.

no photo
Sun 09/07/14 07:30 AM

How dare you open your mouth, to criticize Black Americans about "racial hatred" toward whites.

You have got to be kidding me.

You are preposterous in the extreme.

I mean, you're laughable.

You rest my case for me regarding the chip on the shoulder. Yours is the biggest I've ever seen.

no photo
Sun 09/07/14 07:31 AM
Thank you Solbigsmile .....I rest my case...smokin

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:06 AM
Your attempts to discredit my topic via personal attacks is duly noted.

A chip on my shoulder?

WTH is that supposed to mean?

I'm supposed to be like how you think I'm supposed to conduct myself? You are the guardian of how I am supposed to express my thoughts? Otherwise...I'm "not acceptable" or something?

If you don't get out my face, and stick to topic..


InvictusV's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:24 AM

Your attempts to discredit my topic via personal attacks is duly noted.

A chip on my shoulder?

WTH is that supposed to mean?

I'm supposed to be like how you think I'm supposed to conduct myself? You are the guardian of how I am supposed to express my thoughts? Otherwise...I'm "not acceptable" or something?

If you don't get out my face, and stick to topic..


No one really gives a phuck how you conduct yourself..

You have an opinion and so does everyone else..

Don't start crying like a little girl because you can't take the heat that your 'opinion' produces..

Put on your big boy pants and debate the topics that you created..

If your idea of debate is telling people what they can type or calling everyone a racist you won't last very long in this forum..


mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:37 AM
I'm the one telling people who are off topic to stick to topic.

So you're entire comment was pure BS.

Stick to topic, and stop talking about me personally.

^^ That's me AGAIN, telling people to comment on topic.

Now why don't use that foolishness you typed toward me, to where it actually should go.

Toward people who are off topic.


willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:38 AM

Your attempts to discredit my topic via personal attacks is duly noted.

A chip on my shoulder?

If you don't get out my face, and stick to topic..


You discredit yourself by posting offtopic and making this thread personal. Thereby, making any comments on topic.

On topic. Barry failed productive citizens.

Barry's massahs is winning. Good boy. Now, sit and stay, Barry. Perhaps, his ex lover will come and throw him some bone.

What you plan to do about thems wut gits in yo face?

Be curful wiff dat chip on yer shoulder. It could burn ya.

willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:40 AM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 09/07/14 08:42 AM

Stick to topic, and stop talking about me personally.


Who you talking to?

Barry Sotero. A liar and inexperienced. Ya boy is an Unca Tom.

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:40 AM
You can keep your racist comments and pics. You don't want me to go there. I'll just end up banned because y'all can dish it, but can't take it.

Just trust me on that.


When we look at these other presidents, ALL have committed worse offenses than Obama, but look at this chart...

willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:47 AM
Yer title refers to presidents in YOUR lifetime.

The topic went off topic when reference was made about presidents before your lifetime.

Hussein, or whatever his name is, is the present lair in chief, This is in your lifetime. That is, unless you;re a ghost.

Liberals are pulling for the biggest Unca Tom in the history of the USof freakin'A.

Idiots can't see it. All they see is color.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

metalwing's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:53 AM
I heard Obama is now at the lowest approval level ever. The most liberal Democratic members of congress are commenting on his inability to do his job. But you love him because he is black and that is the most possible racist position anyone could take.

willing2's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:54 AM

I heard Obama is now at the lowest approval level ever. The most liberal Democratic members of congress are commenting on his inability to do his job. But you love him because he is black and that is the most possible racist position anyone could take.

SPOT ON, mah man!!!!