Topic: why do people believe in God? | |
When Bill Wilson (or was it the other guy?) went to C. J. Jung for help. Jung stated that there is no way that anything he could do would or could help. The only way to save his life was to have a spiritual awakening and that he should go to the Oxford Group. He lived and helped many others to live, even though studies show that it has become a bit of pseudoscience. actually Jung said,"A Profound Spiritual Experience",and it was The Other Guy,Rowland Hazard! Then from him to Ebby Thatcher,then to Wilson! and no,Jung didn't send Hazard specifically to the Oxfords! ![]() Goodness you are ****, if I shoved a lump of coal up you azz would you **** out a diamond? The general message in the context of the question is therefore accurate, while the details are hazy, as I am not an alcoholic with limited experience outside of dating them. CJ Jung used : Spiritus contra Spiritum Marcus Aurelius used: Espiritum vinci espiritus Jesus would certainly banged his gavel, by now. Or, smite ya down with boils and raining frogs. Name calling and cussin? Holy Moly! |
When Bill Wilson (or was it the other guy?) went to C. J. Jung for help. Jung stated that there is no way that anything he could do would or could help. The only way to save his life was to have a spiritual awakening and that he should go to the Oxford Group. He lived and helped many others to live, even though studies show that it has become a bit of pseudoscience. actually Jung said,"A Profound Spiritual Experience",and it was The Other Guy,Rowland Hazard! Then from him to Ebby Thatcher,then to Wilson! and no,Jung didn't send Hazard specifically to the Oxfords! ![]() Goodness you are ****, if I shoved a lump of coal up you azz would you **** out a diamond? The general message in the context of the question is therefore accurate, while the details are hazy, as I am not an alcoholic with limited experience outside of dating them. CJ Jung used : Spiritus contra Spiritum Marcus Aurelius used: Espiritum vinci espiritus Jesus would certainly banged his gavel, by now. Or, smite ya down with boils and raining frogs. Name calling and cussin? Holy Moly! |
I had just come home from work after doing 24 hours in two days, no one can be "on" all the time. In the context of the question- why do people believe in g-d?, my respond, while hazy on the details- no one can know everything- does demonstrate an appropriate response as illustrated by the Aurelius quote. While my favourite professor used to call Jung- "Junk", my second favourite professor was a worshipper of "the great Assagoli", who tends toward Jung more than Freud.
People like Assagoli and Frankl, who have had experiences of human suffering have developed more holistic approaches. For example, while considering Adler, Assagoli wrote: The will is not merely assertive, aggressive, and controlling. There is the accepting will, yielding will, the dedicated will. You might say that there is a feminine polarity to the will – the willing surrender, the joyful acceptance of the other functions of the personality. My own main technique is Psychiatric Rehabilitation which actually tends more toward the old Soviet approach. and speaking of Soviets, just because I feel that implementing the foolishness of Friedman economics on a national scale is immoral is no reason to get your panties in a bunch. I have now obtained 4 hours of sleep |
I can tell you why i refuse to believe in a higher being. First of all, he wouldnhave known that eve would eat the apple, why put it there in the first place? Second how could he/she create us with hatred and the ability to hurt one another? Maybe he/she is giving us a chance, free will.maybe!! Even a child could tell you that war is wrong, and that the experiment of god failed. Why doesn't he interfere? Why would he want us to believe in a thing we never can see, nor hear, nor touch, nor feel? I know i know...some of you will tell me that you can feel the love of god. We self proclaimed scientists however would say the brain tricks you in thinking it. Why would an all mighty being, create a world so wrong, so cuel for us to live in? Easy answer: he/she/it would not. Mr. kilua GOOD day. While reading this thread I can't help but to join myself and take part in this interesting topic. First I believe that there is a God, a loving God who created us and wants us to serve Him according to His purpose, now I think it's unfair that we accused Him of stating that God knew Eve would have eaten the apple? eve was cheated my friend and God gave us free will. Observe now what is happening to our world people are fighting killing one another why? because instead of choosing to love one another they choose to fight, they love themselves to the point of killing another only to gain power, money and prestige, right? God gave us free will and He wants us to follow Him by our own volition but the saddest part is people who has free will chooses to fight, kill, steal and not to obey God's will... and that is a reality nowadays my friend |
They should believe in God if they don't sorry bout their luck cause he said if u believe in him u shall have everlasting life with him u shall not parish if u don't believe in Jesus Christ u will be with satan burning in Hell 4 long long long very long time an get torch Satan wants us due very bad stuff he wants us be with him in hell. Jesus wants us see him an God has awesome planes 4 all of us an he also said what ever we due he will 4 give us but u really mean it heart soul an mine. If u get scared he said thou shout not be afraid he'll never leave or forsaking he'll be with u ever u go he's the light the truth an the way of ever lasting life. Like I almost die so many ways an he protected me every time it doesn't seams he's their but truth is he is their that's y he got beating an die on the cross 2 4 give all of our sins what we due so we wouldn't parish but we all should bow down b4 him an ask him 4 give what u have done an he' ll wash away your sins from East - West clear everything like white as snow he is our farther we should praise him what he did 4 all of us. Lucifer will not win the battle of the judgement day when he comes when Jesus comes he'll punish Lucifer every each sin what he done an sand him straight 2 hell Lucifer will lose of the Holly Ghost of the farther Jesus will have a sword an have a speech satan hates very much so Luv an respect Jesus the Holly Ghost an he really loves his kids the kids that I'm talking bout is me u every body els all around the country he loves the whole world. He sees he hears he knows what's going on right know an he knows whose during evil stuff.
Don't worry bout it he still loves u trust me he's all ways be with u trust me when I was a new borne I all ways believe in God that's y Im bout go in the National Guard 2 due mechanic work cause I know God will help me I'm just trying saving your *** from satan burning in hell in real fire an can't breath no food no water he wants all of his kids be with him an other people who's gonna be with him. Trust me man believe in Jesus just pray every day an I swear he'll help u an give u strength.
Oh Jesus knows who's during all evil stuff an everything els he knows its the devil who's during all this mean evil nasty stuff an he knows that people r following satan. So just due the right thing he will reward u in haven don't follow people be a leader like Jesus told Joseph.
>> It is like explaining colors to a colorblind person, i guess.
I dunno, maybe its more like trying to explain that Harry Potter is a real person to someone who has never met him. |
>> God gave us free will.
And therefore couldn't have known Eve would eat the apple? Come on, now. I can reliably predict many behaviors of other humans, free will or no. And you are saying that an OMNISCIENT BEING couldn't? |
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Sun 10/12/14 12:22 AM
.. I believe.. A God was created to keep you in line.. always off balance... you have a father.. but can you prove it.. yes with a simple blood test.. so show me this God's blood... you can't... you talk on how he can put you on such a screwed up world... well personally I think this is a pretty beautiful planet.... it is paradise really... beautiful oceans green valleys... plenty of food..... if I had to leave children somewhere.... I would gladly leave them here... it is mankind who creates..... all the turmoil..... I believe if there was a god.. he was only God to Adam and Eve.... he .abandoned his children here....
...that would make.... their God. more like our great great great great great great.... grandfather so to speak.... and yes I know ! I need a lot more greats.. on there.... when you die ,you leave your physical self behind.... no brain ,no nerve endings... to feel pleasure or pain with...... so that just leave's ..that life force, that part of you! that looks out through your eyes..... you know !.that part of you, that is reading this, and taking it in right now... and trying to make sense of it.... that is what I call..your life force..... now maybe that energy that lifeforce goes somewhere else.... but you will not have ,any way to express what you're experiencing.... no family or friends to share it with..... no real way to communicate what you're experiencing......... And reincarnation. A pointless exercise.... I do believe the universe has. purpose.... what the purpose.. is behind creating a human being... that has the enormous capacity.. to store and recall information..... and then at the end of 60 or 80 years.... you simply just unplug it.... leaving all that information sitting there.... and honestly what information we gather here... is of very little use anywhere else |
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Sun 10/12/14 01:11 AM
And.. for all you boys and girls out there.. that still believe in Santa Claus the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy..
.. keep believing... they are real... . |
I can tell you why i refuse to believe in a higher being. First of all, he wouldnhave known that eve would eat the apple, why put it there in the first place? Second how could he/she create us with hatred and the ability to hurt one another? Maybe he/she is giving us a chance, free will.maybe!! Even a child could tell you that war is wrong, and that the experiment of god failed. Why doesn't he interfere? Why would he want us to believe in a thing we never can see, nor hear, nor touch, nor feel? I know i know...some of you will tell me that you can feel the love of god. We self proclaimed scientists however would say the brain tricks you in thinking it. Why would an all mighty being, create a world so wrong, so cuel for us to live in? Easy answer: he/she/it would not. So that is where all the evil came from. Why did He allow this to happen or watch and do nothing until it was too late?? Because He is busy defending "Heaven" for you and I so when we leave this world we will have a better place free of strive and cruelty to spend our eternity and most importantly don't have to come back to earth. |
I can tell you why i refuse to believe in a higher being. First of all, he wouldnhave known that eve would eat the apple, why put it there in the first place? Second how could he/she create us with hatred and the ability to hurt one another? Maybe he/she is giving us a chance, free will.maybe!! Even a child could tell you that war is wrong, and that the experiment of god failed. Why doesn't he interfere? Why would he want us to believe in a thing we never can see, nor hear, nor touch, nor feel? I know i know...some of you will tell me that you can feel the love of god. We self proclaimed scientists however would say the brain tricks you in thinking it. Why would an all mighty being, create a world so wrong, so cuel for us to live in? Easy answer: he/she/it would not. So that is where all the evil came from. Why did He allow this to happen or watch and do nothing until it was too late?? Because He is busy defending "Heaven" for you and I so when we leave this world we will have a better place free of strive and cruelty to spend our eternity and most importantly don't have to come back to earth. Let me get this straight now! You mean those two are fighting their War on the Backs of Humanity? How loving! |
Yep and humans are caught in the middle. More like a hostage situation really.
So that they can sin and get away with it.
Can't count how many times I've seen believers do something that would go against the words of God yet it's ALL GOOD! |
Hw can u say dat I as an Atheist do nt think der is anytin out der greater dan myself. I knw der is, d universe is much greater dan myself, n dat widin d universe I'm ntin more dan a speck of dust upon a speck of dust widin a galaxy dat is ntin more dan anoda speck of dust widin it. I'm content n hapi wid d notion dat I am a meaningless sub-microscopic entity in d universe, n dat I occupy an infinitesimally small interval of tym 2 liv out my 1 n only lyf doin wateva little gud I can. D delusional theists lyk u hweva nids 2 feel dere is sum magical temperamental monkey named god residing in a magic gold city in d clouds above, dat loves n protects only em n dose hum he Cs fit 2 b loved by it. I nid no such infantile fantastical woobie, pacifier, or tit 2 latch on to. I'm perfectly happy wid my insignificance in wat I c as greater dan myself, which also makes deir greater entity sim laughable at best :D
Hw can u say dat I as an Atheist do nt think der is anytin out der greater dan myself. I knw der is, d universe is much greater dan myself, n dat widin d universe I'm ntin more dan a speck of dust upon a speck of dust widin a galaxy dat is ntin more dan anoda speck of dust widin it. I'm content n hapi wid d notion dat I am a meaningless sub-microscopic entity in d universe, n dat I occupy an infinitesimally small interval of tym 2 liv out my 1 n only lyf doin wateva little gud I can. D delusional theists lyk u hweva nids 2 feel dere is sum magical temperamental monkey named god residing in a magic gold city in d clouds above, dat loves n protects only em n dose hum he Cs fit 2 b loved by it. I nid no such infantile fantastical woobie, pacifier, or tit 2 latch on to. I'm perfectly happy wid my insignificance in wat I c as greater dan myself, which also makes deir greater entity sim laughable at best :D Nothing is greater than you here on earth,but all is when you venture out.That is the golden rule! So when or where there is a rule, there is an enforcer. |
What does god say about dating sites ... Is mingle mentioned in the bible :-) Of course it is. Jesus broke the bread and said' take this, all you Minglers, this is my body". I also remember Mingle being mentioned in a song when I was a kid, it goes like this. Cos I'm young free and single, I just want to Mingle with you girl ![]() Oh and on a serious note, is it just me or are there a lot of divorced people who throw their two penny worth into the Christian forums. |
if one self exists, than something CREATED one self, lest one created it self...
if one say, it's parents CREATED them, then something CREATED their parents, and onward backwards and backwards through time... there has to be an original creation for it to be able to be replicated or multiplied, or the entire laws of science and physics are overturned and deemed fallible and erroneous, which they are not... what CREATED this original seems to be the only thing in question... not to mention, WHAT CREATED ALL of nature... since many have recognized these same simple ideas down through time, many referred to this "CREATOR", as "god", or simply something with obviously much more POWER TO CREATE, than one self... since there is nothing that exists on this planet that man has made or built, that MAN did not create, than all things made by humans have humans as it's CREATORS... but there is all that was NATURALLY here, all things man did not create it self, ALREADY CREATED, all animals species including humans, as part of nature... so some process CREATED all that was not created by human hands... for anything man has made, a human must put such into place, or build it... why would one deem all else built here before us breaks that same principle of creation? no building exists without a builder... no car exist without a car builder... so, no earth exists without a earth builder, or using what exist to form logic is discarded, hence no logic possible at all... so it breaks the very logic of our self must build it, for it to exist, to believe we our self were not built our self, no different than a machine is built... we create and build our self as our self was built, hence why it is our NATURE to build and create... the law of physics deems it first takes "movement" to create "movement"... so, something must FIRST create the FIRST MOVEMENT THAN GAZILLIONS OF MOVEMENTS UPON GAZILLIONS OF MOVEMENTS to move the gazillions of infinity cells into all the places they are in, to make what exist in nature, including us part of nature... since there was great precision in putting together all the natural cells into precise refined beautiful wonderful outcomes, it is obvious no idiotic or uncontrolled random chaos can create such... hence, it becomes more readily understood why billions upon billions down through time recognized something GREATER than self, to CREATE such... not forgetting, all humans have to have a CREATOR, of some sort, and what this CREATOR IS or BE, be the only thing left to question by the human race... hence even the founders of America deemed all to be of the SAME CREATOR, just CREATOR, nothing more, nothing less, easily understood why, since these seen all humans were made exactly the same in all functioning biological ways, so it was deemed evident by the mere obvious evidence of the outcome of the human species it self, ALL HAD THE SAME CREATOR... since all life species, have a mr and mrs, to multiply... than there HAS TO BE, and original FIRST mr and mrs, or again, no replication would be possible at all. if one removes the dividing lines of "religious" data, and "scientific" data, and just views all data as data, than the image of many things thought to be great unknowns becomes more and more clear... |
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Wed 10/15/14 08:08 AM
What is meant by the supernatural? Supposedly, a realm that transcends nature. What is nature? Nature is existence,the sum of that which is. It is usually called nature when we think of it as a system of interconnected, interacting entities governed by law. So nature really means the universe of entities acting and interacting in accordance with their identities. What, then, is super-nature? Something beyond the universe, beyond entities, beyond identity. It would have to be: a form of existence beyond existence a kind of entity beyond anything man knows about entities a something which contradicts everything man knows about the identity of that which is. In short, a contradiction of every metaphysical essential.
The Philosophy of Objectivism lecture series Leonard Peikoff, They claim that they perceive a mode of being superior to your existence on this earth. The mystics of spirit call it another dimension, which consists of denying dimensions. The mystics of muscle call it the future, which consists of denying the present. To exist is to possess identity. What identity are they able to give to their superior realm? They keep telling you what it is not, but never tell you what it is. All their identifications consist of negating: God is that which no human mind can know, they say,and proceed to demand that you consider it knowledge God is non-man, heaven is non-earth, soul is non-body, virtue is non-profit, A is non-A, perception is non-sensory, knowledge is non-reason. Their definitions are not acts of defining, but of wiping out. For the New Intellectual Galt's Speech, |