Community > Posts By > stuarttownsend
I can tell you why i refuse to believe in a higher being. First of all, he wouldnhave known that eve would eat the apple, why put it there in the first place? Second how could he/she create us with hatred and the ability to hurt one another? Maybe he/she is giving us a chance, free will.maybe!! Even a child could tell you that war is wrong, and that the experiment of god failed. Why doesn't he interfere? Why would he want us to believe in a thing we never can see, nor hear, nor touch, nor feel? I know i know...some of you will tell me that you can feel the love of god. We self proclaimed scientists however would say the brain tricks you in thinking it. Why would an all mighty being, create a world so wrong, so cuel for us to live in? Easy answer: he/she/it would not. Mr. kilua GOOD day. While reading this thread I can't help but to join myself and take part in this interesting topic. First I believe that there is a God, a loving God who created us and wants us to serve Him according to His purpose, now I think it's unfair that we accused Him of stating that God knew Eve would have eaten the apple? eve was cheated my friend and God gave us free will. Observe now what is happening to our world people are fighting killing one another why? because instead of choosing to love one another they choose to fight, they love themselves to the point of killing another only to gain power, money and prestige, right? God gave us free will and He wants us to follow Him by our own volition but the saddest part is people who has free will chooses to fight, kill, steal and not to obey God's will... and that is a reality nowadays my friend |