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Topic: why do people believe in God?
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Wed 10/15/14 09:34 AM

if one self exists, than something CREATED one self, lest one created it self...

if one say, it's parents CREATED them, then something CREATED their parents, and onward backwards and backwards through time...

there has to be an original creation for it to be able to be replicated or multiplied, or the entire laws of science and physics are overturned and deemed fallible and erroneous, which they are not...

what CREATED this original seems to be the only thing in question...

not to mention, WHAT CREATED ALL of nature...

since many have recognized these same simple ideas down through time, many referred to this "CREATOR", as "god", or simply something with obviously much more POWER TO CREATE, than one self...

since there is nothing that exists on this planet that man has made or built, that MAN did not create, than all things made by humans have humans as it's CREATORS...

but there is all that was NATURALLY here, all things man did not create it self, ALREADY CREATED, all animals species including humans, as part of nature...

so some process CREATED all that was not created by human hands...

for anything man has made, a human must put such into place, or build it...

why would one deem all else built here before us breaks that same principle of creation?

no building exists without a builder...

no car exist without a car builder...

so, no earth exists without a earth builder, or using what exist to form logic is discarded, hence no logic possible at all...

so it breaks the very logic of our self must build it, for it to exist, to believe we our self were not built our self, no different than a machine is built...

we create and build our self as our self was built, hence why it is our NATURE to build and create...

the law of physics deems it first takes "movement" to create "movement"...

so, something must FIRST create the FIRST MOVEMENT THAN GAZILLIONS OF MOVEMENTS UPON GAZILLIONS OF MOVEMENTS to move the gazillions of infinity cells into all the places they are in, to make what exist in nature, including us part of nature...

since there was great precision in putting together all the natural cells into precise refined beautiful wonderful outcomes, it is obvious no idiotic or uncontrolled random chaos can create such...

hence, it becomes more readily understood why billions upon billions down through time recognized something GREATER than self, to CREATE such...

not forgetting, all humans have to have a CREATOR, of some sort, and what this CREATOR IS or BE, be the only thing left to question by the human race...

hence even the founders of America deemed all to be of the SAME CREATOR, just CREATOR, nothing more, nothing less, easily understood why, since these seen all humans were made exactly the same in all functioning biological ways, so it was deemed evident by the mere obvious evidence of the outcome of the human species it self, ALL HAD THE SAME CREATOR...

since all life species, have a mr and mrs, to multiply...

than there HAS TO BE, and original FIRST mr and mrs, or again, no replication would be possible at all.

if one removes the dividing lines of "religious" data, and "scientific" data, and just views all data as data, than the image of many things thought to be great unknowns becomes more and more clear...

Which begs the question, who created God

no photo
Wed 10/15/14 09:43 AM
psssshhhhh, not even going to contemplate it. String Theory screws with everything. Too many dimensions for the human brain to contemplate or comprehend.

davidben1's photo
Wed 10/15/14 12:40 PM
ah, you deem there BE a "god", to pose such question, who created god?

guess that depends on how you think of this "notion" of "god" or gods...

to ask such question, one would have to guess or assume "life" is not always existing...

if there is cold, there MUST EXIST HOT...

there is nothing that we know of, that an opposite DOES NOT EXIST.

true or real for all things that exist, in all cases, at all times...

such chain of logic or realness is and has never proven to be broken in theory or in logic...

hence the formulation of the very word once coined, "logic".

if there is poor, there must exist rich...

ugly automatically create a beautiful category...

if there is short, there IS A TALL.

so, if short time exist, or human life span of about 120 yrs, than there must exist longer life, or all the principles of the very earth and nature and cosmos it self are unhinged...


then there must exist "not time"...

do beginnings exist?

then "no beginnings" have to exist.

so our own scientific principles actually prove the existence beyond present time.

can't have past, without future...

so, if mortal exist, than IMMORTAL HAS TO EXIST, or all science is dislodged from having any perspective of credibility...

it is only that science and religions as humans know them, are propelled by capitalism, or money, so SELF INTEREST is always in play, keeping such matters from being easily conclusively proven...

such matters quite literally are swept away under the rug, kept from the mass public, to keep the current capitalistic social economic factors in play, to keep "social status" where it is "wished to be"...

but that does not mean it will always be so...

many of our most brilliant previous minds deemed there to be continued "life", after exiting the human body...

it certainly does always exist, IT or life simply traveling from "vessel to vessel" or body to body...

why even our dna has the dna of many animals in it, even more conclusive proof our "LIFE", traveled THROUGH many other "body forms"...

from single cell up to many many cells as humans, the highest on the evolutionary chart...

would it make sense, or be logical for humans, at the very top of the evolutionary chart, to just "STOP", like a big red stop sign...

of course not, which would overlap perfectly with data from many a scholars and philosophers, of the greatest esteem and magnitude, from newton to einstein and even tesla...

data is data, to only use some blind the intellect.

science says we as modern man are now the "sixth" ape descendant, as modern man or human...

so we have to ascend HIGHER up the evolutionary chart, but since that has not occurred YET, the evolutionary chart cannot be filled in YET...

or the chart would simply fall off a cliff...

as if all life can be moving upward in progression at a 45% incline, than BAM, backward, or cease to exist?

or back to single cell?


it would break all current scientific discovery...

we have absolutely no evidence for that, in fact, all evidence points to onward upward advancement or progression...

there is only what is BETTER and LESS BETTER, "god" simply coined for lack back then of a better term, or less than good or god, was coined "satan" or the devil...

two opposing forces...

better than or less than...

but indeed, since it is present in all "LIFE MINDS", it is a CONSTANT...

an in science, we only build upon "constants"...

and there is NO "LIFE", that does not contain a better than or less than program in it's operating system the brain or mind...

from an ant to a human, better than or less than is present...

so "god" or what is better than, is currently and always has been in all life minds, it is just many have been taught others are of "god", or good, while others are not...

it could have easily been coined that "devil" stood for BETTER THAN, and "god" for LESS THAN BETTER, and the whole world would have been quarreling over the same matters...

they are just MADE UP WORDS, to express a recognition of something noticed or observed, that is all...

which of course did cause many a wars and atrocities, as is currently most with the jihadist or islamisites...

nah, it is not just them...

it is only so with those that want an excuse to kill and rule over others, for those that love to rape and pillage, to control others for their own personal benefit and gain or pleasure, for killing is fun to them, as it was for many a war generals, and hunters, and christians, and tyrants and dictators and blah blah blah...

seems such would qualify as a less than, or "devil" inspired human thoughts deemed as valid to one self though...

but, that which is "less than" needed to exist for a spell, to "educate" all evolving "life", for such was far better education than someone telling US about such things actually existing, as i dare say we would not have believed it without experiencing it first hand our selves...

than, wa lah, at the exact time release in time, all things begin progressing toward BETTER THAN together, no longer fooled by what is less than, even though as a single walking observer upon the earth, it seems as if less than is winning out many a times...

what is less than better decreases each moment in time, as BETTER THAN is understood first by only just brains, somewhere someplace, than in time such is instituted, hopefully very soon by decree of ALL, and no longer just by decree of some...

the good or better of society wins over the worst or less than devil, whom only cares about the good of one or some...

if that was not so, none of us would exist just now...

and what is less than, than human brains that focus their mind on only what is good for them self or just some of mankind, most what is only like them self...

but it is all first THOUGHT, then created into existence BY US.

and let US make mankind...

and in all science, it is only the WE, that are ALL THE US.

yea yea, we ain't got there quite yet...

you ask a big question, hence the big response.

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 10/15/14 01:44 PM
I think personally god exist, well think about it, how can man create air, water, the pyramids, stone hinge, the Bermuda triangle, the atmosphere, and so on......even when man try to discredit if theres a god they still can't prove god don't exisist.

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Wed 10/15/14 02:03 PM

I think personally god exist, well think about it, how can man create air, water, the pyramids, stone hinge, the Bermuda triangle, the atmosphere, and so on......

There are more than two choices for the origin of air, water, etc. Its not like its either god or man, you know.

Man did create the pyramids and stone henge.

even when man try to discredit if theres a god they still can't prove god don't exisist.

"You can't disprove God" is a terribly weak argument.

Many concepts of god from the past *have* been disproven.

The domains in which god was believed to exercise His personal will have been shown to be completely mechanical and predictable, disproving God's will was necessary to sustain those activities. Again and again.

All that's left to God are qualities which *cannot be disproven*.

And yet, you also cannot disprove god is an invisible, massless, undetectable being that lives within my large intestines. You can't disprove it!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/15/14 02:28 PM

I think personally god exist, well think about it, how can man create air, water, the pyramids, stone hinge, the Bermuda triangle, the atmosphere, and so on......even when man try to discredit if theres a god they still can't prove god don't exisist.

Russell's teapot, sometimes called the celestial teapot or cosmic teapot, is an analogy first coined by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making scientifically unfalsifiable claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others, specifically in the case of religion. Russell wrote that if he claims that a teapot orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, it is nonsensical for him to expect others to believe him on the grounds that they cannot prove him wrong. Russell's teapot is still referred to in discussions concerning the existence of God.

If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes.

But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense.

If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.


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Wed 10/15/14 03:27 PM
Edited by funkyfranky on Wed 10/15/14 03:34 PM

ah, you deem there BE a "god", to pose such question, who created god?

guess that depends on how you think of this "notion" of "god" or gods...

to ask such question, one would have to guess or assume "life" is not always existing...

if there is cold, there MUST EXIST HOT...

there is nothing that we know of, that an opposite DOES NOT EXIST.

Actually I never said I beleive God exists but a quick look at my profile and you would see that I'm Catholic, however, I'm a force fed Catholic from birth, huge difference from wanting to be a Catholic, but that's for another topic.

You say there's nothing that we know of, that an opposite does not exist, so what about the Universe, what is the opposite of Universe, that's just one off the top of my head but I'm more than willing to have a think about it if you like.

no photo
Wed 10/15/14 03:43 PM
You say there's nothing that we know of, that an opposite does not exist, so what about the Universe, what is the opposite of Universe, that's just one off the top of my head

I know, right?

What's the opposite of spam? Is it Libby's Potted Meat Food Product?

no photo
Wed 10/15/14 03:49 PM

You say there's nothing that we know of, that an opposite does not exist, so what about the Universe, what is the opposite of Universe, that's just one off the top of my head

I know, right?

What's the opposite of spam? Is it Libby's Potted Meat Food Product?

I'm not sure what the opposite of spam is, but spam is disgusting so for me the opposite must be something nice, I'll hazard a guess and go for Fillet beef, Tourndoeus Rossini, hope that spelling is correct.

no photo
Mon 10/27/14 02:51 AM
Why I believe in God, I am a Muslim btw.

When I believe in God, the earth that I live on feels like a home to me, a home in which I have a carer. for example: imagine that your father is the president of a country, and as soon as you land in that country you feel comfortable because everything in that country is controlled by your father and anyone who wrongs you will be punished.

So when I believe in God, I know I have someone who will look after me on this earth, and everything I take from this earth is given to me by its owner, and when I take something from this earth I look after it carefully because God has entrusted me with it. Btw the Muslim prayer someone does after getting married is that they pray to god and say, you have entrusted me with my wife and I shall look after her in order to please thee.

When I believe in God, all of God's creations are valuable to me, all humans are brothers and sisters to me, we come from the same Adam and Eve. And for the sake of pleasing god I seek to please his creation. Yes Islam says to please God is to please his creation.

Even the animals and plants are something I am entrusted to look after, so I cannot be cruel even to animals, that is why Muslims have to feed and give water to a sheep before slaughtering it, it is cruel to kill an animal without giving it a last good meal and drink.

Also I believe in God because it gives me a more humans aim in life, If I did not believe in God I would only care for my own health and happiness and my family and I would only seek happiness through fulfilling my basic animal desires e.g. food, sex etc. and these desires are never ending so this clearly isn't the way to happiness.

When I believe in God I also seek to build my human qualities, human qualities are those which animals do not posses, e.g. Search for Knowledge, self sacrifice for others, to care for other humans, to care for society, to care for helping the weak, the poor, and the needy.

It also gives me a reason to help people without seeking anything in return, since my reward is with God.

Also, I could never bring myself to disbelieve after passing that phase, I would be bringing myself to torture, and also those who disbelieve, they are strangers on this earth simply seeking to fulfil their basic animal desires and they believe they will just die and that will be the end of all things. This is destructive.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/27/14 03:05 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 10/27/14 03:09 AM
A Hindu legend says we were all once gods.
But eventually weabused our powers.
Brahma, the chief god, decided to punish
us by taking away our divinity.
Brahma called a meeting of the
other chief gods to figure out where to hide our holiness. One
god suggested hiding it deep beneath the earth.
No, Brahma
said, man will just figure out a way to tunnel miles below the
surface. Another god suggested hiding our holiness at the bottom
of the ocean. No, Brahma responded,man will just
learn how to dive to the seabed. A third god came up with the
idea of placing our divinity on top of a towering mountain.
No, Brahma said,man will just climb every tall mountain on
the planet until he finds it. Stumped, the other gods told
Brahma they gave up,there didn't seem to be any place to
hide our holiness and keep it out of our reach. Wait, Brahma
said with a smile. I've got it. We'll hide man's holiness deep
within himself,he'll never think to look for it there. Since
then, we've spent ages digging below the earth, diving to the
sea floor, and climbing tall mountains, looking for something
that's already within us.bigsmile

Philosopher8659's photo
Sat 11/01/14 12:59 PM

Let us examine some definition of God and maybe you will come to understand that it is significant to believe in.

Now how one interprets the concepts being loaded into a name determines what they mythologize about that thing.

Let us take God as the Ultimate power. The essence of Power of Life.

Let us deal with this psychologically.

First of all, the human mind is responsible for human behavior. It seeks a standard for that behavior. If it cannot figure out that standard, it must still put something in that place. It will be a mythos. Generally that mythos will be some form of animal worship. God as anthropomorphic. This is given as worship of the Golden Calf. The special animal.

When the mind finally realizes that it does its job wholly through the artifice of language, then you have a shift that very few in history have made, Truth, i.e. the real "God" is independent of gods and men, i.e. it is the principles of language. Or by quote in a metaphor,

In the beginning was the Word, i.e. language.
And the Word was with God, this is analogic.

And the Word was God. this is logic.

If one study the Two Element Metaphysics, there are two and only two fundamental branches of reasoning. Logic and Analogic.

Now, one can take the truth about the human mind, and its relationship to language and put it into a metaphorical package, such as the Judeo-Christian Scripture in order to test intellectual development.

So, the worship of standards in human behavior be its form anthropomorphic, or its reality as the principles of language is some level of awareness of personal responsibility and self awareness. There are degrees of it.

ammyako's photo
Sat 11/01/14 01:49 PM
Because heis the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 11/01/14 02:07 PM
I like to believe that God is....If you think about it the only thing on earth that hurts anything is other humans....Why does God allow it...?...He doesn't,...he is just busy existing himself...kinda like when we were kids and made our first art project... We were so proud of it...loved it and we would keep it forever...as we grow up we put our past in boxes and store them away...then one day we find time to go through them...toss stuff that we don't need...find that special art project,....Hmmmm... It's kinda dirty....so we try to wash it off with water,..put it back in the box and go about existing again....someday when time allows we will go through the box again...ick...all that yuck on my beautiful creation...perhaps I will try burning it off this time...lol...best part about any faith is it is yours...and you can share it, you can keep it to yourself,...some people will give you a hard time about it, others might agree with you...but all in all the faith you choose to believe provides you hope, and hope gives you the ability to understand why some have it bad while others have it good...and you hope that after your human existence ends that all the good parts you found exist with you after... forever and one day...works for me...:wink:

no photo
Sat 11/01/14 03:41 PM

I like to believe that God is....If you think about it the only thing on earth that hurts anything is other humans....Why does God allow it...?...He doesn't,...he is just busy existing himself...kinda like when we were kids and made our first art project... We were so proud of it...loved it and we would keep it forever...as we grow up we put our past in boxes and store them away...then one day we find time to go through them...toss stuff that we don't need...find that special art project,....Hmmmm... It's kinda dirty....so we try to wash it off with water,..put it back in the box and go about existing again....someday when time allows we will go through the box again...ick...all that yuck on my beautiful creation...perhaps I will try burning it off this time...lol...best part about any faith is it is yours...and you can share it, you can keep it to yourself,...some people will give you a hard time about it, others might agree with you...but all in all the faith you choose to believe provides you hope, and hope gives you the ability to understand why some have it bad while others have it good...and you hope that after your human existence ends that all the good parts you found exist with you after... forever and one day...works for me...:wink:

that was a very interesting read I must say

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 11/01/14 09:50 PM
Thank you...

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/02/14 11:07 PM
Why do people believe in god?

Cuss they wanna.

Why do people not believe in god?

Cuss they wanna.

It's a wanna kinda world.

Be kind, be a par of the CUSS I WANNA world commission!

see i additional wanna rights and regulations and federal guidlines @ CUSSIWANNA.COM

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